Find every instance of #<username> in paragraph in Javascript - javascript

I have a paragraph that could have 1 or more instances of "#" followed by different usernames. How can I find each instance of this in Javascript?
Something like this but it doesn't work yet:
var regexp = '/#([a-z0-9_]+)/i';
var post = "Hi #tom, where is #john and #nick?" ;
var match, matches = [];
while ((match = regexp.exec(post)) != null) {
Console log would read: #tom #john #nick

You have two mistakes in your code causing it not to work as you expect.
(1.) You need to remove the quotes from your regular expression and use the g (global) modifier. You can replace your character class to the shorter version \w and remove the case-insensitive modifier here.
var regexp = /#\w+/g
(2.) You need to reference the match instead of referencing the match.index
Final solution:
var post = "Hi #tom, where is #john and #nick?";
var regexp = /#\w+/g
var match, matches = [];
while ((match = regexp.exec(post)) != null) {
console.log(matches); //=> [ '#tom', '#john', '#nick' ]
Alternatively you can use the String.match method.
var post = 'Hi #tom, where is #john and #nick?',
result = post.match(/#\w+/g);
console.log(result); //=> [ '#tom', '#john', '#nick' ]


Split string and get array using regExp in javascript/node js

I am writing js code to get array of elements after splitting using regular expression.
var data = "ABCXYZ88";
var regexp = "([A-Z]{3})([A-Z]{3}d{2})";
It returns
[ 'ABCXYZ88' ]
But I am expecting something like
Any thoughts?
I fixed your regex, then matched it against your string and extracted the relevant capturing groups:
var regex = /([A-Z]{3})([A-Z]{3})(\d{2})/g;
var str = 'ABCXYZ88';
let m = regex.exec(str);
if (m !== null) {
console.log(m.slice(1)); // prints ["ABC", "XYZ", "88"]
In your case, I don't think you can split using a regex as you were trying, as there don't seem to be any delimiting characters to match against. For this to work, you'd have to have a string like 'ABC|XYZ|88'; then you could do 'ABC|XYZ|88'.split(/\|/g). (Of course, you wouldn't use a regex for such a simple case.)
Your regexp is not a RegExp object but a string.
Your capturing groups are not correct.
String.prototype.split() is not the function you need. What split() does:
var myString = 'Hello World. How are you doing?';
var splits = myString.split(' ', 3);
console.log(splits); // ["Hello", "World.", "How"]
What you need:
var data = 'ABCXYZ88';
var regexp = /^([A-Z]{3})([A-Z]{3})(\d{2})$/;
var match = data.match(regexp);
console.log(match.slice(1)); // ["ABC", "XYZ", "88"]
Try this. I hope this is what you are looking for.
var reg = data.match(/^([A-Z]{3})([A-Z]{3})(\d{2})$/).slice(1);

Display characters other than alphabets using reqular expression

I have tried to display characters other than alphabets in the particular string but it is displaying only the first char.
var myArray = /[^a-zA-Z]+/g.exec("cdAbb#2547dbsbz78678");
The reason it is only displaying the first character is because with using exec and the g modifier (global), this method is meant to be used in a loop for getting all sub matches.
var str = "cdAbb#2547dbsbz78678";
var re = /[^a-zA-Z]+/g;
var myArray;
while (myArray = re.exec(str)) {
If you were wanting to combine the matches you could use the following.
var str = "cdAbb#2547dbsbz78678",
res = str.match(/[\W\d]+/g).join('');
# => "#254778678"
Or do a replacement
str = str.replace(/[a-z]+/gi, '');
You can do:
//=> #254778678
RegExp.exec with g (global) modifier needs to run in loop to give you all the matches.

Regex working fine in C# but not in Javascript

I have the following javascript code:
var markdown = "I have \(x=1\) and \(y=2\) and even \[z=3\]"
var latexRegex = new RegExp("\\\[.*\\\]|\\\(.*\\\)");
var matches = latexRegex.exec(markdown);
matches has only matches[0] = "x=1 and y=2" and should be:
matches[0] = "\(x=1\)"
matches[1] = "\(y=2\)"
matches[2] = "\[z=3\]"
But this regex works fine in C#.
Any idea why this happens?
Thank You,
Specify g flag to match multiple times.
Use String.match instead of RegExp.exec.
Using regular expression literal (/.../), you don't need to escape \.
* matches greedily. Use non-greedy version: *?
var markdown = "I have \(x=1\) and \(y=2\) and even \[z=3\]"
var latexRegex = /\[.*?\]|\(.*?\)/g;
var matches = markdown.match(latexRegex);
matches // => ["(x=1)", "(y=2)", "[z=3]"]
Try non-greedy: \\\[.*?\\\]|\\\(.*?\\\). You need to also use a loop if using the .exec() method like so:
var res, matches = [], string = 'I have \(x=1\) and \(y=2\) and even \[z=3\]';
var exp = new RegExp('\\\[.*?\\\]|\\\(.*?\\\)', 'g');
while (res = exp.exec(string)) {
Try using the match function instead of the exec function. exec only returns the first string it finds, match returns them all, if the global flag is set.
var markdown = "I have \(x=1\) and \(y=2\) and even \[z=3\]";
var latexRegex = new RegExp("\\\[.*\\\]|\\\(.*\\\)", "g");
var matches = markdown.match(latexRegex);
If you don't want to get \(x=1\) and \(y=2\) as a match, you will need to use non-greedy operators (*?) instead of greedy operators (*). Your RegExp will become:
var latexRegex = new RegExp("\\\[.*?\\\]|\\\(.*?\\\)");

Using Regex to pull out a part of a string

I can't figure out how to pull out multiple matches from the following example:
This code:
/prefix-(\w+)/g.exec('prefix-firstname prefix-lastname');
["prefix-firstname", "firstname"]
How do I get it to return:
["prefix-firstname", "firstname"],
["prefix-lastname", "lastname"]
["prefix-firstname", "firstname", "prefix-lastname", "lastname"]
This will do what you want:
var str="prefix-firstname prefix-lastname";
var out =[];
str.replace(/prefix-(\w+)/g,function(match, Group) {
var row = [match, Group]
Probably a mis-use of .replace, but I don't think you can pass a function to .match...
Using a loop:
re = /prefix-(\w+)/g;
str = 'prefix-firstname prefix-lastname';
match = re.exec(str);
while (match != null) {
match = re.exec(str);
You get each match one at a time.
Using match:
Here, the regex will have to be a bit different, because you cannot get sub-captures (or I don't know how to do it with multiple matches)...
re = /[^\s-]+(?=\s|$)/g;
str = 'prefix-firstname prefix-lastname';
match = str.match(re);
[^\s-]+ matches all characters except spaces and dashes/hyphens only if they are followed by a space or are at the end of the string, which is a confition imposed by (?=\s|$).
You can find the groups in two steps:
"prefix-firstname prefix-lastname".match(/prefix-\w+/g)
.map(function(s) { return s.match(/prefix-(\w+)/) })

javascript REGex remove single quote in match

var RegTxt = "$f1$='test' AND f2='test2'";
returns the match correctely i:e 'test','test2' but how can i remove the single quote in the match.
This would be quite simple if JavaScript supported negative lookbehinds:
But unfortunately, it doesn't.
In cases like these I like to abuse String.prototype.replace:
// btw, RegTxt should start with a lowercase 'r', as per convention
var match = [];
regTxt.replace(/'([^']*)'/g, function($0, $1){
match; // => ['test', 'test2']
Here is a crude solution to your problem.
var match = RegTxt.match(/\'[^\']*'/g)
match = match.substring(1, match.length - 2);
Trivial approach:
RegTxt.replace(/'/g, "")
using your regex:
RegTxt.replace(/\'([^\']*)'/g, "$1")
var matches = str.match(regex);
var newMatches = [];
for( i in matches )
var word = matches[i];
newMatches.push( word.substring(1,word.length-1))
newMatches will now contain the array you need.

