Tympanus Page Loading Effect: Multiple pages - javascript

I would like to use Tympanus' page loading effects (see demo: http://tympanus.net/Development/PageLoadingEffects/index2.html).
Unfortunately, all demo links only use one page switch, e.g. from page-1 to page-2.
In my case, I would like to have several "pages", one for every project.
Tympanus' example looks for a class called "container" and adds/removes a "show" class to the respective div element.
(function() {
var pageWrap = document.getElementById( 'pagewrap' ),
pages = [].slice.call( pageWrap.querySelectorAll( 'div.container' ) ),
currentPage = 0,
triggerLoading = [].slice.call( pageWrap.querySelectorAll( 'a.pageload-link' ) ),
loader = new SVGLoader( document.getElementById( 'loader' ), { speedIn : 300, easingIn : mina.easeinout } );
function init() {
triggerLoading.forEach( function( trigger ) {
trigger.addEventListener( 'click', function( ev ) {
// after some time hide loader
setTimeout( function() {
classie.removeClass( pages[ currentPage ], 'show' );
// update..
currentPage = currentPage ? 0 : 1;
classie.addClass( pages[ currentPage ], 'show' );
}, 2000 );
} );
} );
How can I adapt the script in order to be able to have more than just two "pages"?
PS: I write "pages" because it actually all happens in one single html file.

They just flip back and forth between pages here:
currentPage = currentPage ? 0 : 1;
Looking at the code, I believe all you need to do is:
currentPage = currentPage == pages.length - 1 ? 0 : currentPage + 1;


Capturing images from HTML page in array using javascript

I'm trying to capture all images in an HTML page using Javascript. I found this similar question, the best answer to which gives in excellent detail a solution to the problem:
Detect all images with Javascript in an html page
My question is that I can't get the code shown in the best answer to run without error - even when I copy/paste directly into the Firefox console. I suspect the answer is straightforward, though it's had me scratching my head for hours - is anyone able to help please?
This code gives me the error "SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list"...
var elements = document.body.getElementsByTagName("*");
Array.prototype.forEach.call( elements, function ( el ) {
var style = window.getComputedStyle( el, false );
if ( style.backgroundImage != "none" ) {
images.push( style.backgroundImage.slice( 4, -1 ).replace(/['"]/g, "")
The full solution, which seems to include the above, also appears to give the same error...
var images = [],
bg_images = [],
image_parents = [];
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var body = document.body;
var elements = document.body.getElementsByTagName("*");
/* When the DOM is ready find all the images and background images
initially loaded */
Array.prototype.forEach.call( elements, function ( el ) {
var style = window.getComputedStyle( el, false );
if ( el.tagName === "IMG" ) {
images.push( el.src ); // save image src
image_parents.push( el.parentNode ); // save image parent
} else if ( style.backgroundImage != "none" ) {
bg_images.push( style.backgroundImage.slice( 4, -1 ).replace(/['"]/g, "") // save background image url
/* MutationObserver callback to add images when the body changes */
var callback = function( mutationsList, observer ){
for( var mutation of mutationsList ) {
if ( mutation.type == 'childList' ) {
Array.prototype.forEach.call( mutation.target.children, function ( child ) {
var style = child.currentStyle || window.getComputedStyle(child, false);
if ( child.tagName === "IMG" ) {
images.push( child.src ); // save image src
image_parents.push( child.parentNode ); // save image parent
} else if ( style.backgroundImage != "none" ) {
bg_images.push( style.backgroundImage.slice( 4, -1 ).replace(/['"]/g, "") // save background image url
} );
var observer = new MutationObserver( callback );
var config = { characterData: true,
attributes: false,
childList: true,
subtree: true };
observer.observe( body, config );
Thank you.
You're missing some closing parentheses on the images.push() line and the last line.
Not sure if this will make your code do what you ultimately want it to do, but it will at least not cause a syntax error.
var elements = document.body.getElementsByTagName("*");
Array.prototype.forEach.call( elements, function ( el ) {
var style = window.getComputedStyle( el, false );
if ( style.backgroundImage != "none" ) {
images.push(style.backgroundImage.slice(4, -1).replace(/['"]/g, ""));

jQuery $(window).scroll event handler off but still firing?

I'm experiencing some strange behavior with a jQuery plugin that I wrote. Basically, the plugin makes a sidebar element stick to the top of the browser window when scrolling through the blog post that the sidebar belongs to. This should only happen when the window reaches a certain size (768px) or above (the plugin detects this by checking the float style of the sidebar).
Everything works as expected...until you resize the browser from large -- sidebar is sticky -- to small -- sidebar should not be sticky. My onResize function supposedly removes the scroll event handler and only adds it back if the startQuery is true (so, if the sidebar float value is something other than none). I've double and triple checked through the console: everything is working correctly as far as I can tell. I even added console.log('scroll') to the onScroll function and it doesn't show up when the event handler is supposed to be removed, but my sidebar is still turning sticky when I scroll through the blog posts.
You can see the problem in action here. To recreate the steps:
Resize your browser window to less than 768px wide and visit the page. See that the .share-bar element inside each blog post does not move as you scroll. 'scroll' is not logged in the console.
Resize your browser window to 768px or larger. See that the .share-bar element becomes sticky as you scroll through each blog post, then sticks to the bottom of the post as you scroll past it. 'scroll' is logged in the console.
Resize your browser window to less than 768px. See that the .share-bar element becomes sticky as you scroll through each blog post. 'scroll' is not logged in the console.
It's almost as if the event handler is removed, but the elements aren't updating or something. I'm sure I'm missing something fundamental, but I've researched and tried all sorts of fixes for $(window).scroll event problems and none of them are working here.
My call to plugin:
'wrapper': '.post-wrapper',
'content': '.entry-content' });
Plugin code:
;( function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
var settings;
var throttled;
$.fn.stickySides = function( options ) {
settings = $.extend( {}, $.fn.stickySides.defaults, options );
// Store sidebars
settings.selector = this.selector;
settings.startQuery = '$("' + settings.selector + '").css(\'float\') != \'none\'';
// Create debounced resize function
var debounced = _.debounce( $.fn.stickySides.onResize, settings.wait );
$(window).resize( debounced );
// Create throttled scroll function
throttled = _.throttle( $.fn.stickySides.onScroll, settings.wait );
// Only continue if the start query is true
if ( eval(settings.startQuery) == true ) {
$(window).on( 'scroll.stickySides', throttled );
return this;
// Define default settings
$.fn.stickySides.defaults = {
wrapper: 'body',
content: '.content',
wait: 100,
startQuery: ''
$.fn.stickySides.onResize = function ( ) {
$(window).off( 'scroll.stickySides' );
// Only continue if the start query is true
if ( eval(settings.startQuery) == true ) {
$(window).on( 'scroll.stickySides', throttled );
} else {
var sides = $(settings.selector);
sides.each ( function () {
var elem = $(this);
var content = elem.siblings( settings.content );
if ( elem.css('position') == 'fixed' || elem.css('position') == 'absolute' ) {
elem.css( 'position', 'static' );
if ( content.css('margin-left') != '0px' ) {
content.css( 'margin-left', 0 );
$.fn.stickySides.onScroll = function ( ) {
var sides = $(settings.selector);
// Check each sidebar
sides.each ( function () {
var elem = $(this);
var content = elem.siblings( settings.content );
var wrapper = elem.closest( settings.wrapper );
var elemHeight = elem.height();
var wrapperHeight = wrapper.height();
// Only continue if the wrapper is taller than the sidebar
if ( elemHeight >= wrapperHeight ) {
} else {
var wrapperFracs = wrapper.fracs(function (fracs) {
// Only continue if the wrapper is in view
if ( fracs.visible == 0 ) {
} else {
// Check if the wrapper extends beyond the top of
// the viewport
var wrapperSpaceTop = fracs.rects.element.top;
// If it does, change sidebar position as appropriate
if ( wrapperSpaceTop > 0 ) {
var visibleWrapper = fracs.rects.document.height;
// If the visible portion of the wrapper is smaller
// than the height of the sidebar...
if ( visibleWrapper <= elemHeight ) {
// ...position the sidebar at the bottom
// of the wrapper
if ( wrapperSpaceTop != 0 ) {
elem.css('position', 'absolute').css( 'top', (wrapperHeight - elemHeight) + content.position().top + 'px' );
// Otherwise, move sidebar to appropriate position
} else {
elem.css('position', 'fixed').css('top', 0);
content.css('margin-left', elem.outerWidth());
} else {
elem.css('position', 'static');
content.css('margin-left', 0);
} )( jQuery, window, document );
PS: I would use an existing plugin, but I didn't see one that got really close to the functionality I need here; feel free to point one out if you know of one. I haven't tested outside of Mac yet. And yes, I know some of the page elements don't flow very well on mobile -- ex: site header & nav -- and there are some other missing items unrelated to this problem. I'm waiting for some feedback from my client before I can address that.
Happens every time. Shortly after I ask for help, I figure it out on my own. ;)
The problem was in the fracs function inside the onScroll function. I didn't realize it called its own resize/scroll handlers, so those weren't getting unbound when I removed my scroll handler. I just reworked the plugin to take advantage of the fracs library's handlers instead of calling my own scroll handler:
;( function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
var settings;
var throttled;
$.fn.stickySides = function( options ) {
settings = $.extend( {}, $.fn.stickySides.defaults, options );
// Store sidebars
settings.selector = this.selector;
settings.startQuery = '$("' + settings.selector + '").css(\'float\') != \'none\'';
if ( eval( settings.startQuery ) == true ) {
// Create debounced resize function
var debounced = _.debounce( $.fn.stickySides.onResize, settings.wait );
$(window).resize( debounced );
return this;
// Define default settings
$.fn.stickySides.defaults = {
wrapper: 'body',
content: '.content',
wait: 100,
startQuery: ''
$.fn.stickySides.doFracs = function ( ) {
var sides = $(settings.selector);
// Check each sidebar
sides.each ( function () {
var elem = $(this);
var content = elem.siblings( settings.content );
var wrapper = elem.closest( settings.wrapper );
var elemHeight = elem.height();
var wrapperHeight = wrapper.height();
// Only continue if the wrapper is taller than the sidebar
if ( elemHeight >= wrapperHeight ) {
} else {
var wrapperFracs = wrapper.fracs( $.fn.stickySides.fracsCallback );
$.fn.stickySides.unbindFracs = function ( ) {
var sides = $(settings.selector);
// Check each sidebar
sides.each ( function () {
var elem = $(this);
var content = elem.siblings( settings.content );
var wrapper = elem.closest( settings.wrapper );
if ( elem.css('position') == 'fixed' || elem.css('position') == 'absolute' ) {
elem.css( 'position', 'static' );
if ( content.css('margin-left') != '0px' ) {
content.css( 'margin-left', 0 );
$.fn.stickySides.fracsCallback = function ( fracs ) {
// Only continue if the wrapper is in view
if ( fracs.visible == 0 ) {
} else {
var wrapper = $(this);
var elem = wrapper.find(settings.selector);
var content = elem.siblings( settings.content );
var elemHeight = elem.height();
var wrapperHeight = wrapper.height();
// Check if the wrapper extends beyond the top of
// the viewport
var wrapperSpaceTop = fracs.rects.element.top;
// If it does, change sidebar position as appropriate
if ( wrapperSpaceTop > 0 ) {
var visibleWrapper = fracs.rects.document.height;
// If the visible portion of the wrapper is smaller
// than the height of the sidebar...
if ( visibleWrapper <= elemHeight ) {
// ...position the sidebar at the bottom
// of the wrapper
if ( wrapperSpaceTop != 0 ) {
elem.css('position', 'absolute').css( 'top', (wrapperHeight - elemHeight) + content.position().top + 'px' );
// Otherwise, move sidebar to appropriate position
} else {
elem.css('position', 'fixed').css('top', 0);
content.css('margin-left', elem.outerWidth());
} else {
elem.css('position', 'static');
content.css('margin-left', 0);
$.fn.stickySides.onResize = function ( ) {
// Only continue if the start query is true
if ( eval(settings.startQuery) == true ) {
} else {
} )( jQuery, window, document );
Voila! Problem solved.

Page Loader - Combining Functions

I have a page loading script that swpas between two dives (giving the illusion of moving from a loading screen to a homepage). The functions uses the classie library to do some off the cuff swap outs of classes via a trigger (in this case a button/link)
I want to include a small loader that I have but only after the button is click (triggerLoading) so this loader would need to appear below loadingSVG.show();
The problem is I'm not quite sure how to include this laoder. Here is the code.
My current page swap script using Classie
(function() {
var pageLoaderWrap = document.getElementById( 'pagewrap' ),
pagesLoader = [].slice.call( pageLoaderWrap.querySelectorAll( 'div.client-homepage' ) ),
currentPageLoader = 0,
body = document.body,
triggerLoading = [].slice.call( pageLoaderWrap.querySelectorAll( 'a.pageload-link' ) ),
loaderSVG = new SVGLoader( document.getElementById( 'loader' ), {
speedIn : 300,
easingIn : mina.easeinout
} );
function pageSwap() {
triggerLoading.forEach( function( trigger ) {
trigger.addEventListener( 'click', function( ev ) {
setTimeout( function() {
classie.removeClass( pagesLoader[ currentPageLoader ], 'show-page' );
classie.addClass (pagesLoader[currentPageLoader], 'page-hide');
classie.removeClass(body, 'scrolling');
currentPageLoader = currentPageLoader ? 0 : 1;
classie.addClass( pagesLoader[ currentPageLoader ], 'show-page' );
}, 5000 );
Here is the small loader I want to include
$(function () {
var progr = 1;
setInterval(function () {
$('.waveLoader').loader('setProgress', ++progr);
}, 100);
The reason I want to include this only on the trigger statement is because if you don't the animation of the loader starts when the page loads instead of when the link is clicked on.

Filtering items with infinite-scroll

I'm using masonry to generate 'tiles' - which I'm filtering with jQuery, and infinite scroll - which I'm using to load more tiles server-side.
The filter works, however once a filter is applied and more tiles are loaded via the infinite scroll, unfiltered items are loaded. I know that the reason behind this is because the unloaded tiles aren't generated client side yet, but I'd rather keep it that way because the website is going to get very data-heavy very fast.
Is there any way to do this without loading all of the items client side? I would be extremely appreciative of any input. I've included the infinite scroll script below. I noticed this link (www.creativebloq.com/web-design/filter-web-content-infinite-scroll-10134808), which sounds fairly relatable, however I'm not sure how it would be implemented.
var $container = $(InfiniteConfig.container);
var pageCount = 0;
var cpage = 1;
var _next = $('div.k2Pagination a:contains("Next")'),
_divNext = $('.view-more'),
_btnNext = $('a#viewplus'),
_divLoading = $('div.k2-masonry-loading'),
_btnLoading = $('div.loading_spinner_wrapper');
navSelector : InfiniteConfig.navSelector,
nextSelector: _next,
itemSelector: InfiniteConfig.itemSelector,
loading : {
selector : _divLoading,
img : _btnLoading.html(),
msgText : '',
speed: 'fast',
finishedMsg : InfiniteConfig.finishedMsg,
finished : function() {
errorCallback: function(){
debug : true,
path : function () {
pageCount += 1;
var path = $(_next).attr('href')
var _url = [];
_url = path.split('start=');
_url[0] += "start";
url = _url[0];
numItems = parseInt(_url[1]);
nextLimit = numItems * (pageCount);
return [InfiniteConfig.baseURL + url + '=' + nextLimit];
function (newElements, data, url) {
var elemWidth = $('#itemListPrimary .itemContainer').width(),
$newElems = $( newElements ).css({ opacity: 0 , width: elemWidth});
// show elems now they're ready
$newElems.animate({ opacity: 1 });
$container.masonry( 'appended', $newElems, true );
return false;});
Thanks again.
Seeing as I know how much of a pain infinite scroll is, this is how I got round this.
I filtered the items by class in the newElements function, shown below.
function (newElements, data, url) {
var elemWidth = $('#itemListPrimary .itemContainer').width(),
$newElems = $( newElements ).css({ opacity: 0 , width: elemWidth});
// show new elements
$newElems.animate({ opacity: 1 });
$container.masonry( 'appended', $newElems, true );
var children = $newElems.children();
// if filter is empty select all elements
if (!window.data) {
console.log("nothing selected");
// if filter is selected filter elements
else {
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if ($(this).hasClass(window.data)) {
} else {
$('.itemContainer').not('.' + window.data).hide();
// append layout
$(window).bind('resize.masonry orientationchange.masonry').trigger('resize.masonry');

Backbone model.change() not firing

I'm currently writing an application using Backbone and for some reason, it doesn't update a view, but only in certain circumstances.
If I refresh the page at index.html#/blog/2 it loads the page just fine, everything works great. However, if I refresh the page at index.html#/blog/1 and then change the URL to index.html#/blog/2 and press enter(NOT refresh), the change never gets fired.
This is my router:
makeChange: function() {
// Set activePage to the current page_id => /blog/2
var attributes = {activePage: this.page_id};
var $this = this;
// Loop through all sections in the app
app.sections.some( function( section ) {
// Check if section has the page
if( !section.validate( attributes ) )
// If it has, set the activePage to /blog/2
section.set( attributes, {silent: true} );
// Set active section to whatever section-id was matched
app.set( {activeSect: section.id}, {silent: true} );
console.log('Calling change!');
// Calling change on both the app and the section
console.log('Change complete!');
return true;
This is the app view(which is referenced as "app" up above^):
var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function( option ) {
app.bind( 'change', _.bind( this.changeSect, this ) );
changeSect: function() {
var newSect = app.sections.get( app.get('activeSect' ) );
var newSectView = newSect.view;
if( !app.hasChanged( 'activeSect' ) )
newSectView.activate( null, newSect );
var oldSect = app.sections.get( app.previous( 'activeSect' ) );
var oldSectView = oldSect.view;
newSectView.activate( oldSect, newSect );
oldSectView.deactivate( oldSect, newSect );
Tell me if you need to see some other classes/models/views.
I solved it! This only happens when navigating between different pages(by changing activePage in the section) in the same section, so activeSect in app was never changed, thus never called changeSect(). Now even when activeSect is the same in the app, and activePage has changed in the section, it will call the changeSect() in the app anyway.
In Section-model, I added this:
initialize: function() {
this.pages = new Pages();
this.bind( 'change', _.bind( this.bindChange, this ) );
prepareForceChange: function() {
this.forceChange = true;
bindChange: function() {
if( this.forceChange )
this.forceChange = false;
In router.makeChange() above this:
section.set( attributes, {silent: true} );
app.set( {activeSect: section.id}, {silent: true} );
I added:
var oldSectId = app.get('activeSect');
if( oldSectId == section.id ) section.prepareForceChange();

