How to go from jQuery to React.js? [closed] - javascript

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I have been reading up on React for a few days nows. I can understand most of what I'm looking at, but I'm not entirely confident in my ability to write it. I have been working on a small web app that does all of its html generation through jQuery and appending elements to each other. I'd like to try and rebuild this with React because I believe that it would be faster. This JSFiddle is a small example of the sort of thing I am working on. How would you write it with React?
function remove() {
function timed_append_new_element() {
setTimeout(function () {
var added_content = $("<span />", {
class: "added_content",
text: "Click to close",
click: remove
}, 3000);
function append_new_element() {
var added_content = $("<span />", {
class: "timed_added_content",
text: "Click to close",
click: remove
var container = $("<div />", {
class: "container"
var header = $("<span />", {
class: "header",
text: "jQuery to React.js Header"
var add_button = $("<button />", {
class: "add_button",
text: "Add Element",
click: append_new_element
var timed_add_button = $("<button />", {
class: "add_button",
text: "Add Element in 3 seconds",
click: timed_append_new_element

There are a few basic tenets to keep in mind that may help you build a good React application:
Your UI should be a function of the data
In many "jQuery soup" style applications, the business logic for the application, the app's data, and the UI interaction code are all intermingled. This makes these sorts of applications difficult to debug and, especially, difficult to grow. React, like many modern client-side application frameworks, enforce the idea that the UI is just a representation of your data. If you want your UI to change, you should change a piece of data and allow whatever binding system the framework uses to update the UI for you.
In React, each component is (ideally) a function of two pieces of data–the properties passed to the component instance, and the state that the component manages internally. Given the same properties (or "props") and state, the component should render in the same way.
This can be a bit of an abstract idea without concrete examples, so keep it in mind as we move on for now.
Don't touch the DOM
In React, even more so than other data-bound frameworks, you should try not to manipulate the DOM directly if at all possible. A lot of React's performance and complexity characteristics are only possible because React uses a virtual DOM with diffing algorithms internally to operate on the real DOM. Any time you build a component that reaches out and does its own DOM manipulation, you should ask yourself if you could build the same feature more idiomatically with React's virtual DOM features.
Of course, sometimes you'll need to access the DOM, or you'll want to incorporate some jQuery plugin without rebuilding it in React. For times like these, React gives you good component lifecycle hooks that you can use to ensure that React's performance doesn't suffer too much (or, in some cases, to keep your component from plain breaking).
Not manipulating the DOM goes hand-in-hand with "UI as a function of the data," above.
Invert the data flow
In a large React application, it can be difficult to keep track of which sub-component is managing a certain piece of application data. For this reason, the React team recommends keeping data manipulation logic in a central location. The most straightforward way to do this is to pass callbacks into child components; there's also an architecture developed at Facebook called Flux which has its own website.
Create composable components
A lot of times, it can be tempting to write a large component that manages several pieces of state or several pieces of UI logic. Where possible (and within reason), you should consider breaking larger components into smaller ones that operate on a single piece of data or UI logic. This makes it much easier to extend and move around pieces of your application.
Beware mutable data
Since component state should only be updated via calls to this.setState from within the component, it's helpful to be wary of mutable data. This is doubly true when multiple functions (or components!) might update the mutable object in the same tick; React might try to batch state changes, and you could lose updates! As mentioned in the comments by Eliseu Monar, consider cloning mutable objects before mutating them. React has immutability helpers that can assist.
Another option is to forgo keeping mutable data structures directly in state at all; the Flux pattern, mentioned above, is an interesting take on this idea.
There's a great article on the React site called Thinking in React which goes over how you might take an idea or a mockup and turn it into a React application, and I strongly encourage going over it. As a concrete example, let's take a look at the code you provided. You essentially have one piece of data to manage: a list of content that exists inside the container element. All the changes to your UI can be represented by additions, removals, and changes to that data.
By applying the tenets above, your final application might look something like this:
/** #jsx React.DOM */
var Application = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
content: []
render: function() {
return (
<div className="container">
<span className="header">jQuery to React.js Header</span>
<button className="add_button"
onClick={this.addContent}>Add Element</button>
<button className="add_button"
onClick={this.timedAddContent}>Add Element in 3 Seconds</button>
{ {
return <ContentItem content={content} removeItem={this.removeItem} />;
addContent: function() {
var newItem = {className: "added_content", text: "Click to close"},
content = this.state.content,
newContent = React.addons.update(content, {$push: [newItem]});
this.setState({content: newContent});
timedAddContent: function() {
setTimeout(function() {
var newItem = {className: "timed_added_content", text: "Click to close"},
content = this.state.content,
newContent = React.addons.update(content, {$push: [newItem]});
this.setState({content: newContent});
}.bind(this), 3000);
removeItem: function(item) {
var content = this.state.content,
index = content.indexOf(item);
if (index > -1) {
var newContent = React.addons.update(content, {$splice: [[index, 1]]});
this.setState({content: newContent});
var ContentItem = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
content: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
removeItem: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
render: function() {
return <span className={this.props.content.className}
onRemove: function() {
React.renderComponent(<Application />, document.body);
You can see the code in action in this JSFiddle:
The application is made of two components: a top-level component called Application, which manages (in its state) an array called content, and a component called ContentItem, which represents the UI and behavior of a single item from that array. Application's render method returns a ContentItem element for each item in the content array.
One thing to notice is that all of the logic for managing the values inside the content array are handled in the Application component; the ContentItem components are passed a reference to Application's removeItem method, which the ContentItem delegates to when clicked. This keeps all the logic for manipulating state inside the top-level component.


How can give notice to the brother level component? [duplicate]

In Vue.js 2.x, model.sync will be deprecated.
So, what is a proper way to communicate between sibling components in Vue.js 2.x?
As I understand Vue.js 2.x, the preferred method for sibling communication is to use a store or an event bus.
According to Evan (creator of Vue.js):
It's also worth mentioning "passing data between components" is
generally a bad idea, because in the end the data flow becomes
untrackable and very hard to debug.
If a piece of data needs to be shared by multiple components, prefer
global stores or Vuex.
[Link to discussion]
.once and .sync are deprecated. Props are now always one-way down. To
produce side effects in the parent scope, a component needs to
explicitly emit an event instead of relying on implicit binding.
So, Evan suggests using $emit() and $on().
What worries me is:
Each store and event has a global visibility (correct me if I'm wrong);
It's too wasteful to create a new store for each minor communication;
What I want is to some scope events or stores visibility for siblings components. (Or perhaps I didn't understand the above idea.)
So, what is the correct way to communicate between sibling components?
You can even make it shorter and use the root Vue instance as the global Event Hub:
Component 1:
this.$root.$emit('eventing', data);
Component 2:
mounted() {
this.$root.$on('eventing', data => {
With Vue.js 2.0, I'm using the eventHub mechanism as demonstrated in the documentation.
Define centralized event hub.
const eventHub = new Vue() // Single event hub
// Distribute to components using global mixin
data: function () {
return {
eventHub: eventHub
Now in your component you can emit events with
this.eventHub.$emit('update', data)
And to listen you do
this.eventHub.$on('update', data => {
// do your thing
Please see the answer by alex, which describes a simpler solution.
Disclaimer: this answer was written a long time ago and it may not reflect latest Vue development or trends. Take everything in this answer with a grain of salt and please comment if you find anything that's outdated, no longer valid, or unhelpful.
State scopes
When designing a Vue application (or in fact, any component based application), there are different types of data that depend on which concerns we're dealing with and each has its own preferred communication channels.
Global state: may include the logged in user, the current theme, etc.
Local state: form attributes, disabled button state, etc.
Note that part of the global state might end up in the local state at some point, and it could be passed down to child components as any other local state would, either in full or diluted to match the use-case.
Communication channels
A channel is a loose term I'll be using to refer to concrete implementations to exchange data around a Vue app.
Each implementation addresses a specific communication channel, which includes:
Global state
Different concerns relate to different communication channels.
Props: Direct Parent-Child
The simplest communication channel in Vue for one-way data binding.
Events: Direct Child-Parent
Important notice: $on and $once were removed in Vue version 3.
$emit and v-on event listeners. The simplest communication channel for direct Child-Parent communication. Events enable 2-way data binding.
Provide/Inject: Global or distant local state
Added in Vue 2.2+, and really similar to React's context API, this could be used as a viable replacement to an event bus.
At any point within the components tree could a component provide some data, which any child down the line could access through the inject component's property.
app.component('todo-list', {
// ...
provide() {
return {
todoLength: Vue.computed(() => this.todos.length)
app.component('todo-list-statistics', {
inject: ['todoLength'],
created() {
console.log(`Injected property: ${this.todoLength.value}`) // > Injected property: 5
This could be used to provide global state at the root of the app, or localized state within a subset of the tree.
Centralized store (Global state)
Note: Vuex 5 is going to be Pinia apparently. Stay tuned. (Tweet)
Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications.
It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an
application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in
a predictable fashion.
And now you ask:
[S]hould I create vuex store for each minor communication?
It really shines when dealing with global state, which includes but is not limited to:
data received from a backend,
global UI state like a theme,
any data persistence layer, e.g. saving to a backend or interfacing with local storage,
toast messages or notifications,
So your components can really focus on the things they're meant to be, managing user interfaces, while the global store can manage/use general business logic and offer a clear API through getters and actions.
It doesn't mean that you can't use it for component logic, but I would personally scope that logic to a namespaced Vuex module with only the necessary global UI state.
To avoid dealing with a big mess of everything in a global state, see the Application structure recommandations.
Refs and methods: Edge cases
Despite the existence of props and events, sometimes you might still
need to directly access a child component in JavaScript.
It is only meant as an escape hatch for direct child manipulation -
you should avoid accessing $refs from within templates or computed properties.
If you find yourself using refs and child methods quite often, it's probably time to lift the state up or consider the other ways described here or in the other answers.
$parent: Edge cases
Similar to $root, the $parent property can be used to access the
parent instance from a child. This can be tempting to reach for as a
lazy alternative to passing data with a prop.
In most cases, reaching into the parent makes your application more
difficult to debug and understand, especially if you mutate data in
the parent. When looking at that component later, it will be very
difficult to figure out where that mutation came from.
You could in fact navigate the whole tree structure using $parent, $ref or $root, but it would be akin to having everything global and likely become unmaintainable spaghetti.
Event bus: Global/distant local state
See #AlexMA's answer for up-to-date information about the event bus pattern.
This was the pattern in the past to pass props all over the place from far up down to deeply nested children components, with almost no other components needing these in between. Use sparingly for carefully selected data.
Be careful: Subsequent creation of components that are binding themselves to the event bus will be bound more than once--leading to multiple handlers triggered and leaks. I personally never felt the need for an event bus in all the single page apps I've designed in the past.
The following demonstrates how a simple mistake leads to a leak where the Item component still triggers even if removed from the DOM.
// A component that binds to a custom 'update' event.
var Item = {
template: `<li>{{text}}</li>`,
props: {
text: Number
mounted() {
this.$root.$on('update', () => {
console.log(this.text, 'is still alive');
// Component that emits events
var List = new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
data: {
items: [1, 2, 3, 4]
updated() {
methods: {
onRemove() {
this.items = this.items.slice(0, -1);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button type="button" #click="onRemove">Remove</button>
<item v-for="item in items" :key="item" :text="item"></item>
Remember to remove listeners in the destroyed lifecycle hook.
Component types
Disclaimer: the following "containers" versus "presentational" components is just one way to structure a project and there are now multiple alternatives, like the new Composition API that could effectively replace the "app specific containers" I'm describing below.
To orchestrates all these communications, to ease re-usability and testing, we could think of components as two different types.
App specific containers
Generic/presentational components
Again, it doesn't mean that a generic component should be reused or that an app specific container can't be reused, but they have different responsibilities.
App specific containers
Note: see the new Composition API as an alternative to these containers.
These are just simple Vue component that wraps other Vue components (generic or other app specific containers). This is where the Vuex store communication should happen and this container should communicate through other simpler means like props and event listeners.
These containers could even have no native DOM elements at all and let the generic components deal with the templating and user interactions.
scope somehow events or stores visibility for siblings components
This is where the scoping happens. Most components don't know about the store and this component should (mostly) use one namespaced store module with a limited set of getters and actions applied with the provided Vuex binding helpers.
Generic/presentational components
These should receive their data from props, make changes on their own local data, and emit simple events. Most of the time, they should not know a Vuex store exists at all.
They could also be called containers as their sole responsibility could be to dispatch to other UI components.
Sibling communication
So, after all this, how should we communicate between two sibling components?
It's easier to understand with an example: say we have an input box and its data should be shared across the app (siblings at different places in the tree) and persisted with a backend.
❌ Mixing concerns
Starting with the worst case scenario, our component would mix presentation and business logic.
// MyInput.vue
<div class="my-input">
<input type="text"
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
data() {
return {
value: "",
mounted() {
this.$root.$on('sync', data => {
this.value = data.myServerValue;
methods: {
onChange(value) {
this.value = value;'', {
myServerValue: value
While it might look fine for a simple app, it comes with a lot of drawbacks:
Explicitly uses the global axios instance
Hard-coded API inside the UI
Tightly coupled to the root component (event bus pattern)
Harder to do unit tests
✅ Separation of concerns
To separate these two concerns, we should wrap our component in an app specific container and keep the presentation logic into our generic input component.
With the following pattern, we can:
Easily test each concern with unit tests
Change the API without impacting components at all
Configure HTTP communications however you'd like (axios, fetch, adding middlewares, tests, etc)
Reuse the input component anywhere (reduced coupling)
React to state changes from anywhere in the app through the global store bindings
Our input component is now reusable and doesn't know about the backend nor the siblings.
// MyInput.vue
// the template is the same as above
export default {
props: {
initial: {
type: String,
default: ""
data() {
return {
value: this.initial,
methods: {
onChange(value) {
this.value = value;
this.$emit('change', value);
Our app specific container can now be the bridge between the business logic and the presentation communication.
// MyAppCard.vue
<div class="container">
<my-input :initial="serverValue" #change="updateState"></my-input>
<my-input :initial="otherValue" #change="updateState"></my-input>
<my-button :disabled="!serverValue || !otherValue"
import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex';
import { NS, ACTIONS, GETTERS } from '#/store/modules/api';
import { MyButton, MyInput } from './components';
export default {
components: {
computed: mapGetters(NS, [
methods: mapActions(NS, [
Since the Vuex store actions deal with the backend communication, our container here doesn't need to know about axios and the backend.
Okay, we can communicate between siblings via the parent using v-on events.
|- List of items // Sibling 1 - "List"
|- Details of selected item // Sibling 2 - "Details"
Let's assume that we want update Details component when we click some element in List.
In Parent:
<list v-model="listModel"
<details v-model="selectedModel"></details>
v-on:select-item it's an event, that will be called in List component (see below);
setSelectedItem it's a Parent's method to update selectedModel;
data () {
return {
listModel: ['a', 'b']
selectedModel: null
methods: {
setSelectedItem (item) {
this.selectedModel = item // Here we change the Detail's model
In List:
<li v-for="i in list"
#click="select(i, $event)">
<span v-text="i"></span>
data () {
return {
selected: null
props: {
list: {
type: Array,
required: true
methods: {
select (item) {
this.selected = item
this.$emit('select-item', item) // Here we call the event we waiting for in "Parent"
this.$emit('select-item', item) will send an item via select-item directly in the parent. And the parent will send it to the Details view.
How to handle communication between siblings depends on the situation. But first I want to emphasize that the global event bus approach is going away in Vue.js 3. See this RFC. Hence this answer.
Lowest Common Ancestor Pattern (or “LCA”)
For most cases, I recommend using the lowest common ancestor pattern (also known as “data down, events up”). This pattern is easy to read, implement, test, and debug. It also creates an elegant, simple data flow.
In essence, this means if two components need to communicate, put their shared state in the closest component that both share as an ancestor. Pass data from parent component to child component via props, and pass information from child to parent by emitting an event (example code below).
For example, one might have an email app: the address component needs to communicate data to the message body component (perhaps for pre-populating "Hello <name>"), so they use their closest shared ancestor (perhaps an email form component) to hold the addressee data.
LCA can be annoying if events and props need to pass through many "middlemen" components.
For more detail, I refer colleagues to this excellent blog post. (Ignore the fact that its examples use Ember, its concepts are applicable to many frameworks).
Data Container Pattern (e.g., Vuex)
For complex cases or situations where parent–child communication would involve too many middlemen, use Vuex or an equivalent data container technology.
Use namespaced modules when a single store becomes too complicated or disorganized. For example, it might be reasonable to create a separate namespace for a complex collection of components with many interconnections, such as a complex calendar.
Publish/Subscribe (Event Bus) Pattern
If the event bus (i.e. publish/subscribe) pattern makes more sense for your app (from an architecture standpoint), or you need to remove Vue.js's global event bus from an existing Vue.js app, the Vue.js core team now recommends using a third party library such as mitt. (See the RFC referenced in paragraph 1.).
Here's a small (perhaps overly simplistic) example of an LCA solution for sibling-to-sibling communication. This is a game called whack-a-mole.
In this game the player gets points when they "whack" a mole, which causes it to hide and then another mole appears in a random spot. To build this app, which contains "mole" components, one might think , “mole component N should tell mole component Y to appear after it is whacked”. But Vue.js discourages this method of component communication, since Vue.js apps (and html) are effectively tree data structures.
This is probably a good thing. A large/complex app, where nodes communicated to each-other without any centralized manager, might be very difficult to debug. Additionally, components that use LCA tend to exhibit low coupling and high reusability.
In this example, the game manager component passes mole visibility as a prop to mole child components. When a visible mole is "whacked" (clicked), it emits an event. The game manager component (the common ancenstor) receives the event and modifies its state. Vue.js automatically updates the props, so all of the mole components receive new visibility data.
Vue.component('whack-a-mole', {
data() {
return {
stateOfMoles: [true, false, false],
points: 0
template: `<div>WHACK - A - MOLE!<br/>
<a-mole :has-mole="stateOfMoles[0]" v-on:moleMashed="moleClicked(0)"/>
<a-mole :has-mole="stateOfMoles[1]" v-on:moleMashed="moleClicked(1)"/>
<a-mole :has-mole="stateOfMoles[2]" v-on:moleMashed="moleClicked(2)"/>
<p>Score: {{points}}</p>
methods: {
moleClicked(n) {
if(this.stateOfMoles[n]) {
this.stateOfMoles[n] = false;
this.stateOfMoles[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)] = true;
Vue.component('a-mole', {
props: ['hasMole'],
template: `<button #click="$emit('moleMashed')">
<span class="mole-button" v-if="hasMole">🐿</span><span class="mole-button" v-if="!hasMole">🕳</span>
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return { name: 'Vue' }
.mole-button {
font-size: 2em;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<whack-a-mole />
What I usually do if I want to "hack" the normal patterns of communication in Vue.js, specially now that .sync is deprecated, is to create a simple EventEmitter that handles communication between components. From one of my latest projects:
import {EventEmitter} from 'events'
var Transmitter = Object.assign({}, EventEmitter.prototype, { /* ... */ })
With this Transmitter object you can then do, in any component:
import Transmitter from './Transmitter'
var ComponentOne = Vue.extend({
methods: {
transmit: Transmitter.emit('update')
And to create a "receiving" component:
import Transmitter from './Transmitter'
var ComponentTwo = Vue.extend({
ready: function () {
Transmitter.on('update', this.doThingOnUpdate)
Again, this is for really specific uses. Don't base your whole application on this pattern, use something like Vuex instead.
In my case i have a table with editable cells. I only want one cell to be editable at a time as the user clicks from one to another to edit the contents.
The solution is to use parent-child (props) and child-parent (event).
In the example below i'm looping over a dataset of 'rows' and using the rowIndex and cellIndex to create a unique (coordinate) identifier for each cell. When a cell is clicked an event is fired from the child element up to the parent telling the parent which coordinate has been clicked. The parent then sets the selectedCoord and passes this back down to the child components. So each child component knows its own coordinate and the selected coordinate. It can then decide whether to make itself editable or not.
<tr v-for="(row, rowIndex) in rows">
v-for="(cell, cellIndex) in row"
export default {
name: 'TableComponent'
data() {
return {
selectedCoords: '',
methods: {
selectCoords(coords) {
this.selectedCoords = coords;
<td #click="toggleSelect">
<input v-if="coords===selectedCoords" type="text" :value="cellContent" />
<span v-else>{{ cellContent }}</span>
export default {
name: 'EditableCell',
props: {
cellContent: {
required: true
coords: {
type: String,
required: true
selectedCoords: {
type: String,
required: true
methods: {
toggleSelect() {
const arg = (this.coords === this.selectedCoords) ? '' : this.coords;
this.$emit('select-coords', arg);

Communication between sibling components in Vue.js 2.0

In Vue.js 2.x, model.sync will be deprecated.
So, what is a proper way to communicate between sibling components in Vue.js 2.x?
As I understand Vue.js 2.x, the preferred method for sibling communication is to use a store or an event bus.
According to Evan (creator of Vue.js):
It's also worth mentioning "passing data between components" is
generally a bad idea, because in the end the data flow becomes
untrackable and very hard to debug.
If a piece of data needs to be shared by multiple components, prefer
global stores or Vuex.
[Link to discussion]
.once and .sync are deprecated. Props are now always one-way down. To
produce side effects in the parent scope, a component needs to
explicitly emit an event instead of relying on implicit binding.
So, Evan suggests using $emit() and $on().
What worries me is:
Each store and event has a global visibility (correct me if I'm wrong);
It's too wasteful to create a new store for each minor communication;
What I want is to some scope events or stores visibility for siblings components. (Or perhaps I didn't understand the above idea.)
So, what is the correct way to communicate between sibling components?
You can even make it shorter and use the root Vue instance as the global Event Hub:
Component 1:
this.$root.$emit('eventing', data);
Component 2:
mounted() {
this.$root.$on('eventing', data => {
With Vue.js 2.0, I'm using the eventHub mechanism as demonstrated in the documentation.
Define centralized event hub.
const eventHub = new Vue() // Single event hub
// Distribute to components using global mixin
data: function () {
return {
eventHub: eventHub
Now in your component you can emit events with
this.eventHub.$emit('update', data)
And to listen you do
this.eventHub.$on('update', data => {
// do your thing
Please see the answer by alex, which describes a simpler solution.
Disclaimer: this answer was written a long time ago and it may not reflect latest Vue development or trends. Take everything in this answer with a grain of salt and please comment if you find anything that's outdated, no longer valid, or unhelpful.
State scopes
When designing a Vue application (or in fact, any component based application), there are different types of data that depend on which concerns we're dealing with and each has its own preferred communication channels.
Global state: may include the logged in user, the current theme, etc.
Local state: form attributes, disabled button state, etc.
Note that part of the global state might end up in the local state at some point, and it could be passed down to child components as any other local state would, either in full or diluted to match the use-case.
Communication channels
A channel is a loose term I'll be using to refer to concrete implementations to exchange data around a Vue app.
Each implementation addresses a specific communication channel, which includes:
Global state
Different concerns relate to different communication channels.
Props: Direct Parent-Child
The simplest communication channel in Vue for one-way data binding.
Events: Direct Child-Parent
Important notice: $on and $once were removed in Vue version 3.
$emit and v-on event listeners. The simplest communication channel for direct Child-Parent communication. Events enable 2-way data binding.
Provide/Inject: Global or distant local state
Added in Vue 2.2+, and really similar to React's context API, this could be used as a viable replacement to an event bus.
At any point within the components tree could a component provide some data, which any child down the line could access through the inject component's property.
app.component('todo-list', {
// ...
provide() {
return {
todoLength: Vue.computed(() => this.todos.length)
app.component('todo-list-statistics', {
inject: ['todoLength'],
created() {
console.log(`Injected property: ${this.todoLength.value}`) // > Injected property: 5
This could be used to provide global state at the root of the app, or localized state within a subset of the tree.
Centralized store (Global state)
Note: Vuex 5 is going to be Pinia apparently. Stay tuned. (Tweet)
Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications.
It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an
application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in
a predictable fashion.
And now you ask:
[S]hould I create vuex store for each minor communication?
It really shines when dealing with global state, which includes but is not limited to:
data received from a backend,
global UI state like a theme,
any data persistence layer, e.g. saving to a backend or interfacing with local storage,
toast messages or notifications,
So your components can really focus on the things they're meant to be, managing user interfaces, while the global store can manage/use general business logic and offer a clear API through getters and actions.
It doesn't mean that you can't use it for component logic, but I would personally scope that logic to a namespaced Vuex module with only the necessary global UI state.
To avoid dealing with a big mess of everything in a global state, see the Application structure recommandations.
Refs and methods: Edge cases
Despite the existence of props and events, sometimes you might still
need to directly access a child component in JavaScript.
It is only meant as an escape hatch for direct child manipulation -
you should avoid accessing $refs from within templates or computed properties.
If you find yourself using refs and child methods quite often, it's probably time to lift the state up or consider the other ways described here or in the other answers.
$parent: Edge cases
Similar to $root, the $parent property can be used to access the
parent instance from a child. This can be tempting to reach for as a
lazy alternative to passing data with a prop.
In most cases, reaching into the parent makes your application more
difficult to debug and understand, especially if you mutate data in
the parent. When looking at that component later, it will be very
difficult to figure out where that mutation came from.
You could in fact navigate the whole tree structure using $parent, $ref or $root, but it would be akin to having everything global and likely become unmaintainable spaghetti.
Event bus: Global/distant local state
See #AlexMA's answer for up-to-date information about the event bus pattern.
This was the pattern in the past to pass props all over the place from far up down to deeply nested children components, with almost no other components needing these in between. Use sparingly for carefully selected data.
Be careful: Subsequent creation of components that are binding themselves to the event bus will be bound more than once--leading to multiple handlers triggered and leaks. I personally never felt the need for an event bus in all the single page apps I've designed in the past.
The following demonstrates how a simple mistake leads to a leak where the Item component still triggers even if removed from the DOM.
// A component that binds to a custom 'update' event.
var Item = {
template: `<li>{{text}}</li>`,
props: {
text: Number
mounted() {
this.$root.$on('update', () => {
console.log(this.text, 'is still alive');
// Component that emits events
var List = new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
data: {
items: [1, 2, 3, 4]
updated() {
methods: {
onRemove() {
this.items = this.items.slice(0, -1);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button type="button" #click="onRemove">Remove</button>
<item v-for="item in items" :key="item" :text="item"></item>
Remember to remove listeners in the destroyed lifecycle hook.
Component types
Disclaimer: the following "containers" versus "presentational" components is just one way to structure a project and there are now multiple alternatives, like the new Composition API that could effectively replace the "app specific containers" I'm describing below.
To orchestrates all these communications, to ease re-usability and testing, we could think of components as two different types.
App specific containers
Generic/presentational components
Again, it doesn't mean that a generic component should be reused or that an app specific container can't be reused, but they have different responsibilities.
App specific containers
Note: see the new Composition API as an alternative to these containers.
These are just simple Vue component that wraps other Vue components (generic or other app specific containers). This is where the Vuex store communication should happen and this container should communicate through other simpler means like props and event listeners.
These containers could even have no native DOM elements at all and let the generic components deal with the templating and user interactions.
scope somehow events or stores visibility for siblings components
This is where the scoping happens. Most components don't know about the store and this component should (mostly) use one namespaced store module with a limited set of getters and actions applied with the provided Vuex binding helpers.
Generic/presentational components
These should receive their data from props, make changes on their own local data, and emit simple events. Most of the time, they should not know a Vuex store exists at all.
They could also be called containers as their sole responsibility could be to dispatch to other UI components.
Sibling communication
So, after all this, how should we communicate between two sibling components?
It's easier to understand with an example: say we have an input box and its data should be shared across the app (siblings at different places in the tree) and persisted with a backend.
❌ Mixing concerns
Starting with the worst case scenario, our component would mix presentation and business logic.
// MyInput.vue
<div class="my-input">
<input type="text"
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
data() {
return {
value: "",
mounted() {
this.$root.$on('sync', data => {
this.value = data.myServerValue;
methods: {
onChange(value) {
this.value = value;'', {
myServerValue: value
While it might look fine for a simple app, it comes with a lot of drawbacks:
Explicitly uses the global axios instance
Hard-coded API inside the UI
Tightly coupled to the root component (event bus pattern)
Harder to do unit tests
✅ Separation of concerns
To separate these two concerns, we should wrap our component in an app specific container and keep the presentation logic into our generic input component.
With the following pattern, we can:
Easily test each concern with unit tests
Change the API without impacting components at all
Configure HTTP communications however you'd like (axios, fetch, adding middlewares, tests, etc)
Reuse the input component anywhere (reduced coupling)
React to state changes from anywhere in the app through the global store bindings
Our input component is now reusable and doesn't know about the backend nor the siblings.
// MyInput.vue
// the template is the same as above
export default {
props: {
initial: {
type: String,
default: ""
data() {
return {
value: this.initial,
methods: {
onChange(value) {
this.value = value;
this.$emit('change', value);
Our app specific container can now be the bridge between the business logic and the presentation communication.
// MyAppCard.vue
<div class="container">
<my-input :initial="serverValue" #change="updateState"></my-input>
<my-input :initial="otherValue" #change="updateState"></my-input>
<my-button :disabled="!serverValue || !otherValue"
import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex';
import { NS, ACTIONS, GETTERS } from '#/store/modules/api';
import { MyButton, MyInput } from './components';
export default {
components: {
computed: mapGetters(NS, [
methods: mapActions(NS, [
Since the Vuex store actions deal with the backend communication, our container here doesn't need to know about axios and the backend.
Okay, we can communicate between siblings via the parent using v-on events.
|- List of items // Sibling 1 - "List"
|- Details of selected item // Sibling 2 - "Details"
Let's assume that we want update Details component when we click some element in List.
In Parent:
<list v-model="listModel"
<details v-model="selectedModel"></details>
v-on:select-item it's an event, that will be called in List component (see below);
setSelectedItem it's a Parent's method to update selectedModel;
data () {
return {
listModel: ['a', 'b']
selectedModel: null
methods: {
setSelectedItem (item) {
this.selectedModel = item // Here we change the Detail's model
In List:
<li v-for="i in list"
#click="select(i, $event)">
<span v-text="i"></span>
data () {
return {
selected: null
props: {
list: {
type: Array,
required: true
methods: {
select (item) {
this.selected = item
this.$emit('select-item', item) // Here we call the event we waiting for in "Parent"
this.$emit('select-item', item) will send an item via select-item directly in the parent. And the parent will send it to the Details view.
How to handle communication between siblings depends on the situation. But first I want to emphasize that the global event bus approach is going away in Vue.js 3. See this RFC. Hence this answer.
Lowest Common Ancestor Pattern (or “LCA”)
For most cases, I recommend using the lowest common ancestor pattern (also known as “data down, events up”). This pattern is easy to read, implement, test, and debug. It also creates an elegant, simple data flow.
In essence, this means if two components need to communicate, put their shared state in the closest component that both share as an ancestor. Pass data from parent component to child component via props, and pass information from child to parent by emitting an event (example code below).
For example, one might have an email app: the address component needs to communicate data to the message body component (perhaps for pre-populating "Hello <name>"), so they use their closest shared ancestor (perhaps an email form component) to hold the addressee data.
LCA can be annoying if events and props need to pass through many "middlemen" components.
For more detail, I refer colleagues to this excellent blog post. (Ignore the fact that its examples use Ember, its concepts are applicable to many frameworks).
Data Container Pattern (e.g., Vuex)
For complex cases or situations where parent–child communication would involve too many middlemen, use Vuex or an equivalent data container technology.
Use namespaced modules when a single store becomes too complicated or disorganized. For example, it might be reasonable to create a separate namespace for a complex collection of components with many interconnections, such as a complex calendar.
Publish/Subscribe (Event Bus) Pattern
If the event bus (i.e. publish/subscribe) pattern makes more sense for your app (from an architecture standpoint), or you need to remove Vue.js's global event bus from an existing Vue.js app, the Vue.js core team now recommends using a third party library such as mitt. (See the RFC referenced in paragraph 1.).
Here's a small (perhaps overly simplistic) example of an LCA solution for sibling-to-sibling communication. This is a game called whack-a-mole.
In this game the player gets points when they "whack" a mole, which causes it to hide and then another mole appears in a random spot. To build this app, which contains "mole" components, one might think , “mole component N should tell mole component Y to appear after it is whacked”. But Vue.js discourages this method of component communication, since Vue.js apps (and html) are effectively tree data structures.
This is probably a good thing. A large/complex app, where nodes communicated to each-other without any centralized manager, might be very difficult to debug. Additionally, components that use LCA tend to exhibit low coupling and high reusability.
In this example, the game manager component passes mole visibility as a prop to mole child components. When a visible mole is "whacked" (clicked), it emits an event. The game manager component (the common ancenstor) receives the event and modifies its state. Vue.js automatically updates the props, so all of the mole components receive new visibility data.
Vue.component('whack-a-mole', {
data() {
return {
stateOfMoles: [true, false, false],
points: 0
template: `<div>WHACK - A - MOLE!<br/>
<a-mole :has-mole="stateOfMoles[0]" v-on:moleMashed="moleClicked(0)"/>
<a-mole :has-mole="stateOfMoles[1]" v-on:moleMashed="moleClicked(1)"/>
<a-mole :has-mole="stateOfMoles[2]" v-on:moleMashed="moleClicked(2)"/>
<p>Score: {{points}}</p>
methods: {
moleClicked(n) {
if(this.stateOfMoles[n]) {
this.stateOfMoles[n] = false;
this.stateOfMoles[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)] = true;
Vue.component('a-mole', {
props: ['hasMole'],
template: `<button #click="$emit('moleMashed')">
<span class="mole-button" v-if="hasMole">🐿</span><span class="mole-button" v-if="!hasMole">🕳</span>
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return { name: 'Vue' }
.mole-button {
font-size: 2em;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<whack-a-mole />
What I usually do if I want to "hack" the normal patterns of communication in Vue.js, specially now that .sync is deprecated, is to create a simple EventEmitter that handles communication between components. From one of my latest projects:
import {EventEmitter} from 'events'
var Transmitter = Object.assign({}, EventEmitter.prototype, { /* ... */ })
With this Transmitter object you can then do, in any component:
import Transmitter from './Transmitter'
var ComponentOne = Vue.extend({
methods: {
transmit: Transmitter.emit('update')
And to create a "receiving" component:
import Transmitter from './Transmitter'
var ComponentTwo = Vue.extend({
ready: function () {
Transmitter.on('update', this.doThingOnUpdate)
Again, this is for really specific uses. Don't base your whole application on this pattern, use something like Vuex instead.
In my case i have a table with editable cells. I only want one cell to be editable at a time as the user clicks from one to another to edit the contents.
The solution is to use parent-child (props) and child-parent (event).
In the example below i'm looping over a dataset of 'rows' and using the rowIndex and cellIndex to create a unique (coordinate) identifier for each cell. When a cell is clicked an event is fired from the child element up to the parent telling the parent which coordinate has been clicked. The parent then sets the selectedCoord and passes this back down to the child components. So each child component knows its own coordinate and the selected coordinate. It can then decide whether to make itself editable or not.
<tr v-for="(row, rowIndex) in rows">
v-for="(cell, cellIndex) in row"
export default {
name: 'TableComponent'
data() {
return {
selectedCoords: '',
methods: {
selectCoords(coords) {
this.selectedCoords = coords;
<td #click="toggleSelect">
<input v-if="coords===selectedCoords" type="text" :value="cellContent" />
<span v-else>{{ cellContent }}</span>
export default {
name: 'EditableCell',
props: {
cellContent: {
required: true
coords: {
type: String,
required: true
selectedCoords: {
type: String,
required: true
methods: {
toggleSelect() {
const arg = (this.coords === this.selectedCoords) ? '' : this.coords;
this.$emit('select-coords', arg);

React performance: rendering big list with PureRenderMixin

I took a TodoList example to reflect my problem but obviously my real-world code is more complex.
I have some pseudo-code like this.
var Todo = React.createClass({
mixins: [PureRenderMixin],
var TodosContainer = React.createClass({
mixins: [PureRenderMixin],
renderTodo: function(todo) {
return <Todo key={} todoData={todo} x={this.props.x} y={this.props.y} .../>;
render: function() {
var todos =
return (
<ReactCSSTransitionGroup transitionName="transition-todo">
All my data is immutable, and PureRenderMixin is used appropriately and everything works fine. When a Todo data is modified, only the parent and the edited todo is re-rendered.
The problem is that at some point my list grows big as the user is scrolling. And when a single Todo is updated, it takes more and more time to render the parent, call shouldComponentUpdate on all the todos, and then render the single todo.
As you can see, the Todo component has other component than the Todo data. This is data that is required for render by all the todos and is shared (for example we could imagine there's a "displayMode" for the todos). Having many properties makes the shouldComponentUpdate perform a little bit slower.
Also, using ReactCSSTransitionGroup seems to slow down a little too, as ReactCSSTransitionGroup have to render itself and ReactCSSTransitionGroupChild even before the shouldComponentUpdate of todos is called. React.addons.Perf shows that ReactCSSTransitionGroup > ReactCSSTransitionGroupChild rendering is time wasted for each item of the list.
So, as far as I know, I use PureRenderMixin but with a larger list this may be not enough. I still get not so bad performances, but would like to know if there are easy ways to optimize my renderings.
Any idea?
So far, my big list is paginated, so instead of having a big list of items, I now split this big list in a list of pages. This permits to have better performances as each page can now implement shouldComponentUpdate. Now when an item changes in a page, React only has to call the main render function that iterates on the page, and only call the render function from a single page, which make a lot less iteration work.
However, my render performance is still linear to the page number (O(n)) I have. So if I have thousands of pages it's still the same issue :) In my usecase it's unlikely to happen but I'm still interested in a better solution.
I am pretty sure it is possible to achieve O(log(n)) rendering performance where n is the number of items (or pages), by splitting a large list into a tree (like a persistent data structure), and where each node has the power to short-circuit the computation with shouldComponentUpdate
Yes I'm thinking of something akin to persistent data structures like Vector in Scala or Clojure:
However I'm concerned about React because as far as I know it may have to create intermediate dom nodes when rendering the internal nodes of the tree. This may be a problem according to the usecase (and may be solved in future versions of React)
Also as we are using Javascript I wonder if Immutable-JS support this, and make the "internal nodes" accessible. See:
Edit: useful link with my experiments: Can a React-Redux app really scale as well as, say Backbone? Even with reselect. On mobile
In our product we also had issues related to the amount of code being rendered, and we started using observables (see this blog). This might partially solve your problem, as changing todo will no longer require the parent component that holds the list to be re-rendered (but adding still does).
It might also help you in re-rendering the list faster as your todoItem components could just return false when the props change on shouldComponentUpdate.
For further performance improvements when rendering the overview, I think your tree / paging idea is nice indeed. With observable arrays, each page could start to listen to array splices (using an ES7 polyfill or mobservable) in a certain range. That would introduce some administration, as these ranges might change over time, but should get you to O(log(n))
So you get something like:
var TodosContainer = React.createClass({
componentDidMount() {
this.props.todos.observe(function(change) {
if (change.type === 'splice' && change.index >= this.props.startRange && change.index < this.props.endRange)
renderTodo: function(todo) {
return <Todo key={} todoData={todo} x={this.props.x} y={this.props.y} .../>;
render: function() {
var todos = this.props.todos.slice(this.props.startRange, this.props.endRange).map(this.renderTodo)
return (
<ReactCSSTransitionGroup transitionName="transition-todo">
The central problem with large lists and react seems that you cannot just shift new DOM nodes into the dom. Othwerwise you won't need the 'pages' at all to partition the data in smaller chunks and you could just splice one new Todo item into the dom, as done with JQuery in this jsFiddle. You could still do that with react if you use a ref for each todo item, but that would be working around the system I think as it might break the reconciliation system?
Here is a POC implementation I've done with ImmutableJS internal structure. This is not a public API so it is not ready for production and does not currently handle corner cases but it works.
var ImmutableListRenderer = React.createClass({
render: function() {
// Should not require to use wrapper <span> here but impossible for now
return (<span>
{this.props.list._root ? <GnRenderer gn={this.props.list._root}/> : undefined}
{this.props.list._tail ? <GnRenderer gn={this.props.list._tail}/> : undefined}
// "Gn" is the equivalent of the "internal node" of the persistent data structure schema of the question
var GnRenderer = React.createClass({
shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps) {
console.debug("should update?",( !==;
return ( !==;
propTypes: {
gn: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
render: function() {
// Should not require to use wrapper <span> here but impossible for now
return (
{,index) {
// TODO should check for Gn instead, because list items can be objects too...
var isGn = typeof gnItem === "object"
if ( isGn ) {
return <GnRenderer gn={gnItem}/>
} else {
// TODO should be able to customize the item rendering from outside
return <span>{" -> " + gnItem}</span>
The client code looks like
<ImmutableListRenderer list={ImmutableList}/>,
Here is a JsFiddle that logs the number of shouldComponentUpdate calls after a single element of the list (size N) is updated: this does not require to call N times shouldComponentUpdate
Further implementation details are shared in this ImmutableJs github issue
Recently I had a performance bottleneck trying to render a table with 500+ records, the reducers were immutable and I was using reselect to memoize the complex selectors, after pulling some hair, I found the problem was solved memoizing all the selectors.

Reusability/Scalability issues with react-flux app

The question:
Is there any way to have a standard flux workflow - using Actions and Stores inside of a component and still be able to use this component for multiple different purposes, or if not is there any way to have complex nested structure in flux-react app without propagating every change trough a huge callback pipe-line?
The example (If the question is not clear enough):
Lets say I have a couple of super simple custom components like ToggleButton, Slider, DatePicker and more. They need to be reusable, so i can't use any actions inside of them, instead i've defined callback functions. For example onChange on the DatePicker fires like this:
I have a custom component lets call it InfoBox that contains a couple of the simple components described above. This component listens for changes for every of its children like this:
<DatePicker ref='startDate' onChange={this.startDate_changeHandler} />
The InfoBox is used for different purposes so i guess it can not be binded to a specific store as well.
I also have a custom Grid component that render many instances of the InfoBox. This grid is used to show different data on different pages and each page can have multiple grids - so i think i can not bind it with Actions and Stores.
Now here is where it all gets crazy, bear with me - I have couple of pages - Clients, Products, Articles, etc.. each of them have at least one Grid and every grid have some filters (like search).
The pages definitely can use actions and store but there are big similarities between the pages and I don't want to have to duplicate that much code (not only methods, but markup as well).
As you may see it's quite complex structure and it seems to me that is not right to implement pipe-line of callback methods for each change in the nested components going like DataPicker > InfoBox > Grid > Page > Something else.
You're absolutely right in that changing the date in a DatePicker component should not trigger a Flux action. Flux actions are for changing application state, and almost never view state where view state means "input box X contains the value Z", or "the list Y is collapsed".
It's great that you're creating reusable components like Grid etc, it'll help you make the application more maintainable.
The way to handle your problem is to pass in components from the top level down to the bottom. This can either be done with child components or with simple props.
Say you have a page, which shows two Grids, one grid of - let's say - meeting appointments and one grid with todo notes. Now the page itself is too high up in the hierarchy to know when to trigger actions, and your Grid and InfoBox are too general to know which actions to trigger. You can use callbacks like you said, but that can be a bit too limited.
So you have a page, and you have an array of appointments and an array of todo items. To render that and wire it up, you might have something like this:
var TodoActions = {
markAsComplete: function (todo) {
alert('Completed: ' + todo.text);
var InfoBox = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<div className="infobox">
{React.createElement(this.props.component, this.props)}
var Grid = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var that = this;
return (
<div className="grid">
{ (item) {
return <InfoBox component={that.props.component} item={item} />;
var Todo = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var that = this;
return (
Todo: {this.props.item.text}
<button onClick={function () { TodoActions.markAsComplete(that.props.item); }}>Mark as complete</button>
var MyPage = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
todos: [{text: 'A todo'}]
render: function() {
return (
<Grid items={this.state.todos} component={Todo} />
React.render(<MyPage />, document.getElementById('app'));
As you see, both Grid and InfoBox knows very little, except that some data is passed to them, and that they should render a component at the bottom which knows how to trigger an action. InfoBox also passes on all its props to Todo, which gives Todo the todo object passed to InfoBox.
So this is one way to deal with these things, but it still means that you're propagating props down from component to component. In some cases where you have deep nesting, propagating that becomes tedious and it's easy to forget to add it which breaks the components further down. For those cases, I'd recommend that you look into contexts in React, which are pretty awesome. Here's a good introduction to contexts:
Update with answer to your comment. In order to generalize Todo in the example so that it doesn't know which action to call explicitly, you can wrap it in a new component that knows.
Something like this:
var Todo = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var that = this;
return (
Todo: {this.props.item.text}
<button onClick={function () { this.props.onCompleted(that.props.item); }}>Mark as complete</button>
var AppointmentTodo = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return <Todo {...this.props} onCompleted={function (todo) { TodoActions.markAsComplete(todo); }} />;
var MyPage = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
todos: [{text: 'A todo'}]
render: function() {
return (
<Grid items={this.state.todos} component={AppointmentTodo} />
So instead of having MyPage pass Todo to Grid, it now passes AppointmentTodo which only acts as a wrapper component that knows about a specific action, freeing Todo to only care about rendering it. This is a very common pattern in React, where you have components that just delegate the rendering to another component, and passes in props to it.

ReactJS: How do I access my models in event handlers without binding?

Say I have a ReactJS component that represents a "Document" containing "Paragraph"s, each containing "Sentences" which I want rendered into contenteditable spans.
var paragraphData = [{
id: 1,
sentenceData: [
'Paragraph 1, Sentence 1',
'Paragraph 1, Sentence 2'
id: 2,
sentenceData: [
'Paragraph 2, Sentence 1',
'Paragraph 2, Sentence 2'
var Sentence = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (<span
var Paragraph = React.createClass({
render: function () {
var me = this;
var sentences = (sentenceData) {
return <Sentence value={sentenceData} onKeyDown={me.props.onKeyDown} />;
return <div>{sentences}</div>;
var Document = React.createClass({
render: function () {
var me = this;
var paragraphs = (paragraphData) {
return <Paragraph sentences={paragraphData.sentenceData} onKeyDown={me.onKeyDown}>;
return <div>{paragraphs}</div>;
onKeyDown: function (e) {
// If "Enter" is pressed, I want to split the sentence at
// getSelection().focusOffset, update the current sentence's
// value to currentValue.substr(0, focusOffset) and insert a
// new sentence with value currentValue.substr(focusOffset),
// but how do I know which paragraph/sentences I need to
// inspect/change? Is "" the only thing I have to go by?
In ReactJS, the idea is for data to flow up and events to flow down. (Which one is referred to as "up" or "down" seems to change all the time, but hopefully you know what I mean.)
My Question:
In my onKeyDown handler, how do I know which models need to have changes applied?
I thought about using .bind() to bind the handler to each model as it was passed up, but it seems a bit... wrong:
Would that be considered tight coupling between model/view?
It would mean binding hundreds or thousands of times (potentially, on a large document), each time creating a new function - which would go against the best-practice "don't create functions in a loop" principle.
I get the feeling I'm heading in the wrong direction - any help much appreciated!
It is perfectly fine to bind the onKeyDown function.
If you implement shouldComponentUpdate in Sentence, when your app is rendered again, the binded functions won't be created again because these components will not render if they have not change.
I don't think the memory overhead of 1000 or 10000 functions has too much impact, and you should not try to optimize this unless you have perf problems. What you don't want is create all these functions everytime on each render, and this is why shouldComponentUpdate is here.
It won't couple more your components that they are already (they are, because they interact together already on a well defined business context). Basically you could create a generic, uncoupled component that will receive any piece of data and on key down on the rendering of that data, will inject that data to a callback. It is generic and does not add coupling, you can control the entire behavior outside of the component.
Notice that binding functions coming from props or in loops to dom event listeners is not something forbidden by React and actually you can find exemples where it is done.
In a loop (that may have many items!):
With binded function props: (can't find it, but I do use it myself...)
Notice that in React, it is forbidden to rebind a function of a component because React bind all functions to its component.
So if a function is in Document and is injected to Sentence, you can't bind it to this in Sentence because it does not make sens and is forbidden by React.
This is the code that does it:
if (newThis !== component && newThis !== null) {
monitorCodeUse('react_bind_warning', { component: componentName });
'bind(): React component methods may only be bound to the ' +
'component instance. See ' + componentName
Note that a newThis !== null has been added. This was actually added to fix this problem when trying to bind props functions.
Now you can write
<Sentence value={sentenceData} onKeyDown={me.props.onKeyDown.bind(null,sentenceData} />
And on document you have a listener:
onKeyDown: function (sentenceData) { }
This is perfectly fine :)
Notice that there is another way this problem can be solved which may be a little bit more efficient:
var Sentence = React.createClass({
onKeyDown: function(e) {
render: function () {
return (<span
Instead of binding a function, you simply create a class that has this unique function that you would normally bind. In this case I think however it creates more coupling as you don't really control the behavior of the callback from outside the Sentence component.
You're concerning yourself with the wrong problem.
Wherever the relevant onKeyDown handler that you're referring to should be working (i.e. for sentences, or paragraphs), you need to handle the data change and then call:
this.setState({stateName: newdata})
This will cause react to re-render the component with the new data.
For a good example, look at facebook's tutorial for a comment widget.
You can see how the form handles the data change by adding new comments, and then calls setState() to re-render with the additional comments. React handles everything else.
In your example, if you change something within a paragraph, the paragraph should call setState with the new sentence data after you've done all the work you need, and then react will handle the rest.

