RequireJS Optimizer - what does it actually do? - javascript

I was under the impression that the RequireJS Optimizer would look through the defined dependencies and gather up all of the referenced js files in an application and bundle them up into a single, large js file.
You'd then be able to reference that single file in your html script include.
But this doesn't seem to be the case. When I run this, I get a large file, but it includes the original main.js file that includes paths to files in a directory structure.
What is the point of that? Why does the new large file contain paths outside of itself if everything needed is contained within? It seems like the optimizer would rewrite the paths to point to "./" or something.
When I bundle up the entire app and reference that in the page, I'm getting errors about missing files that ARE included in the large js file:
Uncaught object require.js:70
GET http://localhost/ui/js/modules/mod_limeLight.js 404 (Not Found) require.js:729
Uncaught Error: Script error for: mod_limelight
baseUrl: "./src/ui/scripts",
name: "main",
mainConfigFile : "src/ui/scripts/main.js",
out: "dist/ui/scripts/main-built.js"
'use strict';
"paths": {
"jquery": "libs/jquery-1.11.0.min",
"twitter_bootstrap": "../bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min",
"respondjs": "../bower_components/respond/dest/respond.min",
"debouncejs": "libs/dw-debounce",
"carousel": "libs/jquery.carouFredSel-6.2.1-packed",
"swipe": "libs/jquery.touchSwipe.min",
"app": "app",
"OOo_config": 'libs/oo_conf_entry-ck', // Opinion Lab pop-up
"addthis": "//",
"mod_addThis": "modules/mod_AddThis",
"limelight": "//",
"mod_limelight": "modules/mod_limeLight"
"shim": {
"twitter_bootstrap": ["jquery"],
"carousel": ["jquery"],
"swipe": ["jquery"],
"packeryjs": ["jquery"]
], function ($, app) {
example module starts off like:
"jquery", "debouncejs", "limelight"
function ($) {
'use strict';
var playerElement = ...
Then running:
node r.js -o build.js
What am I missing? Why is it trying to fetch files that are contained in that large js file?

It identifies the included modules using their usual paths, because that’s simple and unambiguous, and it works. The files aren’t fetched, of course.


Issues with require.js and sourcemaps when compiling typescript with grunt-ts

When using grunt-ts and specifying and out file my app runs as expected, but since that option has no support for fast compilation, i tried using a regular compilation where all my .ts files live on the dist folder
There are two issues, first, it will fail to load any imported file, since it will try to look for it without extension. As a quick fix i edited the load fn on the require.js file and all my dependencies load correctly, but then the sourcemaps stopped working, all i get is a blank file on the chrome inspector (and of course i don't want to rely on a dirty hack) .
Please note that i'm not very familiar with requirejs so I'm not quite sure if this is a misconfiguration on my side, a bug, or something that is missing.
My grunt config, related to ts
ts: {
options: {
module: 'amd',
target: 'es5',
experimentalDecorators: true
dev: {
src: ['client-app/**/*.ts'],
outDir: "dist",
watch: '.'
My bootstrap.js which is just the entry point and require.js config file
baseUrl: '.',
waitSeconds: 20
requirejs(['/init'], function(module) {
A simplified version of the compiled init file
define(["require", "exports", './section-manager.view'], function (require, exports, section_manager_view_1,) {
"use strict";
function main() {
exports.main = main;
And the html
<script src="/js/lib/require.js" data-main="/bootstrap"></script>
Any help is appreciated, thanks
Using System.js or #Luis answer solves the loading issue.
The sourcemap issue is solved by using sourceRoot or
inlineSourceMap: true,
inlineSources: true
To the ts options
Don't use an absolute module name. If you do use an absolute name, RequireJS assumes that you do not want any alteration when it generates a path from the module name and will not add the .js extension. You should use a relative path, or you could do this:
baseUrl: '/'
requirejs(['init'], function(module) {
By doing this, RequireJS will automatically add the .js extension.

angular.js loaded instead of angular.min.js with requirejs

I'm using Webjars to import AngularJS into my web project.
For some reason the minified version of AngularJS won't be served even though I'm referencing those in my main. I was expecting to see angular.min.js and angular-route.min.js being loaded, but I'm seeing the regular angular.js and angular-route.js. What am I doing wrong here?
My main.js:
'use strict';
paths: {
'angular': '../lib/angularjs/angular.min',
'angular-route': '../lib/angularjs/angular-route.min',
'async': '../lib/requirejs-plugins/src/async'
shim: {
'angular': {
exports : 'angular'
'angular-route': {
deps: ['angular'],
exports : 'angular'
require(['angular', './controllers', './directives', './filters', './services', 'angular-route','./places-autocomplete','async','./gmaps'],
function(angular, controllers) {
// Declare app level module which depends on filters, and services
angular.module('myApp', ['myApp.filters', '', 'myApp.directives', 'ngRoute']).
config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']);
My html loads requirejs like this:
<script data-main="#routes.Assets.versioned("javascripts/main.js")"
and the above requirejs.config snippet resides in main.js
I looked into the sources of requirejs. Here's what I found:
requirejs splits each path, you defined in the config object, into its components (i.e. the directories, the filename and the extension). For some reason (node module naming conventions) the last extension is dropped. They do not check if that's a '.js'. Then this path array is used to access a module. Without a plugin rquirejs only handles .js files. It adds a .js if nessecary.
Now you can see what happens in your example. In the first step requirejs drops the .min extension. When it loads the module it joins the path components and adds a .js to the end. Then it loads the full module and not the minified version.
If you add a .js to your paths, then this .js was dropped and the .min is still there.
Try to add
enforceDefine: true,

Using the requirejs shimConfig to load jQuery plugin

This code uses the requirejs.shimConfig to load the jQuery.mCustomScrollbar plugin:
However the Chrome console shows that requirejs tries to load the file from the baseUrl:
GET http://localhost:8180/GoogleMapErpProject/scripts/jQuery.mCustomScrollbar.js 404 (Not Found) require.js:34
Uncaught Error: Script error for: jQuery.mCustomScrollbar
I have found an unsatisfactory solution to the issue:
Why would it not work when I specified a path in the paths and used that path in the shimConfig?
from require.js documentation,
baseUrl: the root path to use for all module lookups. So in the above
example, "my/module"'s script tag will have a
src="/another/path/my/module.js". baseUrl is not used when loading
plain .js files (indicated by a dependency string starting with a
slash, has a protocol, or ends in .js), those strings are used as-is,
so a.js and b.js will be loaded from the same directory as the HTML
page that contains the above snippet.
Hence paths should/can be like this:
if you dont want it to get loaded from baseUrl.

How do I tell RequireJS to look in a subdir for certain modules?

I am not sure if this is possible, I've tried with a wildcard * in the paths config.
I want to load requested modules named jquery/* from subdir libs/jquery/src, but other files should be loaded in relation to baseUrl. This is what I've tried:
baseUrl: ".",
name: "main",
out: "",
paths: {
"jquery/*": "libs/jquery/src"
Is this possible, one way or another?
], function(tableView){
var t = new tableView;
return {
tableView: tableView
Would load jquery/ajax.js from ./libs/jquery/src/ajax.js and view/table.js from ./view/table.js.
I have also tried with this paths config:
paths: {
"jquery": "libs/jquery/src"
In both cases I get this error: Error: Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory 'Development/rjs/jquery/ajax.js' while the expected path to look at is Development/rjs/libs/jquery/src/ajax.js
There is no actual pattern matching. However, RequireJS can match the start of a path to replace it with something else so you could do:
paths: {
"jquery": "libs/jquery/src"
With this, then if you do:
require(["jquery/foo"], ...);
RequireJS will seek libs/jquery/src/foo.js. Of course this will be problematic if you happen to want to load the whole of jQuery as jquery.
This won't work if you put extensions in your dependencies. You have to remove the .js from your module names, otherwise RequireJS treats the name as a literal path and won't go through paths.

Require JS is ignoring my config

I'm having pretty simple directory structure for scripts:
/js/ <-- located in site root
Since the site engine uses clean URLs I'm using absolute paths in <script>:
<script type="text/javascript" data-main="/js/config.js" src="/js/require.js"></script>
RequireJS config:
baseUrl: "/js/libs",
paths: {
"jquery": "jquery-1.10.1.min",
"knockout": "knockout-2.2.1",
"komapping": "knockout.mapping"
Somewhere in HTML:
require(["jquery", "knockout", "komapping"], function($, ko, mapping){
// ...
So the problem is that RequireJS completely ignores baseUrl and paths defined in config file. I get 404 error for every module required in the code below. I see in browser console that RequireJS tries to load these modules from /js/ without any path translations:
404: http://localhost/js/jquery.js
404: http://localhost/js/knockout.js
404: http://localhost/js/komapping.js
However after the page is loaded and the errors are shown I type in console and...
> require.toUrl("jquery")
Why so? How to solve this problem?
It's my first experience using RequireJS, so I'm feeling like I've skipped something very simple and obvious. Help, please.
Just discovered this question: Require.js ignoring baseUrl
It's definitely my case. I see in my Network panel that config.js is not completely loaded before require(...) fires own dependency loading.
But I don't want to place my require(...) in config because it is very specific for the page that calls it. I've never noticed such problem with asynchronicity in any example seen before. How do authors of these examples keep them working?
The problem was that config file defined in data-main attribute is loaded asynchronously just like other dependencies. So my config.js accidentally was never completely loaded and executed before require call.
The solution is described in official RequireJS API:
... Also, you can define the config object as the global variable require before require.js is loaded, and have the values applied automatically.
So I've just changed my config.js to define global require hash with proper configuration:
var require = {
baseUrl: "/js/libs",
paths: {
"jquery": "jquery-1.10.1.min",
"knockout": "knockout-2.2.1",
"komapping": "knockout.mapping"
and included it just BEFORE require.js:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/config.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/require.js"></script>
This approach allows to control script execution order, so config.js will always be loaded before next require calls.
All works perfectly now.
Fixed the issue.
My config was being loaded asynchronously, and therefore the config paths weren't set before my require statement was being called.
As per the RequireJS docs Link here, I added a script call to my config before the require.js call. And removed the data-main attribute.
var require = {
baseUrl: '/js',
paths: {
'jquery': 'vendor/jquery/jquery-2.0.3.min',
'picker': 'vendor/pickadate/picker.min',
'pickadate': 'vendor/pickadate/'
shim: {
'jquery': {
exports: '$'
'picker': ['jquery'],
'pickadate': {
deps: ['jquery', 'picker'],
exports: 'DatePicker'
All is now working

