Same function for few elements - javascript

I have on my site alot of payment systems and instructions for them (visa, mastercard, amex and so..).
This script shows instructions when clicking on button.
$('#show-visa').click(function() {
$('#close-visa').click(function() {
I would need to duplicate this same script for every payment system, but there are many of them (aroung 20-25).. Writing same script for every payment system is not good idea. How can i do it better way?

Since I cannot see your markup, I will improvise...
Several things to note:
I am using .fadeToggle() instead of .fadeIn() and .fadeOut()
Use a common class for toggle buttons and have one .click() handler for all of them
Make use of data-* in your markup
$('.toggle-option').click(function() {
var $target = $(this).data('target'); // Get the data-target attribute
$('#' + $target).fadeToggle(); // Toggle the id specified by data-target
<button class="toggle-option" data-target="visa">Toggle Visa</button>
<button class="toggle-option" data-target="mastercard">Toggle Mastercard</button>
<button class="toggle-option" data-target="maestro">Toggle Maestro</button>

You can extend the jquery prototype object. I created a simple jsfiddle for you.
$.fn.test = function(){
alert('the id is: ' + $(this).attr('id'));

If you want to have different selectors in your html structure for each payment system you could make an array with your payment system names and use $.each function on it to add handler for each one.
var paymentSystems = ['visa', 'mastercard', etc... ];
$.each(paymentSystems, function(name){
$('#show-' + name).on('click', function() {
$('#close-' + name).on('click', function() {
$('#instruction-'+ name).fadeOut();

Add a class to every single element and use the data- attribute to get the element which should be shown.
<button class="show" data-id="element1">Show</button>
<button class="hide" data-id="element1">Hide</button>
<button class="show" data-id="element2">Show</button>
<button class="hide" data-id="element2">Hide</button>
<div class="element" id="element1">Element1</div>
<div class="element" id="element2">Element2</div>
$(function () {
$(".show").click(function () {
$("#" + $(this).data("id")).fadeIn();
$(".hide").click(function () {
$("#" + $(this).data("id")).fadeOut();


Two different Div's have same ID and Class name which one is Work

I have a div with a specific ID like: id="1"
I have another div in a different section of the class such as: class="1".
I'm using the following jQuery to trigger my function, which should be really like onClick on ID div, action the other div which has the same ID has a class.
$('#2').on('click', function(ev) {
$(".video, .2")[0].src += "&autoplay=1";
Which works perfectly. However, I would like to make this function dynamic. How?
You can just get the id of the clicked element with and concatenate it to the selector string. I would also use attr("src", ...) in this case to prevent JS errors in case there is no matching element in the page (or check for this condition if you'd still prefer vanilla JS).
$('button[id]').on('click', function(ev) {
var videoEl = $(".video ." +;
videoEl.attr("src", videoEl.attr("src") + "&autoplay=1");
<script src=""></script>
<div class="video"><video class="2" src="video.mp4?"></video></div>
<button id="2">autoplay video</button>
$(document.body).on('click', 'HERE_A_SELECTOR_FOR_ALL_THE_ELEMENTS_WITH_IDn', function(ev) {
$(".video ." +[0].src += "&autoplay=1";

jQuery: add click event to specific id

I have a small jquery problem:
My code is like this:
<div id="select-word-5" class="select-word-link"> - some content - </div>
<div id="select-5" class="select"> - some content - </div>
I have throughout my document several select-word-link and select divs.
I want to add a click event to the first div, that reacts just to the second div.
My idea was to loop through all the "select-x" elements, but i think there is a much better way?
var id =;
var idLink ="-word", "");
if (idLink ==
$(id).click(function() {
alert("this does not work");
You can do this easier by triggering an action on an event.
alert('Does this work?');
$('#select-5').trigger('click'); // will behave as if #select-5 is clicked.
More advanced:
alert('Does this work?');
alert('Does this work?');
// etc
var selectId ='-word', '');
$('#'+selectId).trigger('click'); // will behave as if #select-5 is clicked.
maybe this code help you
// you code goes here
jQuery as CSS uses # selector to identify that this string is an Id.
<div id="someId"></div>
and you execute this code:
this will select the DOM object that has the Id someId
while id property returns the id of the DOM object without the selector # i.e. this jQuery code:
var id = $('#someId').get(0).id
will initialize the variable id to 'someId'
Thus, in your code add '#' in the selector
$('#' + id).click(function() {
alert("this does not work");
You have to trigger click next() element not all .select
$(".word").click(function() {
var selectId ='-word', '');
$(".next").click(function() {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="select-word-5" class="select-word-link word">- some content 5-</div>
<div id="select-word-6" class="select-word-link word">- some content 6-</div>
<div id="select-word-7" class="select-word-link word">- some content 7-</div>etc.
<div id="select-5" class="select-word-link next">- some content next 5-</div>
<div id="select-6" class="select-word-link next">- some content next 6-</div>
<div id="select-7" class="select-word-link next">- some content next 7-</div>
very simple solution
$('#select-5 , .select-word-link').click(function () {
// your code
If you want trigger same functionality from 2 or more different div ids or classes or combination of both then put separated by , like '#select-5 , .select-word-link' as shown in above example.

Find value of multiple buttons with javascript

I need to have multiple buttons on page (created through a PHP loop) - there's not fixed number of buttons as there'll be one for each record displayed. I'd like to get the value of that button with javascript when it is clicked.
So far the html looks like:
<button id="update[0]" value="test">Update</button>
<button id="update[1]" value="test">Update</button>
<button id="update[2]" value="test">Update</button>
and my script is:
$(document).ready("#update").click(function() {
var updateId = $("#update").val
So far the script detects when any #update[] button is clicked but how do I know the index of the particular button in order to get the value (i.e. if #update[38] is clicked how do I know it's #update[38] so I can find the value of that particular button?
You do not want to chain off the document ready like you are as its returning the document.
$(document).ready("#update").click(function() {
So you are capturing the not not so when you reference $(this).val() you will get document.value which does not exist.
Should be:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("button").click(function () {
//no reason to create a jQuery object just use this.value
var updateId = this.value;
Use the "this" key word.
$(document).ready("#update").click(function() {
var updateId = $(this).val();
The this keyword in javascript allows you to reference the particular instance of the object you are interacting with.
Also, add "()" to the end of val.
I believe you meant to use
var updateId = $("#update").val()
With jQuery you can use $(this).val()
You could also get the text of the button using .text()
With pure Javascript you could use .value if the button has a value attribute
See this: Javascript Get Element Value
I would suggest the following
<button id="0" class="updatebutton" value="test">Update</button>
<button id="1" class="updatebutton" value="test">Update</button>
<button id="2" class="updatebutton" value="test">Update</button>
Use a class to apply your click function.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("updatebutton").click(function () {
var updateId =;
And use the id to specify the index of the button.
The trick is to give all your buttons the same class and then use $(this) to find out which button was clicked.
Once you know the button, then you can check for any of its attributes like id, value or name.
$(function() {
$(".xx").on("click", function(evt) {
var clicked_button = $(this);
<script src=""></script>
<button id="update_1" class="xx" value="test1">Button 1</button>
<button id="update_2" class="xx" value="test2">Button 2</button>
<button id="update_3" class="xx" value="test3">Button 3</button>
Hi there a few things wrong with your javascript there.
You are attaching onClick to the document! The function ready returns the document.
$(document).ready("#update").click(function() {
$(document).ready(function () { $(valid_selector).click...
You are attempting to refetch the button with $('#update'), which 1 doesn't fetch anything, and two if it did would return all of the buttons. So use $(this) in the scope of the click function instead to refer to the button clicked.
Here is your javascript corrected:
//When the document is ready call this function
$(document).ready(function () {
//Select all buttons whoes id starts with update
$('button[id^="update"]').click(function() {
//Store the id attribute from the clicked button
var updateId = $(this).attr("id");
//Store the value attribute from the clicked button
var value = $(this).attr("value");
alert("You clicked button:"+updateId+" with value: "+value);

Remove only one div with query

Here is the JsFiddle
I have a button that will add a new header, textbox, and a link when it's click.
But when I click on the remove link. It's removes every new item that was added.
<div id='main'>
Top of Boby
<div id='main_1'>
<h3> Item</h3>
<input type="text" />
$(function() {
$('.AddItem').click(function() {
$('div#main_1').append("<div><h3>Item</h3><input type='text' class='remove_skill'/><a href=''>Remove</a</div>");
$(function() {
$('.remove_skill').click(function() {
2 issues..
You have never defined the class for the anchor. Add the class to the anchor
You need to remove the enclosing div and not the anchor. Use .closest
Also you need to delegate the event as the elements are being added dynamically
$('#main').on('click', '.remove_skill', function (e) {
Check Fiddle
The problem with the code you've posted is that no links exist at the moment you call $('.remove_skill').click, so you can't add event listeners to them.
I recommend a step-by-step approach. Create, add behaviour, append to the document.
$('.AddItem').click(function () {
var new_element = $('<div class="item"><h3>Item</h3><input type="text"/><a class="remove" href="#">Remove</a></div>');
function remove_item() {
return false;
I recommend <a href="#"> for javascript-handled links.
Alternative solution using a closure:
$('.AddItem').click(function () {
var new_element = $("<div class="item"><h3>Item</h3><input type='text'/><a class="remove" href="#">Remove</a</div>");
new_element.find(".remove").click(function() {
Your problem is that your "Remove" is in an 'a' tag. This causes the page to reload, and removing all of your previous changes.

How to refactor this simple code

I have a following script:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#q1_6').on("click", function(event){
$('#q1_7').on("click", function(event){
$('#q1_15').on("click", function(event){
$('#q2_6').on("click", function(event){
$('#q2_7').on("click", function(event){
$('#q2_15').on("click", function(event){
$('#q3_13').on("click", function(event){
Are these calls proper, or maybe I should somehow refactor the script to avoid duplication?
I am creating a survey with about 20 questions displayed on one page. Answers are in checkboxes. Some answers have additional options (sub-answers), which should be shown when user clicks parental answer. Here is HTML markup for better understanding
<input type="checkbox" id="q1_5"/><label for="q1_5">Answer 5</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="q1_6"/><label for="q1_6">Answer 6</label>
<div id="q1-f">
<input type="checkbox" id="q1_6_1"/><label for="q1_6_1">Answer 6-1</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="q1_6_2"/><label for="q1_6_2">Answer 6-2</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="q1_6_3"/><label for="q1_6_3">Answer 6-3</label>
Current script works well, but I am wondering if I can avoid repeats of the same code snippets.
If you have access to the HTML and can influence the structure of the elements which when clicked initiate the toggle, then I'd add a class and data attribute:
<a href='#' id='q1_6' class='toggle' data-toggle-id='q1-f'>blah</a>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('a.toggle').on('click', function(){
var $el = $(this),
toggleID = '#' + $el.attr('data-toggle-id'),
toggleValue = 350;
given no idea on how IDs are correlated in your example.
function toggle(id, id2, value){
$(id).on("click", function(event){
toggle('#q1_15', '#q1-0', 350);
You could do :
$('[id^="q"]').on("click", function(e){
//get the id of the clicked button
var id =;
//do all cases based on id
This could be done in an even cleaner way if there is some element to which we could delegate the event handling, but you didn't show us your markup. It would be something like
$('body').on("click",'[id^="q"]', function(e){
//get the id of the clicked button
var id =;
//do all cases based on id
This second option use only one event handler (good) but it has to wait until the event is bubbled up the DOM (might be bad)
Why don't you create a javascript object where keys denote the id of element that accepts clicks and corresponding value is the id of element to show. Something like:
var clickHanders = {
"q1_6": "q1-f",
"q1_7": "q1-m"
// ...
Then all you need is:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("div[id^=q]").on("click", function(event) {
var srcId =;
var dstId = clickHanders[srcId];
if (dstId) {
$("#" + dstId).slideToggle(350);
I now see that the slide duration can be different as well. You can still use the above approach:
var clickHanders = {
"q1_6": {
"elementId": "q1-f",
"duration": "350"
"q2_7": {
"elementId": "q2-m",
"duration": "250"
$(document).ready(function() {
$("div[id^=q]").on("click", function(event) {
var srcId =;
var dstData = clickHanders[srcId];
if (dstData) {
$("#" + dstData.elementId).slideToggle(dstData.duration);
This code looks longer than your original code but perhaps more sensible.
There are some things to ask when you refactor:
Are you having speed problems?
Are you having memory problems?
Does the code look ugly?
You should not be refactoring code just to refactor it and optimize something where it is not needed. If the code is not too slow and does not have a too high memory consumption (all in the eye of the beholder) and is readable, you have good code.
My idea would be to serialize the event trigger, event target and slideToggle amount, so you could iterate through some kind of Collection and bind it. But would that be worth it?
Well, each handler does the very same thing, so here's what you should do:
Refactor your HTML, for example:
<div id="q1-6" data-to="q1-f"></div>
for each object (you can use other HTML attributes). Then you can define handlers:
$('#q1-6,#q1-7,#someother_id,#watman,#foo').click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('data-to');
There is no way to shorten your code, because there is nothing exactly the same, so your code is ok.

