javascript avoid submit if no box checked - javascript

i have a number of checkboxes generated with PHP. There is a validation button. I want to prevent the user to valid the form without checking at least 1 checkbox.
I have this code
var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('date[]');
var btn = document.getElementById('Submit');
date.onchange = function(){
for (var i=0;i<checkboxes.length;i++)
btn.disabled = false;
btn.disabled = true;
<tr id="{{ cpt }}">
<td><input type="checkbox" class="date" id="date" name="date[]"
checked value="{{ }}"></td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
But it only work for the first checkbox!
can you help me?

Your script will set button.disabled = true; for every checkbox that is unchecked... that means if you check any box than the last, this will always set disabled to true in the end.
add this to your function after btn.disabled = false;
return true;
resulting in this code:
var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('date[]');
var btn = document.getElementById('Submit');
date.onchange = function(){
for (var i=0;i<checkboxes.length;i++)
btn.disabled = false;
return true;
btn.disabled = true;
this will stop your function once it detects the first checked checkbox and prevent the following ones from overriding the disabled property of your button.

You'd better do some counter which'll count checked checkboxes and in the end compare it with number of minimum num of checked checkboxes

you should keep a variable, avoiding that other checkboxes results override each other.
Something like:
var toShow = true;
var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('date[]');
var btn = document.getElementById('Submit');
date.onchange = function(){
for (var i=0;i<checkboxes.length && toShow;i++) {
toShow = false;
btn.disabled = false;
} else
btn.disabled = true;


Javascript on checkbox validation?

I have looked up to many online topics on this question but somehow they did not work for me as the system could not detect whether I have ticked the checkbox or not. I want to ensure the system does not proceed to next page if there were no checkbox checked but it still continues to next page regardless of the javascripts I applied.
I'm not sure if im doing it correctly or may have labelled the code wrongly.
the HTML will generate a list of users dynamically based on users available in database using Thymeleaf
<form th:action="#{/user-profile/delete}" th:object="${deleteUsersForm}" method="POST" onsubmit="return validate();" id="deleteUsersForm">
<tr th:each="user: ${users}">
<td><input type="checkbox" id="checkboxTab" name="deleteUserList" th:value="${user.userId}"></td>
<td th:text="${}"></td>
<button class="btn btn-success btn-icon-split" id="delButton" data-toggle="modal"
data-target="#deleteUserConfirmPopup" onclick="checkButton()">Delete User!</button>
Javascripts that I have tried
function validate(){
var valid = false;
valid = true;
if (valid){
alert('Please proceed');
} else {
alert('Please tick at least one checkbox!');
return false;
2nd Javascript attempt
function validate(){
var checkboxTab = document.getElementById('checkboxTab');
for (var i = 0; i < checkboxTab.length; i++) {
if(checkboxTab[i].checked == false){
alert('Nothing is checked');
return false
} else {
return true;
3rd Javascript attempt: Pop-up displays "Please check at least 1 checkbox!" then proceed to continue to next page.
function checkButton(){
var checkboxTab = document.getElementById( 'checkboxTab' );
var isChecked = false;
for (var i = 0; i < checkboxTab.length; i++) {
if ( checkboxTab[i].checked ) {
isChecked = true;
if ( isChecked ) {
alert( 'Proceeding next page' );
return true;
} else {
alert( 'Please check at least 1 checkbox!' );
return false;
I even tried jQuery able to show pop-up but it can't seem to detect the checkbox is ticked or not therefore it displayed "not checked" despite ticked the checkbox
$('#delButton').click(function () {
if (!$('#checkboxTab').is(':checked')) {
alert('not checked');
return false;
} else {
return true;

prevent users from entering duplicate entries in text inputs in javascript

I have a DOM in which I want to prevent users from entering duplicate entries in html text input.
The above DOM is not in user's control. It is coming through php.
At this moment, I am focussing only on name="code[]".
This is what I have tried:
$('input[name^="code"]').change(function() {
var $current = $(this);
$('input[name^="code"]').each(function() {
if ($(this).val() == $current.val())
alert('Duplicate code Found!');
Problem Statement:
I am wondering what changes I should make in javascript code above so that when a duplicate code is entered, alert message "Duplicate code Found" should come up.
you need to add an eventlistener to each item, not an eventlistener for all. Then count inputs with same value, if there's more than 1, it's a duplicate.
Also ignore not-filled inputs.
Check following snippet:
$('input[name*="code"]').each(function() {
let value = $(this).val();
let count = 0;
$('input[name*="code"]').each(function() {
if ($(this).val() != '' && $(this).val() == value) {
if (count > 1) alert('duplicate');
$('#createInput').on('click', function(){
let newInput = document.createElement("input"); = 'code[]';
newInput.type = 'text';
newInput.className = 'whatever';
// repeat the eventlistener again:
$('input[name*="code"]:not(.e').each(function() {
let value = $(this).val();
let count = 0;
$('input[name*="code"]').each(function() {
if ($(this).val() != '' && $(this).val() == value) {
if (count > 1) alert('duplicate');
<script src=""></script>
<div id="inputGroup">
<input name="code-1" type="text" class="whatever">
<input name="code-2" type="text" class="whatever2">
<input name="code-3" type="text" class="whatever3">
<input type="button" id="createInput" value="Add input">
now works with dynamically created elements. The class 'e' works as flag to not insert 2 event listeners to the same node element, otherwise they will run in cascade, provoking unwanted behaviour.
You can use something like this, that converts the jQuery object to an Array to map the values and find duplicates. I added an option to add a style to the duplicated inputs, so the user knows which ones are duplicated.
function checkDuplicates(){
var codes = $('input[name^="code"]').toArray().map(function(element){
return element.value;
var duplicates = codes.some(function(element, index, self){
return element && codes.indexOf(element) !== index;
return duplicates;
function flagDuplicates(){
var inputs = $('input[name^="code"]').toArray();
var codes ={
return element.value;
var duplicates = 0;
codes.forEach(function(element, index){
var duplicate = element && codes.indexOf(element) !== index;
inputs[index].style.backgroundColor = "red";
inputs[codes.indexOf(element)].style.backgroundColor = "red";
return duplicates;
$('input[name^="code"]').on("change", function(){
//var duplicates = checkDuplicates(); // use this if you only need to show if there are duplicates, but not highlight which ones
var duplicates = flagDuplicates(); // use this to flag duplicates
alert(duplicates+" duplicate code(s)");
<script src=""></script>
<input name="code-1" type="text">
<input name="code-2" type="text">
<input name="code-3" type="text">

Validating different types of form inputs with criterias

I want to get the answers to a form upon submission and parse them to JSON.
This works quite good but I want some validation before sending the data.
I tried a lot of variations of the snippet down below but am still stuck.
Prevent default event on "send"
Get Form
Iterate through the elements of the form
Eliminate empty items and their value
If checkbox is checked: value = true
Store correct items in data
Return data
Somehow I can't get to work steps 4 and 5 work at the same time, every time I get one of them to work I screw over the other one.
In this snippet, the checkbox works as intented but the textfield doesn't:
If anybody can point me in the right direction with the if/else statements or something like that it would be greatly appreciated.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
var data = {};
var formToJSON = function formToJSON(form) {
var data = {};
for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) {
var item = form[i];
//looking for checkbox
if (item.value =="") {
else {
if (item.checked == false) {
data[] = false;
else {
data[] = item.value;
return data; };
var dataContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('results__display')[0];
form = document.getElementById('formular').querySelectorAll('input,select,textarea');
butt = document.getElementById('knopfabsenden');
butt.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
handleFormSubmit(form = form);
var handleFormSubmit = function handleFormSubmit(event) {
var data = formToJSON(form);
dataContainer.textContent = JSON.stringify(data, null, " ");
}, false);
<div id="formular">
<label class="formular__label" for="machineName">Textfield Test</label>
<input class="formular__input formular__input--text" id="machineNumber" name="machineNumber" type="text"/>
<input class="formular__input formular__input--checkbox" id="checkTest" name="checkTest" type="checkbox" value="true"/>
<label class="formular__label formular__label--checkbox" for="checkTest">Checkbox Test</label>
<button class="formular__button" id="knopfabsenden" type="submit">Submit</button>
<div class="results">
<h2 class="results__heading">Form Data</h2>
<pre class="results__display-wrapper"><code class="results__display"></code></pre>
The problem is .checked will always be false if it doesn't exist. So the text field gets the value false.
for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) {
var item = form[i];
//looking for checkbox
if (item.value ==="") {
else {
if (item.type === "text") {
data[] = item.value;
else if (item.type === "checkbox"){
data[] = item.checked;
In this code snippet I check the type of the input and handle it accordingly. also notice I use the === operator and not the == operator as a best practice (Difference between == and === in JavaScript)

Javascript Validating in a loop

I have two radio buttons on the top (YES/NO) If yes the javascript function showhideform shows another text box(certificate). This form is in a loop as you see with all my outputs.If yes is chosen and loop is 1 everything works fine onsubmit. If Yes and I submit when loop is 2 it only validates certificate textbox 2 and forgets about certificate textbox 1. I need it to validate both if yes is chosen twice.
Radio Buttons:
<label for="noabc_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>">No</label>
<label for="abc_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>">Yes</label>
Show / Hide Radio Buttons:
function showhideForm_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>(abc_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>) {
if (abc_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput> == "Yes") {
document.getElementById("div1_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("div2_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>").style.display = 'none';
else if (abc_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput> == "No") {
document.getElementById("div2_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("div1_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>").style.display = 'none';
Validating through loop:
function doSubmit(n) {
var QnoText = ['abc_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>']; // add IDs here for questions with optional text input
var ids = '';
flag = true;
for (i=0; i<QnoText.length; i++) {
CkStatus = document.getElementById(QnoText[i]).checked;
ids = QnoText[i]+'Certificate_<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>' + n;
if (CkStatus && document.getElementById(ids).value == '') {
alert('Please enter certificate number ' + n + '.');
flag = false;
return flag;
Certificate textbox:
submit button:
//return doSubmit(1);
It looks like the n is just a numbering/index to the id of the input textbox it is validating.
Looking at your code, CKStatus seems to me is a checkbox. If it is checked, it will validate the certificate input text box according to the parameter n.
After days of working on it I have finally figured it out!! I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that has helped and this is the code for anyone who was interested!
<script type="text/javascript">
function doSubmit() {
var count =<cfoutput>#BAdd#</cfoutput>;
flag = true;
for (i=1; i<=count; i++){
var ids = 'abc_'+i +'Certificate_'+i;
var Radio = 'abc_'+i
CkStatus = document.getElementById(Radio).checked;
if (CkStatus && document.getElementById(ids).value == '') {
alert('Please enter certificate number ' +i);
flag = false;
return flag;

Validating a single radio button is not working in available javascript validation script

I have randomly generated radio button series like
<input type="radio" name="creatorusers" value="1">
<input type="radio" name="creatorusers" value="1">
<input type="radio" name="creatorusers" value="1">
<input type="radio" name="creatorusers" value="1"> on
But I get only ONE radio button and execute the javascript validation given for it to chk whether the radio button is selected or not, then it doesnt work
Ples help me out in resolving this.
mycreator = -1;
for (i=frm.creatorusers.length-1; i > -1; i--) {
if (frm.creatorusers[i].checked) {
mycreator = i; i = -1;
if (mycreator == -1) {
alert("You must select a Creator User!");
return false;
Always (!) use the var keyword. Otherwise your variables will be in the global scope (yes, even those in function bodies), which can make for some bugs that are hard to track down.
As #Felix pointed out, creatorusers will only be an array if there is more than one element with that name in the form. You can create a single-element array when necessary to work around that.
Here is an abstracted function that can validate an arbitrary checkbox list.
function ensureChecked(checkboxes, error) {
if (checkboxes) {
var cbx = (checkboxes.length > 0) ? checkboxes : [checkboxes];
for (var i=0; i<cbx.length; i++) {
if (cbx[i].checked) {
return true;
return false;
call as
ensureChecked(frm.creatorusers, "You must select a Creator User!");
Ah now I got. If you only have one radio button, then frm.creatorusers is not an array. Just skip it:
var mycreator = -1;
var checked = false;
if(typeof frm.creatorusers.length === 'number') {
for (var i=frm.creatorusers.length; i--; ) {
if (frm.creatorusers[i].checked) {
mycreator = i;
checked = true;
else if(frm.creatorusers.checked){
mycreator = //? what here?
checked = true;
if(!checked) {
alert("You must select a Creator User!");
return false;
If mycreator was just for checking whether a button was selected or not, you can completely remove it from the code above.
Some further notes to your code:
Always declare variables with var, otherwise they will be global.
Use break to end a loop.
Maybe it is just because of copy and paste, but having a lot of radio buttons with the same value does not make much sense.
You can do something like this:
function validate(frm){
var isChecked = false;
for (var i=0; i<frm.elements.length; i++)
if (frm.elements[i].type === 'radio'){
if (frm.elements[i].checked === true){
isChecked = true;
if (isChecked === true){
return true;
alert('You should select an option first !');
Now you should call above function on onsubmit event of the form:
<form onsubmit="return validate(this);">
Now the validate function will make sure that at least one radio button is checked otherwise it won't submit.
this should do it
function isRadioSelected(btn) {
if(typeof btn.length === 'number') {
for(var i=0;i<btn.length;i++)
if(btn[i].checked) return true
if(btn.checked) return true
return false
You could try something like this instead:
<script type="text/javascript">
function confirmsubmit() {
var btn = document.formname.buttonname
if (btn.checked == false)
window.alert("You did not click the button.");
return false;
return true;
<form method="post" action=""
name="formname" onsubmit="return confirmsubmit();">
click here: <input type="radio" name="buttonname"><br />
<p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit"></p>

