Accessing the dom outside ng-app - javascript

Say I have an angularJS application, where I want to modify the dom. It makes sense that one should not do it via a service or a controller. Instead use a directive for DOM manipulations. But what should one do if the dom lies out of the scope of the angular app?
For Example:
Say I want to access the BODY tag and disable the scroll bars on it. I can't write a directive because ng-app directive is on a div which is deep inside the dom and thus the BODY tag is not accessible.
How does one tackle this problem? I read this blog, and it seems like it ok to do dom manipulations via a service. So what is really the best practice to access doms? Especially if its out of the scope of an angularjs app?

I'm not sure I understand without seeing your code. But in general, the ng-app should be at the highest tag that encompasses all the functionality you want to manipulate with angular. For most, that is the body tag itself.


HTML Template element vs document.createDocumentFragment

I'm trying to figure out the difference between using document.createDocumentFragment versus using an HTML <tamplate> element.
Is there a difference between them in behavior or performance?
Both <template> and document.createDocumentFragment are used for storing HTML-like data without rendering it, but the use cases are somewhat different.
The <template> tag's main purpose is to, as the name applies, store HTML for a later time, and or to be used repeatedly across the document. This tag is useful when using a template engine where the contents are usually never changed but the input may be different.
document.createDocumentFragment is used to create an entire DOM tree in JS without the browser rendering it, while still having the ability to use the DOM API with it. This useful when dynamically generating HTML by leveraging the DOM API, and to later inject the results in the actual document's DOM.
More: Template Tag and DocumentFragment

Override internal stylesheet of element which is created dynamically

I have a angularjs component, third party library creates the canvas inside the component's html file.
Following is the canvas created by third party library on page load.
<canvas style="width: 410px; height: 450px;"></canvas>
My current solution is, I am setting changing the CSS following way inside $postLink callback method.
var elem= angular.element(document.querySelector('#fooSelector canvas'));
elem.css('width', '420px');
But I read somewhere changing CSS and Manipulating DOM inside angularjs controller is not a good practice.
So How can I change inline CSS of element which is created dynamically by some third party library
changing CSS and Manipulating DOM inside angularjs controller is not a
good practice
This is just a common statement for beginners, this does not mean you can not or you should not - this means you should not if there is better and easier way.
When you create component that main purpose is wrap something like canvas, it is absolutely normal to change its position, width or whatever.
Though using query selector is not good - imagine you have 2 such components on page, then you will always select first canvas. So it is better to use $element.find:
$element.find('canvas').css('width', '420px');

How to find out which directives were applied to an element?

Is there a way to find out, for any given element, which AngularJS directives were applied on it/its attributes?
In a large web application, I am looking at an HTML element that has an additional attribute that I suspect might invoke a directive (the attribute name is obviously specific to our application). Or it might simply be dead code.
It looks something like this:
<button ctl-remember-special data-ng-click="handleAction()"></button>
(ctl-remember-special being the possible directive in this example)
I cannot seem to find a directive of the appropriate name in our project, but I am not entirely sure because some of the identifiers in our application are assembled at runtime. (To provide an impression of the dimensions, I am seeing more than 6000 directive definitions in our code.)

Polymer create element dynamically

I need to create an custom-element dynamically.
I tried
var newElement= document.createElement('custom-element');
this is work. but My problem is when I want to add attribute to this element, to bind an array to this element.
I tried
But it says that it expected to array and received '{{data}}'
How can I add this binding to dynamically elements?
I dont think this is possible right now, please see from kevinpschaaf:
No, we don't currently support this, outside of dom-bind, which is the
only template implementation that late-binds instance children. You
can document.createElement('template', 'dom-bind'), then you can
dynamically append children with binding annotations to its content,
and the bindings will only be evaluated once the dom-bind is attached
to the document. See tests here that show this usage of it:
Note that dom-bind does not currently allow binding to outer scope, so
it has limited use in custom element templates (it's main use case is
for binding between elements in the main document), and that's not
likely to change short-term.
We are achieving a lot of performance optimization by baking the
binding connections into the prototype at registration time for an
element (rather than at instance time), and we haven't built up enough
of the machinery to easily allow runtime addition/removal of bindings.

Difference between the directives and static DOM elements in AngularJS

I have already read the
Compilation process, and directive matching
on AngularJS Doc.
but I really didn't understand the directives.
I have static html:
<div class="test test2" cid="549" sid="a5e3c4f8a9">text-text-text</div>
when I do it manually, I know it will only created and called one time at browser's parse time.
but what happens when I create a directive with the same dom element ?
<x my-directive>text-text-text</x>
is this the same effect?
I am asking such a newbie question, because I am using over 200 elements on my html page.
If I change them to single directive: for sure it will be much more easier to manage them.
and its no problem if its only slow at browser's compile time but what happend in run time?
and I am sorry, if the qustion is not pro enought. I am just new to Stackoverflow.
Thank You
If I understand you correctly, you want to know how AngularJS creates a directive and how many times your directive methods are called.
When you create a directive (with module.directive('myDirective', ...)), you are really just creating a definition. Every time you use that directive (like <div my-directive>), AngularJS will run through the process described in the guide: that is, it will compile and link each use. It has to be this way because the directive doesn't exist in isolation; it exists not only in the $scope in which it was called, but also it can make use of element attributes and transcluded contents. The definition occurs once, but each instance is compiled and linked.
Once the directive is created, it's technically done; if you don't set up any $watch or $observe or event bindings, your "directive" is now just whatever's in the DOM at the end of your link function - there's no more computation. In other words, what happens after compilation and linking is entirely up to you.
So back to your example: if you use 200 of the same directive on the page, the directive will be defined once, but all 200 will be compiled and linked separately. But I'm not really sure what you're implying by asking. What's the question behind your question?

