Need to get empty Dropdown ID - javascript

I have a web form and Dropdown Box. We can clone dropdown and can create some more. My problem is needs to know any of them are empty. My every dropdown id is begin with 'abcd'.
For example
<select id='abcd_1'></select>
<select id='abcd_3'></select>
<select id='abcd_10'></select>
<select id='abcd_5'></select>
I tried following code but no luck
$( "input[id^='abcd']" ).val();

Try to use :empty selector to filter out the required elements,
var emptySelects = $( "select[id^='abcd']" ).filter(function(){
return $(this).is(':empty');
or simply,
var emptySelects = $("select[id^='abcd']:empty");
And if you want to traverse it just use .each()

Try this
if($(this).find('option').length == 0){

If you want to check if dropdowns are empty then you can use this:
if( $( "select[id^='abcd']").has('option').length > 0 ) {
Because you have multiple dropdowns , you must repeat the code above with $.each:
$.each($( "select[id^='abcd']"), function(i, dropdown){
if ($(dropdown).has('option').length == 0){
I made an example:


jQuery: using ".each" for a select's options by $(this)

I know there are a lot of similar questions but I still could not find one about my exact problem. I haven't got the selector of my <select>; I am iterating form fields and so i only got access to my select by using $(this).
how can I iterate this select's options by using jQuery's '.each' function?
i tried to chain it, but this doesn't work:
if (this.value == val) {
// do something
note: $(this) is my select not my form.
Try this : you can use .find() to get option under select.
Note: - this.value refers to current option value inside loop.
if (this.value == val) {
// do something
Because your this is a reference to the select element you also have access to its .options property which you can wrap in a jQuery object:
$( this.options ).each( function(i, option){
if (this.value == val) {
// do something
$.each($('select'), function (key, val){

Jquery drop-down menu: how to each() for each item

I need to run a function for each item in a drop down menu. The code is:
$( document ).ready(function() {
.each(function(index) {
/* here, I need to do some manipulation on the item */
console.log("index is:"+???+"value is"+???);
I understand that i need to put something before each() to select all items but I don't know what to put
Thank you
The drop down menu is :
<select id="lwayer_x002d_EisDikigoros_1eef9a23-7a35-4dcf-8de9-a088b4681b2b_$LookupField" title="Εισ. Δικηγόρος/οι">
<option value="0">(None)</option> <option value="1">(Name1)</option> etc
.each(index, value) //2 parameter with index as well as value
In your case value returns the htmlElement as object so use
so you can have
> option').
.each(function(index, value) {
console.log("index is:"+index+"value is"+$(this).val());
Try this:
$('select[id*="lwayer_x002d_EisDikigoros_1eef9a23-7a35-4dcf-8de9-a088b4681b2b"] option').each(function(index,value) {
console.log("index is:"+index); // index
console.log("value is"+$(this).val()); // dropdown option value
console.log("dropdown text value is"+$(this).text()); //dropdown option text
I think that It will help you.
$("#dropdownid option").each(function(){
/* write code what ever you want to do */

Using Jquery to show and hide elements based on an input

I have been trying to create a form which changes depending on the users entry. So far I have been successful in using a radio input to change which content is to be shown, but I am having trouble editing the JS to work with a drop down menu.
<div class="show-and-hide-content">
<option data-type="true">true</option>
<option data-type="false">false</option>
<div class="hidden content content-true">You have selected true.</div>
<div class="hidden content content-false">You have selected false.</div>
.hidden {
$(function () {
$('.show-and-hide-content').each(function (i) {
var $row = $(this);
var $selects = $row.find('select');
$selects.on('change', function () {
var type = $(this).attr('data-type');
.filter('.content-' + type)
Working radio button JSFiddle
Non working drop down JSFiddle
I know that the JQuery is finding the right elements and is changing the display of them, but it never changes the display to make them visible. I think the problem may be that the JS isn't correctly getting the data-type variable from the option's.
I want the JQuery to work as intended and show the correct divs based on the users selection.
How can I amend the code to do this? Thanks for helping.
You now got:
var type = $(this).attr('data-type');
Since the function is called on the <select>, you select the data-type attribute of the <select> (which is defined), and not from the <option>.
So, you'll need to find the selected <option>:
var type = $(this).find('option:selected').attr('data-type');
Check the updated Fiddle.
If you want to simplify your code, you could use this:
$(function () {
$('.show-and-hide-content select').on('change', function() {
.filter('.content-' + $(this).find('option:selected').attr('data-type') ).show();
Or change your select data-type to value and use
var type = $(this).val();
Try this one
$(function () {
$('#select').on('change', function () {
var selctedval = $(this).val();
$('.content-' + selctedval).show();
This will use whatever value you have in the "data-type" attribute and match it to the "content-" class that you have on the message. If there is no matching message then, no message will show.
$('.show-and-hide-content select').on('change', function(){
var selected = $(this).find('option:selected').data('type');
$('.content-' + selected).removeClass('hidden');
Here is a fiddle

I want to get all textbox values using jquery and make them all null on onchange event

I'm trying to get all values within a form using jQuery
and want to set all those as a value null.
Now I have text also and hidden fields also.
<input id="MYNAME_04cd1197-7147-4b82-9b0a-c44846405150"
<input id="MYID_12cd1112-7147-4b82-9b12-c412846125112"
There are many textboxes like this.
May I know what is the syntax to get all these textboxes and set null as value to [type="text]"
and 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 to [type=hidden] inputs.
I tried something like:
function resetAllValues() {
$('#TransactionGrid').find("input:text").each(function (index) { });
You can do something like this:
$('form > input').val('');
But this everyone will tell to you in different ways.
What you should know is:
Your html element must have the attribute NAME, if you want to get all the values from the form(as you commented). You can't use $('#frm1').serialize() for example.
try this:
$('#TransactionGrid').find("input[type='text']").each(function (index) {
//get value
var val = $(this).val();
//set this value to ''
//to hide
$('#TransactionGrid').find("input[type=\'text\']").each(function (index) {
//Setting the value to null i.e '';
//if u want to hide it u can use .hide...
Try with this
function resetAllValues() {
$("input:text", "#TransactionGrid").val('');
$("input:hidden", "#TransactionGrid").val('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000');

jquery returns the text of selected item in select tag plus text of selected item in other select tag

I have two select tags in my website. When I try to get the text of selected item in one select tag, I see that it returns the two texts of the two select tags, even if I specify which select to retrive data from via a class attribute.
My code is
$('').change(function(e) {
var val1 = $(' option:selected').text();
$('select.select2').change(function(e) {
var val2 = $(' option:selected').text();
The alerts are always containing the text of the two select tags concatenated.
Your usual help is appreciated.
Perhaps update the selector to specify the context of the selection:
$('').change(function(e) {
var val1 = $('option:selected', this).text();
return false;
The selector $('option:selected', this) will return values found within the context of the changed element.
It is because of this $('option:selected').text(); you have two selected option in your page so it returns two values.
You need to do this:
// Call the change event for the select
$('').change(function (e) {
// Get the selected option for the select in current scope
var text = $(this).find('option:selected').text();
alert(text );
//return false; No need of this, as we already called the preventDefault() method
you need to specify the class when you retrieve the value:
var val1 = $('.select option:selected').text();
var val2 = $('.select2 option:selected').text();

