Does Python's "\x00" exist in javascript? - javascript

I'm currently working on transitioning from Python to Node.js, but I can't figure out if there is an easy way to add a non-printable character to a string.
In Python it would look something like this:
But in Javascript I can't seem to find anything simpler than
conn.write(fromCharCode(parseInt("0x01")) + "SomeMoreTextHere")
Or if you are fine with using decimals, in this specific case it doesn't matter to me, you can skip the parseInt part.
I can't find any other way that happens to be as simple as the Python way, am I not looking hard enough?

Yes, Javascript supports \xdd escape sequences
- Martijn Peters
Looks like the answer to me.
Escape sequences
Also MDN:
String literals
hex, octal, unicode...


Regexp for finding all regexps in project

I need to optimize all regexps in a JavaScript project. I found all the ones created with new RegExp with a simple search. The problem are the ones created as literals:/asd/.
I am using PhPStorm so the regexp engine is Java. That means we have look behind. So i came up with this:
This translates in give me everything that looks like /.../ and is not preceded by one of the following:\s= (,[?:;|).
Can a regexp be preceded by anything else?
Do you have a better idea?
Searching for methods used by String and RegExp classes is not acceptable(exec, replace...) because finding the declaration in some projects is very hard and requires a lot of time. Plus you can have multiple uses of the same regexp.
My regexp was a bit off. I used this eventually:

JavaScript equivalent of C#'s Char.IsSymbol

I'm trying to strip all 'Unicode Symbols' from a string. That is, keeping all multilingual characters but removing dingbats, arrows, and all of that stuff.
C# has a very handy function called Char.IsSymbol that can be run on all characters of a string, stripping the character when the functions returns true.
I've been searching on doing something similar in JavaScript. If it's a regex then how can I compile a list of all the unicode ranges of the symbol characters? I looked at XRegExp but couldn't find something that only filters symbols.
XRegExp does have support for what you're looking for -
You'd probably match either for \pL or \pS. You can find a nice list of the typical unicode categories in
Overall, Unicode is quite tricky. It gives plenty of opportunities for giving you trouble, especially with software that isn't fully Unicode compatible (sadly, this includes JavaScript - see for a nice set of example). This is further exacerbated by the fact that JS often runs with double-encoding (HTML+JS, and there's worse cases as well). Somebody will probably find a way to bypass your checks, but I'm afraid there's no easy way to prevent that. Just be on the lookout :)

Java Regex replace function not working as intended

I need some help with a JS Regex.
Here's the string I'm passing, I want to delete everything before 'Hanyuu-sama' with JS Replace.
The first and second "Hanyuu" can change, the id number can change. This has already been cropped quite a bit with regular expressions.
Now I've tried a few and surprisingly it's failing when I do simple and complex regexes:
I've tried:
And it does nothing, I've tried disgusting stuff in my desperation:
And nada.
Here's a JS Fiddle and here's a Regex JS matching platform.
Does anyone know why this isn't working?
I know this is likely bad practice, I'm just trying to learn Regexes.
Bonus points if anyone can refer me to a good source to learn Regular expressions. I'd love a solution but I'd like to learn how to do this myself in the future and why this one failed even more.
Your method call should look like this:
source = source.replace(/.*"/, "");
Regular expression in javascript are written between /.../ and not "/.../" like they are in many other languages.
If your string is always structured like that and it does not contain any more characters, your regex should do the trick. That's because the * quantifier acts greedy by default, thus always matching the last " in the string.

Why this regex is not working for german words?

I am trying to break the following sentence in words and wrap them in span.
<p class="german_p big">Das ist ein schönes Armband</p>
I followed this:
How to get a word under cursor using JavaScript?
$('p').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.html($this.text().replace(/\b(\w+)\b/g, "<span>$1</span>"));
The only problem i am facing is, after wrapping the words in span the resultant html is like this:
<p class="german_p big"><span>Das</span> <span>ist</span> <span>ein</span> <span>sch</span>ö<span>nes</span> <span>Armband</span>.</p>
so, schönes is broken into three words sch, ö and nes. why this is happening? What could be the correct regex for this?
Unicode in Javascript Regexen
Like Java itself, Javascript doesn't support Unicode in its \w, \d, and \b regex shortcuts. This is (arguably) a bug in Java and Javascript. Even if one manages through casuistry or obstinacy to argue that it is not a bug, it's sure a big gotcha. Kinda bites, really.
The problem is that those popular regex shortcuts only apply to 7-bit ASCII whether in Java or in Javascript. This restriction is painfully 1970s‐ish; it makes absolutely no sense in the 21ˢᵗ century. This blog posting from this past March makes a good argument for fixing this problem in Javascript.
It would be really nice if some public-spirited soul would please add Javascript to this Wikipedia page that compares the support regex features in various languages.
This page says that Javascript doesn't support any Unicode properties at all. That same site has a table that's a lot more detailed than the Wikipedia page I mention above. For Javascript features, look under its ECMA column.
However, that table is in some cases at least five years out of date, so I can't completely vouch for it. It's a good start, though.
Unicode Support in Other Languages
Ruby, Python, Perl, and PCRE all offer ways to extend \w to mean what it is supposed to mean, but the two J‐thingies do not.
In Java, however, there is a good workaround available. There, you can use \pL to mean any character that has the Unicode General_Category=Letter property. That means you can always emulate a proper \w using [\pL\p{Nd}_].
Indeed, there's even an advantage to writing it that way, because it keeps you aware that you're adding decimal numbers and the underscore character to the character class. With a simple \w, please sometimes forget this is going on.
I don't believe that this workaround is available in Javascript, though. You can also use Unicode properties like those in Perl and PCRE, and in Ruby 1.9, but not in Python.
The only Unicode properties current Java supports are the one- and two-character general properties like \pN and \p{Lu} and the block properties like \p{InAncientSymbols}, but not scripts like \p{IsGreek}, etc.
The future JDK7 will finally get around to adding scripts. Even then Java still won't support most of the Unicode properties, though, not even critical ones like \p{WhiteSpace} or handy ones like \p{Dash} and \p{Quotation_Mark}.
SIGH! To understand just how limited Java's property support is, merely compare it with Perl. Perl supports 1633 Unicode properties as of 2007's 5.10 release, and 2478 of them as of this year's 5.12 release. I haven't counted them for ancient releases, but Perl started supporting Unicode properties back during the last millennium.
Lame as Java is, it's still better than Javascript, because Javascript doesn't support any Unicode properties whatsoCENSOREDever. I'm afraid that Javascript's paltry 7-bit mindset makes it pretty close to unusable for Unicode. This is a tremendously huge gaping hole in the language that's extremely difficult to account for given its target domain.
Sorry 'bout that. ☹
You can also use
instead of
in order to handle the umlauts
\w only matches A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _ (underscore).
You could use something like \S+ to match all non-space characters, including non-ASCII characters like ö. This might or might not work depending on how the rest of your string is formatted.
To include all the Latin 1 Supplement characters like äöüßÒÿ you can use:
however, there are even more funny characters in the Latin Extended-A and Latin Extended-B unicode blocks like ČŇů . To include that you can use:
\w and \b are not unicode-aware in javascript; they only match ASCII word/boundary characters. If you use cases will all allow splitting on whitespace, you can use \s/\S, which are unicode-aware.
As others note, the \w shortcut is not very useful for non-Latin character sets. If you need to match other text ranges you should use hex* notation (Ref1) (Ref2) for the appropriate range.
* could be hex or octal or unicode, you'll often see these collectively referred as hex notation.
the \b's will also not work correctly. It is possible to use Xregex library \p{L} tag for unicode support, however there is still not \b support so you wont be able to find the word boundaries. It would be nice to provide \b support by doing lookbehind/lookaheads with \P{L} in the following implementation
While javascript doesn't support Unicode natively, you could use this library to work around it:

Insert EBCDIC character into javascript string

I need to create an EBCDIC string within my javascript and save it into an EBCDIC database. A process on the EBCDIC system then uses the data. I haven't had any problems until I came across the character '¬'. In EBCDIC it is hex value of 5F. All of the usual letters and symbols seem to automagically convert with no problem. Any idea how I can create the EBCDIC value for '¬' within javascript so I can store it properly in the EBCDIC db?
If "all of the usual letters and symbols seem to automagically convert", then I very strongly suspect that you do not have to create an EBCDIC string in Javascript. The character codes for Latin letters and digits are completely different in EBCDIC than they are in Unicode, so something in your server code is already converting the strings.
Thus what you need to determine is how that process works, and specifically you need to find out how the translation maps character codes from Unicode source into the EBCDIC equivalents. Once you know that, you'll know what Unicode character to use in your Javascript code.
As a further note: every single time I've been told by an IT organization that their mainframe software requires that data be supplied in EBCDIC, that advice has been dead wrong. The fact that there's some external interface means that something in the pile of iron that makes up the mainframe and it's tentacles, something the IT people have forgotten about and probably couldn't find if they needed to, is already mapping "real world" character encodings like Unicode into EBCDIC. How does it work? Well, it may be impossible to figure out.
You might try whether this works: var notSign = "\u00AC";
edit: also: here's a good reference for HTML entities and Unicode glyphs: The HTML/XML syntax uses decimal numbers for the character codes. For Javascript, you have to convert those to hex, and the notation in Javascript strings is "\u" followed by a 4-digit hex constant. (That reference isn't complete, but it's pretty easy to read and it's got lots of useful symbols.)

