Location Search Similar to Groupon - javascript

I need to implement location search similar to Groupon Location Search. I know about google places api and have gone through it, but i am unable to implement the search only for city and state code ( as Groupon location search do). Also i want to dropdown menu same as groupon do. I know, I can change the css of google location dropdown, but if there is some service other than google how can I do it for.
Desperately looking for help.

One possible datasource for locations (cities/countries) is GeoNames.org
You can either download their entire database, install and use it in your web application (http://www.geonames.org/export/) or access their web services (an overview of the available services can be found here: http://www.geonames.org/export/ws-overview.html).
As for the dropdown/typeahead UI, check out Angular Bootstrap (requires AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap's CSS, http://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/) or jQuery UI's AutoComplete (http://jqueryui.com/autocomplete/).


Implement a customized Google Calendar with React Js?

My website currently runs a react-big-calendar Calendar with data I manually manage with graphql / Apollo
I decided to use Google Calendar for data management using the Google Calendar API instead of managing everything on my own database.
However, I was wondering if there was a way to directly include a custom Google Calendar ( the UI I mean ) in my website, so the Front-End part would be also managed by Google Calendar ( can be in an iframe, or a Google Component directly, if such a thing exists ).
This way I would leave most of the calendar front/back end logic to Google only, instead of having to call the Google API everytime I do a change on my react-big-calendar.
I say custom, because I would still need to edit some component, such as the pop-up opening when you want to create an event:
Most of the information have no use for me, and I would like to add others. I would also like to get rid of "search for people" or the create button on the sidebar, as an exemple.
Is there a way to include such a customized Google Calendar in my website? Or do I need to keep using my own react-big-calendar with data from the Google Calendar API?
Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately what you want cannot be achieved as Calendar doesn’t offer the possibility of editing/modifying any of its content.
Hence, the only available options in this situation are:
to embed it as explained in this article here;
make use of the Calendar API and build your own interface for it, just like you mentioned above.

Need to add the new Google Maps API KEY to my existing Drupal7 site

In my drupal site i am getting the error alert like "This page can't load Google Maps correctly.". My website is built on drupal7. Where to add the script tag with that new API key generated through admin login UI. I mean in which module of UI i has to change. Please find the attached screenshot for reference.
Any quick help more helpful.
You need to get a license for google maps api as , Google has implemented a new Pricing module in july for google maps.
Google's new billing and pricing model requires you to add a credit card to use even the free API's. If you are using the Javascript API for Static Maps, it is no longer free. The documentation/tutorial page which shows code examples, will provide a key, however it will not work until you add your billing info.

How to add Google places autocomplete to flask?

I would like to add the Google places autocomplete library to an input field but am not able to in my flask app (it doesn't give the dropdown suggestions), although it works fine in a standalone HTML file.
Have you consider using Geocomplete? The example code they provide is pretty easy to implement
If you managed to implement the search box itself in your flask app (it's being rendered and everything) but there are no drop-down suggestions you should be able to find out the exact error message in the developer tools of your browser.
One of the reasons could be that the URL of your web app is not included in your API key to accept requests from.

Workflow with Google Maps API

I just need to know where to start. I'm developing an app with Meteor framework, where I need to have let's say a custom marker, which I get from user's input, so this marker shows up in a place where user stands through geolocation. I need to get this input when a user taps a button like "i'm here", so what's the best way to make it so? Some JS on button? Any examples would be appreciate, thanks.
Use dburles:google-maps . The documentation is well written and easy to use. Use GoogleMaps.maps.exampleMap.instance to set the current location on the button click.Grab the users location using either HTML5's location ability or a cordova plugin that provides the same functionality, depending on the app's user base. You could also completely eliminate the need of the button and initialize the map with the users location. See the above package documentation.

Creating analytics map similar to Google Analytics

I'm building an admin panel here at work and recording some ip data from users who are downloading our itunes mp3's. We have the ip and location of the user, but I'd like some way of displaying that visually. Is there any jquery plugin or addon that would allow me to display the stats I collected visually on a map similar to the way Google Analytics does it?
Have you tried the Google Chart Tools api (https://developers.google.com/chart/) ?
There is a geo chart which I think is exactly what you are talking about.
jVectorMap could also be suitable here.

