Google Drive JavaScript SDK - Share Dialog Not Working - javascript

I have an application (POARDS) set up using the Google Drive SDK.
I am mainly processing this application's data in PHP, but a few features (such as the share dialog) use the JavaScript API.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
init = function() {
s = new'737617002551');
window.onload = function() {
gapi.load('drive-share', init);
The issue is that when I try to launch the share dialog using s.showSettingsDialog(); the sharing system malfunctions. A blank modal with a loading message pops up, and after a few seconds, I recieve the following error message:
Sorry, sharing is unavailable at this time. Please try again later.
Upon further investigation, an error message in the development console is also available:
Refused to display '…' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'
The message appears twice: once when the gapi.load(); call is made, and again when the s.showSettingsDialog(); call is made. In the Google documentation, it says that the share modal only has three requirements:
The user is signed in to Google
The user has installed your app
The URL of the page that launches the dialog must have the same origin as the Open URL registered for the app.
However, as far as I can tell, my application matches these three rules. Thus, the dialog should appear like normal.

Share dialog has strict requirements related to Content Security Policy. Your application must follow those strict requirements. Any deviation will cause issues like this with the Share dialog.
This link may assist you in further understanding those requirements:


Cross-origin security error when moving an application to a subdomain (2018)

Background information: We have a platform which runs on This platform consists of 10 separate web applications (all written in PHP and JS). Each application has historically been in a sub-directory within the same subdomain:
We are in the process of rebuilding one of the applications, app2, and have decided to host this on a new separate subdomain,
Part of the app2 application uses JavaScript to open a pop-up window for app10. Most functionality inside this popup works as expected. However, when attempting to use a "Save" button inside the popup my browser console was showing:
Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
I have read both SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin from accessing a cross-origin frame and but still unclear as to how to fix this.
The code and process I have is as follows:
The popup is opened from by a button which has an onclick event handler:
<button onclick="postToPopUp('', 'fileManage', 'width=800px,height=600px', ['f_id', '123'], 'app2', 'filesCallbackManage')">Open app10</button>
The postToPopup() function is used to pass POST data from app2 into based on Javascript pass values using POST - this works fine.
The problem occurs when I click a "Save" button inside the popup which renders the following markup within the popup window:
<!doctype HTML><html><head><title>upload</title>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" charset="utf-8">
var fileObject = {"files":{"0":{"f_id":"1784","f_title":"test07.pdf"},"f_id":123}};
What this did originally - when everything was under the same subdomain - was called a js function filesCallbackManage() which resided in the code for The function itself was passed an object, fileObject, which updated various parts of the UI inside app2. The popup was closed after clicking the Save button due to window.close();
Although I've read about using postMessage I don't understand how this fits in or whether this is even the correct solution to my problem? The data is being posted from the subdomain to correctly. The problem is that filesCallbackManage() won't fire because of the cross origin restriction. Inside my code for I have a simple statement to see if it's firing:
function filesCallbackManage(data)
console.log('filesCallbackManage has fired');
This never fires because of the problem I have. I get the console error mentioned previously and a blank popup window (technically this is correct since there is nothing in the <body> tag in the above markup) but the window doesn't close and the callback isn't fired.
The example given on the Mozilla website isn't extensive enough to understand how it can be adapted to this type of scenario. Please can someone elaborate? Furthermore, the linked Stack Overflow post is four years old so I want to be sure anything I put on this is secure and up-to-date.
The postToPopup() function is used to pass POST data
Submitting a form across origins is fine. So you can do this.
The problem occurs when I click a "Save" button inside the popup
You're trying to access the DOM of the window across origins. This is forbidden.
Although I've read about using postMessage I don't understand how this fits in or whether this is even the correct solution to my problem?
postMessage is as close as you can get to accessing the DOM of a window across origins.
You can't do this.
var fileObject = {"files":{"0":{"f_id":"1784","f_title":"test07.pdf"},"f_id":123}};
Instead you have to send a message:
window.opener.postMessage(fileObject, "");
And have code which listens for it:
addEventListener("message", receiveMessage);
function receiveMessage(event) {
if (event.origin !== "") { return false; }

Google Sign-In API Hang with uncaught error Failed to get parent origin from URL hash

I'm using Google Sign-In JavaScript client for months without problem.
But recently when user tapping on sign in button from webapp that added to homescreen, the signin pop-up just hang without showing any content.
When debugged via remote debugging, an error is displayed in console pane:
Uncaught Failed to get parent origin from URL hash!
originated from 4188232449-v2-idpiframe.js:136 (javascript loaded internally by google library).
I'm sure it's not programming/config error since the same webapp was previously working for months without problem, and I haven't modified any code.
I've tried google search for this particular problem and browse Google documentation for any recent changes in Google Sign-In API without any luck.
Is it bug from Google API Javascript client library, glitch from recent Chrome browser update on Android, or there is some changes in API usage that I doesn't yet aware?
Library used is
This is init param for gapi.auth2.init():
client_id: GAPI_CID, // defined as constant
cookiepolicy: 'single_host_origin',
prompt: 'select_account',
ux_mode: 'popup',
fetch_basic_profile: true
Any insight will be much appreciated. Thank you.
P.S.: This problem is different with Uncaught Failed to get parent origin from URL hash since on that case the problem is caused by misconfiguration of required credential in Google API console.
If you never had succedded in integrating sign-in flow with your app, perhaps answer from that post can help you.
Otherwise, if you have had successfully integrated sign-in flow for some time but recently problem suddenly/erratically appears with symptom of blank screen on popped-up window, than you have same problem with me.
I can confirm we are experiencing the same problems at my company since recently. It seems a bit erratic, not 100% of the time. But for some users, some time, they are met with an empty sign-in popup with the url pointing to "" but nothing happens.
Not a complete answer yet, but this may be a reasonable workaround for some. I updated the ux_mode to use redirect and it is partially working now.
auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
client_id: '',
scope: 'profile email',
ux_mode: 'redirect',
redirect_uri: ''
NOTE: it seems redirect_uri is required, contrary to Google's docs. This isn't a perfect drop-in replacement, but it solves the "URL hash!" error
This blog post and the Git Repo in it could also be helpful for anyone attempting to use redirect
My electron app started to fail today for the same reason. Been debugging quite a lot and I think found the reason, but don't know how to solve it, why it happened, or if it is electron or google's fault.
In my electron app, I have 2 webviews, one for the main content and another one for google popup dialogs.
So when google needs to open the authentication, it generates this IFRAME:
<iframe id="ssIFrame_google"
sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin" aria-hidden="true"
style="... display: none;"></iframe>
Mind that the URL has HASH parameters: your origin and the token.
However, when on the electron side I capture the new-window event in order to open the URL myself in another webview, the event I receive LACKS the hash parameters:
event {
type : "new-window",
So what google's iframe is complaining about (I debugged it) is exactly that it can't find the origin and rpctoken parameters that should be in the hash parameters.
For a reason I don't understand (I haven't updated electron) the new-window event does not receive the full url anymore.
Using #howMuchCheeseIsTooMuchCheese answer below I have changed the flow to use the redirect callback, then capture that callback myself and restart the application. It is not ideal, but at least I can login into my applications.

How to implement Google Analytics event tracking inside a React VR project?

This is loosely written to give a basic idea of what I'm trying achieve.
< VrButton onClick={props.userClick}>< /VrButton>
userClick={() => this.triggerTracking}
triggerTracking() {
ga('send', 'event', 'myEventCategory', 'myEventAction', 'myEventLabel');
I expect the code to trigger Google Analytics event tracking in the GA system when the user clicks on a button, but I get an error message - "ga is not a function".
I have GA set up in my index.html file, with the proper ID, and pulling in the latest analytics.js API.
React VR is all within a web worker context so it is not possible to access anything on your window without the use of native modules.
You can embed them directly in your client js and use the GA tracking functions as you normally would there. You will then call a function on your native module within your react VR app.
You can check out the documentation here:
Try using the window scope as:'send', 'event', 'myEventCategory', 'myEventAction', 'myEventLabel');
I'm not familiar with React at all, but perhaps React causes some abstraction between the window and the react scope, making your ga() function unavailable.
Do next stps:
open the network debug tool of your browser.
reload your page
review loaded url list and check that is loaded
If you does not see such url loaded - read google analitycks manual about how to setup google analytics on your page.
If you see such url replace url with in your page, than reload and than go to console tab of your browser debugger and check the errors.

IN.User is undefined in LinkedIn Javascript SDK

I am trying to log the user in programatically using LinkedIn Javascript SDK. I am not using the default flow (which includes the button as a script) as we need a custom size button, so here is my code:
//inside head...
<script type="text/javascript" src="//">
credentials_cookie: true
//inside some script tag
function loginWithLinkedIn() {
IN.User.authorize(linkedInLoginCallback); //yeah I have that method
However, as soon as call loginWithLinkedIn, I'm getting an error telling IN.User is undefined. IN itself is defined, but has only ENV and Event fields defined. How can I initiate LinkedIn login using JS (not a button/script tag)? I couldn't find any useful documentation anywhere, and LinkedIn's own documentation is terrible.
I was having the same issue. For me it was because we had changed the subdomain location of our application from www. to app. This change required me to go into the LinkedIn developer console and under the Javascript tab add our new app location to the list of Valid SDK Domains.

How to solve Facebook Error 191 without having a website?

Me an my team are currently working on a software project at university and my present task is to bind our desktop javafx application with Facebook.
Basically I have an fxml method in a controller that is called when the user hits a "Share" button in my GUI. In the method I'd like to simply open up my .html file using a WebView:
public void shareFacebookClicked() throws Exception{
// Setting up the webview
WebView webView = new WebView();
final WebEngine webEngine = webView.getEngine();
// Read the html file and let the web engine load it.
File file = new File(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("facebook.html").toURI().getPath());
Stage stage = new Stage();
stage.setScene(new Scene(webView, 1000, 800));;
There is no problem with it, my "facebook.html" file is loaded and displayed correctly (well, almost correctly) in a web view.
The actual problem is that I'm constantly getting the 191 Facebook error saying that the link is not owned by the application. Since there are tons of posts and questions on this around the Internet (and yes I checked and read all of them) here are the things that I'm already aware of:
I registered my application on the Facebook Developer site. I know about the AppID and Secret
I know that this error mainly comes from the fact that people forget to set their website URL and domain in the Settings. The problem is that I don't have a website. I just have a simple .html file which I'd like to use in a web view inside of javafx. However, I tried all possible combinations advised on stackoverflow, facebook help centre and other forums which include: Setting website URL to http://localhost/, domain to localhost, enabling Embedded browser OAuth Login, setting the redirect URI to localhost too, etc.
I assume that my goal could be achieved by using RESTfb, Facebook4j or Graph API. When I tried those I had to stop because I faced problems with the user authentication plus I thought this current option would be the easiest way (considering this feature has LOW-priority in our software).
None of this solved my problem therefore I've given up researching the answer and decided to post my very own personal question.
In my opinion there must be some error in the .html file and/or I completely misunderstand something in the way this works. The .html file:
<title> Share on Facebook </title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#shareonfacebook').click(function (e) {
appId: 'MY_APP_ID',
display: "popup",
method: "feed",
name: "Test",
description: "Test",
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<button id="shareonfacebook" >Share</button>
appId : 'MY_APP_ID'
Partially I have this code from a tutorial site. Theoretically it should work. All I want is a dialog to come up where the user can publish the results of the workout he/she completed using our software. Currently when the .html file is opened up there is a simple button to click. This and all the "Test" strings inside of the javascript are only for testing. I just want to achieve that I can post something on my wall. The next step would be of course to somehow set the posting text dynamically etc.
Please tell me what I'm doing wrong or how I should approach the whole thing. Like I said, the task is minimal therefore it shouldn't be that difficult but I've been sitting in front of my laptop for 2 days without any success. I'm ready to post more code or give more information if it's needed.
Thank you for the help in advance!

