How can we disable default browser style properties for elements? - javascript

Having issue in design on forms and links on a page I created because of the browser style properties. How can I disable it so that no elements in my html page gets affected by the browsers' default style property?
All solutions are welcome. I am using php for development. So all solutions with css, javascript, php etc are welcomed.

You can maybe put !important behind the css you want to overwrite the default style properties?
maybe this solves your solution?

You cannot disable browser default style sheets, just override them by setting properties to specific values. It is common to confuse the two.
This is a decision by browser vendors. They could give a page (scripts on a page) access to the browser’s stylesheet allowing it or parts thereof to be disabled. But they haven’t done that.

There must be a default style for all elements, so you cannot just disable them.
The usual way to handle this issue is adding your desired defaults in a base CSS file, overwriting the browser's defaults.
As #link commented, provides several default styles to be applied as base in your pages.

Please use normalize css :
It'll help you.

You need to override browser's default stylesheet. You can do it many ways-
Manually define every elements style
Use any reset.css (You can find many)
Use a basic html startup tamplate, which covers everything you need. You can find one here, It has many options to choose from.
Hope you will love it :-)


Which has more specificity between hidden attribute in HTML or display property in CSS? And how?

Also what is the best way to hide the elements from the DOM so that the attacker won't be able to change the css property or html attribute in order to access the element. I know we can use React or Angular to develop website and it is easier to hide or display elements. But I want to know in pure HTML & JS what is the best way?
Anyone can just use the browser console and find all elements with for example:
It does not matter if elements are hidden with CSS.
Even if you encrypt your HTML you will have to decrypt it to show it to the browser. Then the above code still finds all the elements.
Any code you have can be deactivated by setting a breakpoint and rewriting it in-browser using the developer tools.
Even if you replace document.querySelectorAll and all like them with an empty function, developers can still just add jQuery or any DOM querying engine and find your elements that way.
Any code you can use to hide or show elements can just be executed using the browser console if someone spends the time understanding your code.
How else would you debug or test it?
Angular, Vue etc. does remove elements from the DOM but you should never expect this to be a security feature! A hacker can easily set a breakpoint anywhere in your code, inspect API results from the Network panel, go into the components' code to find out what HTML they would be rendering and much more I haven't started to mention.
To implement security you want to only have in the browser what the user needs to see.
There is no way around it.
DOM, stylings, scripts, assets, etc. can always be accessed using developer tools.
As for the question in your question title:
style attribute styles have a higher specificity than CSS from file (or style tags)
CSS from file (or style tags) with !important has higher specificity than styles from the style attribute
style attribute styles with !important have the highest specificty
So !important just overrides specificity if you want to look at it that way. Other than that you should read about CSS Specificity.
Both are same. If you store your value from html hidden or css hide. Anyone can find out them.
So if you are using html , js & css and want to pass value as hidden than disable developer tool and shortkey to open it by this way you can protect your data or else use any encryption method for that.

What are the disadvantages of using ng-style?

I have used ng-style in code, but my manager said not to use ng-style since it will create problem.
I still don't know what problem he faced before and I would like to know what are the disadvantages of using ng-style?
You cannot reuse the styles anywhere else.
The html markup of the page becomes cumbersome, and tough to parse for the naked eye.
Since, they are not stored at a single place, they are tough to be edited
This approach does not provide consistency across your application. The inline styles on elements can cause a major headache.
It does not provide you with the browser cache advantage. The files are repeatedly downloaded by the client on every request. Instead, consider using External style sheets.
Inline styles take precedence over page-level style declarations and external style sheets. So you could accidentally override styles that you did not intend.
It's impossible to style pseudo-elements and -classes with inline styles. For example, with external and internal style sheets, you can style the visited, hover, active, and link color of an anchor tag.
Please refer
Inline style disadvantages
Other link

How do I edit Liferay's HTML code?

I was wondering if it's possible to edit Liferay Portal's HTML code, add a couple of <br> to have more space between portlets. Or even add some Javascript to it?
Is this possible? If so, how?
You can create your own theme, extending another theme (e.g. classic, _styled, etc.) and adding the 'diff' files, aka the ones you want to extend. In that case, you could extend a default css files, adding a rule like:
#content .portlet-layout .portlet-column-content {margin: 10px;}
Another quicker but less flexible approach is to use the
'Insert custom CSS that will be loaded after the theme.'
feature. This can be found at: Manage Pages > Look & Feel > CSS
The Theme answer has already been given - if you just want to change the appearance (e.g. linebreaks) this is the way to go instead of your original question to change HTML output.
If you literally need to change the HTML code - e.g. add something to or remove something from the page, you should read about Hooks, particularly those that can override jsps. This is exactly what they've been built for.

My styles get overridden by the html I get with ajax

I am building a mass mailer system where you can see a preview of the email before it is sent. I render the email html into a preview box using jquery -- $().html(theHtml).
Html emails use all inline css for their styles. When I fill the html, it overrides some of my css.
I am looking for a solution to completely stop this from happening. Is there any way to self contain the email html/css so it does not affect the entire document?
I understand that adding !important to my styles will do the trick, but it is not a very scalable option.
Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately !important is the only way to override an inline style - that's just how specificity works.
However you might be able to get around it by making all of the "wrapper" CSS (e.g. the CSS for YOUR page, not the HTML email preview) more specific by using IDs and classes etc so that their styles don't get overridden by generic style declarations embedded in the HTML email.
I'm a little confused though - are you trying to override "inline" styles (as in elements with the style="your css here" attribute) or embedded CSS (e.g. "your css here")? If it's the latter, just make important stuff more specific in your own CSS.
Some more info about specificity:
Using an iframe as Sander suggested might be a simpler solution than trying to restructure your CSS specificity rules though.
Are you using the same class/id names for your website and the emails? This should not be the case.
I highly recommend using a pseudo-namespace for your CSS.
Basically, add an arbitrary prefix to your CSS that won't be contained in the inlined 3rd-party content: <div class='foo'> becomes <div class='myapp-foo'>
Having used this practice on our projects recently, it requires only a bit more discipline, but makes the app easier to manage for embedding other content.

Can i load css from the original file?

Seems like to me there should be an option for that but i can't seem to find it.
This question was asked many times but only workarounds were answered and that's not what i'm looking for.
I am changing my css incode and i want to load the original css back instead of coding it myself, how can that be achived?
I don't wanna reload the entire file, just load some div or class css.
See this post for a solution.
Based on that you can do something like this:
$("#fix").click(function(e) {
Note: This assumes you are using JQuery to change the styles in the first place
Here is a working example
if you're using jQuery apply
to your elements
I want to load the original css back instead of coding it myself
This is not necessary. You are trying to reload a resource that should just continue to exist. Once it's loaded, you don't need to load it again. If you need to override a style, apply a class to it. To revert to original, remove the class. That's how cascading style sheets work.
If there is a particular reason the css needs to be dynamic, you can try loading css into the Document via the DOM (document.createElement("style") etc.), but support for this is a bit sketchy I believe.
if you want to reset the WHOLE style and not only divs' you'd better use the all selector

