How to separate integer value from a string? - javascript

I have a string that contains alphabets and integer like banana12,apple123, i wanted to separate integer value from a string. I have used split() function its working perfectly for single digit number ( orange1 ) but for double digit number it is returning only single digit.
myString = banana12;
var splits = myString.split(/(\d)/);
var prodName = splits[0];
var prodId = splits[1];
the prodId should be 12 but its returning only 1 as result.

This will do it-
myString = "banana1212";
var splits = myString.split(/(\d+)/);
var prodName = splits[0];
var prodId = splits[1];
The result will be in a separate variable as you desired.

You can extract numbers like this:
var myString = "banana12";
var val = /\d+/.exec(myString);
alert(val); // shows '12'

Try this
var myString = "banana1234";
var splits = myString.split(/(\d{1,})/);
var prodName = splits[0];
var prodId = splits[1];


Using replace on string with random number

I'm trying to replace the values for "min" and "max" price within the following URL string:
var url_full = ""
var url_clean = url_full.replace('&min='+ /\d+/,'');
var url_clean = url_full.replace('&max='+ /\d+/,'');
Struggling to replace the prices.
Replacing min and max values with ''
var url_full = ""
var url_clean = url_full.replace(/&min=\d+/,'&min=').replace(/&max=\d+/,'&max=')
> var url = new URL(window.location.href);
> url.searchParams.set('min','100'); window.location.href = url.href;
var url_full = ""
var url_clean = url_full.replace('&min='+ /\d+/,'');
var url_clean = url_full.replace('&max='+ /\d+/,'');
var regex = /\d+/g;
var string = "";
var matches = string.match(regex); // creates array from matches
for(var s=0;s<matches.length;s++){
Use regex and match for finding digits.

How to split two dimensional array in JavaScript?

I have string like below:
Now, I want to split this string to like this:
split[0] = "test"
split[1] = 2
split[2] = 1
split[0] = "test"
split[1] = 2
split[2] = 2
I tried split in javascript but no success.How can it be possible?
Try this:
.replace(/]/g, '') gets rid of the right square bracket.
.split('[') splits the remaining "test[2[1" into its components.
var str1 = "test[2][1]";
var str2 = "test[2][2]";
var split = str1.replace(/]/g, '').split('[');
var split2 = str2.replace(/]/g, '').split('[');
you can try :
function splitter (string) {
var arr = string.split('['),
result = [];
arr.forEach(function (item) {
item = item.replace(/]$/, '');
return result;
As long as this format is used you can do
var text = "test[1][2]";
var split = text.match(/\w+/g);
But you will run into problems if the three parts contain something else than letters and numbers.
You can split with the [ character and then remove last character from all the elements except the first.
var str = "test[2][2]";
var res = str.split("[");
for(var i=1, len=res.length; i < len; i++) res[i]=res[i].slice(0,-1);

How to get substring value from main string?

I have string similar to this one.
var str = "samplestring=:customerid and samplestring1=:dept";
var parts = str.split(':');
var answer = parts;
I want to trim substrings which starts with colon: symbol from the main string
But it is returing the value like this
samplestring=,customerid and samplestring1=,dept
But I want it something like this.
I am getting main string dynamically it may have colon more then 2.
I have created a fiddle also link
var str = "samplestring=:customerid and samplestring1=:dept";
alert(str.match(/:(\w+)/g).map(function(s){return s.substr(1)}).join(","))
you can try regex:
var matches = str.match(/=:(\w+)/g);
var answer = [];
Here's a one-liner:
$.map(str.match(/:(\w+)/g), function(e, v) { return e.substr(1); }).join(",")
var str = "samplestring=:customerid and samplestring1=:dept";
var parts = str.split(':');
var dept = parts[2];
var cus_id = parts[1].split(' and ')[0];
alert(cus_id + ", " + dept );
Using this you will get o/p like :customerid,dept
this will give you what you need...
var str = "samplestring=:customerid and samplestring1=:dept";
var parts = str.split(' and ');
var answer = [];
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var str = "samplestring=:customerid and samplestring1=:dept";
alert(str.replace(/[^:]*:(\w+)/g, ",$1").substr(1))
You can try it like this
var str = "samplestring=:customerid and samplestring1=:dept and samplestring11=:dept";
var results = [];
var parts = str.split(' and ');
$.each(parts, function( key, value ) {
Now the results array contains the three values customerid, dept, and dept
Here \S where S is capital is to get not space characters so it will get the word till first space match it, so it will match the word after : till the first space and we use /g to not only match the fisrt word and continue search in the string for other matches:
str.match(/:(\S*)/g).map(function(s){return s.substr(1)}).join(",")

Select 2 characters after a particular substring in javascript

We have a string ,
var str = "Name=XYZ;State=TX;Phone=9422323233";
Here in the above string we need to fetch only the State value i.e TX. That is 2 characters after the substring State=
Can anyone help me implement it in javascript.
.split() the string into array and then find the index of the array element having State string. Using that index get to that element and again .split() it and get the result. Try this way,
var str = "Name=XYZ;State=TX;Phone=9422323233";
var strArr = str.split(';');
var index = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < strArr.length; i++){
index = i;
I guess the easiest way out is by slicing and splitting
var str = "Name=XYZ;State=TX;Phone=9422323233";
var findme = str.split(';')[1];
var last2 = findme.slice(-2);
Need more help? Let me know
indexOf returns the position of the string in the other string.
Using this index you can find the next two characters
javascript something like
var n = str.indexOf("State=");
then use slice method
var res = str.slice(n,n+2);
another method is :
use split function
var newstring=str.split("State=");
var result=newstring.substr(0, 2);
Check this:
var str1 = "Name=XYZ;State=TX;Phone=9422323233";
var n ="State");
var res = str1.substr(n, 2);
The result is in the variable res, no matter where State is in the original string.
There are any number of ways to get what you're after:
var str = "Name=XYZ;State=TX;Phone=9422323233"
Using match:
var match = str.match(/State=.{2}/);
var state = match? match[0].substring(6) : '';
Using replace:
var state = str.replace(/^.*State=/,'').substring(0,2);
Using split:
There are many other ways, including constructing an object that has name/value pairs:
var obj = {};
var b = str.split(';');
var c;
for (var i=b.length; i; ) {
c = b[--i].split('=');
obj[c[0]] = c[1];
Take your pick.

How to get a numeric value from a string in javascript?

Can anybody tell me how can i get a numeric value from a string containing integer value and characters?
For example,I want to get 45 from
var str="adsd45";
If your string is ugly like "adsdsd45" you can use regex.
var s = 'adsdsd45';
var result = s.match(/([0-9]+)/g);
['45'] // the result, or empty array if not found
You can use regular expression.
var regexp = /\d+/;
var str = "this is string and 989898";
alert (str.match(regexp));
Try this out,
var xText = "asdasd213123asd";
var xArray = xText.split("");
var xResult ="";
for(var i=0;i< xArray.length - 1; i++)
if(! isNan(xArray[i])) { xResult += xArray[i]; }
var str = "4039";
var num = parseInt(str, 10);
var num2 = Number(str);
//or: (when string is empty or haven't any digits return 0 instead NaN)
var num3 = ~~str;
var strWithChars = "abc123def";
var num4 = Number(strWithChars.replace(/[^0-9]/,''));

