How to POST backbone model data to DB through PHP - javascript

I am trying to understand localStorage, but still a bit confused as It seems only few lines of code do a lot in the background.
What do I need to do to POST model data to a mySQL DB using PHP?
It seems save() does everything for you but where do I setup the connection to the DB, user, password...etc?
Can someone point me in the right direction please?

First localStorage is a HTML5 API, and it saves locally; while php is on the server.
There's a great video by Jeffrey Way which explains how to set the routes, with use of Laravel as PHP Framework (but you can use anything).
If you're running Apache WebServer, or u can use emulateJSON() Backbone method, or u can set up mod dav to enable PUT and DELETE method.
If u choose to to emulateJSON, the PUT and DELETE HTTP methods will be interpreted as POST method when it goes to the server.
I hope i've been explicit enough. if not so, feel free to ask.


making router for parsing javascript request through php

I have seen this request
the output for both requests are different
earlier I was thinking that .js file cant be treated like php and dynamic data cant be passed but I was wrong and some expert advised that its router which is passing these data and according to shop name they are serving.
I have php apache+ nginx server
can anyone tell how we can make this work. don't want to go with Nodejs as it won't allow to pass php code.
just for test i want to call above links and print this.
hi i am shop xyz
or hi i am shop abc
on respective calls.
can anyone share some details guidelines how to make router. any link any guide any advise will solv the purpose.
I have never dealth with such javascript ant it is damm easy in php extension but want to learn in javascript.

How to dynamically create a JSON file for each Object that gets added to another JSON file

I would like to dynamically create a corresponding JSON file every time a new merchant signs up to my site.
For example:
Burger King signs up to be a merchant on my site. I add Burger king to my merchants.json file. How would I dynamically create a file that gets inserted into that JSON object that can later be used to pull up data specific to that merchant, on that merchants page. For example, a JSON file full of products or deals.
Is this even the right way to go about it?
Can someone point me in the right direction please?
This seems like a very common usage scenario but I don't see any examples online that explain this application structure thoroughly.
NOTE: I am using AngularJS
EDIT: Thanks for the tips guys, after asking around in the #AngularJS channel on IRC, I've been told to go the extra mile and create an API. I'll probably use sails.js to help with that. This obviously isn't how I was planning to do things, but as you guys pointed out, it wasn't the best practice; not by a long shot.
1) You'd need a small server-side PHP script that accepts the new JSON file sent by the client
2) Browser requests merchants.json from the server
3) Load it with JSON.parse()
4) Add the merchant to the Object
4) JSON.stringify(object)
5) Send back to the server.
Now, this is a horrible horrible idea. Use a server-side database for storing any kind of information on your clients -- MySQL, whatever. JSON is for transporting data, not storing it. You can write some PHP scripts to dynamically generate a page for your merchant based on the data in the database -- so much easier and so much more secure. The method above will expose the whole client database to the client, and based on your specifications above, I don't see another way.

Getting data using RESTful and backbone.js

I've been reading tons of tutorials, I really like this technology, but I am missing something.
Following this tutorial you get JSON data from this url, then you set your model, and collection.
I am not sure how to set this url on my own (for either local storage or database storage), I obviously need to set it to where I can GET the data or PUT/POST/DELETE data. I need to mention that I dont want to use PHP to send the data to the database, because this is a cordova app. Maybe setting data is beyond just using a URL, hopefully some one can make this clear, this should be easy points for most.
I am missing something easy here, because there is a reason they are not covering this topic extensively (maybe they are and I am overlooking it), but oh well ill ask anyways maybe someone can point this out :)
Here is the ajaxPrefilter it kind of confuses me, I know it obviously prefilters our url to point to the data, but I am not sure how to apply an appropiate url for local storage/server side.
$.ajaxPrefilter( function( options, originalOptions, jqXHR ) {
options.url = '' + options.url;
Edit: Also I noticed that when I run a POST request, this url changes and adds my data, this is from the RESTful services right, and what is so special about that url that it allows me to do that? In the meantime I am going to keep rewatching the backbone tutorial videos, to see what I am missing lol.
Also watching this starting from the beginning he actually understands what I mean, but jeffery uses PHP, which maybe I can use with cordova (pointing to a script or something) but I would rather use javascript to send data to mysql and local storage.
EDIT: Okay I see heroku is a cloud based service so inside that url we were using a dummy type of service to store the data.. Okay so now how do I point the url to local storage?
Finally got it!
I came across this Backbone.js + Java Wine Cellar Application. It is an application with a Backbone front end and a Java backend. You have just to download it, set up the environment and see how it works.
There is also a tutorial, the author wrote it also in PHP, just check his blog.
Okay, so I am a noob, I am sure the way I asked this question may have gotten confusing but here is what I did.
I spent a good amount of time figuring out how to use what I learned is, models and collections are well models and collections of data. I didn't think of it like that(should have been transparent from the get go, but oh well) inside the model and collection you need some data and so from the tutorial I followed the method of getting data was via it contained jSON data which we could work with.
So in using local storage, we need to change where our jSON data is by using localStorage: new Backbone.LocalStorage("choose-some-identifier"),
So understanding the model and collection really helps in knowing what to do. Now I just need to figure out how to add localstorage data to a server, and since I am using phonegap it would be cool to add an event listener for when the user connects to the internet and on that event submit the local storage data to the server.

How do I populate form fields on a page from a database based on the page url?

Hello first I’d like to say, please excuse my ignorance to this all, as I’m very new to this all. I just started and still trying to understand this.
So far I have a database set up and I’m trying to retrieve values from a database to fill in a form on a page when it loads. The record or row/values that need to be retrieved from a database depend on the page’s URL.
I’m ok with html and css but still trying to learn more about jquery, JavaScript, sql, php and so on and so forth. I realize I have a ways to go and honestly some of the guides and tutorials online are kind of confusing because everyone has a different way of coding. So I’m a bit confused.
I’ve included a simple chart to breakdown what I’m trying to do.
If someone could point me in the right direction I’d be really grateful! Thanks.
If I understand you well, you want to setup a form and populate some fields of this form with a query forms a database, the primary key of the record being relative to the url.
The first step is to build the url, you can pass some parameters to an url by adding a ? at the end of the url followed by the parameter name, the = sign and the parameter value. If you have more than one parameter, you should separate each parameter with the sign &.
So your url could be something like this :
Then, you'll have to choose if you want to build the page on the server side with a language like php, in which case you retrieve the parameter, query the database, build the html form and send it to the client.
You can also go client side with plain javascript or jquery, in which case you will still have to do some server side programming to query the database but will use an ajax call to get the data and will populate the fields in Javascript or JQuery.
You can do this using Javscript(using Ajax)
U need the key to search for get the results from database
Using ajax call get the data, You might have to write code to get the details from database using any server side prog language
Using javascript to fill the form input with the received data.
Google for jquery ajax examples, and how to populate input using javascript.
There are many frameworks out there that have DataBinding built-in that do the same job a lot easier. My favourite would be Angular Js, you can try Ember and lot more out there, choose the one you feel comfortable with.

MySQL Security with PHP, javascript, and HTML?

Okay, I'm very new to web programming. I'm creating my own database-driven website. I'm attempting to setup an admin login to update the site's content. I'm worried about acessing my mySQL databse securely however.
I intend to have the database search for the given username, and then compare the password hash to the hash of the given password.
My worry is in setting up the connection to the mySQL datbase.
from what I see, the way to do this is via:
Now I intend to pass this to javascript to check all the credentials but if this is defined in the HTML file, then the login details would be plain for all to see yes?
Or, should I define it in an external .js file that will to the checking? I'm still worried if that is safe enough?
I think you are a bit confused there so i will try to explain it very simple.
Front End - Client Side: HTML , CSS , JavaScript
Back End - Server Side: PHP , SQL
Everything on the Front End... can not be trusted, as it is accessible by everyone.
Then why we are validating with JavaScript?
Just to help users with typos... simple as that...
All your security, is at the Back End. You validate with PHP all the values submitted from the Front End and then you perform the required actions on your Database with SQL.
You should never pass anything to JS that you don't want your users to see/access. You should do that via PHP.
Does this help you/clear the things a bit?
PS: from my understanding you are creating a login for your project right? Find below some links with tutorials step by step that might help you.

