How do I know my collection already has data using Backbone.JS? - javascript

I am developing a site using javascript framework BACKBONE.JS. In my site, There is one Category Selection drop down. Using Backbone collection fetch, I have rendered my category drop down successfully. In my header i have three horizontal menu[image shown below]. User click of the menu(Page navigation is done using backbone routers). My main content of the day will change. The user can filter the content based on the category. My category filter drop down option will not change frequently.
My Router:
dealapp.AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"": "home",
"all/mobile": "mobile",
"all/descktop": "displayAllVoucher"
home: function () {},
mobile: function () {},
desktop: function () {}
Success Case
I am loading my site Using "". The function home will get a call and do the listed action. If i am navigating to some other tab(mobile/desktop), my category drop down displaying.[ Note : i am fetching my category from the server in the home function]
I am loading my site using "" directly. In this case my category drop down is not rendering , i am getting an empty drop down. I know that i haven't added my category fetch in the other two functions mobile and desktop. If i include the category fetch in mobile and desktop function each time then my category fetch call goes to server and fetches data from server.
My doubt
How do i know if my collection already has data? I want to reuse the already downloaded data. If data not available in the local storage then i need to fetch it from the server.

You can override fetch on the collection. Fetch returns a deferred object, you can store this on the collection itself. If the deferred is null you will call the prototype fetch. The advantage is that in your code you always call fetch, and if the collection has data you return the cached data.
fetch : function(options) {
return this.deferred;
this.deferred =, options);
return this.deferred;

This specific problem was dealt with by others and a few plugins can be found.
The one I am currently using with success is the Thorax framework that adds a few things over Backbone.
For Model and Collection they added isPopulated() and isEmpty() method as can be seen here in their documentation.
They will tell you if there is data in the collection or not. If you don't want to use the entire framework, just copying the code from their Git repository here, would do.
In a few words they solve the problem by overriding fetch to set a property called _fetched to true when the data are fetched.
Another way would be to cache the data. Most of the time this is a good idea, but this depends. In your scenario it could be a good idea to cache it in a localStorage.
A plugin I found that seems to do it's job is Backbone fetch cache.
This plugin intercepts calls to fetch and stores the results in a
cache object (Backbone.fetchCache._cache). If fetch is called with {
cache: true } in the options and the URL has already been cached the
AJAX call will be skipped.
Yet another version is mentioned in this answer: Caching collections in backbone.js?
As the answerer there said, you could do it similar to this:
var manager = (function(){
var constructors = {
'example': ExampleCollection
var collections = {};
return {
getCollection: function(name) {
if(!collections[name]) {
var collection = new constructors[name]();
collections[name] = collection;
return collections[name];
Here the manager is responsible for instantiating collections and
fetching them. When you call:
var exampleCollection = manager.getCollection('example');
you get an instance of example collection with data being already
fetched. Whenever you need this collection again you can call the
method again. You will then get the exact same instance with no need
to fetch it again.


How do I prefetch url's in ionic/angularjs?

I am pretty new to ionic 1 and I am working on an application (with Ionic 1 and angular js) with multiple URLs where each URL brings up a list of categories, followed by a list of items for each category and each item has a document URL. How do I preload all these URLs on launch in the background but not display them?Is there any way this can be achieved? a good code sample or tutorial will help greatly.
Also, please let me know if this will be the best approach, as in pre-loading and pre-caching all content upon launch or should it be done category by category or some other way.
Thanks in advance!
You can make multiple Asynchronous service calls in background using $q.
Make a list of URL's in an array and call them at once using $q.all(listOfURL).
Using promises retrieve each response.
By making this asynchronous you can save lot of time.
After getting response you can either store them in $rootScope or in localStorage/sessionStorage.
Update - As the OP is already aware of and using localStorage, thus additional suggestions :-
In that case, you could either call all of your service methods for fetching data at startup or you could use a headless browser such as 'PhantomJS' to visit these URLs at startup and fetch the data.
Thus, your code would look something like :-
var webPage = require('webpage');
var page = webPage.create();'', function(status) {
console.log('Status: ' + status);
// Do other things here...
For more information, regarding PhantomJS, please refer to the following links :-
Earlier Suggestions
Make an HTTP request in your service to fetch the data and store it to localStorage, as is shown below :-
$http.get('url', function(response) {
var obj =;
window.localStorage.setItem('key', JSON.stringify(obj)); // Store data to localStorage for later use
For fetching data :-
var cachedData = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('key')); // Load cached data stored earlier
Please refer to the following link for detailed information regarding 'localStorage' :-
Hope this helps!
Best way to share data between different views in angular is to use a service as it is a singleton and can be used in other controllers.
In your main controller you can prefetch your lists of categories asynchronously through a service which can be shared for next views.Below is a small demo which you refer
var lists = undefined;
// fetch all lists in deferred technique
this.getLists = function() {
// if lists object is not defined then start the new process for fetch it
if (!lists) {
// create deferred object using $q
var deferred = $q.defer();
// get lists form backend
.then(function(result) {
// save fetched posts to the local variable
lists =;
// resolve the deferred
}, function(error) {
//handle error
// set the posts object to be a promise until result comeback
lists = deferred.promise;
// in any way wrap the lists object with $q.when which means:
// local posts object could be:
// a promise
// a real lists data
// both cases will be handled as promise because $q.when on real data will resolve it immediately
return $q.when(lists);
//do it similarly as above
.then(function(lists) {
//do something
.then(function(lists) {
//do something
.then(function(lists) {
//do something
.then(function(lists) {
//do something
I am assuming you don't want to load data in next screens, deliver user flawless experience.
Yes you can start loading URLs on you very first page as you want them to get the data you want to use in future screens.
In terms of storage
In AngularJs if you want something to persist throughout the application scope you should use $rootscope[beware keeping lot of data
may leads to memory issues, you need to clear it regularly].
Or another option is to store it in Localstorage. And fetch as per your need.
If you want you can share those arrays between different controllers of screens.
While loading[response getting from server] you can do two things
1. get single JSON response having all the data
2.have multiple urls, and load them serially.
As per your requirement of loading 5th (page)screen data in advance it's not good practice, and even stop user from seeing updates but as it's your requirement. We've couple of approaches:
Add all the category and their respective details as per your pastebin like cardiac then it's details.. kidney then details..
You can do this with managing hierarchies [categories] like parent main group and it's child sub group in JSONArray and details in JSONObject. (This change would be on sender side -server)
You need to load only one url to get all data.
So you don't need to load with different urls like now your doing. But beware this would be a big Json. So when you store it separate the categories and required data [screen-wise requirements] and store in local storage so easy for access.
Another approach would be you have to provide your [category] subgroup names to load so the loading would be like firing same URL with different category names to get data and store it in local storage.
This may lead to fire around 10-15[depends on your categories] urls may affect the UI thread response.
This won't need any changes on your server side response.
Programmatically approach to load urls sequentially:
URL Loading: This method will get detail of particular category [id or anything
works for you]. This will fire a http request and return a result.
url = url+category;
return $http({
method: 'GET',
url: url,
headers: --
}).then(function onSuccess(response) { //<--- `.then` transforms the promise here
//You can ether store in local storage
return response
}, function onError(response) {
throw customExceptionHadnler.getErrorMsg(response.status,;
Parallel : This method will do it in parallel, we just load categories[ids] as we have all of them and then use $q.all to wait for all the urls loading to finish.
function loadUrlsParallel(urls) {
var loadUrls = []
for(var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
return $q.all(loadUrls)
First API: This method to load first url and then Loading urls in
parallel call above method
url = url;
return $http({
method: 'GET',
url: url,
headers: --
}).then(function onSuccess(response) { //<--- `.then` transforms the promise here
//You can ether store in local storage or directly send response
return response
}, function onError(response) {
throw customExceptionHadnler.getErrorMsg(response.status,;
urls : you have to prepare list of urls with appending category to
load after loading first url[expecting this returns you all the
categories you will require in your app beforehand] and pass to
loadUrlsParallel method.
You can write loadUrl methods as per your convenience, here whatever
is given is foe example purpose so may not run as it is.
You can load API responses every where from local storage where you've stored after API calls, So this will not ask you to execute API calls on every laoding of pages[screen]
Hope this helps you and solves your prob.

How do i save model data when creating a Backbone driven theme in Wordpress?

Ok so im messing around with Backbone for the first time. I think I've pretty much covered all the basics of frontend logic, but i have never really been any good at backend logic and coding.
I'm working with wordpress and creating a theme using backbone. My understanding is as long as i set up a template page that has the correct containers that my backbone code will render views in, the fact that it's a wordpress theme instead of it's own app shouldn't really change anything on the frontend side.
I'm at the stage where i want to save a model so that i can fetch it in my routes to link to my view to render.
I'm unsure about the whole process of saving data. I know i need to give the model attribute 'urlRoot' a string but i don't know what that string should be, and what happens after that.
Can someone explain the whole process, especially in terms of how to do it with Wordpress. (i did stumble upon the WP REST API plugin that i think helps, although i don't exactly know how.)
OK so in the end i presume my problem was something to do with authentication when trying to access the database as the textResponse was just returning the entire HTML for the current page i was on, probably due to the fact it wasn't getting through to the database and being redirected back to the page.
After googling around for a while i came across this. Rather than reinventing the wheel I installed this plugin and followed the setup instructions and low and behold it worked pretty much out of the box. If your trying to build a Backbone theme i suggest using the WP-API Client JS plugin with the WP REST API plugin. Seems to cover everything.
How to expose a WordPress blog's content through an API?
WP REST API seems like a good way to start. There are a lot of options and it exposes everything you need.
Note that it is named WordPress REST API (Version 2) in the plugin directory.
You can test that the plugin works by navigating to:
It should output all the information on the blog as a big JSON dump.
You can also test that it works for other endpoints, like post:
There's a Backbone plugin for the WP REST API that works out of the box.
How to communicate with the API?
This is a simple example using Backbone without any plugin. If you want to know how to use the plugin, see the documentation for it.
Since it offers a lot of arguments that can be passed in the URL, I made a small collection and an example of how it could be used.
var API_ROOT = '/wp-json/wp/v2/',
DEFAULT_API_ARGS = ['context' /* etc. */ ];
var WordPressCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
constructor: function(models, options) {
options = options || {};
this.apiArgs = _.union(DEFAULT_API_ARGS, this.apiArgs, options.apiArgs);
this.args = _.extend({}, this.args, this.getApiArgs(options));
WordPressCollection.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
getApiArgs: function(obj) {
return _.pick(obj, this.apiArgs);
fetch: function(options) {
options = options || {}; = _.extend({}, this.args, this.getApiArgs(options),;
return, options);
And to use it:
var CommentCollection = WordPressCollection.extend({
url: API_ROOT + 'comments',
// all the arguments to look for in the passed options
apiArgs: ['page', 'per_page', 'post' /* etc. */ ],
var myPostComments = new CommentCollection(null, {
post: 23 // id
myPostComments.fetch({ page: 2 });
The fetch should make a GET request to:
And from that point, the WP REST API plugin takes control. It returns a new JSON encoded array of comment objects in the body of the response.
It should looks something like this:
Backbone automatically parses the JSON received, so you don't need to worry about that and you just have to go on and use it:
myPostComments.each(function(comment) {
Then, saving a new comment is a matter of calling:
// check the doc for the comment object details
post: 23,
content: "my new comment",
/* etc. */
And this would make a POST request to /wp-json/wp/v2/comments.

Emberjs: Save persistent data from remote API to local storage

I am still a little confused about the way Ember fetches data from remote API and save them in the browser.
So I have created a REST Adapter to get sets of records with an Ajax call, a serializer, and the corresponding model. Suppose they are posts, and I have successfully made a posts index page where the user can click on any post to get into the post detail page.
The Ajax call happens on the index page, and using the Ember inspector, it is clear that all the records are stored in the local store.
But when I click the "back link" which is available on every post detail page, it does redirect to '/posts/' but it seems to make the ajax call again. So all the posts are fetched from the API once again making the page much less responsive.
Here's my questions:
How does that part of Ember work and how do I make Ember simply get the records from the local store without making Ajax call again and again? (unless the user refresh the browser)
If I make a GET request to 'post/1' , no data will be available since in this route no Ajax call should be made. But how do I let the data show? Should I set up another REST adapter for individual post or is it possible to get the record from the local store if an Ajax call has been made?
Hope that makes sense and thanks in advance!
My post adapter:
App.PostAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
findAll: function(store, type, sinceToken) {
return $.getJSON(url).then(function(data) {
return posts;
My Post and Posts routes:
App.PostRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return'post', params.postId);
App.PostsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
Regarding your first question: It depends on the model callback of your route. If you use the all method of the store, the Ajax Request won't be made again. (But: You'd be responsible to get the data the first time around. You way want to sideload it somewhere or may want to call find if all didn't return anything. It depends on your application.
Regarding your second question: The RESTAdapter should be available for single data items as well as for lists. You can implement a model hook in the route using find. If you link-to this route with an object (instead of an ID), this hook won't be called. So the hook would only be called when needed.

Is it a code smell if I have the need to save a Backbone.Collection?

I've been trying to wrap my head around best RESTful practices while using BackboneJS. I feel like I've written myself into a bit of a knot and could use some guidance.
My scenario is this: a user wants to create a new Playlist with N items in it. The data for the N items is coming from a third-party API in bursts of 50 items. As such, I want to add a new, empty Playlist and, as the bursts of 50 come in, save the items and add to my Playlist.
This results in my Playlist model having a method, addItems, which looks like:
addItems: function (videos, callback) {
var itemsToSave = new PlaylistItems();
var self = this;
// Create a new PlaylistItem with each Video.
videos.each(function (video) {
var playlistItem = new PlaylistItem({
playlistId: self.get('id'),
video: video
});{}, {
success: function () {
success: function () {
// TODO: For some reason when I call self.trigger then allPlaylists triggers fine, but if I go through fetch it doesnt trigger?
self.trigger('reset', self);
if (callback) {
error: function (error) {
console.error("There was an issue saving" + self.get('title'), error);
ItemsToSave is generally a Collection with 50 items in it. Since BackboneJS does not provide a Save for Collections, I wrote my own. I didn't care much for creating a Model wrapper for my Collection.
So, when I call Save, none of my items have IDs. The database assigns the IDs, but that information isn't implicitly updated by Backbone because I'm saving a Collection and not a Model. As such, once the save is successful, I call fetch on my Playlist to retrieve the updated information. This is terrible because a Playlist could have thousands of items in it -- I don't want to be fetching thousands of items every time I save multiple.
So, I'm thinking maybe I need to override the Collection's parse method and manually map the server's response back to the Collection.
This all seems... overkill/wrong. Am I doing something architecturally incorrect? How does a RESTful architecture handle such a scenario?
My opinion is do what works and feels clean enough and disregard what the RESTafarians credence might be. Bulk create, bulk update, bulk delete are real world use cases that the REST folk just close their eyes and pretend don't exist. Something along these lines sounds like a reasonable first attempt to me:
create a bulkAdd method or override add carefully if you are feeling confident
don't make models or add them to the collection yet though
do your bulk POST or whatever to get them into the database and get the assigned IDs back
then add them as models to the collection

BackboneJS: Load more items into a collection

In Backbone JS when I fetch a collection should I be fetching the entire collection or a small portion of it?
For example I have news feed collection in mongoDB that could have potentially 1000s of items. When the user hits the page I only want to show them the latest 10 items with the option to 'Load More'. But if they visit a specific item via URL I want to be able to pull up that item's record.
1. How many document should I be fetching initially?
2. How would I got about fetching any item by id?
I ended up using the {add: true} statement when calling fetch on my collection. This prevents the collection from being replaced by the result of the fetch and but instead appends the result to the collection. I then also passed the 'skip' amount using the {data: {skip: amountOfItemsInCollectionAlready }, this is used on the server-side to get the correct batch of items from the database.
My final fetch method looks like this:
loadMore: function(e){
add: true,// this adds to collection instead of replacing
data:{// this is optional params to be sent with request
skip: this.collection.length// skip the number of items already in the collection
You probably don't want to just use Collection.fetch(), because you won't get the benefit of client-side caching - it'll drop the items you've already loaded from the server and reset the collection. You will probably need to extend Backbone.Collection with a custom function to retrieve more items. I used the following code in a recent project:
// fetch list without overwriting existing objects (copied from fetch())
fetchNew: function(options) {
options = options || {};
var collection = this,
success = options.success;
options.success = function(resp, status, xhr) {
_(collection.parse(resp, xhr)).each(function(item) {
if (!collection.get( {
collection.add(item, {silent:true});
if (!options.silent) collection.trigger('reset', collection, options);
if (success) success(collection, resp);
return (this.sync || Backbone.sync).call(this, 'read', this, options);
This is mostly copied from the default fetch() code, but instead of dropping existing items it will add new ones. You'd probably want to implement something server-side, using the options object as Julien suggests to pass in the parameters of what items you want to load, probably either a page number (if you want to control page size on the server) or a start-stop pair (if you want to control it on the client).
1 - You should be fetching 10
Add a page argument to your collection and have the backend code return the page matching (10/page). /my_objects?page=2 to get records 10-20 etc.
You do this like this (untested):
collection.fetch({data: {page:2}})
Or you alter the URL directly
2 - To fetch an item by ID you create the model
object = new Model({id: 1})
and fetch it

