Replace text with HTML in Google Apps Script - javascript

I'm attempting to write a an add-on for Google Docs using Google App Script that performs syntax highlighting. I'm using hightlight.js to perform the highlighting on the selected text and attempted to replace the selected text with formatted text. Is there a way to just insert the HTML returned from highlight.js, or do I need to do something more to format the text properly for Google Docs?

No, you cannot insert HTML "as" Google Docs (AFAIK). You can insert it as regular text, but the tags will be shown, etc, just like when you view a page source.
Google Docs have its own "DOM" structure and you'd have to "parse" your HTML into Docs' format. Appending paragraphs and text elements and setting their attributes. It's going to be a bit cumbersome to do, but is surely possible.
Another possibility is to upload the HTML to Google Drive and set the convert flag, letting Google Drive do this hard task for you. Then you grab the resulting Doc and append/replace it to the current document you're working on, a much easier task (but it's not a single-line code). The down-side is that it'll take that much longer for your Add-On to retrieve the value. You'd have to test it to see if that's acceptable.


Showing rich text from database

I have stored rich text in my db, and now I would like to show it to the website viewers, but when I echo the content I got this:
I would like to remove the 'P' tags and any other tags from the text.
I have used Ckeditor to store the rich text into DB.
I could use Ckeditor to show the rich text to the website viewers, but Ckeditor is an editor and I would like only to show the rich text.
Is there any in-built php command to convert the stored text into rich text and display it on my website?
Well "rich text" is has its own format. It's not xml like. So for example, a simple file where I will try to infer formatting of:
This is bold
This italic
Looks like this in "rich text":
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 Hello\par
\b This is bold\b0\par
\i This italic\i0\par
So it is not so simple to get this into HTML.
I'ts straight forward on steps to get it into html (some text parsing involved, and a loop) but from your question it doesnt seem like you are (1) aware of it's format, and (2) haven't tried to write code to make it html?
I can add to this answer if you have actually tried on how the parsing steps might go. I can add now but want to get more information so as not to provide useless code, say if you are already using an API that does the deed.
I use Draft.js with React.js but I hope this helps. if you're still facing this issue: You can see the solution in this video
Basically you have to convertToRaw, then JSON.stringify it. Then this can be sent to your backend as a string. To display it, make a GET request for that particular data, then JSON.parse it and then convertFromRaw. Pass this into another RichTextEditor as the editorState but set the readOnly={true}
Find the methods for your particular editor which allows you to convert states and display it.

How to make my autocomplete chrome extension work?

I have created a code that gives me different standard answers i always use when i'm working. The code is simple but it will make me more efficient ...if is doable. The standard phrases have tag names and if i open the browser i'll get an "userBox", if i type in "moving" i'll get the phrase for that tag name. I've created a chrome extension that "matches": [""] but i want the tag names to be triggered and to give me the corresponding phrase automatically when i write an email. I have no experience with chrome extensions and i'm a beginner in js and html, is this doable for a beginner and if so i would really appreciate some help.
I am currently working on a similar project, the first task for you would be to get the contentEditable divs and textarea using querySelector, the divs and textarea inside iframe should be handled separately and listen for the changes made in the textarea. if you want to alter DOM or get something from DOM it should go in content scripts read more about it here in Chrome extension documentation and know the difference between content scripts and background scripts. Try starting with simple extensions like background-color changing extension to get the hang of it. JS for beginers might be confusing since its asynchronous, so I recommend doing some simple extensions first and get familarised with chrome extension API.

Highlight spots in PDF documents that are embeded in HTML

Employees need to check data imported using OCR. They have web interface showing imported data on the left side and the scanned image on the right. When dealing with a large list of items they get lost and are asking for a tool/pen able to highlight (PDF) rows that are already checked.
Is there any chance to use JavaScript and draw to the PDF that is viewed?
If you are viewing the PDF in a plug-in, the answer is no, not through JS.
If, however, you can leverage a tool like pdf.js, this may be possible, depending on what your document uses in terms of PDF elements. For example, pdf.js has an Annotation plug-in, which looks like it may enable you to actually create annotations.
You will not be able to save the changes, however. If you want to do this, you are strongly encouraged to use a proper UI and not just a PDF (though, you may read from the PDF to generate it).

Adding html/any tags to either side of selection - Javascript

Adding HTML/any tags to either side of selection - Javascript
The problem:
After creating a textarea box in my PHP/html file I wished to add a little more functionality and decided to make an textarea that can use formatting, for example
This is text that was inserted. <b>this text was selected and applied a style
via a button<b>
It doesn't matter what the tags are, (could be bubbles for all that I care due to the fact the PHP script, on receiving the $_POST data will automatically apply the correct tags with the tag as the style ID. Not relevant)
The Question/s
How can I create this feature using javascript?
Are there any links that may help?
And can, if there is information, can you explain it?
EDIT: Other close example but not quite is stackoverflow's editor and note that I do not wish to use 3rd party scripts, this is a learning process for me.
The tags that are inserted in the text are saved to a database and then when the page is requested the PHP replaces the tags with the style ID. If there is a work around not involving 3rd party scripts please suggest
And for the anti-research skeptics on a google search, little was found that made sense and there was Previous Research on SOF:
- Adding tags to selection
Thanks in Advance
<textarea> elements cannot contain special markup, only values. You can't apply any styling in a textarea.
What you'll need to do is fake everything that a text box would normally do, including drawing a cursor. This is a lot of work, as hackattack said.
You can do a lot if you grab jQuery and start poking around. Toss a <div> tag out there with an ID for ease and start hacking away.
I've never made one personally, but there is a lot to it. HTML5's contentEditable can maybe get you a good chunk of the way there:
If you want to pass this data back to the server, you'll need to grab the innerHTML of the container and slap that into a hidden input upon submission of your form.
Here's other some things you can check out if you're just messing around:
tabindex HTML attribute, to get focus in your box from tabbing
jQuery.focus(), to determine when someone clicks in your box
cursor: text in CSS for looks
jQuery.keypress(), or similar for grabbing keystrokes
Edit: I think I completely misunderstood
If you're not looking for a rich text editor, and just want some helper buttons for code, maybe selectionStart and selectionEnd is what you're after. I don't know what the browser support is, but it's working in Chrome:
you can not do anything beside basic formatting inside a texarea. If you want complex formatting, look into setting a div's contentEditable attribute to true. Or you can make a wysisyg editor, but that is a big project. I strongly suggest using 3rd party code on this one.
I suggest you using the iframe to implement the WYSIWYG effect.
There is a property in iframe called designMode
See here for more
Also there is a lightweight example maybe you would like to take a look:

What's the best method for creating a simple Rich-Text WYSIWYG editor?

I need to create a simple rich-text editor that saves its contents to an XML file using arbitrary markup to indicate special text styles (e.g: [b]...[/b] for bold and [i]...[/i] for italic). All the backend PHP stuff seems fairly straightforward, but the front-end WYSIWYG portion of the feature seems a bit more convoluted. I've been reticent to use one of the currently-available JavaScript-based WYSIWYG editors because the rich-text options I want to allow are so limited, and these applications are so fully-featured that it almost seems like more work to stip them down to the functions I need.
So, in setting out to create a bare-bones rich-text editor, I've encountered three approaches:
The first two approaches use the contentEditable or designMode properties to create an editable element, and the execCommand() method to apply new text styles to a selected range.
The first option uses a standard div element, executes all styling commands on that elements contents.
The second option uses the editible body of a window enclosed in an iframe, then passes any styling commands initiated from buttons in the parent document into its contentWindow to alter selected ranges in the contained body. This seems like several extra steps to accomplish the same effect as option one, but I suppose the isolation of the editable content in its own document has its advantages.
The third option uses a textarea overlaying a div, and uses the oninput JS event to update the background div's innerHTML to match the input textarea's value whenever it changes. Obviously, this requires some string finagling to to convert elements like newline characters in the textarea to <br/> in the div, but this would allow me to preserve the integrity of my [/] markup, while relegating the potentially-messy DOM manipulation to front-end display only.
I can see benefits and drawbacks for each method. the contentEditable solutions seem initially the simplest, but support for this features tends to vary across browsers, and each browser that DOES support it seems to manipulate the DOM differently when implementing execCommand(). As mentioned before, the textarea/div solution seems like the best way to preserve my arbitrary styling conventions, but the custom string-manipulation procedure to display rich text in the output div could get pretty hairy.
So, I submit to you my question: Given the development goals I've outlined, which method would you choose, and why? And of course, if there's another method I'm overlooking that might better serve my purpose, please enlighten me!
Thanks in advance!
Have you looked at This is your answer. If you are having doubts, then you are doing something wrong. :-)
Then use JS to track keyup event and simple AJAX to print preview of the input. Just like in stackoverflow.
NB It would be far more efficient to generate the preview using plain-js BBcode approach. However, do not overcomplicate stuff unless you necessary need it.
The problem with BBCode, Markdown, ... is that it's not that trivial for genpop. I suggest looking at widgEditor, it is by far the simplest WYSIWYG editor I've seen to date. It was developed some time ago, so I am not sure about compatibility, but it sure is an inspiration.
I would have included this only as a comment, since it does not directly answer your question, but I am fairly new to SA and could not find out how to do that. Sorry.

