Writing an API using bottle/flask to build data visualizations [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to write an API that will read the data fed through a UI, filter the data and feed the data to a set of Javascript (D3) visualizations that I created and output the result as SVG/PNG/PDF.
How am I going to implement this ?
Let me know if more details are required for you to understand and answer the question.
Any help would be highly appreciated.

There is the HTML 5 drag and drop option that is already explained. But if you insist on getting a remote server involved then when you get data through you UI you need to save it in a file or db and then in your back end you clean the data (I assume your cleaning process is happening in Python for example) and then you have a cleaned data ready to be passed. Here you need flask and templates to pass the data to your HTML and evoke D3. If you take a look at Flask quick start then you'll see how flask comes in handy to mediate communication between a backend code and your HTML. From there you get a better idea. I also suggest reading this blog that explains a mini blog application using flask this covers API, Flask part of your question very well.


How to send information back and forth from a javascript file to a python file [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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So I have an html file with javascript and a python file. In the javascript file, the user enters a string. In the python, I would like it to search it in an api, and then return the string to be displayed in the html file. How do I do this? I have looked up how to use AJAX and get/post methods, but nothing has worked so far. Also, I should mention I am using flask.
The basic mechanics of having an HTML page communicate directly with another program is web server programming. If you want the web server to execute python, then consider setting up a Django server. Learning how to set up a web server and getting the two programs to talk with each other may take a while if it is your first time.

How to connect html page to Marklogic Database using javascript? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am newbie to web designing. Here I am trying to develop a web page where it prompts for username and password and when I click on button, this html has to make connection with these username and password values entered by user to Marklogic database . Could anyone please help how to do this? Is it through Javascript or PHP? If so please advise where can I find step by step explanation of this process ? Also it is okay if I get procedure for any NOSQL database.
OK. Your statement is a bit big and broad.. I decided to extract the most relevant concepts:
Sample Application including authentication
Javascript or PHP
Therefore, I suggest looking at a reference framework using all javascript:
This can have a node.js middle tier in node.js and does not require java.
It is a big step forward and (sort of) complex, but it is a complete example.
If it is too much for what you are looking for, then I suggest you research more specifically what you need in these two specific items in MarkLogic documents:
HTTP Server (where you can run your HTML/CSS/Javascript from)
REST API (for which you can use against your js code)
This is a 2-tier approach where your application(HTTP) server is serving both your HTTP site as well s the default REST enpoints.

Getting updating in codebehind C# variable to asp.net [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I wrote a small code in c# that reads files from the hard drive and outputs that info to a webpage using asp.net.
Information about those files is being changed in the codebehind.
I managed to create variables to read and display the info on the webpage, but they change only after a refresh. When I used setTimeout it would always read the same variable, leaving me thinking that the codebehind does not get re-executed.
How would it be possible to have them updated live without needing to refresh the entire page?
This is somewhat vague but if you want updates to the values on your page after loading, you'll need to use some javascript to grab new values and then more javascript to update values on your page.
There are some great frameworks out there. Unless you have a lot of front-end logic you need to perform through javascript, I'd keep it as simple as possible and throw jQuery in there for the AJAX calls (fyi, this is not the only solution, there are 10+ different ways to skin this same cat).
If you want a bit more efficiency, you could look into using SignalR - which wraps long polling or web sockets (depending on browser capability) on the front end and signals those subscribing pages on the backend only when changes have occurred to data.
Link: http://www.asp.net/signalr
There is no "right" answer to your question so the best I or anybody can do is guide you in a direction. Hopefully this answer helps you.

Passing data from one element to another on the same html page [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hi I am trying to develop a mobile app. The problem I am having is this, when the user fills in a form on the html page I want the data to get written to an unordered list on the same page. I want when the next user fills data for that dat to get written to the second list item in the list and so on
Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to give with this problem
If I understood correctly, you're trying to make an app that stores the data of each submitting of the forum and returns them to all users that come across the page?
For such tasks you'll need, at least:
A web server that runs PHP, Python or other language to your liking*;
A database to connect the server-side with (MySQL or PostgreSQL usually);
What you need to do:
Learn about HTTP POST and basic SQL input/output if you haven't;
Learn AJAX if you haven't;
Store the user input in the database and have a server script retrieve it on call;
Update the dynamic page bit (the unordered list) with AJAX (loading a XML file with the PHP script that writes the database info into it should do) every minute or so using a timeout function.
I'll post links to all I've mentioned in a minute.
*NodeJS is getting popular for being asynchronous (making it easier for dynamic pages to interact with the server) and allowing programmers to use the same language client- and server-side, but I have never tried it to tell you how it fares. Edit: says John NaN: NodeJS is not recommended. Again, I don't know it myself; that is why it's on a note and not upper in the post. Good luck!
*Bonus note: don't trust W3Schools most of the time. The AJAX tutorial I linked to, however, isn't that bad and it's easy to follow.

Types of output that will work for a callback [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am currently working on a small nodejs project that is responsible for returning search terms from a twitter feed. I have the search working however because I am new to this I am having problems displaying this on my webpage. The search information I want to display is being held by a callback from my function and I want to output this information. Keep in mind this information is ascertained after the webpage is loaded and I think that is why response.write(information); is not working for me. However if I do console.log(information); I do get the information I want but it's just not where I want it. Can someone help me out with outputting please.
I ended up solving this by using JSON.stringify(information);
You are right, it's very likely that once you have returned your webpage the response will be closed.
2 options:
1) you load your webpage first on 1 static route (using static middleware) and this web page then does an ajax call to a second route which returns your information.
2) you don't return your webpage until you have retrieved your information. I'm assuming your information will need to be displayed on this webpage which means you'll have to turn your webpage in a template and merge it with your information. You can use a Jade template or underscore template for example.

