Cordova / Phonegap -- jquery not executing Javascript on <div> load - javascript

I have a single page (index.html) document for phonegap that displays different "pages" when each new "div" is referenced. For example:
<div class="upage ui-page-theme-a" id="view_history" data-role="page" >
I am wanting to have a javascript function automatically execute via Jquery when the "div" is displayed. My code is below.
However I can't get anything to cause it to execute on div load. I can put an "onclick" call in the HTML, ie:
<a onclick="listMeasurements()" class="button" style="" data-role="button">List
Current Measurements</a>
and that works fine, but for some reason I can't get it to execute just from loading. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry in advance if I'm overlooking something obvious.
$('#view_history').on('pagecontainershow', listMeasurements()) ;
// I've also tried bind() etc.
function listMeasurements() {
"use strict" ;
var fName = "listMeasurements():" ;
var measurements_recorded = window.localStorage.length;
$("#Measurements").html("<strong>" + measurements_recorded + "</strong>
measurement(s) recorded");
// Empty the list of recorded tracks
// Iterate over all of the recorded tracks, populating the list
for(var i=0; i<measurements_recorded; i++){
$("#measurement_list").append("<li data-uib=\"jquery_mobile/listitem\" data-ver=\"0\"><span>" + window.localStorage.key(i) + "</span></li>");

From jQuery Mobile 1.4.2 the events have changed & don't work with a binding to a specific page like you have done i.e this -
$('#view_history').on('pagecontainershow', listMeasurements()) ;
won't work anymore.
You need to put a binding something like this on document -
function showSomeLove() {
alert("What is love, baby don't hurt me, no more!");
$(document).on( "pagecontainershow", function( event, ui ) {
var currentPageId = $( ":mobile-pagecontainer" ).pagecontainer( "getActivePage" ).attr('id');
if(currentPageId == 'page-a') {
/*Execute or Call your function here*/
} else if(currentPageId == 'page-b') {
/*do something else*/
For more details read the pagecontainer widget -


jQuery slideDown not working on element with dynamically assigned id

EDIT: I cleaned up the code a bit and narrowed down the problem.
So I'm working on a Wordpress site, and I'm trying to incorporate drop-downs into my menu on mobile, which means I have to use jQuery to assign classes and id's to my already existing elements. I have this code that already works on premade HTML, but fails on dynamically created id's.
Here is the code:
var menuCount = 0;
var contentCount = 0;
//find the mobile menu items
var submenus = $('[title="submenu"]');
if (submenus.length && submenus.parent('.fusion-mobile-nav-item')) {
submenus.addClass('dropdown-title').append('<i id="dropdown-angle" class="fa fa-angle-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>');
submenus.each(function() {
$(this).attr("href", "#m" + menuCount++);
var content = submenus.parent().find('ul.sub-menu');
content.each(function() {
$(this).attr("id", "m" + contentCount++);
$(document).on('click', '.dropdown-title', function(e) {
var currentAttrValue = $(this).attr('href');
if ($('.d-active') || $('.dropdown-title').is('.d-active')) {
} else {
I've registered the elements with the class dropdown-title using $(document).on(...) but I can't figure out what I need to do to register the elements with the custom ID's. I've tried putting the event callback inside the .each functions, I've tried making custom events to trigger, but none of them will get the 2nd to last line of code to trigger. There's no errors in the console, and when I console log the selector I get this:
[ul#m0.sub-menu.dropdown-content, context: document, selector: "#m0"]
So jQuery knows the element is there, I just can't figure out how to register it...or maybe it's something I'm not thinking of, I don't know.
If you are creating your elements dynamically, you should be assigning the .on 'click' after creating those elements. Just declare the 'on click' callback code you posted after adding the ids and classes instead of when the page loads, so it gets attached to the elements with .dropdown-title class.
Check this jsFiddle:
EDIT: Your edited JS code works... There also might be some problem with your HTML or CSS, are you hiding your submenus? Make sure you are not making them transparent.
You're trying to call a function for a attribute, instead of the element. You probably want $(this).slideDown(300).addClass('d-active'); (also then you don't need $(this).addClass('d-active'); before)
Inside submenus.each loop add your callback listener.
As you are adding the class dropdown-title dynamically, it was not available at dom loading time, that is why event listener was not attached with those elemnts.
var menuCount = 0;
var contentCount = 0;
//find the mobile menu items
var submenus = $('[title="submenu"]');
if (submenus.length && submenus.parent('.fusion-mobile-nav-item')) {
submenus.addClass('dropdown-title').append('<i id="dropdown-angle" class="fa fa-angle-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>');
submenus.each(function() {
$(this).attr("href", "#m" + menuCount++);
// add callback here
$(this).click( function(e) {
var currentAttrValue = $(this).attr('href');
if ($('.d-active') || $('.dropdown-title').is('.d-active')) {
} else {
var content = submenus.parent().find('ul.sub-menu');
content.each(function() {
$(this).attr("id", "m" + contentCount++);
Turns out my problem is that jQuery is adding to both the mobile menu and the desktop menu, where the desktop menu is being loaded first when I search for that ID that's the one that jQuery finds. So it turns out I was completely wrong about my suspicions.

Transfer data from one page to another jQuery Mobile

I using PhoneGap to create a Geolocation App following this excellent tutorial (link). Unfortunatelly, I'm having an issue that I can't figure out. The relevant parts that are giving me a headache are these:
//Section 1
$('#history').on('pageshow', function () {
tracks_recorded = window.localStorage.length;
$("#tracks_recorded").html("<strong>" + tracks_recorded + "</strong> workout(s) recorded");
for (i = 0; i < tracks_recorded; i++) {
$("#history_tracklist").append("<li><a href='#track_info' data-ajax='false'>" + window.localStorage.key(i) + "</a></li>");
//Section 2
$("#history_tracklist li a").on('click', function () {
$("#track_info").attr("track_id", $(this).text());
//Section 3
$('#track_info').on('pageshow', function () {
var key = $(this).attr("track_id");
$("#track_info div[data-role=header] h1").text(key);
var data = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
data = JSON.parse(data);
Section 1 works just fine, the data is stored, and the list is created without any issues. But then in Section 2 is when everything goes to hell. By clicking on the element, a new attribute (track_id) is supposed to be created, but it doesn't. Therefore, in Section 3, the "var key" won't get a value, and as a consequence, "var data" will be null also. As you can imagine, nothing works from there. What am I doing wrong here? I only included what I considered the relevant code, but if more is needed I'll do so. Thansk!
In section 2, I think you just need to delegate click handling to the "#history_tracklist" container, as follows :
$("#history_tracklist").on('click', "li a", function () {
$("#track_info").attr("track_id", $(this).text());
Without delegation you have a rule saying :
when any existing li a element within #history_tracklist is clicked execute my function
With delegation, you have a rule saying :
when any existing or future li a element within #history_tracklist is clicked execute my function

Load html on an element with jQuery

I am trying to fill the html of a component with the result of an AJAX request, and it works... but only first time. This is for a phonegap application, and it tries to "encapsulate" a web on the app. I show you my code and after I´ll explain better.
My code is this:
function loadPage(rute, callback)
console.log("ruta: " + rute);
jQuery.get(rute, function(htmlTemplate)
var data = eraseExtraContentExternalPages(jQuery(htmlTemplate).filter("#wrapper"));
data = eraseLinksExternalPages(data);
console.log("#############BODY(wrapper)############# " + data.html());
function eraseExtraContentExternalPages(data)
return data;
function eraseLinksExternalPages(data)
var a = jQuery(this);
var href = a.attr("href");
if(href && href.indexOf(".jpg")==-1 && href.indexOf(".gif")==-1 && href.indexOf(".png")==-1 && href.indexOf(".jpge")==-1)
a.attr("href","javascript:loadPage('"+ href +"');");
return data;
What I do (I think is simple), I am trying to erease many html elements that are annoying on the app, and after change the href attribute of the "a" element, for a javascript action (loadPage), and it seems that works, becouse on the first console.log of the loadPage function I can see (when I press a link) how the rute is the correct, and on the second console.log I can see ALL THE CONTENT of data.html on the logcat (with eclipse), but the screen stay white-gray and with a little square on the left top corner...
Any Idea?? Why the html that I can see on the logs doesn´t load on the body??
Thank you very much!!

Creating a way to navigate back when using jQuery for AJAX

I am dynamically loading content into part of a page using jQuery .load().
It is working well, but I am having trouble building a way for the user to navigate back to the original content after the new content has been loaded.
I have created a 'close' icon with css which exists on the new page which is loaded, but I am not sure how to set up the jQuery / JavaScript in order for it to navigate the user back to the original state of that part of the page.
This is the relevant js:
// pages to load
var loadLudwig = "lw.html";
$("#work a:first-child").click(function() {
$("#work").fadeTo('slow', 0, function() {
$("#work").load(loadLudwig, function(){
$("#work").fadeTo('slow', 1);
// (& this part is working fine)
The relevant HTML (on the original page) is like this (its a grid of images embedded within anchor tags):
<section id="work">
...img and svg stuff
I tried many variations of:
$("#close-button").click(function() {
$("#work").fadeTo('slow', 0, function () {
$("#work").load('home.html #work', function() {
$("#work").fadeTo('slow', 1);
but this loads the content very strangely / some of the original functionality of #work is lost.
How do I get my close button to navigate back to the original state of #work?
In the jquery documentation for .load() is stated that:
Script Execution
When calling .load() using a URL without a suffixed selector
expression, the content is passed to .html() prior to scripts being
removed. This executes the script blocks before they are discarded. If
.load() is called with a selector expression appended to the URL,
however, the scripts are stripped out prior to the DOM being updated,
and thus are not executed. An example of both cases can be seen below:
Here, any JavaScript loaded into #a as a part of the document will
successfully execute.
1. $( "#a" ).load( "article.html" );
However, in the following case, script blocks in the document being
loaded into #b are stripped out and not executed:
1. $( "#b" ).load( "article.html #target" );
This is a probable cause for lack of functionality.
I'd also look into event binding. In your code examples you're using .click but if you are loading content or you are creating elements on-the-fly you should be favoring .on(). This method delegates events instead of just binding them to a DOM node.
I'd recommend you reading the whole article.
Here is a quick n'dirty way of achieving the effect
// pages to load
var loadLudwig = "lw.html",
$work = $('#work'),
$workContent = $work.children(),
$closeButton = $("#close-button");
$work.find('a:first-child').click(function() {
$work.fadeTo('slow', 0, function() {
//Here is the tricky part
//Detaching keeps all the jQuery data on the elements
//The first time, load the content,
//if the content is already loaded
//append it to the container
$work.load(loadLudwig, function(){
//Save the content in a var
//so you can reuse it later
$ludwig = $work.children();
$work.fadeTo('slow', 1);
} else {
$work.fadeTo('slow', 1);
$ {
$work.fadeTo('slow', 0, function () {
//Remove the old content, don't worry
//because is stored in $ludwig
//Instead of reloading the content, just
//attach the fragment again
$work.fadeTo('slow', 1);
You probably need to save the html somewhere. For example:
// Top of file
var oldHTML = "";
// Lots of stuff...
$("#work a:first-child").click(function() {
$("#work").fadeTo('slow', 0, function() {
// Store the old html
oldHTML = $("#work").html();
$("#work").load(loadLudwig, function(){
$("#work").fadeTo('slow', 1);
// Code for the close button
$("#close-button").click(function() {
$("#work").fadeTo('slow', 0, function () {
Alternatively, instead of replacing the html, you could create another child. Of course, you might have to slightly change your markup.
<section id="work">
<div id="oldHTML">
...img and svg stuff
<div id="newSection" style="display:none;">
Then replace $("#work") with $("#oldHTML") in your first piece of code like so:
$("#oldHTML a:first-child").click(function() {
$("#oldHTML").fadeTo('slow', 0, function() {
$("#newSection").load(loadLudwig, function(){
$("#newSection").show().fadeTo('slow', 1);
// Code for the close button
$("#close-button").click(function() {
$("#newSection").fadeTo('slow', 0, function () {

JScrollPane Plugin - Reinitialize on Collapse

I'm trying to get JScrollPane to reinitialize on expand/collapse of my accordion found here. You can demo the accordion by clicking on one of the parents (Stone Tiles, Stone Sinks, Stone Wall Clading, etc).
Right now I set it as a click event using the following JQuery...
var pane = $('.menuwrap')
var api ='jsp');
var i = 1;
$("ul#widget-collapscat-5-top > li.collapsing").click(function() {
It seems to work when you click the parent the second time, but not the first. I have no idea why but I went into trying to edit the JS for the accordion so that I can add this function when the collapse is complete (as opposed to trying to do this click workaround). The collapse JS can be viewed here.
I tried to add the JS for the reinitialize function here, but I think I'm not doing something properly.
May you point me in the right direction?
The api.reinitialise() is working properly. What is happening is that it updates the size when you click, and at this moment the element is not expanded yet. You may notice that if you expand, colapse and expand again the same section, nothing happens. But if you expand one and then click another one, the ScrollPane will adjust to the size of the first expanded element.
You can solve this with events: place $(this).trigger('colapseComplete') when the colapse ends. Then you can use:
//Listening to the colapseComplete event we triggered above
$("#widget-collapscat-5-top > li.collapsing").on('colapseComplete', function() {
Maybe you can alter the addExpandCollapse function to call the reinitialise function at the end of each of its click actions this way :
function addExpandCollapse(id, expandSym, collapseSym, accordion) {
jQuery('#' + id + ' .expand').live('click', function() {
if (accordion==1) {
var theDiv = jQuery(this).parent().parent().find('span.collapse').parent().find('div');
createCookie(theDiv.attr('id'), 0, 7);
jQuery('#' + id + ' .expand .sym').html(expandSym);
expandCat(this, expandSym, collapseSym);
api.reinitialise(); // HERE
return false;
jQuery('#' + id + ' .collapse').live('click', function() {
collapseCat(this, expandSym, collapseSym);
api.reinitialise(); // and HERE
return false;
and to be on a safer side, make sure you have the var api ='jsp'); line before the above piece of code anywhere in the file.

