Inside Directive click function add TextBox elements with different scope - javascript

I am trying to create a directive , on click of button i need to add text box but when i add 2,3 textbox they all share same scope.
How can i isolate the scope inside directive ??
angular.module('myApp', []).directive( 'test', function ( $compile ) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: { text: '#' },
template: '<p ng-click="add()">Click me </p>',
controller: function ( $scope, $element ) {
$scope.add = function () {
var el = $compile( "<input type='text' ng-model='' value='hello-World!'>" )( $scope );
$element.parent().append( el );

Try $scope.$new() and bind your textbox to this newly created scope:
var el = $compile( "<input type='text' ng-model='' value='hello-World!'>" )( $scope.$new() );


ng-switch in custom angular directive breaks two way binding

I created my custom directive to encapsulate an uib-datepicker-popup:
'use strict';
angular.module( 'frontendApp' )
.directive( 'inputDate', function(){
var controller = function(){
var vm = this;
function init() {
vm.formats = [ 'dd.MMMM yyyy', 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'dd.MM.yyyy', 'shortDate' ];
vm.format = vm.formats[ 0 ];
vm.altInputFormats = [ 'M!/d!/yyyy' ];
vm.dateOptions = {
datepickerMode: 'day',
formatYear: 'yy',
maxDate: new Date(),
minDate: new Date( 1900, 1, 1 ),
startingDay: 1
vm.datepicker = {
opened: false
vm.showDatePicker = function(){
vm.datepicker.opened = true;
var template = '<div ng-switch on="readonly" >' +
'<div ng-switch-when="true" class="form-control" readonly>' +
'<div readonly name="readonlyText">{{ngModel | date : \'d.MMMM yyyy\'}}</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div ng-switch-default class="input-group">' +
'<input class="form-control" type="text" uib-datepicker-popup="{{vm.format}}" ng-model="ngModel" ng-model-options="{timezone:\'UTC\'}" is-open="vm.datepicker.opened" datepicker-options="vm.dateOptions" ng-required="true" show-button-bar="false" alt-input-formats="vm.altInputFormats" />' +
'<span class="input-group-btn">' +
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="vm.showDatePicker()"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button>' +
'</span>' +
'</div>' +
controller: controller,
controllerAs: 'vm',
bindToController: true,
template: template,
restrict: 'EA',
scope :true,
link: function( scope, element, attrs, ngModel ){
// Bring in changes from outside:
scope.$watch( 'ngModel', function(){
if( ngModel ) {
scope.$eval( attrs.ngModel + ' = ngModel' );
} );
// Send out changes from inside:
scope.$watch( attrs.ngModel, function( val ){
if( val ) {
scope.ngModel = val;
} );
if( attrs.readonly === 'true' ) {
scope.readonly = true;
} );
The html part then is:
<input-date ng-model=""></input-date>
The problem: if the popup shows up, scope.ngModel is initialized correctly from attrs.ngModel. I had a log inside the watcher that showed me that watching attrs.ngModel works perfecly, but watching 'ngModel' or scope.ngModel does only work until i use the datepicker. It works perfectly as long as the datepicker is not triggered.
Just discovered that it works perfectly if i remvoe the
"ng-switch-default". Replacing it with ng-show/ng-hide makes the directive work completely as expected.
Can anyone explain why?
The behavior you see is absolutely correct. When you use structural directives like ng-if, ng-switch, ng-repeat etc. it creates a new scope and copies all attributes of the parent scope. Your model is a primitive (string), so it is fully copied to the new scope and changed within this scope without propagation to the parent one.
What you can do is:
Use object instead of string to pass the ng-model, what I personally find here very awkward
Use ng-model from controller object and not from the scope
Going on with the second approach: you already use bindToController and an isolated scope by scope: true, so just instead of tracking the model with watcher bind it to the controller:
return {
bindToController: true,
scope: {
ngModel: '='
so ideally you won't even need your link function and in the template instead of
'<div readonly name="readonlyText">{{ngModel | date : \'d.MMMM yyyy\'}}</div>'
'<div readonly name="readonlyText">{{vm.ngModel | date : \'d.MMMM yyyy\'}}</div>'
Why ng-hide still works? It does not create a new scope.

How to Pass data from directive template to controller?

I am building some kind of date-picker, which is actually 2 date pickers.
one for start date and the other for end date.Every datepicker element generate a template of 2 input tags(). I want to pass data from input's value attribute to the controller.
I have tried to define fields in the inner scope which are 2-way data binding(dateOne and dateTwo) but apparently no effect and no real data is pass between the 2 fields.
My other approach is using ng-model, but I have little exprience with this feature and I don't know the rules for that.
Here is my code
angular.module('directives', [])
.directive('datepicker', ['$timeout',function ($timeout) {
// Runs during compile
return {
scope: {
id: '#',
"class": '#',
dateOne: '=',
dateTwo: '='
restrict: 'E', // E = Element, A = Attribute, C = Class, M = Comment
template: '<div id="{{id}}" class="{{class}}">'+
'<div class="date-wrapper">'+
'<label for="datepicker-start">From:</label>'+
'<div class="fieldWrapper">'+
'<input id="datepicker-start" type="date" placeholder="Select date" value={{dateOne}} />'+
'<a class="calendar"></a>'+
'<div class="date-wrapper">' +
'<label for="datepicker-end">To:</label>' +
'<div class="fieldWrapper">' +
'<input id="datepicker-end" type="date" placeholder="Select date" value={{dateTwo}}/>' +
'<a class="calendar"></a>' +
'</div>' +
replace: true,
link: function($scope, iElm, iAttrs, controller) {
console.log('directive link function');
console.log('directive iAttrs', iAttrs);
$(".date-wrapper").each(function (index) {
console.log('directive index', index);
$input = $(this).find('input');
$btn = $(this).find('.calendar');
console.log('input', $input[0]);
console.log('btn', $btn[0]);
$input.attr('type', 'text');
var pickerStart = new Pikaday({
field: $input[0],
trigger: $btn[0],
container: $(this)[0],
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
firstDay: 1
------------------------Updated Code -----------------------------------
angular.module('directives', [])
.directive('datepicker', ['$timeout',function ($timeout) {
// Runs during compile
return {
scope: {
id: '#',
"class": '#',
dateOne: '=',
dateTwo: '='
restrict: 'E', // E = Element, A = Attribute, C = Class, M = Comment
template: '<div id="{{id}}" class="{{class}}">'+
'<div class="date-wrapper">'+
'<label for="datepicker-start">From:</label>'+
'<div class="fieldWrapper">'+
'<input id="datepicker-start" type="date" placeholder="Select date" ng-model=dateOne />' +
'<a class="calendar"></a>'+
'<div class="date-wrapper">' +
'<label for="datepicker-end">To:</label>' +
'<div class="fieldWrapper">' +
'<input id="datepicker-end" type="date" placeholder="Select date" ng-model=dateTwo />' +
'<a class="calendar"></a>' +
'</div>' +
replace: true,
link: function($scope, iElm, iAttrs, controller) {
console.log('directive iAttrs', iAttrs);
$(".date-wrapper").each(function (index) {
console.log('directive index', index);
$input = $(this).find('input');
$btn = $(this).find('.calendar');
console.log('input', $input[0]);
console.log('btn', $btn[0]);
$input.attr('type', 'text');
var pickerStart = new Pikaday({
field: $input[0],
trigger: $btn[0],
container: $(this)[0],
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
firstDay: 1
$scope.$watch(iAttrs.dateOne, function (newValue, oldValue) {
console.log('newValue', newValue);
console.log('oldValue', oldValue);
}, true);
Actually you are almost there, I've done something very similar to what you have described and here was my approach to solve it (I used the UI-Bootstrap Date picker in my case).
The way you would send data from your directive to your controller is by using callbacks, rather than simple watches. If you would have used = you would have to set watches in your controller (and directive) to watch for value changes, it's bad practice overall and extra code.
So basically what you need to do is
In you directive definition object bind a callback method/function using the & sign like so
scope: {
onSelect: "&" // onSelect is our callback function in the ctrl
You then supply the callback attribute a function bound to the controller's $scope, but you pass it a function reference (not a function call as you would in something like ng-changed). like so
<my-directive on-selected="onSelected"></my-directive>
Then you define what onSelected should do, lets say I want to print the selected date
// inside controller
$scope.onSelected = function(time) {
console.log("Time selected: ", time);
Note that we pass the time argument from the directive to the controller like so, scope.onSelect() is actually a curried function, meaning it will return a function once called (that is, if you provided it with a function, you could test it using angular.isFunction), so you should call the curried function and provide it your argument, scope.onSelect()(time).
scope.selectDate = function(time) {
if (angular.isFunction(scope.onSelect())) {
// we use isFunction to test if the callback function actually
// points to a valid function object
scope.onSelect()(time); // we pass out new selected date time
Here is a plunk that shows what I mean.
Replace value in the template with ng-model=dateOne and the same with dateTwo.
I suggest to use a dedicated controller for this directive and not doing the logic inside the link function.
app.directive('someDirective', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
controller: 'SomeController',
controllerAs: 'ctrl',
template: '{{}}'
Read more here

ng-click in directive not calling function defined in controller scope

Everything seems to render properly but my ng-click="check($event)" is not firing when I click on one of the four buttons. I even added an alert to the check($event) function but it's not coming up. Heres the codepen
simonApp.directive('pads', ['lightIt', 'soundIt', function(lightIt,soundIt) {
var template = '';
template += '<button ng-click="check($event)" id=' + '{{index}} ' + 'class="pad pad-' + '{{color}}' + '">';
template += '<div class="ripple js-ripple">';
template += '<span class="ripple-circle ' + 'ripple-' + '{{color}}' + '"></span></div>';
template += '</button>';
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
scope: {
color: '#color',
index: '#index'
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.createRipple = function(e){
lightIt.createRipple(e, this);
//scope.$emit('index', scope.index);
var index = parseInt(scope.index);
scope.playSound = function() {
console.log("scope.index: " + scope.index);
//console.log("scope.playSound: " + scope.playSound);
element.on('click', scope.createRipple);
//element.on('animationend', scope.endRipple);
template: template
Here is the check() function in the controller
$scope.check = function(e) {
alert("check works");
var id =;
if(sequence[turn] === id){
if(turn === sequence.length){
}, 1000);
alert('game over');
}, 300);
You cannot call controller method from directive like that.
In case you need scope isolation you have to use expression binding ( '&' scope parameters) or turn off scope isolation all together ( remove scope key from directive definition )
See excellent video from John Lindquist for example of using scope expression binding.
var app = angular.module('app', [])
app.directive("pads", function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
check: "&"
template: '<div class="button" ng-click="check({message: value})">click</div></div>',
link: function(scope) {
scope.value = 'message to controller'
app.controller('myCtrl', function() {
this.doCheck = function(message) {
alert(message) // alerts "message to controller"
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app='app' ng-controller='myCtrl as ctrl'>
<pads check="ctrl.doCheck(message)"></pads>

angularjs - $destroy isn't called on custom compiled html

I made a directive that compiles a 'div' with an ng-include and ng-controller, and appends it to the element. It works fine, but for some reason the "$destroy" event isn't called on the controller's scope when it is destroyed.
Is what I'm doing correct?
This is the html:
<my-Directive tr-model="someBindedObject"></my-Directive>
And this is the JS:
directive('myDirective', function ($compile, controllerMapper) {
function compileTemplate(scope, element, attrs) {
var controller = controllerMapper.getController(scope.model);
innerHtml = '<div ng-include src="' + "'" + controller.templateUrl + "'" + '" ng-controller="' + controller.controllerName + '" ></div>';
var innerElement = $compile(innerHtml)(scope);
return {
scope: {
model: "=trModel"
link: compileTemplate
controller('myController', function($scope){
$scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
//this is never called

How to Dynamically add Direcitves angularjs

I have successfully Added an angularjs directive into another directive using this code
var newElement = $compile( "<div my-diretive='n'></div>" )( $scope );
$element.parent().append( newElement );
but how can i pass the my-diretive='n' n value dynamically .
$scope.showDirective = function(item){
var newElement = $compile( "<div my-diretive='n'></div>" )( $scope );
//here i want to replace 'n' with item
$element.parent().append( newElement );
is it possible to pass the value or any other way to do it?
If myDirective has isolated scope, this will create two-way data binding:
$scope.showDirective = function(item){
$scope.item = item;
// the interpolation will be against $scope with item available on it
var newElement = $compile( "<div my-diretive='item'></div>" )( $scope );
$element.parent().append( newElement );
Let us know, if it works for you.

