Make Parse Data Modification Only Accessible from the Cloud - javascript

I am trying to create an app on Parse. That app uses data, but in order to make the data storage more secure, you would not like the clients to be able to run it. Instead, only the server should be able to modify data,
So far, I haven't seen any options as to how to achieve that, except by using user/role-based authentication, and that is something I'd rather avoid because it is the environment, not the user or role I would like to make the data access depend on.
Are there any ways to do that?

Turn off write access for everyone on each class, then in your Cloud Code use the master key which lets you bypass permissions.

You could use a beforeSave handler in Cloud Code...
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave('myClassName', function(req, res) {
if (req.master) {
} else {
res.error('Cannot change this data.');
Then only requests made using the Master Key can alter this data.
In other places in Cloud Code, you can pass this option for individual requests like this:, { useMasterKey: true });
Or turn it on for actions that follow:


Persistent object in node.js

I am fairly new to node and backend work in general. We are using express at work for a pretty large monolith application that houses all of our endpoints and services. My task is to grab a property that comes in on the request object (i.e. request.someObject), and use it in several services. In a DOM environment I would use something like localStorage or sessionStorage to store that data, and then reuse it where needed across the application. Im going to try and explain a little further with code:
.post(jsonParser, urlParser, function(request, response, next) {
var theObject = request.someObject;
// need to pass theObject to several services
Services are stored within separate files, here is an example of one
var paypalInfo = new Paypal({
userId: theObject.user_id,
password: theObject.password
I can pass it through parameters to the services that use data, but its used in several different places and would have to be defined in those individual services. Is there a way to create a persistent object/config file that I can just import and have that data, or something like sessionStorage in the DOM?
EDIT: Not a database, looking for another solution. For performance reasons we are avoiding this

How to make sure that only a specific domain can query from your REST api?

I have an app that has a REST api. I want it so that the only requests that can be made to the REST api are ones originating from the app itself. How can I do that?
I am using a node.js+express server too.
EDIT: the app is fully a public web app.
Simply define the header in your request, what this does is, it allows requests only from a certain domain, and instantly rejects any other domain.
response.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'domain.tld');
EDIT: IF you're really keen against web scraping stuff, you could make a function to double check client's origin.
function checkOrigin (origin) {
if (origin === "your.domain.tld") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
/* Handling it in response */
if (checkOrigin(response.headers.origin)) {
// Let client get the thing from API
} else {
response.write("Send them error that they're not allowed to use the API");
Above example should work for the default HTTP/HTTPS module, and should also work for Express, if I'm not mistaken.
EDIT 2: To back my claim up that it should also work for Express, I found this quotation at their documentation;
The req (request) and res (response) are the exact same objects that Node provides, so you can invoke req.pipe(), req.on('data', callback), and anything else you would do without Express involved.
I would recommend using an API key from the client. CORS filters are too easy to circumvent.
A simple approach for securing a How to implement a secure REST API with node.js
Overview from above post:
Because users can CREATE resources (aka POST/PUT actions) you need to secure your api. You can use oauth or you can build your own solution but keep in mind that all the solutions can be broken if the password it's really easy to discover. The basic idea is to authenticate users using the username, password and a token, aka the apitoken. This apitoken can be generated using node-uuid and the password can be hashed using pbkdf2
Then, you need to save the session somewhere. If you save it in memory in a plain object, if you kill the server and reboot it again the session will be destroyed. Also, this is not scalable. If you use haproxy to load balance between machines or if you simply use workers, this session state will be stored in a single process so if the same user is redirected to another process/machine it will need to authenticate again. Therefore you need to store the session in a common place. This is typically done using redis.
When the user is authenticated (username+password+apitoken) generate another token for the session, aka accesstoken. Again, with node-uuid. Send to the user the accesstoken and the userid. The userid (key) and the accesstoken (value) are stored in redis with and expire time, e.g. 1h.
Now, every time the user does any operation using the rest api it will need to send the userid and the accesstoken.

How can I write an array to another .js file?

So I'm making a webApp that involves thousands of API queries. Since the API has a limit on the amount of queries I can send it per day, I was wondering if I could simply run the query loop a single time and then write the resulting objects to an array in a new file.
is this possible?
You want to make calls, then create cache, then use cache instead of call.
Are you on client side or in server side js ?
Client side will be tricky, but server side is easy :
Files can be a cache, so does a DB or a lot of tools (memcached, etc..).
Sure, just send the array to JSON.stringify() and write it to a file.
If you are using Node.js it would look something like this:
function writeResponse(resp, cb)
fs.writeFile('response.json', JSON.stringify(resp, null, 2), function (err) {
if (err) console.log(err);
if(cb) cb();
If you are in a browser you can use the Web Storage API which allows storage in key/value pairs up to 10Mb. If that doesn't work, maybe write a quick Node.js server that works as a caching proxy. A quick google search suggests that you might be able to find one ready to deploy.
You could probably use local storage, which is accessible across your domain, and will remain on the users computer indefinitely. Perhaps something like this:
function getData(){
var data = localStorage.getItem("myData");
if(data === null){
data = makeQuery();
localStorage.setItem("myData", data);
return data

Understanding how to use NodeJS to create a simple backend

I have been trying to develop a rather simple server in nodejs. Basically, what I am going for is a simple API that requires authentication (simple username/password style). What I do not need is any kind of frontend functionality (templating etc.). My problem is, I can't seem to get my head around the approach of express/node.
Specifically, my questions are:
How do I wire in the authentication? Do I pass several handlers into every route that requires authentication, or is there a more elegant way to do this?
How does the Express middleware (like app.use(express.bodyParser())) work? Do they alter contents of the request or response object? Specifically, if I use the body parser (internally formidable?), where do I access the request data this is supposed to parse?
When using authentication and I have, say, credentials stored in a database with more information about the individual client associated, at what point do I extract that information? I.e., when a user logs in, do I fetch the user record on login and pass it on, or do I fetch it in every handler that requires the information?
Ultimately, do you know of an open source application that I could take a look at? I'd like to see something that has simple authentication and maybe even utilizes formidable, since uploading a file is one of my requirements.
As I mentioned earlier, I believe my problem is ultimately a difficulty with the function-oriented approach in node (also, I have rather limited experience in webservice programming). If you know a resource where I could read up on how to approach architecting a nodejs app, please don't hesitate to point me to it.
How do I wire in the authentication? Do I pass several handlers into
every route that requires authentication, or is there a more elegant
way to do this?
You should use the session middleware. Here is some pseudo code:
var http = require('http');
var app = express();
var authorize = function(req, res, next) {
if(req.session && req.session.appname && req.session.appname === true) {
// redirect to login page
app.all('/admin*', authorize, function(req, res, next) {
How does the Express middleware (like app.use(express.bodyParser()))
work? Do they alter contents of the request or response object?
Specifically, if I use the body parser (internally formidable?), where
do I access the request data this is supposed to parse?
Every middleware have an access to the request and response object. So, yes, it modifies it. Normally attach properties to it. This means that inside your handler (which is also a middleware) you may write:
if(req.body && req.body.formsubmitted && req.body.formsubmitted === 'yes') {
var data = {
title: req.body.title,
text: req.body.text,
type: req.body.type
// store the data
When using authentication and I have, say, credentials stored in a
database with more information about the individual client associated,
at what point do I extract that information? I.e., when a user logs
in, do I fetch the user record on login and pass it on, or do I fetch
it in every handler that requires the information?
I think that you should do the things the same way as in any other server side language. Keep the state of the user (logged/not-logged) inside a session. You may also keep the user's id and fetch the data for him whatever you need. It depends of your case, but you have the ability to cache information. Because node is not like PHP for example, I mean it's not dieing.
Ultimately, do you know of an open source application that I could
take a look at? I'd like to see something that has simple
authentication and maybe even utilizes formidable, since uploading a
file is one of my requirements.
Yep. I wrote an article about really simple MVC web site with admin panel. It is available here. And the code of it is here.
A simple way to implement authentication (if you don't want to use additional modules):
var checkAuth = function(req, res, next) {
// Redirect to login form
// Proceed to member's area
app.get("/member/page", checkAuth, function(req, res) {
// render view, etc
bodyParser parses / converts the body of a POST request into an object, which helps with getting form submission values.
The route that handles your login form submission can access username / password like this:
var username = req.body.username;
var password = req.body.password;
At this point you'd query your database to select from users where the username and password matches (you'd want to use password encryption in a production environment).
If you get a record back in the query result, set it in the session. A simple way to do this is:
req.session.user = userRecord
(Adjust for your session middleware)
If you are looking for REST, I recommend using either Restify or booster
For authentication (distinct from authorization), use standard Basic, which can be handled by express.basicAuth() just to parse it and place it on the req object. Personally, I don't like basicAuth because it returns a 401 if there is no login, whereas the process of authenticating is different than determining if authentication is necessary.
For more advanced authentication, as well as session management, use cansecurity or passport. For authorization, you either can put individual middleware in each route, use cansecurity's middlewares, or use its declarative authorization.
Disclosure: I am the author of both booster and cansecurity.
If your goal is to build a RESTful API in Node.js, my best bet would be Restify, which uses a similar aproach of routes like Express, but eliminates all the high level stuff(templating, etc.) and ads backend functionalities(ie: body parser, ip blacklist, requests per hour).
For the authentication part, I would use another library perhaps, and wire it to a particular route. There are ORM's too that can solve your database needs(mongo and mysql are well supported, both for the "noSQL" fans and the classic db aproach ones).

How do i make multiple Dnode connections?

I'm doing an autocomplete input form and i want to send what my user types to a remote database for suggestions.
I use dnode for it now, and i do not want to do a new remote connect each time my user types so i made the remote function global like this
dnode.connect(5050, function (remote) {
window.remote = remote
So each time i want to check my mongodb i just use the window.remote.function and dont have to reconnect. Are there a better way?
I suggest using Socket.IO directly for this, which is actually used by DNode under the hood for exchanging information between the server and the browser. Find more information about on the following sites:
Bind your autocomplete listeners inside of the scope of the dnode connection instead of exposing the connection to the outside.
Instead of doing:
dnode.connect(5050, function (remote) {
window.remote = remote
do this instead:
dnode.connect(5050, function (remote) {

