comparing 2 input radio values - javascript

I'm simply trying to check if the user has chosen a gender, if not, an alert/code excecution should be shown, therefore, in my HTML I'm doing:
<input type="radio" id="sexMale" name="gender" value="Herr">
<label for="sexMale">Herr</label>
<input type="radio" id="sexFemale" name="gender" value="Frau">
<label for="sexFemale">Frau</label>
And in my JS:
var sexM = document.getElementById("sexMale").value;
var sexF = document.getElementById("sexFemale").value;
I'm confused, because both input fields return false if none has been checked.
If one has been checked, it spits out the correct chosen field,
but when I simply want to compare them like this, nothing happens:
if(sexM === false && sexF === false){
// Some Action here e.g:
document.getElementById('').innerHTML = "Please choose a gender";
Since this is a form with 20+ input fields (form to claim products) I can NOT go with things like:
I know it must be some kind of type/comparison problem. I've tried all options to compare these 2 values (e.g. === false, !== true etc) - none seems to work.
Need just a little hint, Thanks

Try $('input[name="gender"]:checked').length==0.
Check this
and this demo

I think you're looking to validate radio buttons. So you can try like this
var radios = document.getElementsByName("gender");
var formValid = false;
var i = 0;
while (!formValid && i < radios.length) {
if (radios[i].checked) {
formValid = true;
if (!formValid) document.getElementById('error').innerHTML = "Please choose a gender";
return formValid;
Fiddle Demo


Validating a checkbox after already validating other sections of a form [duplicate]

I have a form with multiple checkboxes and I want to use JavaScript to make sure at least one is checked. This is what I have right now but no matter what is chosen an alert pops up.
JS (wrong)
function valthis(){
if (document.FC.c1.checked) {
alert ("thank you for checking a checkbox")
} else {
alert ("please check a checkbox")
<p>Please select at least one Checkbox</p>
<form name = "FC">
<input type = "checkbox" name = "c1" value = "c1"/> C1
<input type = "checkbox" name = "c1" value = "c2"/> C2
<input type = "checkbox" name = "c1" value = "c3"/> C3
<input type = "checkbox" name = "c1" value = "c4"/> C4
<input type = "button" value = "Edit and Report" onClick = "valthisform();">
So what I ended up doing in JS was this:
function valthisform(){
var chkd = document.FC.c1.checked || document.FC.c2.checked||document.FC.c3.checked|| document.FC.c4.checked
if (chkd == true){
} else {
alert ("please check a checkbox")
I decided to drop the "Thank you" part to fit in with the rest of the assignment. Thank you so much, every ones advice really helped out.
You should avoid having two checkboxes with the same name if you plan to reference them like document.FC.c1. If you have multiple checkboxes named c1 how will the browser know which you are referring to?
Here's a non-jQuery solution to check if any checkboxes on the page are checked.
var checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]');
var checkedOne = => x.checked);
You need the part to convert the NodeList returned by document.querySelectorAll into an array that you can call some on.
This should work:
function valthisform()
var checkboxs=document.getElementsByName("c1");
var okay=false;
for(var i=0,l=checkboxs.length;i<l;i++)
if(okay)alert("Thank you for checking a checkbox");
else alert("Please check a checkbox");
If you have a question about the code, just comment.
I use l=checkboxs.length to improve the performance. See
I would opt for a more functional approach. Since ES6 we have been given such nice tools to solve our problems, so why not use them.
Let's begin with giving the checkboxes a class so we can round them up very nicely.
I prefer to use a class instead of input[type="checkbox"] because now the solution is more generic and can be used also when you have more groups of checkboxes in your document.
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value=ck1 /> ck1<br />
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value=ck2 /> ck2<br />
function atLeastOneCheckboxIsChecked(){
const checkboxes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".checkbox"));
return checkboxes.reduce((acc, curr) => acc || curr.checked, false);
When called, the function will return false if no checkbox has been checked and true if one or both is.
It works as follows, the reducer function has two arguments, the accumulator (acc) and the current value (curr). For every iteration over the array, the reducer will return true if either the accumulator or the current value is true.
the return value of the previous iteration is the accumulator of the current iteration, therefore, if it ever is true, it will stay true until the end.
Check this.
You can't access form inputs via their name. Use document.getElements methods instead.
Vanilla JS:
var checkboxes = document.getElementsByClassName('activityCheckbox'); // puts all your checkboxes in a variable
function activitiesReset() {
var checkboxesChecked = function () { // if a checkbox is checked, function ends and returns true. If all checkboxes have been iterated through (which means they are all unchecked), returns false.
for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
if (checkboxes[i].checked) {
return true;
return false;
error[2].style.display = 'none'; // an array item specific to my project - it's a red label which says 'Please check a checkbox!'. Here its display is set to none, so the initial non-error label is visible instead.
if (submitCounter > 0 && checkboxesChecked() === false) { // if a form submit has been attempted, and if all checkboxes are unchecked
error[2].style.display = 'block'; // red error label is now visible.
for (var i=0; i<checkboxes.length; i++) { // whenever a checkbox is checked or unchecked, activitiesReset runs.
checkboxes[i].addEventListener('change', activitiesReset);
Once a form submit has been attempted, this will update your checkbox section's label to notify the user to check a checkbox if he/she hasn't yet. If no checkboxes are checked, a hidden 'error' label is revealed prompting the user to 'Please check a checkbox!'. If the user checks at least one checkbox, the red label is instantaneously hidden again, revealing the original label. If the user again un-checks all checkboxes, the red label returns in real-time. This is made possible by JavaScript's onchange event (written as .addEventListener('change', function(){});
You can check that atleast one checkbox is checked or not using this simple code. You can also drop your message.
Reference Link
<label class="control-label col-sm-4">Check Box 2</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox2" id="checkbox2" value=ck1 /> ck1<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox2" id="checkbox2" value=ck2 /> ck2<br />
function checkFormData() {
if (!$('input[name=checkbox2]:checked').length > 0) {
document.getElementById("errMessage").innerHTML = "Check Box 2 can not be null";
return false;
return true;
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "js/jquery-1.6.4.min.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
function checkSelectedAtleastOne(clsName) {
if (selectedValue == "select")
return false;
var i = 0;
$("." + clsName).each(function () {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
i = 1;
if (i == 0) {
alert("Please select atleast one users");
return false;
} else if (i == 1) {
return true;
return true;
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#chkSearchAll').click(function () {
var checked = $(this).is(':checked');
$('.clsChkSearch').each(function () {
var checkBox = $(this);
if (checked) {
checkBox.prop('checked', true);
} else {
checkBox.prop('checked', false);
//for select and deselect 'select all' check box when clicking individual check boxes
$(".clsChkSearch").click(function () {
var i = 0;
$(".clsChkSearch").each(function () {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {}
else {
i = 1; //unchecked
if (i == 0) {
$("#chkSearchAll").attr("checked", true)
} else if (i == 1) {
$("#chkSearchAll").attr("checked", false)
< / script >
Prevent user from deselecting last checked checkbox.
jQuery (original answer).
var getArrVal = $('input[type="checkbox"][name="chkBx"]:checked').map(function(){
return this.value;
//execute the code
} else {
$('#msg').html("At least one value must be checked!");
return false;
Plain JS
let i,
el = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"][name="chkBx"]'),
msg = document.getElementById('msg'),
onChange = function(ev){
let _this = this,
arrVal =
.map(function(cur){return cur.value});
msg.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(arrVal);
} else {
msg.innerHTML = "At least one value must be checked!";
<label><input type="checkbox" name="chkBx" value="value1" checked> Value1</label>
<label><input type="checkbox" name="chkBx" value="value2"> Value2</label>
<label><input type="checkbox" name="chkBx" value="value3"> Value3</label>
<div id="msg"></div>
if($('input:checkbox[type=checkbox]').is(":checked") == true){
if(($("#checkboxid1").is(":checked")) || ($("#checkboxid2").is(":checked"))
|| ($("#checkboxid3").is(":checked"))) {
//Your Code here
You can use this code to verify that checkbox is checked at least one.

Javascript Validating in a loop

I have two radio buttons on the top (YES/NO) If yes the javascript function showhideform shows another text box(certificate). This form is in a loop as you see with all my outputs.If yes is chosen and loop is 1 everything works fine onsubmit. If Yes and I submit when loop is 2 it only validates certificate textbox 2 and forgets about certificate textbox 1. I need it to validate both if yes is chosen twice.
Radio Buttons:
<label for="noabc_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>">No</label>
<label for="abc_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>">Yes</label>
Show / Hide Radio Buttons:
function showhideForm_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>(abc_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>) {
if (abc_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput> == "Yes") {
document.getElementById("div1_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("div2_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>").style.display = 'none';
else if (abc_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput> == "No") {
document.getElementById("div2_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("div1_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>").style.display = 'none';
Validating through loop:
function doSubmit(n) {
var QnoText = ['abc_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>']; // add IDs here for questions with optional text input
var ids = '';
flag = true;
for (i=0; i<QnoText.length; i++) {
CkStatus = document.getElementById(QnoText[i]).checked;
ids = QnoText[i]+'Certificate_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>' + n;
if (CkStatus && document.getElementById(ids).value == '') {
alert('Please enter certificate number ' + n + '.');
flag = false;
return flag;
Certificate textbox:
submit button:
//return doSubmit(1);
It looks like the n is just a numbering/index to the id of the input textbox it is validating.
Looking at your code, CKStatus seems to me is a checkbox. If it is checked, it will validate the certificate input text box according to the parameter n.
After days of working on it I have finally figured it out!! I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that has helped and this is the code for anyone who was interested!
<script type="text/javascript">
function doSubmit() {
var count =<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>;
flag = true;
for (i=1; i<=count; i++){
var ids = 'abc_'+i +'Certificate_'+i;
var Radio = 'abc_'+i
CkStatus = document.getElementById(Radio).checked;
if (CkStatus && document.getElementById(ids).value == '') {
alert('Please enter certificate number ' +i);
flag = false;
return flag;

Two inputs with the same name

I'm working on a webapp that has several forms. The problem comes when two inputs have the same name. I want to alert user if no one is selected. That works perfectly on Chrome, but Firefox can't say me if both of them aren't treated.
function validateForm(assignmentForm)
doc = document.getElementById(assignmentForm);
var messages = [];
valid = true;
if (doc.ambit.value=="")
messages.push("One of two ambits must be selected");
valid = false;
if ("")
messages.push("Write a name");
valid = false;
return false;
return true;
<input name="name" type="text"></input>
<input name="ambit" type="radio" value="center" ></input>
<input name="ambit" type="radio" value="titulation"></input>
<input type="submit" value="submit"/>
When I submit this form without selecting any of two radius, Chrome alerts me with "One of two ambits must be selected". But Firefox doesn't notify me of anything.
My first though was to give an ID to both inputs and treat them separately, but is it possible to fix this with another option?
For firefox doc.ambit.value is coming as array
So put this check,
ischecked_method = false;
for ( var i = 0; i < doc.ambit.length; i++) {
if(doc.ambit[i].checked) {
ischecked_method = true;
if (!ischecked_method)
messages.push("One of two ambits must be selected");
valid = false;
Instead of assuming form is valid first and checking if it's not, try assuming it's not valid and checking to see if it is.
Then you can loop through each radio button and set valid to true if you find one which is checked. Like this:
var valid = false;
var ambitValues = doc.getElementsByName('ambit')
for (var i = 0; i < ambitValues.length; i++) {
if (ambitValues[i].checked) {
valid = true;

Could someone please explain a piece of Javascript code?

I am doing a project in school, and as part of that I had to include radio buttons in my html form. Below is the Javascript code which some parts I don't quite understand. The code works fine. Could someone plz give me an explanation of how the code works.
var check = false;
for (var i=0; i < document.ExamEntry.Level.length; i++)
if (document.ExamEntry.Level[i].checked)
var radiovalue = document.ExamEntry.Level[i].value;
check =true;
var usermessage=confirm("You have chosen: ".concat(radiovalue));
if(usermessage == false)
var radiovalue = "";
check = false;
<!--I understand the code below, its just some parts of the above code.
if (check ==false)
msg+="ERROR:You must select an entry level \n";
document.getElementById ('Levelcell'). style.color = "red";
result = false;
I added comments to help explain this:
var check = false;
// set a variable 'i' from 0 up to the ExamEntry level length (so for each radio)
// if there are 10 items, this code will run 10 times, each time with 'i' a different value from 0 to 9
for (var i=0; i < document.ExamEntry.Level.length; i++)
// is the radio button checked? If so, do the stuff inside. If not, skip this part
if (document.ExamEntry.Level[i].checked)
// set variable radiovalue to the value of the particular radio button
var radiovalue = document.ExamEntry.Level[i].value;
// set the check variable to true
check =true;
// ask the user to confirm the value and set usermessage based on confirmation
var usermessage=confirm("You have chosen: ".concat(radiovalue));
// if the user hits no on confirm, it will reset the radiomessage to blank and check to false
if(usermessage == false)
var radiovalue = "";
check = false;
All form elements are bound to the global HTML document variable. So somewhere on the page there must be a form with the name of ExamEntry:
<form name='ExamEntry' id='ExamEntry` ...
The next part refers to an element in the form. Since they are expecting a radio button, Level must be an input of type radio:
<label name="Level" id="1" type="radio" ....
<label name="Level" id="2" type="radio" ....
The loop iterates through all radio buttons. If the the button is checked, it grabs the checked value, and shows that message. If it does not find a checked button, then it displays an error message.

How do I properly validate the form using input radios?

I have a problem with validating the form in function validate() method. This line of code:
if(radios[i].value == "yes" && radios[i].checked == true) //DEBUG INFO: skips this step to else.
is being skipped because one or both of the conditions are false, but I'm not sure which one and as well as if the condition is proper to execute. I was thinking that radios[i].value == "yes" will correspond to the value attribute of that input radio button (In other words, the correct answer regarding that question).
When the submit button is clicked, I simply want javascript to tell me whether it's correct or not and to check if the radio button is checked.
Problem: I checked in the radio button, when submit button is clicked the alert for Please make sure you answer every question pops up 3 times and after that displays that I have the correct answer.
Here's the full code:
// called when "Take Quiz" button is clicked
function takeQuiz()
// hide the intro
document.getElementById('intro').style.display = 'none';
// display the quiz
document.getElementById('message').style.overflow = 'auto';
document.getElementById('quiz').style.visibility = 'visible';
document.getElementById('gl_banner').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('gl_banner').style.visibility = 'visible';
//document.getElementById('submit').onclick = validateQuiz; //calls the function "validateQuiz" when submit button is clicked
// check for validation in the quiz
function validateQuiz()
var radios; // access elements by object name (DOM)
var i; // int variable
var right; // boolean variable to determine correct answer
radios = document.getElementById('question1').getElementsByTagName('input');
/*radios = document.getElementById('question2').getElementsByTagName('input');
radios = document.getElementById('question3').getElementsByTagName('input');
radios = document.getElementById('question4').getElementsByTagName('input');
radios = document.getElementById('question5').getElementsByTagName('input');*/
right = true;
// loop to check each radio button for validation
for(i = 0; i < radios.length; i++)
if(radios[i].value == "yes" && radios[i].checked == true) //DEBUG INFO: skips this step to else.
right = true;
else if(radios[i].checked == false)
right = false;
alert("Please check to make sure you have answered every question.");
alert("You have answered correctly!");
alert("Wrong answer");
HTML Code:
<div id="message" style="overflow:hidden;"><div id="intro">Why not go ahead and take the quiz to test your knowledge based on what you've learned in Smartphone Photography.
There are only 5 questions surrounding the content of this site.
<button id="takeQuiz" type="button" name="name" onclick="takeQuiz()" style="cursor:pointer;">Take Quiz!</button></div>
<div id="gl_banner" style="display:none; visibility:hidden;">Good Luck! :)</div>
<form id="quiz" action="#" method="post" style="visibility:hidden;" autocomplete="off">
<h3>1. How many percent of modern camera phones use CMOS?</h3>
<div id="question1">
<input type="radio" name="question-1-answers" id="question-1-answers-A" value="A" />
<label for="question-1-answers-A">A) 20%</label>
<input type="radio" name="question-1-answers" id="question-1-answers-B" value="B" />
<label for="question-1-answers-B">B) 80%</label>
<input type="radio" name="question-1-answers" id="question-1-answers-C" value="C" />
<label for="question-1-answers-C">C) 50%</label>
<input type="radio" name="question-1-answers" id="question-1-answers-D" value="yes" />
<label for="question-1-answers-D">D) 90%</label>
**Edited for a pure javascript solution.
I got the function to get the select value from this post.
I don't think you need to do a loop here, as you only actually need to check one value- the value of the checked radio.
At the moment your looping through all the radios, so you'll always get three wrong answers.
**Edited again to fix some code errors. I have tested the following, it is working for me.
function getRadioValue(name) {
var group = document.getElementsByName(name);
for (var i=0;i<group.length;i++) {
if (group[i].checked) {
return group[i].value;
return '';
document.getElementById('submit').onclick = validateQuiz; //calls the function "validateQuiz" when submit button is clicked
// check for validation in the quiz
function validateQuiz(){
right = true;
radio = getRadioValue("question-1-answers");
if(!radio.length) {
right = false;
alert("Please check to make sure you have answered every question.");
if(radio == 'yes')
alert("You have answered correctly!");
else {
right = false;
alert("Wrong answer");

