replace multiple consecutive hyphens with one - javascript

Is this possible in Javascript?
I have this from Java, but can not be used in Javascript.
Is there another way that works?

Yes it is. You can use the same regex with the Javascript replace() method.
s.replace(find, replacement)
// where 's' is your string object
var r = 'foo--bar---baz'.replace(/-{2,}/g, '-');
console.log(r); // "foo-bar-baz"

You can just do this:
var newStr = "hi--this is----good".replace(/-+/g,'-'); // hi-this is-good
-+ matches more than 1 - and replaces them with a single -
Your regex is also valid. Except you cannot use s modifier.

query.trim().replace(/\s\s+/g, '-').replace(/[\s.;,?%]/, '-')


remove last part of string following '&&&' with JavaScript Regex

I'm trying to use a regex in JS to remove the last part of a string. This substring starts with &&&, is followed by something not &&&, and ends with .pdf.
So, for example, the final regex should take a string like:
and match
I'm not that great with regex's, so my best effort has been something like:
Which matches the whole string. Can anyone help me out?
You may use this greedy regex either in replace or in match:
var s = 'parent&&&child&&&grandchild.pdf';
// using replace
var r = s.replace(/(.*)&&&.*\.pdf$/, '$1');
//=> parent&&&child
// using match
var m = s.match(/(.*)&&&.*\.pdf$/)
if (m) {
//=> parent&&&child
By using greedy pattern .* before &&& we make sure to match **last instance of &&& in input.
You want to remove the last portion, so replace it
var str = "parent&&&child&&&grandchild.pdf"
var result = str.replace(/&&&[^&]+\.pdf$/, '')

RegExp to filter characters after the last dot

For example, I have a string "esolri.gbn43sh.earbnf", and I want to remove every character after the last dot(i.e. "esolri.gbn43sh"). How can I do so with regular expression?
I could of course use non-RegExp way to do it, for example:
But I want a regular expression.
I tried /\..*?/, but that remove the first dot instead.
I am using Javascript. Any help is much appreciated.
I would use standard js rather than regex for this one, as it will be easier for others to understand your code
var str = 'esolri.gbn43sh.earbnf'
str.slice(str.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)
Pattern Matching
Match a dot followed by non-dots until the end of string
let re = /\.[^.]*$/;
Use this with String.prototype.replace to achieve the desired output
''.replace(re, ''); // ''
Other choices
You may find it is more efficient to do a simple substring search for the last . and then use a string slicing method on this index.
let str = '',
i = str.lastIndexOf('.');
if (i !== -1) // i = -1 means no match
str = str.slice(0, i); // ""

How to globally replace pipe symbol "|" in string

How can I globally replace the | (pipe) symbol in a string? When I try to replace it with "so|me|str|ing".replace(/|/g, '-'), I get "-s-o-|-m-e-|-s-t-r-|-i-n-g-"
| has special meaning (A|B means "match A or B"), so you need to escape it:
"so|me|str|ing".replace(/\|/g, '-');
| means OR, so you have to escape it like this: \|
Try using "so|me|str|ing".replace(/[|]/g, '-')
This is a great resource for working with RegEx:
In my case, the pipe was coming as an variable, so I couldn't use any of these solutions. Instead, You can use:
let output_delimiter ='|';
let str= 'Foo|bar| Test';
str.replace(new RegExp('[' + output_delimiter + ']', 'g'), '-')
//should be 'Foo-bar- Test'
Another solution is, to do a substring replacement instead of a regex to replace the pipe character. However, the String.prototype.replace() method will only replace the first substring instance, like here:
"so|me|str|ing".replace("|", "-"); // "so-me|str|ing" → WRONG
Possible workarounds:
Split the string into an array and join it with the new delimiter:
"so|me|str|ing".split("|").join("-"); // "so-me-str-ing" → RIGHT
Use a loop to replace one substring after the other.
var str = "so|me|str|ing";
while(str.indexOf("|") >= 0) {
str = str.replace("|", "-"); // "so-me|str|ing" → RIGHT
Use .replaceAll()
Use the modern approach String.prototype.replaceAll() -- beware, that this method is only supported by a few browsers yet:
"so|me|str|ing".replaceAll("|", "-"); // "so-me-str-ing" → RIGHT

How to replace underscores with spaces using a regex in Javascript

How can I replace underscores with spaces using a regex in Javascript?
var ZZZ = "This_is_my_name";
If it is a JavaScript code, write this, to have transformed string in ZZZ2:
var ZZZ = "This_is_my_name";
var ZZZ2 = ZZZ.replace(/_/g, " ");
also, you can do it in less efficient, but more funky, way, without using regex:
var ZZZ = "This_is_my_name";
var ZZZ2 = ZZZ.split("_").join(" ");
Regular expressions are not a tool to replace texts inside strings but just something that can search for patterns inside strings. You need to provide a context of a programming language to have your solution.
I can tell you that the regex _ will match the underscore but nothing more.
For example in Groovy you would do something like:
"This_is_my_name".replaceAll(/_/," ")
===> This is my name
but this is just language specific (replaceAll method)..
var str1="my__st_ri_ng";
var str2=str1.replace(/_/g, ' ');
Replace "_" with " "
The actual implementation depends on your language.
In Perl it would be:
s/_/ /g
But the truth is, if you are replacing a fixed string with something else, you don't need a regular expression, you can use your language/library's basic string replacement algorithms.
Another possible Perl solution would be:
tr/_/ /
To replace the underscores with spaces in a string, call the replaceAll() method, passing it an underscore and space as parameters, e.g. str.replaceAll('_', ' '). The replaceAll method will return a new string where each underscore is replaced by a space.
const str = 'apple_pear_melon';
// ✅ without regular expression
const result1 = str.replaceAll('_', ' ');
console.log(result1); // 👉️ "apple pear melon"
// ✅ with regular expression
const result2 = str.replace(/_+/g, ' ');
console.log(result2); // 👉️ "apple pear melon"

How to replace multiple strings with replace() in Javascript

I'm guessing this is a simple problem, but I'm just learning...
I have this:
var location = (jQuery.url.attr("host"))+(jQuery.url.attr("path"));
locationClean = location.replace('/',' ');
locationArray = locationClean.split(" ");
And here is what I am getting in Firebug: discussed/the-ideas-behind-my-redesign
["", "discussed/the-ideas-behind-my-redesign"]
So for some reason, the replace is only happening once? Do I need to use Regex instead with "/g" to make it repeat? And if so, how would I specifiy a '/' in Regex? (I understand very little of how to use Regex).
Thanks all.
Use a pattern instead of a string, which you can use with the "global" modifier
locationClean = location.replace(/\//g,' ');
The replace method only replaces the first occurance when you use a string as the first parameter. You have to use a regular expression to replace all occurances:
locationClean = location.replace(/\//g,' ');
(As the slash characters are used to delimit the regular expression literal, you need to escape the slash inside the excpression with a backslash.)
Still, why are you not just splitting on the '/' character instead?
You could directly split using the / character as the separator:
var loc = + location.pathname, // loc variable used for tesing
locationArray = loc.split("/");
This can be fixed from your javascript.
findstring: Required. Specifies a string value to find. To perform a global search add a 'g' flag to this parameter and to perform a case-insensitive search add an 'i' flag.
newstring: Required. Specifies the string to replace the found value from findstring
Here's what ur code shud look like:
locationClean = location.replace(new RegExp('/','g'),' ');
locationArray = locationClean.split(" ");

