AngularJS $parse not working - javascript

I am trying to understand $parse, based on the documentation. But I am having trouble to get my test code working. Am I using $parse service the right way?
The main part of the code is:
app.directive('try', function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
sayHello: "&hello"
transclude: true,
template: "<div style='background:gray;color:white'>Hello I am try: <span ng-transclude></span><div>",
link: function($scope, $elem, $attr) {
var getter = $parse($attr.sayHello);
// var setter = getter.assign;
$elem.on('click', function() {
See my code at:

I haven't used the $parse method, but this code achives what you are looking for:

As far as I can tell, the $parse service is intended to be used outside of an isolate scope.
When you have an isolate scope, like in your directive, you can obtain a reference to the parent scope's function using the 'sayHello': '&' as proposed in Shai's answer. The $parse service might still work as expected even with an isolate scope, if you are able to pass in the parent scope instead of the directive's scope when calling getter($scope), but I haven't tested that.
Edit: This is indeed the case - using getter($scope.$parent) works fine. When an isolate scope is used in your directive, the $scope variable no longer refers to the correct context for the getter function returned by the $parse service. Access the correct one by using $scope.$parent.
However, if you are avoiding an isolate scope, your approach works well. Try removing the scope: { ... } section out of your directive definition entirely and you'll see it works fine. This is handy if you are creating a directive for event binding that might be applied to an element in conjunction with another directive that has an isolate scope, say a dragenter directive (which isn't provided by Angular). You couldn't use Shai's method in that case, since the isolate scopes would collide and you'd get an error, but you could use the $parse service.
Here's an updated plunker with the scope removed from the directive definition:


Prevent controller from creating new scope object

I am passing a custom scope object to the $compile and creating a custom template. If I apply a directive on the elements inside the template, scope that is changing is the one that is passed to the $compile, and that's really what I wanted.
However, I just thought that it might be good to also have a controller on some elements inside the template,
<div ng-controller="controllerName" >
but ng-controller doesn't set data on the passed scope but creates its own and uses that one. Is there a way to make ngController to use existing scope and not create a new one ?
We create our controllers and wrap them in factories to make them accessible. We apply or controllers through directives (also going away). This gives you a controller that is scoped to the directive, which has better control for scope, this works for us as the directives where we do this for are usually components.
I don't know if this will be an option given the road you are down now. I would suggest trying to stop using ng-controller. You may want to look at angular 2 now just to keep it in mind as a migration path, it is coming in the fairly near future. They have removed ng-controller, a lot of what they are doing in angular 2 can be done now.
This is a good resource on why these things are a bad idea
If you look at the source code for ng-controller, you will see it is very simple:
var ngControllerDirective = [function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: true,
controller: '#',
priority: 500
You can actually create an almost identical alternate directive that just defines scope: false (or omits the scope key altogether, same thing):
app.directive('controllerNoScope', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
controller: '#',
priority: 500 // same as ng-controller
(You may want to give it a better name).
See this Plunkr for a demo that shows the scope has the same $id as the outer one, meaning it is the same scope.

AngularJs: Binding a property of a scope object to a directive

I'm somewhat new to AngularJs, so forgive me if this is a newb question, but I've looked around a bit and haven't been able to figure this out.
I'm trying to send an attribute of an object into a directive and I'm not quite sure why this isn't working.
I've got a scope variable that's an object, something like:
$scope.player = {name:"", hitpoints:10};
In my HTML, I'm attempting to bind that to a directive:
<span accelerate target="player.hitpoints" increment="-1">Take Damage</span>
In my directive, I'm attempting to modify player.hitpoints like this:
scope[] += attrs.increment;
When I trace it out, scope[] is undefined, even though is "player.hitpoints." When I use target="player", that traces out just fine but I don't want to have to manipulate the .hitpoints property explicitly in the directive.
Edit: I've made a jsfiddle to illustrate what I'm trying to do:
There is a way to share scope between your controller and directive. Here is very good post by Dan Wahlin on scope sharing in Directive -
There are 3 ways to do so
# Used to pass a string value into the directive
= Used to create a two-way binding to an object that is passed into the directive
& Allows an external function to be passed into the directive and invoked
Just a very basic example on how the above mentioned scope are to be used
angular.module('directivesModule').directive('myIsolatedScopeWithModel', function () {
return {
scope: {
customer: '=' //Two-way data binding
template: '<ul><li ng-repeat="prop in customer">{{ prop }}</li></ul>'
There are a number of things going on here:
#1 - scope
Once you define your isolated scope (along the lines of #Yasser's answer), then you don't need to deal with attrs - just use
#2 - template
Something actually needs to handle the click event. In your fiddle there is just <span class="btn"...>. You need ng-click somewhere. In your case, you probably want the directive to handle the click. So modify the directive's template and define the click handler in the directive's scope:
template: "<button class='btn' ng-click='click()'>Button</button>",
link: function(scope, element, attrs)
{ = function(){ += parseInt(attrs.increment);
#3 - transclude
Now, you need to get the contents of the directive to be the contents of the button within your directive's template. You can use transclude parameter with ng-transclude - for location, for that. So, the template above is modified to something like the following:
template: "<button class='btn' ng-click='click()'><div ng-transclude</div></button>",
transclude: true,
Here's your modified fiddle

Isolated scope pitfall with ng-model dependency

Well, since 'improve this doc' button on AngularJS documentation site doesn't work and discussion is now closed, I'd like to ask a question about 'isolated scope pitfall' paragraph of ngModelController.
<div ng-app="badIsolatedDirective">
<input ng-model="someModel"/>
<div isolate ng-model="someModel"></div>
<div isolate ng-model="$parent.someModel"></div>
angular.module('badIsolatedDirective', [])
.directive('isolate', function() {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
scope: { },
template: '<input ng-model="innerModel">',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
scope.$watch('innerModel', function(value) {
I expected to see the third input affecting first one (cause we just isolated second input's scope and have no reference to 'someModel' scope value), btw behavior of this example is just stunning: second input affects first, third doesn't affect anything. So the question is: am I loosing the concept or just don't understand it, or there are mistakes (maybe, not mistakes, but just no connection to the topic) in the example code (well, I changed it on Plunkr to make it work as I expected).
In 1.2.0 timely-delivery there was a major change (here) to how multiple isolate scope directives on the same element work. This change apparently hasn't been reflected in their documentation.
Prior to 1.2.0 all directives on an element shared an isolate scope if any of the directives requested an isolate scope. Therefore in the above example the ngModel directive shared the isolate directive's scope. Which is why we had to reference the parent scope like this- ng-model="$parent.someModel"
That is no longer true in 1.2.0.
In 1.2.0 and beyond the ngModel directive no longer shares scope with isolate. ngModel is now on the parent scope of the isolate directive. Thus we now need ng-model="someModel" instead of ng-model="$parent.someModel"
Here's their description of the change (keeping in mind as you read this that ngModel is a directive):
Make isolate scope truly isolate
Fixes issue with isolate scope leaking all over the place into other directives
on the same element.
Isolate scope is now available only to the isolate directive that requested it
and its template.
A non-isolate directive should not get the isolate scope of an isolate directive
on the same element,instead they will receive the original scope (which is the
parent scope of the newly created isolate scope).
BREAKING CHANGE: Directives without isolate scope do not get the
isolate scope from an isolate directive on the same element. If your
code depends on this behavior (non-isolate directive needs to access
state from within the isolate scope), change the isolate directive to
use scope locals to pass these explicitly.
<input ng-model="$parent.value" ng-isolate>
.directive('ngIsolate', function() { return {
scope: {},
template: '{{value}}' }; });
<input ng-model="value" ng-isolate>
.directive('ngIsolate', function() { return {
scope: {value: '=ngModel'},
template: '{{value}} }; });
Here's a version running 1.2.0-rc3 (the last version before this change) which operates like their documentation describes:
And immediately after, 1.2.0 stable, we no longer need, or want, the reference to '$parent':

Directive behavior changes when defining isolated scope

I have a directive for a javascript grid library slickgrid.
What I want to do is pass the selected row back up the controller. So I want to use isolated scope (using the '=') to get two-way binding working between the controller and directive.
Everything works if I define the directive without any sort of scope declaration:
<slickgrid id="myGrid" data="names" selected-item="selectedItem"></slickgrid>
app.directive('slickgrid', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
//scope: {
// selectedItem: '='
template: '<div></div>',
link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
var redraw = function(newScopeData) {
$scope.$watch(, redraw, true);
But if I uncomment the lines above (lines 19-21 in app.js) it looks like the $scope.$watch which is watching the object is calling redraw but the is being passed in as undefined.
My analysis could be wrong, but I'm not sure why defining the scope would cause this. Can someone explain why that might be?
If you define an isolate scope, then any $watch in your directive will be looking for whatever evaluates to on your isolate scope. evaluates to the string names, so the $watch is looking for $scope.names on your isolate scope, which doesn't exist. (Without the isolate scope, the directive uses the same scope as MainCtrl, and $scope.names exists there.)
To use an isolate scope, you'll need to define another isolate scope property to pass in names:
scope: {
selectedItem: '=',
data: '='
$scope.$watch('data', redraw, true);
The HTML can remain the same.

Scoping issue when setting ngModel from a directive

I have a directive which looks something like:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[])
.directive("test", function() {
return {
template: '<button ng-click="setValue()">Set value</button>',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, iElement, iAttrs, ngModel) {
scope.setValue = function(){
The problem is that if I use this directive multiple times in a page then setValue only gets called on the last declared directive. The obvious solution is to isolate the scope using scope: {} but then the ngModel isn't accessible outside the directive.
Here is a JSFiddle of my code:
For this scenario ngModel probably isn't the right solution. That's mostly for binding values to forms to doing things like marking them dirty and validation...
Here you could just use a two way binding from an isolated scope, like so:
app.directive('test', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
target: '=target',
setTo: '#setTo'
template: '<button ng-click="setValue()">Set value</button>',
controller: function($scope) {
$scope.setValue = function() {
$ = $scope.setTo;
//HACK: to get rid of strange behavior mentioned in comments
All you need to do is add scope: true to your directive hash. That makes a new inheriting child scope for each instance of your directive, instead of continually overwriting "setValue" on whatever scope is already in play.
And you're right about isolate scope. My advice to newbies is just don't use it ever.
Response to comment:
I understand the question better now. When you set a value via an expression, it sets it in the most immediate scope. So what people typically do with Angular is they read and mutate values instead of overwriting values. This entails containing things in some structure like an Object or Array.
See updated fiddle:
("foo" would normally go in a controller hooked up via ngController.)
Another option, if you really want to do it "scopeless", is to not use ng-click and just handle click yourself.

