AngularJS - Cookies & Cookiestore - javascript

I'm making a game and I want to use cookies to save the player's progress. I read the basics on how to use cookies and cookiestore, but I'm having trouble to get started using it.
After some tests I noticed that the game keeps the data if the user refreshes the page, but if he closes the browser, the data is gone. Any methods to save data even if the user closes the browser?
Another thing is that I need to check if the player already has saved cookies or if it's the first time he is playing, so I can retrieve the cookies or set the initial values for the variables.
I don't have any code with the cookies to show yet, but what I'm trying to do, regarding saving, is the same as happens on this game:
Thank you in advance.


CodeIgniter protect sensitive data in HTML when user leaves browser open

I have a problem and after some research online was unable to find other people with this same issue.
I'm designing a site that has sensitive data the user's work with in the page content. It uses CodeIgniter as well as CodeIgniter's session and cookie implementations to track user activity and determine when a session has expired. when sessions expire, the user has to log in again either through a sign-in portal or through a sign-in popup.
My issue is if someones working on their computer then just gets up and walks away from the browser, the session expires, but they didn't realize the session would expire then return to their computer to finish their work. There is a regular ajax call that checks if the user has been inactive, and if the time threshold is reached their session data will be erased and the session is no longer active. There is then a popup window prompting the user to sign in again if they want to keep working.
The problem is, how do I protect any sensitive data in the HTML in the meantime? You might think if the session expires just redirect the user away from the page, but if they're in the middle of something I don't want to erase all of their work. I could try just hiding the HTML using javascript, but then someone could just open the inspector to see the HTML. is there some way I could prevent anyone from seeing the page data at all unless the sign in a popup is completed?
Thanks for any input.
I don't know of anyway to protect their work like you're asking.
I'd suggest saving the users work in a draft format, as they enter it. Then if they walk away and get logged out it doesn't matter, the work is still there when they log on next.

How can I 'lock' a page behind a log-in screen in jQuery/Bootstrap/JS?

I've been building a web app using Google's Firebase as a backend (for those who don't know, it's a Realtime database; any changes in data are reflected instantly and updated), there's other people working on the Android app with it so there's no other option (plus it's kinda cool). I was surprised that I have yet to write a single line of php or any server-side code. Anyway, jQuery is working perfectly fine for login and stuff.
Now I'm going to be making an admin page (with a separate login from the main users login). It'll be accessed in a completely separate way (by opening something like /admin.html). So the login can't be put on a separate page so people don't 'accidentally' access the admin panel by writing /admin.html in the address bar.
So I want to stop the admin page from completely loading until I've received confirmation from Firebase that the credentials are correct. So how can I achieve this knowing that both the login and the whole admin page needs to be in the same file. I'm positive this can be achieved with simple jQuery + Bootstrap but I'm not really sure how. Can anyone please point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance!
I have googled it of course but maybe my wording is off? :P
If I'm understanding your question correctly, your problem is that you need to create two separate views in a single file, and redirect to one or to another depending on your user "session", however, as all your code is in client, you don't have a "session" system operative.
Ok, there are several options you can take. I like the idea of using LocalStorage to store the user session.
When /admin.html is requested, your code checks for a valid session object (keep in mind that you'll need to define that session object) in the LocalStorage. If there is a valid object, you render the admin area, if there isn't any, you render the login area.
When someone sends username/pass to the database and you receive a valid response, you create a session object, store it in the LocalStorage and reload the page.
Keep in mind that you'll need to create a mechanism to make sessions die and a log off view.
For the dying sessions, as an idea, you can store the creation time and a expiration time in the session object. Each time a "session protected" page is served, when you check that the session object exist, you update it's expiration date a fixed amount (20 minutes plus current time, for example).
So, when you check if exists a valid session, you also check that it's expiration date has not due, and if it's, you delete the object.

Is it possible to make an async call and not refresh the session in PHP?

I have an alert that pops up when the users session is about to expire and when it does expire. The issue is that if multiple tabs are open for the app, multiple alerts will get fired in succession which is very annoying.
I'd like to make a check on the backend for session information before showing an alert. That way if in one tab the session is about to expire (according to the front end), but it's not actually about to expire because you've been operating in another tab, the alert won't display and steal browser focus. Ideally I'd like this to remain as an alert so the first and proper display of the warning does take browser focus.
So is it possible to make a request like this without refreshing the session?
Trying to do this in JavaScript is silly - it will be really hard to keep the countdown timer in sync with the PHP session.
If you are implementing a hard timeout on the session then you must already be using a custom session handler - so simply implement a variant of that in your Ajax responder which does not lock or write back the session.
OTOH if you're not really implementing a hard session timeout, and you are not already using a custom session handler (which I suspect really is the case). Then just check the timestamp on the session file.

Ways to keep user input data after session expiry on a webpage

Some pages remember input via Back/Forward. So you can copy your stuff. I imagine thats tricky.
I don't know any coding languages so as an outsider:
Isn't it easier to just trigger a login popup on top of whatever you are doing when your sessions has expired and you use an action that requires you be logged in?
I need to know if thats hard or the guy who's doing my webpage is bullshitting me for cash.
(obviously don't get into any pop-up blocking cases - assume popups are allowed.)
To clarify:
If we make a cookie that effectively re-logs you every time your session expires, we might as well make sessions never expire. The point is to - every now and then ask the user for credentials without wasting their current page input. Thats why I asked if instead of redirecting the user to login or disabling the page, can't we just trigger a login inside a new pop up? I haven't seen it done very often on the web thats why I asked if its complicated.
There are several ways to go about doing this. As far as coding ability personally I wouldn't say it's difficult enough to charge you an arm and a leg, but the complexity does depend on the language, the organization of the site, and along with those things, it's completely relative depending on who you've hired.
I guess to give you an example of storing information locally when a user visits a website using javascript you can do the following:
// Store
localStorage.setItem("lastname", "Smith");
// Retrieve
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("lastname");
for a more in depth look at that example you can check out
Probably, your problem can be solved very easily with the use of cookies in you page. Setting cookie will let the user logged in for the specific time as specified by the programmer.
If you are sure you just want some action to do if login session expired, then you need not to let the user perform some other action. Just store the relevant information in cookies instead of Session and user will be logged in.
Ask the person you hired for making the use of cookie.
For more details on how to work with and about cookies, visit this link

force to login user on each new browser session?

I want to logout user if browser is closed and force it to login again on turning the browser on.
if (!(isset($_SESSION['admin']))) {
header ('Location: login.php');
This doesn't work - because turning off the browser does not mean drop the sessions on server - if I understand well a lot of posts on SO and outside.
Using javascript to delete sessions just before closing the browser often doesn't work because browser will not wait to execute any code if user clicks to close the browser.
Second option is keeping server session alive by sending a js code from client (setInterval - ajax).
Problem here is scenario with multiple pages open on different tabs/windows, i.e. interference between multiple setInterval functions.
I also tried this:
This also doesn't work - after turning off/on the browser index.php is open without redirecting to login.php.
The reason is maybe browser option to automatically restore previously loaded pages.
So, what to do ?
#Axalix wrote:
If session relies on cookies, you just need to keep expiry date empty, then when browser / tab is closed this cookie will be removed from a browser automatically. That's a standard browsers behavior. Yes, the server will still keep it, but since browser doesn't have it, user will need to relogin
You responded:
could that be a possible security issue because cookies are javascript stuff - chengable by client?
Yes cookies can be changed by the client but Axalix' answer from the comments is still the best if you intend to use $_SESSION. If you want to end session on browser exit so that a 2nd user doesn't come later and take over the old session, then you must trust the owner of the session with the session cookie.
If you really want to break access as soon as the client leaves, then $_SESSION is not the best tool to track login state. Instead you could use WebSockets. The socket remains open as long as the webpage is open. Once the socket closes, you can invalidate any login state.
This may be more trouble than it's worth though, so think hard about whether it is really that important. As an alternative, you could use SessionStorage, which is destroyed when the browser closes but it's also available to the user (so a user could just copy and save what's in SessionStorage, then recreate it later).
Basically you need to trust the user who provided you the username and password.
There are couple options but all end up same way. you can either store something in sessionStorage to check session. when browser is closed session storage will be wiped out. or you can add a hidden input field and assign a value per session. if page is newly loaded and value exists that means session is still active, so you can redirect to logout and show login page in either way. but second option may not be usefull if your app has page reloads. I think sessionStorage would be your answer. set session on sessionStorage on login, if it is empty. then check session storage on page load. if it is empty that means user first time on there, since page reload will keep the value.
When Google Chrome is configured to re-open all previous tabs, it won't delete your session cookie. See for example this question asked 5 years ago, but stil an issue (just verified, Google didn't change that behaviour). Unfortunately you can't do much about this behaviour (as far as I know). Without deleting that cookie your session still remains open (unless it is deleted server-side during clean-up).
Best solution to handle an automatic logout is to store a 'last activity time' in your session, update it in every request and in your 'is logged in check' verify that the last activity was not more than, say, 15 minutes ago. If it is more than 15 minutes ago, you could send him to the login.php.
To improve this furthermore (and if this is really an issue for you), you can use a setInterval in javascript to send keep-alive AJAX-calls to the server every 30 seconds or so. In that way you can lower the 'last activity time' (either real activity or automated) limit from 15 minutes to 2 or 1 (leave some room for network hickups).

