Doing something on second click with Snap.svg - javascript

I am writing a basic code for an animation on click with Snap.svg. It looks like this:
var s = Snap(500, 500);
var circle = s.rect(100,100,100,100);{
var width = circle.attr('width');
var height = circle.attr('height');
width: width/2,
height :height/2
}, 2000);
I make a rectangle in the top left corner of the container and animate it's width on a click. THEN, however, I want to do something different on the second click, return it to its original state for example.
I'd also be glad to learn how do you handle this second click in Javascript in general.
For example: press this button once and the slide navigation opens. Tap it second time and the navigation dissappears.
Thanks in advance!

You can do that by using the event.detail property. In your case, that would be: {
var width = circle.attr('width');
var height = circle.attr('height');
if (e.detail == 1) {
width: width/2,
height :height/2
}, 2000);
} else if (e.detail == 2) {
circle.animate({ //example
}, 2000);
There, the animation to change back to the original sizes plays when the user performs a double click (so 2x fast). If you basically want to toggle the element, instead of reverting it on doubleclick, you can simply check if the element has a width or height style other than its initial width or height: {
var width = circle.attr('width');
var height = circle.attr('height');
if (parseInt( == parseInt(width) || ! {
width: width/2,
height :height/2
}, 2000);
} else {
circle.animate({ //example
}, 2000);
Then the if() will return true when either the width attribute is equal to the width style, or when the width style is empty/not defined.

You'd want to store what state of the click.
There are many different ways to go about this, but I'll choose two:
Create a counter variable (say, counter) and increment it each time the click handler runs. Then, each time, to decide what to do, see if the number is even or odd:
var counter = 0;{
if(counter % 2 == 0){
Alternatively, you can use a Boolean that changes each time to keep track of which action to perform.
var flag = true;{
flag = false;
flag = true;


Javascript clear timeout on mousemove

I have created an animated menu that opens when the users cursor is placed within 20px of the right hand side of their screen. I want to prevent the menu opening if the users cursor moves out of this region within 2 seconds but I'm struggling with the Javascript timeouts. My code looks like this so far:
// Timer variable
var timer;
function openToolbar()
// Only execute for desktop
$('.no-touch').on('mousemove',function(event) {
// Toolbar and Window width
var tableToolbar = $('.ac-table-toolbar'),
winWidth = $(window).width();
// If cursor enters right hand side of the screen start the timer
// and execute after 2 seconds
if(event.pageX > (winWidth - 20)) {
// Timeout
timer = setTimeout(function()
// Add active class to toobar and css transition will animate it
// to open position
}, 2000);
// If mouse pointer leaves right hand side of the screen and
// still has notActive class cancel the timeout to prevent
// the toolbar from opening
if(event.pageX < (winWidth - 20) && tableToolbar.hasClass('notActive'))
// Toolbar has active class so we know its visible
if(tableToolbar.hasClass('active') && event.pageX < (winWidth - 220))
// Clear timeout (if needed?)
// Remove active class and css transition will return it to docked position
The animation is handled with CSS transitions that are triggered by the active notActive classes.
Please can anyone point me in the right direction. Many thanks in advance.
Too complex for this task. Big amount of mousemove events will slow down your page. Try to use another approach:
<div id='rightActivateZone'></div>
#rightActivateZone {
background-color: red; // change to transparent for your purpose
height: 100%;
width: 20px;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
var timer;
$('#rightActivateZone').on('mouseenter', function() {
timer = setTimeout(function() {
alert('fire!'); // your code to show menu is here
}, 2000);
$('#rightActivateZone').on('mouseleave', function() {
JSFiddle demo
I agree with finelords answer. That is the best approach but to answer your question
We had to do a check on the timer being in existence aswell, see comments below.
var timer = null;
function openToolbar() {
// Moved these out of event to prevent re-processing.
// Toolbar and Window width
var tableToolbar = $('.ac-table-toolbar'),
winWidth = $(window).width();
// Only execute for desktop
$('.no-touch').on('mousemove', function (event) {
// If cursor enters right hand side of the screen start the timer
// and execute after 2 seconds
// here you are setting a timer on every mousemove, even the ones when the cursor is over the active bar so we need to fix by checking if
if (event.pageX > (winWidth - 20) && tableToolbar.hasClass('notActive') && timer == null) {
// Timeout
console.log('setting timeout');
timer = setTimeout(function () {
// Add active class to toobar and css transition will animate it to open position
}, 500);
// If mouse pointer leaves right hand side of the screen and
// still has notActive class cancel the timeout to prevent
// the toolbar from opening
if (event.pageX < (winWidth - 20) && tableToolbar.hasClass('notActive') && timer != null) {
timer = null;
console.log('cancelling timeout 1');
// Toolbar has active class so we know its visible
if (tableToolbar.hasClass('active') && event.pageX < (winWidth - 20)) {
// Clear timeout (if needed?)
timer = null;
console.log('cancelling timeout 2');
// Remove active class and css transition will return it to docked position
Rather than clearing the time out, perhaps let it run, but keep track of the latest mouse position
var currentX;
function openToolbar()
// Only execute for desktop
$('.no-touch').on('mousemove',function(event) {
currentX = event.pageX;
// Toolbar and Window width
var tableToolbar = $('.ac-table-toolbar'),
winWidth = $(window).width();
// If cursor enters right hand side of the screen start the timer
// and execute after 2 seconds
if(currentX > (winWidth - 20)) {
// Timeout
timer = setTimeout(function()
// check the mouse position after the timeout
if(currentX > (winWidth - 20)) {
// Add active class to toobar and css transition will animate it
// to open position
}, 2000);
// Toolbar has active class so we know its visible
if(tableToolbar.hasClass('active') && currentX < (winWidth - 220))
// Remove active class and css transition will return it to docked position

jQuery's visible upon scroll

I try to use jQuery visible plugin to detect if an element is or isn't visible in the viewport. I use a code like this:
animateFrontPage: function(){
var apps = 0;
if($('#apps-shelf').visible(true)) {
apps = 1;
if(apps == 1) {
$('#apps-shelf li').velocity("transition.bounceUpIn", { stagger: 150 });
apps = 0
and I run it with scroll function:
$(window).scroll(function() {
The problem is - animation repeats itself with every scroll. What can I do to prevent it?
If you only want the animation to show once, what you could do is add a class to the element to flag that it is finished - then each time you only carry out the animation if the element does not have this class. Perhaps something along these lines :
animateFrontPage: function(){
var $el = $('#apps-shelf');
if($el.visible(true) && !$el.hasClass('finished')) {
$el.find('li').velocity("transition.bounceUpIn", { stagger: 150 });
This is the else statement you need if you want the other animation to run on these conditions : a) the animation of the first element $('#apps-shelf') has already happened and b) the element $('#apps-shelf') is no longer visible on the screen (you have scrolled past it for example)
animateFrontPage: function(){
var $el = $('#apps-shelf');
if($el.visible(true) && !$el.hasClass('finished')) {
$el.find('li').velocity("transition.bounceUpIn", { stagger: 150 });
} else if (!$el.visible(true) && $el.hasClass('finished')){
//other animation here

Synchronized scrolling using jQuery?

I am trying to implement synchronized scrolling for two DIV with the following code.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#div1").scroll(function () {
$("#div2").scroll(function () {
#div1 and #div2 is having the very same content but different sizes, say
#div1 {
height : 800px;
width: 600px;
#div1 {
height : 400px;
width: 200px;
With this code, I am facing two issues.
1) Scrolling is not well synchronized, since the divs are of different sizes. I know, this is because, I am directly setting the scrollTop value. I need to find the percentage of scrolled content and calculate corresponding scrollTop value for the other div. I am not sure, how to find the actual height and current scroll position.
2) This issue is only found in firefox. In firefox, scrolling is not smooth as in other browsers. I think this because the above code is creating a infinite loop of scroll events.
I am not sure, why this is only happening with firefox. Is there any way to find the source of scroll event, so that I can resolve this issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can use element.scrollTop / (element.scrollHeight - element.offsetHeight) to get the percentage (it'll be a value between 0 and 1). So you can multiply the other element's (.scrollHeight - .offsetHeight) by this value for proportional scrolling.
To avoid triggering the listeners in a loop you could temporarily unbind the listener, set the scrollTop and rebind again.
var $divs = $('#div1, #div2');
var sync = function(e){
var $other = $divs.not(this).off('scroll'), other = $other.get(0);
var percentage = this.scrollTop / (this.scrollHeight - this.offsetHeight);
other.scrollTop = percentage * (other.scrollHeight - other.offsetHeight);
// Firefox workaround. Rebinding without delay isn't enough.
setTimeout( function(){ $other.on('scroll', sync ); },10);
$divs.on( 'scroll', sync);
Runs like clockwork (see DEMO)
var master = "div1"; // this is id div
var slave = "div2"; // this is other id div
var master_tmp;
var slave_tmp;
var timer;
var sync = function ()
if($(this).attr('id') == slave)
master_tmp = master;
slave_tmp = slave;
master = slave;
slave = master_tmp;
$("#" + slave).unbind("scroll");
var percentage = this.scrollTop / (this.scrollHeight - this.offsetHeight);
var x = percentage * ($("#" + slave).get(0).scrollHeight - $("#" + slave).get(0).offsetHeight);
$("#" + slave).scrollTop(x);
if(typeof(timer) !== 'undefind')
timer = setTimeout(function(){ $("#" + slave).scroll(sync) }, 200)
$('#' + master + ', #' + slave).scroll(sync);
This is what I'm using. Just call the syncScroll(...) function with the two elements you want to synchronize. I found pawel's solution had issues with continuing to slowly scroll after the mouse or trackpad was actually done with the operation.
See working example here.
// Sync up our elements.
syncScroll($('.scroll-elem-1'), $('.scroll-elem-2'));
* Synchronize Scroll
* Synchronizes the vertical scrolling of two elements.
* The elements can have different content heights.
* #param $el1 {Object}
* Native DOM element or jQuery selector.
* First element to sync.
* #param $el2 {Object}
* Native DOM element or jQuery selector.
* Second element to sync.
function syncScroll(el1, el2) {
var $el1 = $(el1);
var $el2 = $(el2);
// Lets us know when a scroll is organic
// or forced from the synced element.
var forcedScroll = false;
// Catch our elements' scroll events and
// syncronize the related element.
$el1.scroll(function() { performScroll($el1, $el2); });
$el2.scroll(function() { performScroll($el2, $el1); });
// Perform the scroll of the synced element
// based on the scrolled element.
function performScroll($scrolled, $toScroll) {
if (forcedScroll) return (forcedScroll = false);
var percent = ($scrolled.scrollTop() /
($scrolled[0].scrollHeight - $scrolled.outerHeight())) * 100;
setScrollTopFromPercent($toScroll, percent);
// Scroll to a position in the given
// element based on a percent.
function setScrollTopFromPercent($el, percent) {
var scrollTopPos = (percent / 100) *
($el[0].scrollHeight - $el.outerHeight());
forcedScroll = true;
If the divs are of equal sizes then this code below is a simple way to scroll them synchronously:
scroll_all_blocks: function(e) {
var scrollLeft = $([0].scrollLeft;
var len = $('.scroll_class').length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
$('.scroll_class')[i].scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
Here im using horizontal scroll, but you can use scrollTop here instead. This function is call on scroll event on the div, so the e will have access to the event object.
Secondly, you can simply have the ratio of corresponding sizes of the divs calculated to apply in this line $('.scroll_class')[i].scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
I solved the sync scrolling loop problem by setting the scroll percentage to fixed-point notation: percent.toFixed(0), with 0 as the parameter. This prevents mismatched fractional scrolling heights between the two synced elements, which are constantly trying to "catch up" with each other. This code will let them catch up after at most a single extra step (i.e., the second element may continue to scroll an extra pixel after the user stops scrolling). Not a perfect solution or the most sophisticated, but certainly the simplest I could find.
var left = document.getElementById('left');
var right = document.getElementById('right');
var el2;
var percentage = function(el) { return (el.scrollTop / (el.scrollHeight - el.offsetHeight)) };
function syncScroll(el1) {
el1.getAttribute('id') === 'left' ? el2 = right : el2 = left;
el2.scrollTo( 0, (percentage(el1) * (el2.scrollHeight - el2.offsetHeight)).toFixed(0) ); // toFixed(0) prevents scrolling feedback loop
document.getElementById('left').addEventListener('scroll',function() {
document.getElementById('right').addEventListener('scroll',function() {
I like pawel's clean solution but it lacks something I need and has a strange scrolling bug where it continues to scroll and my plugin will work on multiple containers not just two.
Example & demo:
If you don't want proportional scrolling, but rather to scroll an equal amount of pixels on each field, you could add the value of change to the current value of the field you're binding the scroll-event to.
Let's say that #left is the small field, and #right is the bigger field.
var oldRst = 0;
$('#right').on('scroll', function () {
l = $('#left');
var lst = l.scrollTop();
var rst = $(this).scrollTop();
l.scrollTop(lst+(rst-oldRst)); // <-- like this
oldRst = rst;
By adding the value of change, and not just setting it equal to #right's scrollTop(), you can scroll up or down in the small field, regardless of its scrollTop() being less than the bigger field. An example of this is a user page on Facebook.
This is what I needed when I came here, so I thought I'd share.
From the pawel solution (first answer).
For the horizzontal synchronized scrolling using jQuery this is the solution:
var $divs = $('#div1, #div2'); //only 2 divs
var sync = function(e){
var $other = $divs.not(this).off('scroll');
var other = $other.get(0);
var percentage = this.scrollLeft / (this.scrollWidth - this.offsetWidth);
other.scrollLeft = percentage * (other.scrollWidth - other.offsetWidth);
setTimeout( function(){ $other.on('scroll', sync ); },10);
$divs.on('scroll', sync);
An other solution for multiple horizontally synchronized divs is this, but it works for divs with same width.
var $divs = $('#div1, #div2, #div3'); //multiple divs
var sync = function (e) {
var me = $(this);
var $other = $divs.not(me).off('scroll');
$divs.not(me).each(function (index) {
setTimeout(function () {
$other.on('scroll', sync);
}, 10);
$divs.on('scroll', sync);
NB: Only for divs with same width

Slide boxes with margin-left check if overslided

I made a simple content/box slider which uses the following javascript:
$('#left').click(function () {
marginLeft: '-=800px'
}, 500);
$('#right').click(function () {
marginLeft: '+=800px'
}, 500);
Here is the demo:
What I want to do and I can't figure out how to show and hide arrows(left and right box) as the all the boxes slided.
So I clicked 4 time to the LEFT and slided all the boxes! then hide "left" so that you can't give more -800px
What can I do?
What you can do is check after the animation completes to see if the margin-left property is smaller or larger than the bounds of the video <div>. If it is, depending on which navigation button was clicked, hide the appropriate navigation link.
Check out the code below:
$('#left').click(function () {
// reset the #right navigation button to show
marginLeft: '-=800px'
}, 500, 'linear', function(){
// grab the margin-left property
var mLeft = parseInt($('#videos').css('marginLeft'));
// store the width of the #video div
// invert the number since the margin left is a negative value
var videoWidth = $('#videos').width() * -1;
// if the left margin that is set is less than the videoWidth var,
// hide the #left navigation. Otherwise, keep it shown
if(mLeft < videoWidth){
} else {
// do similar things if the right button is clicked
$('#right').click(function () {
marginLeft: '+=800px'
}, 500, 'linear', function(){
var mRight = parseInt($('#videos').css('marginLeft'));
if(mRight > 100){
} else {
Check out the jsfiddle:
There are many jQuery plugins for this. First determine how many results there are, then determine how many you want visible, then use another variable to keep track with how many are hidden to the left and how many are hidden to the right. So...
var total = TOTAL_RESULTS;
var leftScrolled = 0;
var rightScrolled = total - 3; // minus 3, since you want 3 displayed at a time.
instead of using marginLeft I would wrap all of these inside of a wrapper and set the positions to absolute. Then animate using "left" property or "right". There's a lot of code required to do this, well not MUCH, but since there are many plugins, I think you'd be better off searching for a plugin and look for examples on how to do this. marginLeft is just not the way to go, since it can cause many viewing problems depending on what version of browser you are using.

How to reset to original values?

It looks like it keeps adding a new newHeight and a newDistance each time i click, I am trying to save original height with a global var at the top and using data to do that but i get weird results, basically i should be able to reset newDistance and newHeight to first original values as per before to run the lot with a click but it doesn't and i get new added values each time i click breaking my layout as a result:
talents = $(".talenti");
filter = $(".filtra");
genHeight = $("#container").data($("#container").height()); {
if (talents.hasClass("opened")) {
$("#wrapNav").slideToggle("10", "linear");
$("#container").css("height", genHeight);
} else {
if (filter.hasClass("opened")) {
$("#wrapNav").slideToggle("10", "linear", function(){
var newHeight = $("#container").height() + $("#wrapNav").outerHeight(true);
var newDistance = newHeight - $("#container").height() + 22;
$("#container").animate({height: newHeight}, 50,function(){
$(".box").animate({top: newDistance});
}); {
if (filter.hasClass("opened")) {
$("#wrapNav").slideToggle("10", "linear");
$("#container").css("height", genHeight);
} else {
if (talents.hasClass("opened")) {
$("#wrapNav").slideToggle("10", "linear", function(){
var newHeight = $("#container").height() + $("#wrapNav").outerHeight(true);
var newDistance = newHeight - $("#container").height() + 156;
$("#container").animate({height: newHeight}, 50,function(){
$(".box").animate({top: newDistance});
So, based on the code I could download about 20min ago from your test site, I managed to get it working with the following code:
// placeholder to contain the original height...
var original_height = 0;
talents = $(".talenti");
filter = $(".filtra");{
if (filter.hasClass('opened')){
// toggle the wrapping, just with a zero top coordinate...
$("#wrapNav").slideToggle("10", "linear", function(){
$(".box").animate({top: '0px'});
// reset to the original height...
else {
// get the original height if it's not already set...
if (original_height == 0)
original_height = $("#container").height();
if (talents.hasClass("opened"))
// toggle the wrapping with a height of the nav as top coordinate...
$("#wrapNav").slideToggle("10", "linear", function(){
$("#sliding-navigation").slideToggle(true, function(){
// need the height of the nav before we know how far to move the boxes...
var newHeight = $("#wrapNav").outerHeight(true);
$(".box").animate({top: newHeight});
// set the container's new height, much like you had...
$("#container").height(original_height + newHeight);
}); {
if (talents.hasClass('opened')) {
// toggle the wrapping, just with a zero top coordinate...
$("#wrapNav").slideToggle("10", "linear", function(){
$(".box").animate({top: '0px'});
// reset to the original height...
else {
// get the original height if it's not already set...
if (original_height == 0)
original_height = $("#container").height();
if (filter.hasClass("opened"))
// toggle the wrapping with a height of the nav as top coordinate...
$("#wrapNav").slideToggle("10", "linear", function(){
// need the height of the nav before we know how far to move the boxes...
$(".nasco").slideToggle(true, function(){
var newHeight = $("#wrapNav").outerHeight(true);
$(".box").animate({top: newHeight});
// set the container's new height, much like you had...
$("#container").height(original_height + newHeight);
A few points adding food for thought:
I simplified the multiple if statements to make it easier to understand and process
I used hide() to avoid messy animation problems if you clicked on FILTER multiple times in a row
I only adjusted the top coordinates of the boxes to achieve this
I would have preferred to contain the boxes in a more general container, allowing for easier animation and management, but I understand that wordpress doesn't always give you the most room to work, so this should get you on your way!
It might not be completely what you're looking for in your animation, but it's a working example of the code you had and should get you 90% of the way...hope this helps! :)
What about using the data collection of the container element rather than a global variable i.e. at the top record the height
$("#container").data('height', $("#container").height());
then to use
i.e. to reset the height
$("#container").css({height: $("#container").data('height') });
I feel a bit suspicious about how the global variable is working. Worth a try maybe

