javascript editable table does not work properly - javascript

I am using the following code to make a html table editable (this code is obtained from an online tutorial link:
$("td").dblclick(function () {
//Obtain and record the value in the cell being edited. This value will be used later
var OriginalContent = $(this).text();
//Addition of class cellEditing the cell in which the user has double-clicked
//Inserting an input in the cell containing the value that was originally on this.
$(this).html("<input type='text' value='" + OriginalContent + "' />");
//directing the focus (cursor) to the input that was just created, so that the user does not need to click on it again.
//the opening and closing function that handles the keypress event of the input.
//A reserved word this refers to the cell that was clicked.
//We use the functions first and children to get the first child element of the cell, ie the input.
$(this).children().first().keypress(function (e) {
//check if the pressed key is the Enter key
if (e.which == 13) {
var newContent = $(this).val();
It seems to work fine. Then I am using the following function to read the contents of the table and create a json representation:
function showRefTable(){
var headers = [];
var objects = [];
var headerRow = $('#dataTable thead tr');
var rows = $('#dataTable tbody tr');
for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++){
var row = rows.eq(i);
var object = new Object();
for (var j=0; j<row.find('td').length; j++){
object[headers[j]] = row.find('td').eq(j).text();
var json = JSON.stringify(objects);
This function is used as a callback to an onclick event.
The problem is that the function used to read the table contents shows the original contents even if I make an edit (show page source shows the original content).

It's really bad to read table contents from .text(). You will not be able to use any formatting for numbers and many other problems. You'd better of keeping table contents in standalone datasourse object and redrawing table from it every time when user changes values.
I would advise using kendo grid - it's powerfull, reliable js table.
EDIT: your function does not work, becuse you said you call it as callback to onclick event. So you read contents of the table before they actually changed.
You should read contents when they are saved. In your case, try calling you function when user saves the input (presses Enter)
if (e.which == 13) {
var newContent = $(this).val();
//Now, when content is changed, call your function


Why does my button click listener not work in chrome extension?

I'm trying to create a chrome extension, my problem is that when I try to place an event listener to each button in a class, only the first button has one, and the rest don't have an event listener.
function copyButtonInitialise(){
var copyButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("copyPassword");
console.log("length = ", copyButtons.length);
for (var i = 0; i < copyButtons.length; i++){
console.log(copyButtons[i] + " element number " + i + "= button");
copyButtons[i].addEventListener("click", copyButtonClick);
This function is what should be called if any button with the class "copyPasword" is clicked.(just want to make sure it gets clicked, but it doesn't)
function copyButtonClick(){
console.log("Hello There");
This is the function that loads passwords, it's called before adding event listeners to buttons.
async function loadPasswords(){
document.getElementById("passwordTable").innerHTML = "";
console.log("This is the loadpasswords function");, function(items) {
var allKeys = Object.keys(items);
var passwordTable = document.getElementById("passwordTable");
var header = passwordTable.createTHead();
var passwordRow = header.insertRow(0);
for(var i = 0; i < allKeys.length; i++){
let passwordKey = allKeys[i];[allKeys[i]], function(value){
var passwordName = Object.keys(value);
passwordName = passwordName[0];
var table = document.getElementById("passwordTable");
var header = table.createTHead();
var passwordRow = header.insertRow(0);
var cellTwo = passwordRow.insertCell(0);
var cell = passwordRow.insertCell(1);
cellTwo.innerHTML = "<p1 id=passwordNameCol>" + passwordName + "</p1>";
cell.innerHTML = "<button class=copyPassword> Copy " + '"'+ passwordName + '"'+ "</button>";
The passwords clearly load in.
When I click the buttons, nothing gets sent to the console, expecting a "hello there" (as shown above)
Try these things:
the outer returns all stored couples key+value.
Why you use a second time inside the "for" statement? It is not necessary.
Don't use insert methods of table but try with createElement and appendChild.
Create first an THEAD (or TBODY) element and then put every rows on it.
When you'll finish you'll have to append only that THEAD\TBODY as child of your table.
Try to create the button with createElement (as i suggest for any other table elements) and after its creation put the event listener on it (inside the "for").
if you think to reuse the same table for other differente rows remenber to destroy the THEAD first otherwise the just created events listeners will remain orphans.
Destroy the THEAD with something like element.remove() and not with innerHTML = "".

Form values are overwritten after change

I have a form that shows up when each row in a table is double clicked. The values of this form can be updated and the form should be submitted with all row changes. But each time I double click on a row and edit the values of that form for that row, the previous values I had changed get overwritten. In order to work around this, I tried adding all the changes to a map with the row id as the key and the values of the form as the value. But the form still won't update with the new values. Here is a fiddle to demonstrate what I mean:
If I double click on the row that says "Adam Smith" and change that name to John Doe, when I double click on the second row and then double Click on "Adam Smith" again, it should say "John" on the first textbox and "Doe" on the second one. But the new value never seems to save.
This code snippet loops through each key, then loops through each value of that key:
for(var i = 0; i<key.length; i++){
var getval = globalchanges[key[i]];
for(var k=0; k<getval.length; k++){
How can I get the new changes to save? (The table rows don't have to show the changes, just the textbox values). Any help would be appreciated.
First, as mentioned by #Taplar you are binding the click event multiple times. Your approach is close enough, the idea of storing the changes is valid. You should have 2 functions, store the changes on button click and the second one to retrieve the changes by id.
Updated Fiddle
This function will get the values of the form and will store in on a global object
function setMap(id){
var firstrow = $("#input1").val();
var secondrow = $("#input2").val();
globalchanges[id] = [firstrow,secondrow];
This other function will check if the global object has values for the passed id, if not, it will use the values on the row
function getMap(id, tr){
if(globalchanges[id] != undefined && globalchanges[id].length == 2){
Please note there are also changes on the dbclick and click events, they should be separated
$("#table tr").dblclick(function(){
$("#txtbox-wrapper").css({"display" : "block"});
var id = $(this).find('td').eq(0).text();
var id = $('#id').val();
And that we added and additional input to store the id on the form.
You are going to need to rethink your logic because of this part
$("#table tr").dblclick(function(){
$("#txtbox-wrapper").css({"display" : "block"});
var id = $(this).find('td').eq(0).text();
-Every time- you double click a table row you are adding a new click binding to the savebtn element. This means if you double click both rows, when you click that button it will execute addToMap for both ids. You may have other issues with your logic relying on only two other inputs for multiple rows, but this double/triple/+ binding is going to bite you.
There are few changes required in your logic as well as implementation.
1: Do not bind save event inside row click.
2: You are selecting the value in row double click event from td element. You need to update this element to keep your logic working
3: Keep track of which row is getting updated.
Updated Code
var globalchanges = {};
var rowSelected = null;
$("#table tr").dblclick(function() {
"display": "block"
rowSelected = $(this).find('td').eq(0).text();
$("#savebtn").click(function() {
function addToMap(row) {
var array = [];
var changes = {};
var firstrow = $("#input1").val();
var secondrow = $("#input2").val();
array.push(firstrow, secondrow);
globalchanges[row] = array;
function makeChanges(row) {
var key = Object.keys(globalchanges);
$("#table tr td").each(function(k, v) {
if ($(v).text() == key) {
globalchanges = {};
Working fiddle :

How to get the data inside a html table cell when clicked on it?

I created a html table and filled it dynamically. So I want to alert the data inside a cell of the table when i clicked it. Here is the code for the table
<table id="load-opt"></table>
I'm filling the data inside dynamically like this
var fillTable = function($element, data) {
var t_head = $("<tr></tr>");
for(var ind=0; ind<data.length; ind++) {
//name is the name and desc is the description for each option
var $option = $("<tr></tr>");
I tried this but it's not working, it's giving "undefined".
var choice = $('table#load-opt tr td');{
alert(choice); // also tried alerting choice.textContent, choice.innerHTML and choice.firstChild
you are actually trying to alert the 'td' object not value of from that object so you can use following to solve the query.Here i am using on instead of direct click function because of dynamically added data.
var choice = $('table#load-opt tr td');
choice.on('click', function(){
You can use $(this).text() to fetch the data in table cell.
This is a link.

Why can't I bind this onclick event?

I'm producing buttons for editing and removing each element in a Firebase database dynamically with javascript. And when there is only one element in the database (these elements represent polls/elections), the below code works fine. But when there is more than one database element, and hence more than one row of buttons, only the final pair of edit/remove buttons added are actually bound with the click event, which I suppose means all previous bindings are being overwritten in some way? I should also mention that both pollsRef.once() and pollsSnapshot.forEach() are asynchronous function calls (as are all Firebase API calls). Here is the function which creates and binds the buttons. ...
function displayCurrentPollsForEditing(pollsRef)
var tbl = createTable();
var th = ('<th>Polls</th>');
$(th).attr('colspan', '3');
pollsRef.once('value', function(pollsSnapshot) {
pollsSnapshot.forEach(function(pollsChild) {
var type =;
// If this is true if means we have a poll node
if ($.trim(type) !== "NumPolls")
// Create variables
var pollRef = pollsRef.child(type);
var pollName = pollsChild.val().Name;
var btnEditPoll = $('<button>EDIT</button>');
var btnRemovePoll = $('<button>REMOVE</button>');
var tr = $('<tr></tr>');
var voterColumn = $('<td></td>');
var editColumn = $('<td></td>');
var rmvColumn = $('<td></td>');
// Append text and set attributes and listeners
$(voterColumn).attr('width', '300px');
'class': 'formee-table-button',
'font-size': '1.0em'
'class': 'formee-table-remove-button',
'font-size': '1.0em'
// Append to row and row to table body
// Append table to div to be displayed
$('div#divEditPoll fieldset#selectPoll div#appendPolls').empty();
$(tbl).appendTo('div#divEditPoll fieldset#selectPoll div#appendPolls');
$(btnEditPoll).click(function() {
return false;
$(btnRemovePoll).click(function() {
deletePoll($(this), pollsRef);
return false;
The buttons are just rendered in a programmatically generated table, all the jQuery selectors are correct.

JQuery DataTables How to get selected rows from table when we using paging?

For example I selected (checked) 2 rows from second page than go to first page and select 3 rows. I want get information from 5 selected rows when I stay at first page.
$('tr.row_selected') - not working
I created handler somthing like this:
$('#example').find('tr td.sel-checkbox').live("click", function () {
/*code here*/
But right now when click event is hadle the row from table is hidding. I think it may be sorting or grouping operation of DataTables. Any idea what I must do with this?
When a checkbox gets selected, store the row information you want in a global object as a Key-Value pair
I don't remember specifically how i did it before but the syntax was something like
var row = $(this).parent(); //this or something like it, you want the TR element, it's just a matter of how far up you need to go
var columns = row.children(); //these are the td elements
var id = columns[0].val(); //since these are TDs, you may need to go down another element to get to the actual value
if (!this.checked) //becomes checked (not sure may be the other way around, don't remember when this event will get fired)
var val1 = columns[1].val();
var val2 = columns[2].val();
myCheckValues[id] =[val1,val2]; //Add the data to your global object which should be declared on document ready
else delete myCheckValues[id];
When you submit, get the selected rows from your object:
for (var i = 0; i < myCheckValues.length; i++)
Sorry, haven't done JS in a long time so code as is might not work but you get the idea.
$('#example').find('tr td.sel-checkbox').live("click", function () {
var data = oTable.fnGetData(this);
// get key and data value from data object
var isSelected = $(this).hasClass('row_selected');
if(isSelected) {
myCheckValues[key] = value;
} else {
delete myCheckValues[key];
On submit
if(checkedCount > 0) {
for(var ArrVal in myCheckValues) {
var values = myCheckValues[ArrVal]; // manipulate with checked rows values data

