Can a user edit website's javascripts - javascript

I am building a website which uses a lot of javascripts. I want to know if a user can edit the js too along with seeing it.
For example, I have an ajax function which calls a.php. Can user just edit the js function in firebug or something similar to make it b.php which I want don't want to be available to everybody.
Similarly, I call an ajax function with parameter x. Is it possible for a user to make that parameter y and then call that function.

Yes. Anything in the user's browser is under the control of the user.
You have control over nothing beyond the edge of your HTTP server.

Anything that is front end, that means, HTML, CSS javascript in any of its forms or any other scripting client side languages can be modified and it is your job as a web developer to expect them to be modified by curiosity of the user or just to try and find vulnerabilities.
That is why while having client side validations (javascript in any form or just HTML5 ones), it is also of utter importance that you actually validate this stuff on server side, with whatever language you are using (PHP, Ruby, ASP just to give a few examples).
On Chrome, users can easily press F12 on their keyboard to see your javascript/html/css code and try to modify it, we as web designers/developers do it as well for just inspiration, check out how something works, and well expect other people with different intentions to do it.
Same goes with Firefox, opera and pretty much any other web explorer.
Your job is not to prevent this, but to prevent that when someone changes something on the client side, the server side is ready to respond back in an appropriate way, preventing harm to the information on your servers.
To give a concrete example, that is why people take so much time in making sure queries to databases are sanitized, and not subjected to sql injections. More information about those here:
So no, you can't prevent users from modifying your front end files, at most you can try some practices I've seen around like disabling right click (really annoying).


Client side scripting VS server side code

I am new to this field. If I want to hide parts of my webpage, should I use client side scripts of server side codes (or both)?
Because one of the teachers told me that you can't only rely on Javascript, because people can prevent Javascript by using "Do not allow any site to run Javascript".
If the data is sent to the client, the client will always have a way to see it. For example, JavaScript enabled or not, you can always open Chromes developer console and inspect the document, or pick view source from the main menu.
The only way to keep information from a client is to not send it to them in the first place. This has to be done server side.
Still, you should seriously consider asking yourself if you have anything truly worth hiding. For the most part, silly, inexplicable attempts to hide page source just leads to massive user inconvenience, like disabling context menus and such, and never actually works. Never understood why folks thought that was a good idea.
On the other hand, things like authentication and authorization, database interaction, etc. you would want or have to do server side.
As for generating actual content, just for presentation not for the purpose of "hiding" things, generally it's a mix of both, the balance just depends on the application. You'll have to make the call during design and development.

How do I prevent jQuery calls from console for my SignalR Chat?

I have a SignalR chat site that's meant for a school project (also uses C#). Theoretically, it is for trusted users, but as everyone will attest - never trust your users. This was proven to me as I sent out the link to a couple of my friends and they immediately tried to break it, ha ha.
I've sanitized all inputs properly now, but one thing that they were still able to do was to use the browser console tools to manually call the functions needed to send messages, etc..
Example: $.connection.chatHub.server.sendMessageToAll('FakeUser','FakeMsg',0);
I would like to prevent these types of actions. I recall a while back Facebook actually disabled the console window for "security" purposes. I even found several{1} resources{2}, which detail how this was done and attempts to further prevent console use once Chrome had fixed this.
However, none of these options work anymore and because browsers are constantly in flux, I'd rather not attempt to block at this level.
I was wondering if anyone on Stack knows of a better way to prevent these types of attacks? Is there a good way to check where the call is coming from? Does SignalR have a good method to prevent this? Ideas/Discussion would be surely welcome.
Trying to lock down the client like that might work reasonably well to prevent non-technical users from messing with your app, but it will do next to nothing against a knowledgeable and resourceful opponent. The circumstances under which such security measures make sense are rather limited, and certainly do not include any application that is accessible to everyone from the internet.
The only safe approach is well-known and very simple: the server does not trust the client for anything. It doesn't then matter what the client attempts to do as the server will refuse all actions it does not deem valid.
In your example, the server would assign a randomized opaque connection id to each session. The client would only be able to convince the server to do anything if they sent a valid id as part of their request; then, the server would not need to trust the client for a username because it would already know what connection each user has logged in from and could produce the username when given the id.

Very Confused (And Worried) about security with JSON and Javascript

I've been attempting to do some research on this topic for a while, and even cite the following Stack Overflow threads :
Javascript Hijacking - When and How Much Should I Worry
JSON Security Best Practices
But my basic problem is this.
When I am building my web applications, I use tools like Fiddler, Chrome Developer Tools, Firebug, etc. I change things on the fly to test things. I can even seem to use fiddler to change the data that gets sent to the server.
What stops someone else from just opening up my webpage and doing this too? All of the jQuery validation in the world is useless if a user can just hit F12 and open up Chrome Developer tools, and change the data being sent over the wire, right?
I'm still relatively new in this field and this just has me very concerned as I see "Open" Protocols become more and more ubiquitous. I don't understand SSL yet (which is on my list of things to begin researching), so perhaps that is the answer and I just haven't dug deep enough. But the level of flexibility I have over manipulating my pages seems very extreme - which has me very concerned about what someone malicious could do.
Your concerns are indeed justified. This is why you should always validate everything on the server. Client-side validation should only be used for UX.
JavaScript's security is, in a nutshell, based around a trusted server. If you always trust what code the server sends you, it should be safe. It's impossible for a third party (like an ad supplier) to fetch data from the domain it's included on.
If the server also sends you user generated content, and in particular user generated code, then you have a potential security problem. This is what XSS attacks focus on (running a malicious script in a trusted environment).
Client side validation should focus on easy of use, make it easy to correct mistakes or guide the user so no mistakes are made. The server should always do validation, but validation of a more strict nature.
Validation should always happen Server Side, Client Side Validation is only valuable to make for a more convenient experience for the user. You can never trust a user to not manipulate the data on their end. (Javascript is ClientSide)
Next if you are wanting to secure your service so that only user1 can edit user1's profile you'll need to sign you JSON request with OAuth (or similar protocol).
yeah nothing can stop anybody from interfering the data that is being sent from the browser to your server and that's the reason you shouldn't trust it
always check the data from the user for authenticity and validity
also with it you can check and interfere with the data that big sites like google and microsoft send back and you might get an idea.
You have to assume that the client is malicious-- using SSL does not prevent this at all. All data validation and authorization checking needs to be done server side.
Javascript isn't going to be you only line of defense against hackers, in fact it shouldn't be used for security at all. Client side code can be used to verify form input so that users trying to use the page can have faster response times, and the page runs nice. Anyone who is trying to hack your page isn't going to care if your page works or not. No matter what, everything coming into your server should be verified and never assumed as safe.

Controlling an SSL Website with Python

I'm trying to automate the process of getting my current student records at my college. In a browser the process involves typing in my college's URL, then clicking on the login link which then brings me to a https:// URLed page were I type my password and user-name in. Then from there it is one or two more links and reading some text on the page. Now, my question is, how might I go about do doing this but in an automated way, so my records would be displayed on the command line. The https:// in the URL signifies, I think, that it uses SSL are there certain libraries that can handle this? Also the 'submit' button on the login page I'm pretty sure uses JavaScript, again, are there libraries to handle this?
I'm sure I missed something or other in my question's description, so please ask if you do not understand my question or need more information.
PS. I am not well versed in Internet protocols and I am also new to Python. In fact I started studying it for this project. But, I am fluent in C and I am pretty good with C++.
Thanks in advance.
You don't have to mimic all the actions you do in the browser.
First. There is no problem with https/ssl as long as you don't have to verify them (it seems that you don't have to), urllib2.urlopen will handle them.
Second. When you click 'Submit' browser sends a request to the server with your username, password and probably some other data. The type of that request is probably POST. As a response server will probably send you a cookie with session id. So all you need to do is to investigate the exact format of request to the server (e.g. using FireBug), and get the cookie from the server's response.
Third. Just use that cookie to navigate the pages on the site. This might help.
P.S. As you see, there is too much 'probably' word in the answer - the exact authentication process may differ from described above and you'd have to investigate it by yourself.
Roman's answer is good advice: you generally don't need to act like a real user when your script can call HTTP methods directly.
However, if you are not comfortable with reverse engineering the HTTP operations that the site requires, then an alternative would be to use Selenium, a tool for simulating interaction with web pages. Selenium is usually used by web application developers to test their applications, but it can also be used as an automatable client for an existing website.

How can I use JavaScript to identify a client?

I have a problem where I cannot identify visitors to my intranet page because their browser is configured to use a proxy, even for the local intranet. I always see the proxy IP and no other details about the client. The SOE that my company uses has the proxy set up already for Firefox and Internet Explorer, and I cannot ask them to reconfigure their browser because that is fairly complicated. I have tried using the PHP $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] and also one called $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_X_FORWARD_FOR']. In fact, I wrote a page that lists both the $_SERVER and $HTTP_SERVER_VARS arrays and there was nothing informative of the actual client connecting. This is why I think it needs to be done on the client's side.
I'm not looking for a secure solution because it is only a simple page, so I was hoping that I could use Javascript or something similar to find something revealing about the client and send it to my intranet page as a GET variable. It's basically for collating statistics. It is no use telling me most of the visitors are a proxy! :)
I also want to avoid having users log in if possible.
You could use a cookie with a random, unique ID that's set upon the first entrance, and then used for identification. Could be done either in JavaScript or in PHP.
I am pretty sure there's no universal way to do this otherwise the whole concept of anonymous proxies go down the drain :)
My advice would be to ask your IT department to configure the proxy to populate the HTTP-X-FORWARD-FOR, REMOTE-ADDR or some other identifying header.

