Testing an ember component that uses another component with separate template - javascript

I'm trying to test an emberjs component that uses another component. I'm using ember-qunit with the moduleForComponent method.
In there I define that my component needs another component, needs: ['component:my-kitten'].
But it seems that if you use a component with a separate template, then the template of that component is not loaded.
I altered the jsbin example from the emberjs guides.
Working example with template defined in the component as layout
Not working example where I moved the layout to a separate template

The needs property must also include any nested component templates:
needs: ['component:my-kitten', 'template:components/my-kitten'],
Look for "If you are using nested components with templates" on https://github.com/rwjblue/ember-qunit.

As an update, I'm running into a similar issue and the ember-qunit guides now expressly state
"You do not require dependencies through needs:. Doing so will force the test into unit mode."
Adding needs to my component integration test causes them all to fail, so the above answer is not relevant for current versions of ember-qunit (0.4.17).


Vue3 documentation example codeblocks are strange

All throughout the Vue 3's documentation, they do the following when showing example code in a component:
I've never had to do this though, I simply use
export default {
name: 'example-component-xd'
What am I missing here? I just started learning Vue 3, and I haven't learnt any other versions of Vue before. This question is more just a curiosity I have, as it doesn't impact my ability to understand the documentation, but I thought that it may have something to do with the history of Vue, ES6 or best practices etc. Here is another example:
In Vue 3, Vue.createApp({}) replaces new Vue({}) from Vue 2. This line of code is typically in your entry file, where you mount the app (not in your component files).
The code in the <script> tag you showed is for single file components, and you can continue using that style. Never would you use Vue.createApp() or new Vue() in those single file components.
You can checkout an example Vue 3 app that shows Vue.createApp() in src/main.js, while the single file components in src/components use the Options API that you're also using.

Angular2 - Show component name and its html template path in DOM

I have thought of having debugger component in angular2 application which is similar like "Show Template Path" in magento ecommerce feature.
I would like to show the template path on left side and component name from right side of the red bar in DOM itself by trigger the shortcut keys.This could help the developer on debugging the large application.
Kindly advise me, what could be the best possible way of implementing this debugging component. This component should shows every component level information on respective piece of DOM which is being rendered from component used in that page.
Thanks in advance.
Update based on comments:
Use the Reflect package here
After importing it in all your components, use the Reflect.getMetadata('annotations', ComponentClass) method.
From that you can extract your templateURL.
You can use the activatedRoute Interface: Here
It has the URL of the current route and also the component which is activated.
Create a service called DebuggerService and have a property called routeMap in it and provide it in the app.module. Import and inject this service on every component.
So now in every component's onInit or Constructor, you can do something like this:
class MyComponent {
constructor(private router: Router, debugger: DebuggerService) {
this.debugger.routeMap += (this.router.url + '' + this.router.routeConfig.component.name)
What you are basically doing is concatenating each route that is activated inside the service. This value will be stored throughout the application because it is globally provided in app.module.
You can now use this property of the debuggerService in your debuggerComponent and print out all routes.
Hope this makes sense.

AngularJS Directive into React App

We are looking at writing a new app using React but will need some existing Angular Directive that are specific for our business, for example a modified Angular Date Picker for example. There are many components so we won't be able to rewrite them all.
I am wondering if anyone has experience or knows the effort or feasibility of this?
The only article I've managed to find on this so far has been. Most resources I find mention going the other way from an Angular App with added React. http://softeng.oicr.on.ca/chang_wang/2017/04/17/Using-AngularJS-components-directives-in-React/
There's a library called angular2react that makes possible reuse angularjs code inside react components. You can see if it fits your needs. :)
I have written a simple demo app showcasing how to achieve it: react-angularjs-bridge
The basic steps are as follows:
Create a react component that is going to host the angular component in the DOM. This component should always render a simple html element (eg. a HTMLDivElement) so that react does not get confused when reconciling the virtual DOM with the real DOM.
After the react component was mounted componentDidMount, create a shadow root under the rendered HTMLDivElement and initialise the angular application under it. This will ensure that the angularJS component is encapsulated and is not affected by the react application and vice-versa
Click here for a demo. Check how the react application styles do not impact the styles of the angular component.
Independently of Angular, ref is a way to go: it gives to access to an underlying DOM node and the ability to manipulate the DOM inside that node in any way you like, including AngularJS. Your changes will stay - at least until react clears the component altogether.
You can create a ref in react by
<divOrAnyOtherDom ref={((el) => {this._elem=el;}).bind(this)}></...
(for the full description and alternate ways to the same end see here: https://reactjs.org/docs/refs-and-the-dom.html#callback-refs)
Anyway, as you now have a DOM node, you can start working with it, i.e. adding angular to the mix inside componentDidMount. Sadly, this is not really obvious - here's a way that has worked for me in the past (moduleName needs to be a module you have put in place already with your logic):
let baseElement = angular.element(this._elem);
let templateElement = angular.element(templateSource);
angular.injector([ 'ng', moduleName ]).invoke(function($compile, $rootScope) {
let cmp = $compile(templateElement);
scpe = $rootScope.$new(false);
scpe.varname = whateverYouHave; # point is: you can set scope variables
Now you have angular inside the DOM node react gave you.
(I've taken this from a slightly different integration: Vaadin to AngularJS, but the principle is the same: Vaadin, just like react, gives you a DOM node. When you're interested in the full code: https://github.com/akquinet/vaangular/blob/master/vaangular/src/main/resources/de/akquinet/engineering/vaadin/vaangular/angular/NgTemplate.js)
Plus: For any callbacks from the angular component, you'll likely have to use setState et al.

IS there a way to edit External Vue.js plugins from inside the component file that imports it?

For example, I'm using vue-charts.js and imported it into my root component:
import VueChartjs from 'vue-chartjs';
Vue.component('bar-chart', {
extends: VueChartjs.HorizontalBar,
Now VueChartjs is a wrapper for Charts.js so the component comes with its own template. I'd like to be able to edit that template within VueChartjs.HorizontalBar or the component bar-chartthat I mounted it onto.
Is there anyway to do this within this root component?
You can't edit the template of the vue-chartjs component. Because of the extending, all methods, props etc. will get merged. If some props or methods are duplicated, Vue's merge strategy will use your local ones, instead of the ones in the base class.
However Vue has no merge strategy for templates. So you could only completely overwrite the template. Check the git repo of vue-chartjs to see the template syntax, as some props and ids are required. And then you can replace it in your base component.

Generate components in sub-folders in ember/ember-cli

Based on recommendations for the preparation for Ember 2.0...
• In general, replace views + controllers with components
• Only use controllers at the route level...
...we're supposed to eschew Controllers and Views in favor of Components. I haven't been able to figure out and/or understand how to generate Components that aren't direct parents of the components folder, i.e. components/component-name.js.
My current controllers folder looks something like:
Basically, there are sub-folders that group logic based on the sections of the application. How do I accomplish this with just components?
Seeing that components must have a "-" in them, I tried, but get an error...
ember generate component account/index-module.js
You specified "account/index-module.js", but due to a bug in Handlebars (< 2.0) slashes within components/helpers are not allowed.
Do all components have to be like
i.e. all in the same folder? This will start to get out of hand with the addition of what I actually consider to be components (things like video-viewer.js, text-editor.js, radio-button.js).
I would really like to have components in sub-folders, but unsure how to do this.
My components folder is already gross and I just got started:
Is it okay to leave the account/business logic in Controllers (seeing that it does say you should only use controllers at the Route level)?
I'm really confused about this "all components, all the time" convention.
Ok, so I had the same problem and as of ember 1.9-beta.3 (that's the version I tested). It is possible to have components nested under resource directories.
That means that you can have a "user" route or resource. And let's say you have a component which you only want to use with the user resource, so you want to put the component under the resource directory.
The way to do it is to put the component under the resource directory app/pods/user/component-name/template.hbs. The important part is to remember that components must have a dash in their name. It can't be just .../user/component it has to be .../user/component-name with a dash. Then you can use the component as {{user/component-name}} in your templates.
Also I think this is only possible when you're using the pod structure.
Ok, I think this question/answer needs a bit of an update for 2019. I have been using Ember for all of about a month, and my components folder has already become a pigpen. And the tutorial and main API docs don't really cover how to organize your components.
So I did a search of course. And the only answers I could find (like this one) are from around 2014-2015, and don't reflect modern Ember. I was about to accept my fate when I found this in the Ember syntax conversion guide.
(Note to the Ember folks: This is an important issue, one that almost every new user will encounter. It should feature a bit more prominently in the documentation. Maybe not the tutorial, but definitely in Components section)
You can in fact generate components under a sub-folder in Ember as such:
$ ember generate component foo/bar-baz
installing component
create app/components/foo/bar-baz.js
create app/templates/components/foo/bar-baz.hbs
installing component-test
create tests/integration/components/foo/bar-baz-test.js
So that's great, the files are created under components/foo and templates/components/foo. And to resolve the name of the component for use in another template, you can use either the old style syntax:
{{foo/bar-baz }}
Or the new style angle bracket syntax:
<Foo::BarBaz />
As the assertion suggests this is due to Handlebars 1.x, and will be available soon.
Ember 1.9 beta builds currently support this, though I'm not positive if ember-cli's resolver would work with it right now. You can read more about Handlebars 2.0 here.
Using a pods structure will also help with organization, and I believe is going to be the recommended strategy going forward.
For now, I'd suggest not to worry about it! Remember the transition plan will be smooth, and as the official releases come out for Ember and Ember CLI, you'll get deprecation warnings.

