Using javascript's indexOf on an array of svg text elements - javascript

I am working with an svg file which has a number of text elements within it. The text elements are all numbers. I am able to get the list of values and put them into an array with the following line of code.
var fretdata = document.getElementById("fretinformation").getElementsByTagName("text");
I am able to access .length property and also the access the array elements by index such as [0].textContent. However, when I try to use the .indexOf() function on the array, I receive an error message that the object (my array) does not support the property or method of indexOf.
I am able to setup a for loop to iterate through the array checking each value looking for the presence or absence of a certain value. I would like something with the simplicity of the indexOf functionality which tells me whether or not something is present within the array and where it is if present. Is there a to get .indexOf() working with the svg text element array? Or is there a similar alternative which does not require the use of loops and flags?
I think the problem lies in the fact that I have an array of text elements and not an array of strings. But I'm not sure how to directly get the array of the text element's textContent
var fretdata = document.getElementById("fretinformation").getElementsByTagName("text");
//var fretdata = document.getElementById("fretinformation").getElementsByTagName("text").textcontent;
//18th fret is the upper fret limit
//0 fret (open string) is the lower fret limit
//var zerolocation=fretdata.indexOf("0");
for (fd=0;fd<fretdata.length;fd++){
Iterating in the loop works. The two lines commented out using the .indexOf do not.
Thanks, --christopher

What you have is not an array, it's a nodeList.
A nodeList has length, and is array-like, but array methods like indexOf, forEach etc. doesn't work on nodeLists.
You can convert a nodeList to an array like this
var array =;
but in your case you really shouldn't, you should stick to the iteration instead.

Iterating the elements is really an option, but if you don't like it, you may have 2 more options depending on your setup:
The following code requires map function (check compatibility here, it basically requires IE9+) and slice function compatibility (same, IE9+).
var fretdata = document.getElementById("fretinformation").getElementsByTagName("text");
alert([] { return o.textContent; }).indexOf("1"));
The other one requires jQuery, it handles a lot of stuff for you.
alert($( "#fretinformation > text" ).filter(function() { return $(this).text() === "1"; } ).length);

use ES6 spread operators
var fretdata = [...(document.getElementById("fretinformation").getElementsByTagName("text"))]
This internally works as
var array =;


Why do getElementsByTagName() always returns an array?

Why is it that if I have only one h1 element in the document, I still have to use the index to access it?
Like the following doesn't work.
document.getElementsByTagName('h1').innerHTML = "SHUSHAN";
but if I do
document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].innerHTML = "SHUSHAN";
It does work.
Even though I only have one h1, why do I have to specify?
Short answer: This is so that you can have some sanity.
If you don't know whether you will get a single element or a collection of elements, you would have to write defensive, type-checking (stupid) code like this
let foo = document.getElementsByTagName('h1')
if (foo instanceof HTMLCollection)
// do something with all elements
// do something with just one element
It makes way more sense for the function to always return a known type, an HTMLCollection of HTMLElement objects
If you only care about getting the first element, you can use destructuring assignment
let [first] = document.getElementsByTagName('h1')
console.log(first) // outputs just the first h1
This is fine because the assignment clearly shows that it's expecting an array (or array-like) of elements but only cares about assigning an identifier to the first value
You should also be aware of the newer document.querySelector and document.querySelectorAll functions …
document.querySelector will select at most one element from the document or returnnull
document.querySelectorAll will always return an HTMLCollection, but may be empty if no elements match the selector.
Here's how I'd write your code in 2017
setTimeout($ => {
// get the element to change
let elem = document.querySelector('h1')
// update the text of the element
elem.textContent = 'SHUSHAN'
}, 3000)
<h1>wait 3 seconds ...</h1>
getElementsByTagName - the method name itself implies that it will return multiple elements - i.e. an array. The method always returns an array, with the length equal to the number of matching elements. As such you must always access the elements by the index of the element in the array.
Arrays must be accessed by index regardless of how many values it holds. Do some reading on array data types to get a better understanding of the concept.
The point is that getElementsByTagName always returns a HTMLCollection of elements, which works mostly as an array. If there is only one element in this collection, then its index is 0.
This is the reason why you must specify the index, even if there is only one element in the document.
Click here or here to see more documentation about this.

Merging two object (NodeList) arrays in JavaScript

I am attempting to merge two arrays of objects to so I can validate a form. The usual concat method does not appear to work in this circumstance. Concat works with ordinary numerical and string arrays but doesn't with object arrays. The line var allTags = allInputs.concat(allSelects); does not work.
var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
alert("Inputs: " + allInputs.length);
var allSelects = document.getElementsByTagName("select");
alert("Selects: " + allSelects.length);
var allTags = allInputs.concat(allSelects);
alert("allTags: " + allTags.length);
Concat works with ordinary numerical and string arrays but doesn't with object arrays.
Actually, it does, but NodeList instances don't have a concat method, and Array#concat doesn't have a means of identifying that you want to flatten those (because they're not arrays).
But it's still fairly easy to do (see caveat below, though). Change this line:
var allTags = allInputs.concat(allSelects);
var allTags = [];
allTags.push.apply(allTags, allInputs);
allTags.push.apply(allTags, allSelects);
Live Example | Source
That works by using a bit of a trick: Array#push accepts a variable number of elements to add to the array, and Function#apply calls the function using the given value for this (in our case, allTags) and any array-like object as the arguments to pass to it. Since NodeList instances are array-like, push happily pushes all of the elements of the list onto the array.
This behavior of Function#apply (not requiring the second argument to really be an array) is very clearly defined in the specification, and is well-supported in modern browsers.
Sadly, IE6 and 7 don't support the above (I think it's specifically using host objects — NodeLists — for Function#apply's second argument), but then, we shouldn't be supporting them, either. :-) IE8 doesn't, either, which is more problematic. IE9 is happy with it.
If you need to support IE8 and earlier, sadly, I think you're stuck with a boring old loop:
var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
var allSelects = document.getElementsByTagName('select');
var allTags = [];
appendAll(allTags, allInputs);
appendAll(allTags, allSelects);
function appendAll(dest, src) {
var n;
for (n = 0; n < src.length; ++n) {
return dest;
Live Example | Source
That does work on IE8 and earlier (and others).
document.get[something] returns a NodeList, which looks very similar to an Array, but has numerous distinctive features, two of which are:
It does not contain the concat method
The list of items is live. This means they change as the document changes in real time.
If you don't have any issues with turning your NodeLists into actual arrays, you could do the following to achieve the effect you desire:
var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input")
, allSelects = document.getElementsByTagName("select")
var inputList = makeArray(allInputs)
, selectList = makeArray(allSelects)
var combined = inputList.concat(selectList);
function makeArray(list){
You will lose any and all behaviors of the original NodeList, including it's ability to update in real time to reflect changes to the DOM, but my guess is, that's not really an issue.
What you're dealing with are HTMLCollections, and they're live collections (i.e., when you add a node to the DOM, it's automatically added to the collection.
And sadly, it doesn't have a concat method... for a reason. What you need to do is to convert it to an array, losing its live behaviour:
var allInputsArray = [],
allSelectsArray = [],
allFields = allInputsArray.concat(allSelectsArray);
I found a simple way to collect dom objects in the order they appear on a page or form.
Firstly, create a dummy class style 'reqd' on the object then use the following which creates a list in the order they appear on the page. Just add the class to any objects you wish to collect.
var allTags = document.querySelectorAll("input.reqd, select.reqd");
Looked into underscore.js at all? You could do
var allSelectsAndInputs = _.union(_.values(document.getElementsByTagName("input")),_.values(document.getElementsByTagName("select")));
For more information see:
The function is intended for objects, but works in this setting.

Javascript "shift" versus "splice" - are these statements equal?

I just want to confirm if the following two Javascript statements produces the same results, as it seems to me:
var element = my_array.splice(0,1)[0];
var element = my_array.shift();
I want to substitute the first by the second, in my own code, to improve readability. Can I do this?
They will have the same effect, yes. splice(0, 1) will remove the first element from my_array and return a new array containing that element. shift will do the same, but return the element itself, not an array.
shift is more readable (in my opinion) and is also significantly faster (in Chrome at least):
Both lines of code remove the first element from the array, and return the removed element, they are both supported in all major browsers.
You should use the second one, and the code will be more readable indeed.
shift returns the element that was removed, splice returns an array of elements that were removed.
that being said, the two statements do the same thing and i would agree that the second is more readable.
splice will return as an array but not remove data from the object instead make a copy
shift just give one data from front and also remove from object
For example,
const object = {1}
object.slice(); // return [{1}]
//object will be : {1}
object.shift(); // return {1}
//object will be : {} as shift remove the front data

best way to append an item to a list within a JSON object?

I'm working on JavaScript and I have this JSON object:
var obj ={"name" : "objName",
"dynamicList" :[]};
and then I add some items to my list like this:
obj.dynamicList["someStringID"] = {"watever"};
It's important that I use a string as indexer for each item on my list (i didn't know this could be done until recently).
My only problem now is that whenever I ask for obj.dynamicList.lenght I get 0, unles I manually set the proper number... I was wondering if there's a better way to add items to my list?
In Javascript, string index is not really an index. It's actually an attribute of the array object. You could set and get the value with the string index, but it's actually an empty array with some attributes. Not only .length, but also .sort(), .splice(), and other array function would not work. If there is a need to use array functions, I would use number as an index to make it a real item in the array.
If you have to use the string as an index, you couldn't rely on .length function. If there is no need to support IE prior to version 9, the Object.keys as suggested by #strimp099 should work. or you may have to create function to count the number of attributes for example:
function len(obj) {
var attrCount = 0;
for(var k in obj) {
return attrCount;
and then call
Use the following the find the length of dynamicList object:
To do this "the right way," you will have to make obj.dynamicList an object instead of an array; use {} instead of [] to set the initial value.
How to efficiently count the number of keys/properties of an object in JavaScript?
dynamiclist is an object, the length is not the length property you expect from an array.

Javascript collection of DOM objects - why can't I reverse with Array.reverse()?

What could be the problem with reversing the array of DOM objects as in the following code:
var imagesArr = new Array();
imagesArr = document.getElementById("myDivHolderId").getElementsByTagName("img");
In Firefox 3, when I call the reverse() method the script stops executing and shows the following error in the console of the Web Developer Toolbar:
imagesArr.reverse is not a function
The imagesArr variable can be iterated through with a for loop and elements like imagesArr[i] can be accessed, so why is it not seen as an array when calling the reverse() method?
Because getElementsByTag name actually returns a NodeList structure. It has similar array like indexing properties for syntactic convenience, but it is not an array. For example, the set of entries is actually constantly being dynamically updated - if you add a new img tag under myDivHolderId, it will automatically appear in imagesArr.
See for more.
getElementsByTag() returns a NodeList instead of an Array. You can convert a NodeList to an Array but note that the array will be another object, so reversing it will not affect the DOM nodes position.
var listNodes = document.getElementById("myDivHolderId").getElementsByTagName("img");
var arrayNodes =, 0);
In order to change the position, you will have to remove the DOM nodes and add them all again at the right position., 0) is a great way to convert an array-like to an array, but if you are using a JavaScript library, it may actually provide a even better/faster way to do it. For example, jQuery has $.makeArray(arrayLike).
You can also use the Array methods directly on the NodeList:;
this problem can Actually be solved easily with array spread operator.
let elements = document.querySelectorAll('button');
elements = [...elements];
console.log(elements) // Before reverse
elements = elements.reverse(); // Now the reverse function will work
console.log(elements) // After reverse
getElementsByTag() returns a NodeList instead of an Array. You need to convert the NodeList to an array then reverse it.
var imagesArr = []"myDivHolderId").getElementsByTagName("img"), 0).reverse();
I know this question is old but I think it needs a bit of clarification as some of the answers here are outdated as W3C changed the definition, and consequently the return value of these methods getElementsByTagName() and getElementsByClassName()
These methods as of the time of writing this answer return an object - empty or not - of type HTMLCollection and not NodeList.
It's like the difference between the properties children which returns an object of type HTMLCollection since it's only composed of elements and excluding text or comment nodes, and childNodes which returns an object of type NodeList since it could contain other node types like text and comments as well.
Note: I'd go on tangent here and express my lack of insight on why querySelectorAll() method currently returns a NodeList and not an HTMLCollection since it exclusively works on element nodes in the document and nothing else.
Probably it has something to do with potential coverage of other node types in the future and they went for a more future proof solution, who knows really? :)
EDIT: I think I got the rationale behind this decision to opt for a NodeList and not an HTMLCollection for the querySelectorAll().
Since they constructed HTMLCollection to be exclusively and entirely live and since this method doesn't need this live functionality, they decided for a NodeList implementation instead to best serve its purpose economically and efficiently.
Your first line is irrelevant, since it doesn't coerce the assignment to the variable, javascript works the other way. imagesArr, is not of Type Array(), its of whatever the return type of getElementsByTagName("img") is. In this case, its an HtmlCollection in Firefox 3.
The only methods on this object, are the indexers, and length. In order to work in reverse, just iterate backwards.
This worked for me, I did a reverse for loop and allocated the nodes to an array
var Slides = document.getElementById("slideshow").querySelectorAll('li');
var TempArr = [];
for (var x = Slides.length; x--;) {
Slides = TempArr;

