Saving Files Locally - javascript

I'm trying to create a page where there are links to online pdf's.
When you click these links, it will save the file locally, and add a name / path to local storage.
I then iterate over the local storage keys, to display links to each saved file.
I'm having issues with saving files locally. I tried using chrome filesystem api:
function saveFile() {
type: "saveFile",
suggestedName: "file.txt"
function (savedFile) {
localStorage[s] = saveFile.fullPath;
but I get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'chooseEntry' of undefined.
Essentially, I need to save a file to the system, and get that path. It is preferable if there is no prompt to select name/location.

If the app is a Chrome extension then I think it is likely that the fileSystem API has not been enabled. For a chrome app you need to enable it via the manifest.json file for that application, you may also be able to ask for user permission.
If it is for a web application then you can request the file system using window.webkitRequestFileSystem although this will only be possible in Chrome (and maybe still Opera).
For cross browser file storage and download support you could use something like Dexie for browser IndexedDB storage and the FileSaver and Blob libraries although you will not have the same storage capacity and flexibility than with the native chrome APIs. Here is an example for FileSaver & Blob:
var blob = new Blob([data.text], {
type: "text/csv;charset=utf-8"
saveAs(blob, data.label + ".csv");

Is this a Google Chrome Application?
If so, you must have the following entry in your manifest file:
"permissions" : [
"fileSystem" : ["write", "directory"]
(Be careful with the spelling. I encountered the error because I wrote permission instead of permissions)


Meteor android app not showing images

I am using the excellent file-collection package,
to store images in my Mongo database. Running the app on Android doesn't show the images (they appear as broken images). In the browser it is perfect.
I don't think the problem is unique to this package, as it is using Mongo's gridfs to store the images, and provides URL's to access them.
Here is a note from Vaughn in the documentation:
Cordova Android Bug with Meteor 1.2+
Due to a bug in the Cordova Android version that is used with Meteor
1.2, you will need to add the following to your mobile-config.js or you will have problems with this package on Android devices:
Which I have done, but without success.
I also see the documentation references setting headers to deal with CORS issues, like this:
myFiles = new FileCollection('myFiles',
{ resumable: true, // Enable built-in resumable.js chunked upload support
http: [ // Define HTTP route
{ method: 'get', // Enable a GET endpoint
path: '/:md5', // this will be at route "/gridfs/myFiles/:md5"
lookup: function (params, query) { // uses express style url params
return { md5: params.md5 }; // a query mapping url to myFiles
handler: function (req, res, next) {
if (req.headers && req.headers.origin) {
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://meteor.local'); // For Cordova
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', true);
But again without success.
Looking at the network tab on the inspector, I can't even see requests for the images from the server, which suggests that it is being denied by something in the Cordova code, and it's not even trying to go out and get the images.
I have reproduced the problem using Vaughn's demo app, which I have forked and added the android platform, so it's ready to go if you care to try and help.
If you do a meteor run android-device it should run on the Android. You will need to register and then upload an image to see the problem. From a browser it works fine.
Any help would be appreciated, this is a show stopper for my project. One option I have considered is to move the images to an S3 bucket, which I think should work, but I'd like to keep the images in the db if I can.
I had a similar issue once with gridfs. I believe that the issue comes because the image source is a relative source. So your image sources are coming from localhost. It works on the web version because the browser is on the same machine as your server, so a localhost source works fine. But on the android device it won't work because the images are not served on that device.
When I had this problem I just deployed to production and it worked on mobile devices because the image source pointed to a url that was on the internet and not relative to the device. This works for production but not for dev testing.
When I saw this question I cloned your code and got it working on an android device for local dev.
The first step I did is to set the ROOT_URL env variable and mobile server to point to the your local server. When you run meteor locally you can run a command like this to set these variables, using your computer's local ip address
export ROOT_URL= && meteor run android-device --mobile-server=
Next, in your Template.collTest.helpers link function, you need to use the absolute url instead of a relative one (so that on your mobile device it will look to your local server instead of localhost). To dynamically get this so that it works on different servers, you can use something like this
Meteor.absoluteUrl(myData.baseURL + "/md5/" + this.md5)
Then I had to add the computer's ip address to the content security policies in the sample.jade file.
I almost forgot, at this point I was getting a 403 forbidden error. I changed the myData.allow read function in and just returned true and the 403 was gone, something was happening with the permissions there
After that the image showed up on my android device.

How to write file in Google Chrome App without prompting?

I am fumbling around with the free Chrome Dev Editor on my Chromebook. I am trying to use the fileSystem to read and write .txt files. It is all very wrapped up, not at all like in C. I can no more tell if I am even allowed to do something, let alone where the proper place is to find out how.
I think the files I can see using the Files thingy are in the sandbox that I am allowed to play in (meaning, folders that are accessible by the app?) The root is called Downloads. Sure enough, if I use all the dot calls and callback arguments for the read, as in the examples at, it works. But I have to have a prompt
every time for both reads and writes.
A little more Googling came up with this trick: (I think it was here in stackoverflow, in fact) a chrome.runtime call, getPackagedDirectoryEntry, that seems to give me a handle to the folder of my app. Great! That's all I need to not have to go through the prompting. For the readfile, anyway.
But then trying to apply the same trick to the writefile did not work. In fact, it did nothing discernible. No errors, no complaints. Nothing. Even though the write file with prompting works fine (so presumably I have the permissions and Blob construction right.) What to do?
Here is my code:
function test(){
// Samsung 303C Chromebook - Chrome Dev Editor - /Downloads/Daily/main.js
// prompted write
b.write(new Blob(["Programming fun"],{type:'text/plain'}));
},function(e){trace.innerText = 'error is ' + e;});
// unprompted read
var d = new FileReader();
d.onloadend = function(){trace.innerText = this.result;};
// unprompted write - why not?
c.write(new Blob(["Miss Manners fan"],{type:'text/plain'}));
},function(e){trace.innerText = 'error is ' + e;});
To be fair, Filesystem API is a big mess of callbacks and it's not unreasonable to get drowned in it.
It's not currently documented, but chrome.runtime.getPackageDirectoryEntry returns a read-only DirectoryEntry, and there is no way to make it writable (it's specifically blacklisted).
You probably don't see an error, because it fails at the getFile stage, for which you don't have an error handler.
Unfortunately, for a Chrome App the only option to write out to a real filesystem is to prompt the user. However, you can retain the entry and ask only once.
If you don't need to write out to the real filesystem but need only internal storage, HTML Filesystem API can help you (yes, it's marked as abandoned, but Chrome maintains it since chrome.fileSystem is built on it).
Extensions additionally have access to chrome.downloads API that enables writing to (but not reading) the Downloads folder.
P.S. What you see in Files app is your "real" local filesystem in ChromeOS + mounted cloud filesystems (e.g. Google Drive)
You can use the basic web Filesystem API. First, add the "unlimitedStorage" permission. Then, copy the packaged files to the sandboxed filesystem, like this:
chrome.runtime.getPackageDirectoryEntry(function(package) {
package.getMetadata(function(metadata) {
webkitRequestFileSystem(PERSISTENT, metadata.size, function(filesystem) {

Saving files in a Chrome App

Normally I could download a bunch of files, but Chrome Apps won't show the download shelf when a download occurs. What would be the best way of getting around this limitation of Chrome Apps?
I could go about this by creating a zip file, but this would require the user to perform an extra step of unzipping the file.
I'm able to silently download the files, and so I could display a prompt to the user when the file is downloaded, but this would require the user to manually search for the file in their downloads folder.
What I've Learned
Everywhere on the internet tells me to use Chrome's download API, but this only works for Chrome extensions and not Chrome apps.
I can't bring up a save as window because 50 save as windows for 50 files is unacceptable
I can, however, bring up a prompt using chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({'type': "openDirectory"} to ask the user to choose a directory, but I can't find a way of saving to that directory.
My question is basically the same as How can a Chrome extension save many files to a user-specified directory? but for a Chrome app instead of an extension.
Project and Example Code
The app I'm building will be the same as this webpage I've built, but with a few modifications to make it work as a web-app.
This is how my website solves the problem
let a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = example_pic;
I can, however, bring up a prompt using chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({'type': "openDirectory"}) to ask the user to choose a directory, but I can't find a way of saving to that directory.
That's what you need to work on.
Suppose you declare all the sub-permissions for the fileSystem API:
"permissions": [
{"fileSystem": ["write", "retainEntries", "directory"]}
Then you can:
Get an entry from the user:
chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({'type': "openDirectory"}, function(dirEntry) {
// Check for chrome.runtime.lastError, then use dirEntry
Retain it, so you can reuse it later without asking the user again:
dirEntryId = chrome.fileSystem.retainEntry(dirEntry);
// Use to save/retrieve it
chrome.fileSystem.restoreEntry(dirEntryId, function(entry) { /* ... */ });
Using the HTML FileSystem API, create files in the directory:
{create: true}, // add "exclusive: true" to prevent overwrite
function(fileEntry) { /* write here */ },
function(e) { console.error(e) }

Implement cross extension message passing in chrome extension and app

I am trying to do cross extension message passing between chrome extension and chrome app according to this article. But I am not sure that how to do it correctly. I used background js to receive and send messages. But no clue whether it is working or not. Actually I want to save file from chrome extension, since it cannot be done I thought this could work. So any idea or suggestion or example is highly welcome.
I have go through many alternatives as also appears in this question. Then one of answer points this example. I found that this example is works fine. I hope that I could use this mechanism to save file using Chrome App's fileSystem API.
The Chrome messaging APIs can only transfer JSON-serializable values. If the files are small, then you could just read the file content using FileReader in the extension, send the message over the external messaging channel to the Chrome App, then save the data using the FileWriter API.
When the files are big, read the file in chunks using file.slice(start, end) then follow the same method as for small files.
var app_id = '.... ID of app (32 lowercase a-p characters) ....';
var file = ...; // File or Blob object, e.g. from an <input type=file>
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function() {
var message = {
blob: fr.result,
filetype: file.type
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(app_id, message, function(result) {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
// Handle error, e.g. app not installed
console.warn('Error: ' + chrome.runtime.lastError.message);
} else {
// Handle success
console.log('Reply from app: ', result);
fr.onerror = function() { /* handle error */ };
// file or sliced file.
function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
// TODO: Validate that is allowed to invoke the app!
// Do something, e.g. convert back to Blob and do whatever you want.
var blob = new Blob([message.blob], {type: message.filetype});
console.log('TODO: Do something with ' + message.filename + ':', blob);
// Do something, e.g. reply to message
sendResponse('Processed file');
// if you want to send a reply asynchronously, uncomment the next line.
// return true;
EDIT: Although the following method using sounded nice in theory, it does not work in practice because a separate SharedWorker process is created for the app / extension.
If you want to send huge files (e.g. Files), then you could implement the following:
Extension: Create proxy.html (content = <script src=proxy.js></script>). (feel free to pick any other name).
Extension: Put proxy.html in web_accessible_resources.
App: Bind a window.onmessage event listener. This event listener will receive messages from the frame you're going to load in the next step.
App: Load chrome-extension://[EXTENSIONID]/proxy.html in a frame within your app. This extension ID can either be hard-coded (see Obtaining Chrome Extension ID for development) or exchanged via the external extension message passing API (make sure that you validate the source - hardcoding the ID would be the best way).
Extension: When proxy.html is loaded, check whether location.ancestorOrigins[0] == 'chrome-extension://[APPID]' to avoid a security leak. Terminate all steps if this condition fails.
Extension: When you want to pass a File or Blob to the app, use parent.postMessage(blob, 'chrome-extension://[APPID]');
App: When it receives the blob from the extension frame, save it to the FileSystem that you obtained through the chrome.fileSystem API.
The last task to solve is getting a file from the extension to the extension frame (proxy.html) that is embedded in the app. This can be done via a SharedWorker, see this answer for an example (you can skip the part that creates a new frame because the extension frame is already created in one of the previous steps).
Note that at the moment (Chrome 35), Files can only be sent with a work-around due to a bug.

Save a file without the save dialog box in Chrome Apps

In my chrome app, I am writing some data to a file.
I used the following code available in the official website under Storage APIs
chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({type: 'saveFile'}, function(writableFileEntry) {
writableFileEntry.createWriter(function(writer) {
writer.onerror = errorHandler;
writer.onwriteend = function(e) {
console.log('write complete');
writer.write(new Blob(['1234567890'], {type: 'text/plain'}));
}, errorHandler);
Now I need to avoid popping up the save dialog box, and save this file in a predefined location.
Is this possible to do?
If you want persistent data but don't want to bother the user with the location of the data on the local machine, you have several options:
Local storage
HTML5 file API
None of these will give you real files that the user can access. If the user (in addition to your own app) needs to be able to access the file that you've written, then the user needs to be asked where to put the file. As Cerbrus said in the comment to your question, silently putting a file somewhere on the user's machine would be a security issue.
A new feature in Chrome 31 is chrome.fileSystem.retainEntry. Using this API, your app will keep the ability to retain a number of fileEntries, including directories, across app restarts, so that you won't have to keep bugging the user to choose the file location. It's my understanding that there are restrictions in which locations the user is allowed to pick, so that a malicious app can't direct the user to instruct Chrome to overwrite system files.

