Grunt - Preserve directory structure when compiling files of a task - javascript

I have the following task on my Gruntfile.js:
jade: {
dist: {
options: {
pretty: true
files: [{
expand: true,
flatten: false,
cwd: 'app/views',
dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/',
src: ['*.jade', 'views/{,*/}*.jade'],
ext: '.html'
When I execute the task, the generated .html files are just dumped on the root of my dist folder completely disregarding the directory structure of the source. How can I preserve this directory structure?


Grunt, how to minify different folders (to include node_modules folder)

I am using NPM in a WP project.
I already have a grunt task that compiles my separate SCSS files into CSS files and then minifies them into one default.min.css file when running grunt (that's good.)
My main issue is that I would like to include different npm packages such as fontawesome, bootstrap etc. where they also would be minified into that one minified min.css file, together with my own files.
I would also like to know how to do this for my own *.js files uglify'd with different packages i'm using (jquery-ui, owl-carousel, etc.)
Please find below my Gruntfile.js, this is my first Gruntfile.js so feel free to include any constructive remarks.
module.exports = function (grunt) {
sass: {
dist: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'resource/scss/',
src: ['*.scss'],
dest: 'resource/builds/css/',
ext: '.css'
watch: {
css: {
files: '**/*.scss',
tasks: ['sass', 'cssmin']
scripts: {
files: 'resource/js/*.js',
tasks: ['uglify']
cssmin: {
target: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'resource/builds/css/',
src: ['*.css', '!*.min.css'],
dest: 'public/css',
ext: '.min.css'
concat: {
js: {
options: {
separator: ';'
src: 'resource/**/*.js',
dest: '<%= paths.dest.js %>'
uglify: {
build: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'resource/js/',
src: '**/*.js',
dest: 'public/js',
ext: '.min.js'
grunt.registerTask('default',['cssmin', 'uglify', 'watch']);

Grunt copy missing files

For the last few days my grunt copy task is missing out some files. The task itself is the unedited task from SailsJS:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.config.set('copy', {
dev: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: './assets',
src: ['**/*.!(coffee|less|scss|sass|js)'],
dest: '.tmp/public'
build: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: '.tmp/public',
src: ['**/*'],
dest: 'www'
I'm using Bower for dependencies within my assets folder which are copied to .tmp/public by Grunt.
Some facts:
it's always the same files which are missing (lib/marked.js, angular-elastic/elastic.js, angular-ui-select/dist/select.js, angular-slugify/angular-slugify.js)
it worked for quite some time - I didn't change anything in the task, just in the assets (but not in the vendor) folder.
grunt copy --verbose also doesn't list these files.
OS is win10.

More efficient way of copying dist files in Grunt?

New to gruntjs and currently using it for moving some npm distributions to a public/js folder.
Here is the code:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
copy: {
bootstrapCss: {
src: "./node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css",
dest: "./public/css/bootstrap.css"
bootstrapTheme: {
src: "./node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap-theme.css",
dest: "./public/css/bootstrap-theme.css"
bootstrap: {
src: "./node_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js",
dest: "./public/js/libs/bootstrap.js"
backbone: {
src: "./node_modules/backbone/backbone.js",
dest: "./public/js/libs/backbone.js"
backboneLocalstorage: {
src: "./node_modules/backbone.localstorage/backbone.localStorage.js",
dest: "./public/js/libs/backbone.localStorage.js"
requireJs: {
src: "./node_modules/requirejs/require.js",
dest: "./public/js/libs/requirejs.js"
underscore: {
src: "./node_modules/underscore/underscore.js",
dest: "./public/js/libs/underscore.js"
jquery: {
src: "./node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js",
dest: "./public/js/libs/jquery.js"
requireJsText: {
src: "./node_modules/requirejs-text/text.js",
dest: "./public/js/libs/requirejs-text.js"
// Load the plugin that provides the "uglify" task.
// Default task(s).
grunt.registerTask('default', ['copy']);
Is there any way to make this code smaller, rather than have lots of individual copy commands?
I would go about this by creating two targets in my copy configuration, one for JS and one for CSS. I would use some of the features provided by Grunt for dynamically building the files object to save me from typing and maintaining each destination path. This way, when I want to add files, I need only add their paths to the respective src array.
copy: {
js: {
expand: true,
cwd: './node_modules',
dest: './public/js/libs/',
flatten: true,
filter: 'isFile',
src: [
css: {
expand: true,
cwd: './node_modules',
dest: './public/css/',
flatten: true,
filter: 'isFile',
src: [

grunt-injector - how to use Grunt's 'dynamically built files objects.'?

Grunt's dynamically built files objects is in the structure of:
files: [
expand: true, // Enable dynamic expansion.
cwd: 'lib/', // Src matches are relative to this path.
src: ['**/*.js'], // Actual pattern(s) to match.
dest: 'build/', // Destination path prefix.
ext: '.min.js', // Dest filepaths will have this extension.
extDot: 'first' // Extensions in filenames begin after the first dot
But this format does not work in grunt-injector:
injector: {
options: {
destFile : 'app/static/index.html',
ignorePath: 'app/'
local_dependencies: {
files: [
expand: true,
cwd: 'app/static/css/',
src: ['*.css'],
dest: '/static/css',
ext: '.css'
Any suggestions on how I can use Grunt's specific 'dynamically built files objects' with it?
If anyone has this issue, I guess you can not use sub categories like local_dependencies.
This worked for me:
injector: {
options: {
destFile : 'app/static/index.html',
ignorePath: 'app/'
files: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'app/static/css/',
src: ['*.css'],
dest: 'app/static/css',
ext: '.css'

how to config grunt.js to minify files separately

there are some js files in static/js/
1. a.js
2. b.js
3. c.js
how to config grunt.js to get below files:
1. a.min.js
2. b.min.js
3. c.min.js
as far, I have to type specific file name:
min: {
dist: {
src: 'js/**/*.js',
dest: 'js/min/xxx.min.js'
Had the same problem and found a solution that would automatically minify all my scripts separately:
uglify: {
build: {
files: [{
expand: true,
src: '**/*.js',
dest: 'build/scripts',
cwd: 'app/scripts'
In grunt 0.4 you can specify multiple dest/src pairs like this:
uglify: {
dist: {
files: {
'dist/main.js': 'src/main.js',
'dist/widget.js': 'src/widget.js'
Or you can use expandMapping, like this:
min: {
files: grunt.file.expandMapping(['path/*.js', 'path2/*.js'], 'destination/', {
rename: function(destBase, destPath) {
return destBase+destPath.replace('.js', '.min.js');
And the output:
path/test.js => destination/path/test.min.js
path2/foo.js => destination/path2/foo.min.js
This below gruntjs works for me for creating minified files for all the js files under a dir
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
uglify: {
build: {
files: [{
expand: true,
src: '**/*.js',
dest: 'build/scripts',
cwd: 'public_html/app',
ext: '.min.js'
// Load the plugin that provides the "uglify" task.
// Default task(s).
grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify']);
From the grunt docs for min:
This task is a multi task, meaning that grunt will automatically
iterate over all min targets if a target is not specified.
So you can do this:
min: {
min_a: {
src: 'a.js',
dest: 'a.min.js'
min_b: {
src: 'b.js',
dest: 'b.min.js'
min_c: {
src: 'c.js',
dest: 'c.min.js'
There's nothing special about the name 'dist' for these tasks.
Use the ext option to name the files .min.js instead of .js
uglify: {
build: {
files: [{
expand: true,
src: '**/*.js',
dest: 'build/scripts',
cwd: 'app/scripts',
ext: '.min.js'
For explicitly export some files into separate output files (in this case all.min.js and all.jquery.js) use:
uglify: {
js: {
files : {
'js/all.min.js' : [
'js/all.jquery.js' : [
options: {
banner: '\n/*! <%= %> <%="dd-mm-yyyy") %> */\n',
preserveComments: 'some',
report: 'min'
I like to keep the original files and also create uglified ones:
uglify: {
dist: {
files: [{
expand: true,
src: '**/*.js',
dest: 'destdir',
cwd: 'srcdir',
rename: function(dest, src) { return dest + '/' + src.replace('.js', '.min.js'); }
You also can use copy and grunt-mindirect.
copy: {
dist: {
src: 'a.js',
dest: 'a.min.js'
minidirect: {
all: 'js/min/*.min.js'
This should work.
I guess it only matters for watch tasks.
In grunt 0.4 you can do this
var filesA = 'a.js', filesB = 'b.js', filesC = 'c.js';
min: {
min_a: {
src: filesA,
dest: 'a.min.js'
min_b: {
src: filesB,
dest: 'b.min.js'
min_c: {
src: filesC,
dest: 'c.min.js'
watch: {
min_a: {
files: filesA,
tasks: ['min:min_a']
min_b: {
files: filesB,
tasks: ['min:min_b']
min_c: {
files: filesC,
tasks: ['min:min_c']
After that just start grunt watch and all will be fine automagically.
In an intention to help others who come to this page in future -
I came across a video which explains on how to minify JS files using Grunt JS here:
The source code is made available here:
Just in case, if the above links are not working:
You can minify all javascript files and combine/concat into one file using the following script:
module.exports = function(grunt){
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
'dest/all.min.js': ['src/app.js', 'src/one.js', 'src/t/two.js']
If you would like to have source maps also generated, you can enable "sourceMap" option as follows:
module.exports = function(grunt){
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
options : {
sourceMap : true,
'dest/all.min.js': ['src/app.js', 'src/one.js', 'src/t/two.js']
In order to retain entire folder structure while minifying JS files, you can use the following script:
module.exports = function(grunt){
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
files: [{
cwd: 'src/',
src: '**/*.js',
dest: 'dest/',
expand: true,
flatten: false,
ext: '.min.js'

