Selecting content with JQuery - javascript

Any ideas why this doesn't work?
I'm trying to get it so that everytime there is an element with the class "insert_name", the name is printed from the table.
Could you also help me make the selection more advanced (for instance only using the data from the first tr in the "client-profile" class?
<body onload="printMsg()">
<div id="api_data" style="display:none;">
<div class="client-profile">
<div class="head icon-5">Customer Details</div>
<table id="client-information">
<td class="left">Name:</td>
<td class="color">Matthew Tester
<tr class="dark">
<td class="left">E-mail:</td>
<td class="color">asdfg</td>
<td class="left">Registration:</td>
<td class="color">2013-11-21</td>
<tr class="dark">
<td class="left">Status:</td>
<td class="color"><span class="active">Active</span>
<td class="left">Last Login Time:</td>
<td class="color" title="2014-05-28 11:43:46">1 hour ago</td>
<tr class="dark">
<td class="left">Last Login From:</td>
<td class="color"></td>
<td class="left">Location:</td>
<td class="color">United Kingdom</td>
<div class="insert_name"></div>
(function printMsg() {
var node = document.getElementsByClassName('insert_name');
node.innerHTML = $('[class*="color"]').eq(0).text();

jsFiddle Demo
The issue is with your node selection. When you select by class name it returns an array of elements. Since you are only looking for the div with that class name, access the first index to reference it.
var node = document.getElementsByClassName('insert_name')[0];
To make this iterate all of the nodes you could take this approach
var nodes = document.getElementsByClassName('insert_name');
var text = $('[class*="color"]').eq(0).text();
for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
nodes[i].innerHTML = text;
Alternatively, since jQuery is already included, you could remove the body's onload event and just use this
jsFiddle Demo
To ensure this only acts on the client-profile class the selector would be
$('.insert_name').html($('.client-profile [class*="color"]').eq(0).text());

If you are just trying to insert the name rather than all of the content, this should do the trick:
$(function() {
Here is the fiddle:
Hope that helps!

I added a little more jQuery:
$(function() {
Hope that helps!


Click event does not return $event on click

I have the following structure in my HTML in an angular 7 application:
What I am trying to do is to call the GetContent() function on click of any of the text inside the div. I am able to get the $event as "Liquidity" when I click on the text but if I click on any empty space between the text, the $event is empty. I tried every possible permutation of changing the location of the function call and id but same issue. Can anyone let me know what is wrong.
<tr (click)="GetContent($event)">
<div id="Liquidity"> lot of text....................... </div>
Because there is no content in your TR's and TD's, its not creating a space at all. Look at my code, I have added padding for table row's ,table and table data tags
<tr (click)="GetContent($event)" >
<td style="padding:20px;background:red">TD
<table style="padding:20px;background:green">Table
<td style="padding:20px;background:blue">TD
<div id="Liquidity" style="padding:10px;background:green"> lot of text....................... </div>
example stackblitz
Do it this way ,
<div id="Liquidity" (click)="GetContent($event)"> lot of text....................... </div>
ts file
GetContent(event) {
var target = || event.srcElement || event.currentTarget;
var idAttr =;
var value = idAttr.nodeValue;
console.log(value) //you will get liquid here.

Angularjs add element to DOM when clicking

I want to create a table which contains dynamic Content. When clicking on an element, the Details should Show up in the next line. So i creatied the following:
<table ng-controller="TestCtrl">
<tr ng-repeat-start="word in ['A', 'B', 'C']">
<td><!-- Some Information, Image etc --></td>
<td ng-click="showDetails(word)">{{word}}</td>
<!-- This is only visible if necessary -->
<tr ng-repeat-end ng-show="currentDetail == word">
<td colspan="2" ng-attr-id="{{'Details' + word}}"></td>
And I have the following js code:
angular.module('maApp', []).controller("TestCtrl", function($scope, $document, $compile){
$scope.showDetails = function(word){
var target = $document.find("Details" + word);
//I checked it - target is NOT null here
var el = $compile("<div>Test</div>")($scope);
//Show tr
$scope.currentDetail = word;
I also tried the commented Solutions above but nothing of it works (The tr is showing up however). I guess there is something wrong with $document.find("Details" + word) but I don't know what.
Ultimately I want to add an <iframe> and the source would contain the word.
Does anybody see what I'm doing wrong here?
No need for weird non-angulary DOM manipulation: All you need is this.
<table ng-controller="TestCtrl">
<tr ng-repeat-start="word in ['A', 'B', 'C']">
<td><!-- Some Information, Image etc --></td>
<td ng-click="showDetails(word)">{{word}}</td>
<tr ng-show="currentDetail==word" ng-repeat-end>
<td colspan="2">Details {{word}}</td>
angular.module('myApp', []).controller("TestCtrl", function($scope, $document, $compile){
$scope.showDetails = function(word) {
$scope.currentDetail = word;
$document.find in jqlite is limited to tag name only. You have to add jquery for anything more.
See what is suported in the docs.
you have all you need built into angular already, you don't need the Javascript at all.
see this plunker example
<table style="width:100%;">
<thead style="background-color: lightgray;">
<td style="width: 30px;"></td>
<tr ng-repeat-start="person in people">
<button ng-if="person.expanded" ng-click="person.expanded = false">-</button>
<button ng-if="!person.expanded" ng-click="person.expanded = true">+</button>
<tr ng-if="person.expanded" ng-repeat-end="">
<td colspan="3">{{person.details}}</td>

Show rows in table with cells name attribute containing string from input (JQuery)

I would like to have keyup function that would show only rows matching the input text by cell that spans on multiple rows.
Consider following table:
<table border='1'>
<td rowspan='2'>Key1</td>
<td name='Key1'> dummy1 </td>
<td name='Key1'> dummy2 </td>
<td rowspan='2'>Key2</td>
<td name='Key2'> dummy3 </td>
<td name='Key2'> dummy4 </td>
Here each row has second td tag with name that matches its "parent" column text. So when I type 'Key1' at the input field I would like it to show only dummy1 and dummy2. Is it possible in jquery?
I understand that you want to display the rows that has a matching name. If this is wrong, please elaborate more, then I can update it.
Here is a demo:
$("td").filter(function() {
return $(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) != -1; }).parent().show().next().show();
Here's my take on your issue, assuming you always want the first column to show.
<input type="text" id="myInput" />
<table border='1'>
<td rowspan='2'>Key1</td>
<td name='Key1' class="data"> dummy1 </td>
<td name='Key1' class="data"> dummy2 </td>
<td rowspan='2'>Key2</td>
<td name='Key2' class="data"> dummy3 </td>
<td name='Key2' class="data"> dummy4 </td>
var theData = $('');
var input = $('#myInput').on('keyup', function(){
var value = input.val();
var matches = theData.filter('[name="'+value+'"]');;
Firstly, I would recommend using <ul> to wrap each key in as tables should be used for data structure (Forgive me if that is what it is being used for).
Secondly, just attach an on keyup event to the search box and then find matches based on the id. See example below:
JS Fiddle Demo
It is also worth mentioning that it could be useful attaching a timeout to the keyup event if you end up having large amounts of rows so that only one filter is fired for fast typers!

get data attribute and append optimize

I have been fiddling around and with some code I found here I managed to get some working code although I wonder if it can be optimized further.
I have tried to comment the code so my thought process is shown. If anyone knows a better way to achieve to [get the data-tid attribute and append the value to a span in that tablerow to a td] I would love to hear it.
<tr data-tid="3"><td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td><td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td></tr>
<tr data-tid="2"><td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td><td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td></tr>
<tr data-tid="5"><td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td><td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td></tr>
<tr data-tid="6"><td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td><td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td></tr>
$j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j(document).ready(function() {
topiclistview = $j('[data-tid]').length;
// check if data-tid exists
if (topiclistview > 0) {
//set vars
var tids = $j('[data-tid]');
var tids_array = [];
//get the data attribute values and put them in an array
$j(tids).each(function(index, item) {
//run over all tr with the class .col_f_content and append the attribute value
$j('.col_f_content').each(function(index, item){
//console.log('tr item'+tids_array[index]);
Performance-wise? This is probably a good shot:
// iterate over all elements having the data-tid attribute
$("[data-tid]").each(function() {
// Create our span. No need for a jQuery wrapper.
var span = document.createElement("span");
// Set the span text. No need to involve jQuery's data() function
// Add the span to your second cell (col_f_content). This should be way faster
// than creating a new jQuery object via class selector.
<script src=""></script>
<tr data-tid="3">
<td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td>
<td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td>
<tr data-tid="2">
<td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td>
<td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td>
<tr data-tid="5">
<td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td>
<td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td>
<tr data-tid="6">
<td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td>
<td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td>
Alternatively, depending upon your needs, you could achieve something similar with CSS only:
tr[data-tid]:after {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
content: attr(data-tid);
<tr data-tid="3">
<td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td>
<td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td>
<tr data-tid="2">
<td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td>
<td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td>
<tr data-tid="5">
<td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td>
<td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td>
<tr data-tid="6">
<td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td>
<td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td>
I'd try something like this:
var value = $(this).data('tid');
$('<span>' + value + '</span>')
(PS: Untested)
You don't need to use intermediate arrays, and you can store the set of elements the first time you select them (when you test if there are any elements with [data-tid]).
It should be more performant to select based on a class, so if it's possible to add a class a class to the data-tid element html, we could use that for our selector.
$(document).ready(function() {
'use strict';
// We want to work with these elems
var topiclist = $('[data-tid]');
if (topiclist.length > 0) {
// Just get the data, make a new elem and append it
// All in 1 pass
topiclist.each(function(_, el) {
var $el = $(el);
$el.append('<td>' + $'tid') + '</td>');
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<tr data-tid="3"><td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td><td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td></tr>
<tr data-tid="2"><td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td><td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td></tr>
<tr data-tid="5"><td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td><td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td></tr>
<tr data-tid="6"><td class="col_f_icon">aaa</td><td class="col_f_content">fdsfdsf</td></tr>
Also note, I'm appending a <td> with your contents to the <tr>, which is the element you selected. <span> is not a legal child of <tr>. If you want to do something with a <span>, you'll need to wrap it in a <td> if it's in a table.

using jquery find('.classname') not working for locating TD elements?

I am traversing the divs on my page and looking up child elements using find and supplying a classname
select elements and input elements are located, but the 3 TDs I am trying to find are returning nothing
Here is the code snippet
$.each($(".ccypair"), function(index, element) {
var elements = {
selectElement : $(element).find('.selectstyle'),
inputElement : $(element).find('.inputstyle'),
tdElement1 : $(element).find('.decayTime'),
tdElement2 : $(element).find('.price.bidprice'),
tdElement3 : $(element).find('.price.offerprice')
Now the first two find() lines work fine, but the three tdElement ones below resolve to nothing. Anyone able to tell me where I am going wrong. I suspect for TD I need to have a different selector?
Apologies here is the html
<div class="ccypair" id="ccypairdiv_0">
<td colspan="2" class="top currency"><select class="ccypairselect"/></td>
<td colspan="2" class="top volume"><input class="ccypairvolume" type="text" value="1m" autocomplete="off"/></td>
<td colspan="2" class="decaytime">00h:00m:00s</td>
<td colspan="3" class="price bidPrice">---.---</td>
<td colspan="3" class="price offerPrice">---.---</td>
<div class="ccypair" id="ccypairdiv_1">
<td colspan="2" class="top currency"><select class="ccypairselect"/></td>
<td colspan="2" class="top volume"><input class="ccypairvolume" type="text" value="1m" autocomplete="off"/></td>
<td colspan="2" class="top decaytime">00h:00m:00s</td>
<td colspan="3" class="price bidPrice">---.---</td>
<td colspan="3" class="price offerPrice">---.---</td>
First check if your jQuery is loading with the $, the try this
//think about structure, it makes your code more legible
$(".ccypair").each(function(index) {
var element = $(this); //each .ccypair found
var elements = {
selectElement : element.find('.selectstyle'),
inputElement : element.find('.inputstyle'),
tdElement1 : element.find('.decayTime'),
tdElement2 : element.find('.price.bidprice'),
tdElement3 : element.find('.price.offerprice')
As always a back to basics approach worked. A simple typo was the root cause here. Apologies
On that note. Does jQuery provide a flag so that rather than failing to locate an element and failing silently it will print out an error message. This would be really helpful?

