Meteor get autovalue _id inside collection - javascript

I have this field which is working as I want
tagSlug: {
type: String,
label: "slug",
autoValue: function() {
if (this.siblingField('tag').isSet) {
return URLify2(this.siblingField('tag').value);
But I also want to make another field named nameSlug which needs two fields to be slugged, _id and title if I use this.siblingField('title').value I get title value but nothing hapens if I use this.siblingField('_id').value this may be because _id is not a field inside the form... The final output I want is something like this this-is-awesome-title-xDux1if the last param is _id cutted to 6 or 7 characters I don't know what I will do yet in order to not create large slug strings, but you get the idea.
So basically what I want is to access _id field from inside collection for autoValue another field.
I'm using meteor-autoform so I didn't create any Whatever.insert method because they're created automaticaly.

If you don't need to store it, you can use virtualfields or collection-helpers


mongoose query with different input

I want to check in a db if 'test' exists in a document, in a specific field. If exists, I want to increment it by 1, to look like this 'test-1', and then check again in the db, and repeat until it's not found, than save it there.
I don't have a problem with the increment part, just with the mongoose/mongodb part where I need to re-query with the new value. Is there any way that can be done in the same query, multiple times?
Edited: I want to create a new field based on the name, but I want this field to be unique, because I want to use it as an id.
So, for instance, if I have something like name: 'John Smith' I want to create a new field in my document like this: uniqueId: john-smith, for the same document. The problem is, if another John Smith is inserted in my collection, I want to check if the uniqueId john-smith is available, if not I want to append a -1 to it, so it will look like this john-smith-1, and so on, until a john-smith-(number) is not found, then I will know the id is unique and save it to the document.
One idea would be to use a Model.find() inside of a recursive function with the uniqueId, and repeat until a document is not found. But I was wondering if there might be another way, maybe something less complicated?
mongodb v4.2.3

Firestore data model is inconsistent

I'm trying to save some data in firestore, the data consists of events, each event has a date and each some attendees.
What I'm trying to do now is model it like this events/${eventDate}/${userEmail} and then I would set this with the user's data. However when I try to set this data I get an error saying that the segment number should be even.
When I added another segment in the path (which I didn't want to do):
events/${eventDate}/attendees/${userEmail} I was able to set the data but I wasn't able to retrieve it (trying to retrieve all attendees of a given event date.
// insertion - this worked after some tweaking
this.db.collection('pickups').doc(pickupDate).set({ [email]: userData})
// deletion (this doesn't work - expects even number of segments)
// retrieval (works)
Current delete:
[email]: firestore.FieldValue.delete()
What am I missing here? Isn't this supposed to be like regular JSON?
The path you're currently trying events/${eventDate}/${userEmail} is interpreted as a collection (events) then a document (eventDate) then another document (userEmail).
What you actually have is a collection, document within that collection, field within that document.
It looks like you're adding the email correctly (I would remove the brackets around the word email though), but trying to delete incorrectly. You delete fields like this:
var removeCapital = cityRef.update({
capital: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.delete()
You can see the documentation here:
The delete may look like this:
email: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.delete()
It sounds like what you're trying to do is delete a field out of a document. However, this code you have:
is trying to build a reference to a collection, then delete it. It's not correct to use collection() and doc() to reference fields in a document. They are just used to build references to documents and collections.
If you want to delete a field in a document, first build a reference to the document that contains the field:
const ref = this.db.collection('pickups').doc(pickupDate)
Then update the document to indicate that you want the field removed:
ref.update({ [email]: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.delete() }}
The way you reference delete() out of FieldValue is going to change based on how you have the SDK imported into your code.
See the documentation on deleting fields for more information.

label/data mechanism in "OO.ui.ComboBoxInputWidget"

OOUI's OO.ui.ComboBoxInputWidget allows to set an array of
OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget objects in its menu.items config field.
Such an item can have a label and a data field. The data field can
be of type object 1.
Now, if I use a data field of typeobject the value of the
OO.ui.ComboBoxInputWidget will be "[Object object]", as it tries to cast
the data value to a string when a user selects an option item.
So it looks like OO.ui.ComboBoxInputWidget allows only data of type
string in its options. Is that correct?
That would also mean that there is no "label/data" mechanism of the input
field itself. If I've got the following options
{ label: "Rot", data: "red" },
{ label: "Gelb", data: "yellow" },
{ label: "GrĂ¼n", data: "green" }
and the user selects the option with label "Gelb" the input field shows
"yellow", not "Gelb". The code example in the official documentation shows this behavior [2]. Did I miss something? Is it possible to show a
label to the user but retrieve the data (object) when calling
getValue on such a field?
This question was originally posted on the wikitech-l mailing list. You can find the thread here:
In general, the 'data' property for items inside the GroupElement can be strings or objects, as they represent some state of your item. In OO.ui.mixin.GroupElement, the method getItemFromData can then return a specific item based on its data property. If you use an Object for the data, OOUI will use its OO.getHash() to basically stringify your object, so it can make sure it retrieves the right one.
The property 'data' actually comes all the way up the hierarchy chain from OO.ui.Element (if you look at that method, the description of that parameter is the same) -- and at that level, it definitely allows for any sort of data, be it a string or an object.
However, when dealing with specific cases, like that of the ComboBoxInputWidget (the terminology of "input widget" usually suggests something inside a form in OOjs-UI) means that putting the data as an object doesn't make sense usually. Unless your use case requires something very different, we usually want ComboBoxInputWidget to have the 'value' => 'label' pair, so it uses its 'data' property as the 'value' and expects a string.
As for the second part of your question, I am not 100% sure I understood it (please correct me if so) but from what I understand, if you set your OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget items with their data as the value ('red' / 'yellow' / 'green' etc) and the label as the mw.msg that the user sees, then it should work out of the box.
So if you look at the example given in the docs for ComboBoxInputWidget you can set your item's data to the color (value) and the label to the word you want to display, and when the user picks an option, the label needs to show in the ComboBoxInputWidget.
Be aware, though, that if you listen to 'choose' or 'select' event from this input widget, you get the selected item, so if you're projecting that choice into some other input, you should ask for the label (item.getLabel()) and not the data.
Thanks for your explanations.
It looks like OOUI does not support something like that (yet).
An example: You've got a option value "Q7186" and a label value "Marie
Curie". When the user selects "Marie Curie" the user interface will
say: "Q7186". A user might be confused.
I know that some UI frameworks handle this by showing the label of
the selected item to the user in a DIV element or something else and
storing the actual value in an internal variable. When it comes to form
submission and the need to provide an actual "value string" they use a
hidden field and maybe a valueField config option in case the "value"
is not a string but an object (thus allowing to set the string value of
the hidden field from a field within the value object).
Maybe that's something for future development.

How to query a field explicitly and get all possible results? Mongo

If you had a collection as such.
user {
name: String,
email: String,
information: String
You would do something like so to get a list of all John's that have information of doctor.
db.user.find({name: "John", information: "doctor" });
Now this makes the code redundant when having variable inputs. Such as having permutations of fields to filter. I'm trying to make my query generic, such as this bad broken example.
Therefore I might want to be able to explicitly state fields that can match any value. The following examples should return the same documents in theory.
Un-Explicit (normal) db.user.find({});
Explicit (weird) db.user.find({name: {$ANY}});
Or make it even more complex.
db.user.find({name: {$ANY}, information: "doctor"});
This would not work, but the intention is to get all the documents that are doctors but have ANY sort of value on the name field, not just for John's. Maybe even something more complex like so.
db.user.find({name: function(){
if( if empty
{ return; }
else { return $ANY; }
}, information: "doctor"});
This would then be generic enough to use a single query instance for dynamic request behavior.As far as I know there isn't anything like this implemented.
Thank you in advance.
To get all the documents that are doctors but have ANY sort of value on the name field, you need the $exists and $ne operators in your query, since the $exists operator matches the documents that contain the field, including documents where the field value is null and the $ne operator selects the documents where the name field is not null:
db.user.find({"name": { "$exists": true, "$ne": null }, "information": "doctor"});
If you want to find all the documents with information = 'doctor', why not just query without the name?
db.user.find({information: "doctor" });

How can i get the ExtJs item from the panel if i have its name

I have the Form Panel and then i have 10 form fields in it like textbox etc.
Now i have those stored in javascript array of objects like this Fieldarray = []
Now is there any way from that array i can get the each field by its name.
I want to insert those fields in different form
Something like
NameFieldObject = getElement(fieldArray, 'firstname')
so that i get the firstname object from that array for ExtJS elements
While supporting existdissolve's answer, what else I can suggest you is to make Fieldarray an object with keys as fieldnames/ids instead of an array so that lookup will be easier.
Fieldarray = { firstName: field1, lastName: field2}
I think you can dispense with the custom array...a form panel already has access to its own children, and has a number of built-in methods that can be used to deal with all fields, individual fields, etc.
For example, to find a particular field by name, you can simply use the findField() method, as documented here:!/api/Ext.form.Basic-method-findField

