How to trigger an event after clicking two different button in Javascript - javascript

I was wondering how I can trigger an event after two different buttons being clicked. Specifically I have some buttons with different ids and I want when I click two specific buttons from them to trigger an event. I thought that this can be happen If I call some function in the first on click event and inside this function I can call another function if the second button being clicked. It does not seem to work, so I need your help. (If anyone needs more code please comment to upload the whole code)
function someKindOfFunction(){
//there is some other code here
var ob = document.getElementById(idTable[0]);
var ob1 = document.getElementById(idTable[1]);
var ob2 = document.getElementById(idTable[2]);
var ob3 = document.getElementById(idTable[3]);
ob.addEventListener("click",function() {onCl1(idTable[0],idTable)});
ob1.addEventListener("click",function() {onCl1(idTable[1],idTable)});
ob2.addEventListener("click",function() {onCl1(idTable[2],idTable)});
ob3.addEventListener("click",function() {onCl1(idTable[3],idTable)});
function onCl1(id1,idTable){
var obj1 = document.getElementById(id1);
var obj2,v,obj3,obj4;
var temp = ["0","0","0"];
for(var i =0 ; i<4 ; i++){
if( id1 != idTable[i]){
temp[v] = idTable[i];
ob.addEventListener("click",function() {onCl2(id1,temp[0])});
ob1.addEventListener("click",function() {onCl2(id1,temp[1])});
ob2.addEventListener("click",function() {onCl2(id1,temp[2])});
function onCl2(id1,id2){
//some kind of actions
alert("it wokrs");

Just pass some sort of value whenever the button you want is clicked. For instance:
ob.addEventListener("click",function() {onCl1(1)});
ob1.addEventListener("click",function() {onCl1(1)});
var i;
function onCl1(value){
i += value;
if(i == 2){
//do this
So basically once these two buttons are clicked the value will equal 2 and trigger whatever you want.


addEventListener firing automatically within loop - or only last element works

I have a loop, and I am creating a button within each iteration. I am attaching an event listener to each newly created button, and I need to pass unique parameters through. Please see the code below (in this case, just passing the index from the loop through the event listener)
for (i = 0; i <= worklog.worklogs.length; i++) {
if ( > 0) {
var theButton = document.createElement("button");
theButton.addEventListener("click", alertButton(i));
theButton.innerHTML = "Add";
function alertButton(arg) {
return function () {
Currently, the event listener fires on only the button implemented on the very last iteration. If I remove the "return function(){}" within my alertButton function, then the event listener is fired on each iteration without the user clicking on the button.
If you have any ideas I would be extremely appreciative. I am finding other people who have had this problem, yet the solutions provided don't seem to work so well for me. Hopefully I am overlooking something simple.
Issue is in the way you are assigning listener:
theButton.addEventListener("click", alertButton(i));
in above code, alertButton(i) will call function and not assign to it. If you want to pass a value to a function assignment, you should bind value.
theButton.addEventListener("click", alertButton.bind(this,i));
As pointed by #Andreas, a working example.
function createButtons() {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var theButton = document.createElement("button");
theButton.addEventListener("click", alertButton.bind(this, i));
theButton.innerHTML = "Add";
function alertButton(arg) {
<div id="content"></div>

Associate buttons and click actions in a loop

I am trying to associate several click actions to several buttons, in jQuery. I am using a for loop to browse all the buttons.
I tried something like that :
var realThis = $(this);
// ...
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
if (typeof(buttons[i].callback) !== 'undefined')
$('#' + buttons[i].id).click(function(){
I got a warning from my editing software :
Mutable variable is accessible from closure
I tried several things without any success.
Any help here ?
I would change the structure of your HTML so that you know which handler will be attached. Data attributes might help you:
<button id="button-1" data-button-id="1" class="button-action">
Do action 1
<button id="button-2" data-button-id="2" class="button-action">
Do action 2
You can then attach your handlers to all buttons, and work out which function you want to call on click, instead of in advance:
$('.button-action').on('click', function (e) {
// get the button index from the data attribute
var buttonId = $(e.currentTarget).data('buttonId');
// if there's a callback then execute it
if (buttons[buttonId].callback) {
Finally found an answer to my problem :
for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++)
var callbackTemp = buttons[i].callback;
$('#' + buttons[i].id).click(function(){ callbackTemp(realThis.getFormValues()); });
Thanks for you help ;)

onclick() automatic firing on loading but failing afterwards

I understand that onclick() in html with parenthesis calls automatically. But in my situation, I want to pass a parameter into the onclick function(specifically, the element clicked). So how do I manage this without having onclick fired when the page loads? In addition, the onclick method does not fire after its automatically firing upon loading. My code is below:
for (i = 0; i < returnPostPhotoSrcs().length; i++) {
// var photosArray=returnPhotoNames()
// var imgName=photosArray[i]
var imgSrcArray=returnPostPhotoSrcs();
var imgSrc=imgSrcArray[i]
var postNamesArray=returnPostNamesArray();
var postName=returnPostNamesArray[i]
var img=img_create(imgSrc,postName,'');;
var postNamesArray=returnPostNames();
var innerSpan = document.createElement('span');
innerSpan.onmousedown=playShout(innerSpan); //problem line
var text = postNamesArray[i];
innerSpan.innerHTML = text; // clear existing, dont actually know what this does
var outerSpan = document.createElement('span');
outerSpan.onmousedown=playShout(outerSpan); //another problem line, also doesnt call onclick
var li = document.createElement('li');
var imgSpacer=img_create('spacerSource',"spacer",'')"25px";;
// if (i>0 && i<returnPostPhotoSrcs().length-1) {
// hackey
var imgSpacer=img_create('spacerSource',"spacer",'')"25px";;
// }
var outerDiv = document.getElementById("postDivOuter");
Adding onto this you could also do:
img.onmousedown= function(e) { playShout(e) };
//for playshout
playshout = function(e) {
var element =; //this contains the element that was clicked
The function fires because you are calling it. You need to use a closure
img.onmousedown= function() { playShout(img) };
As others have shown, you can create an anonymous function, or another option is to use .bind():
innerSpan.onmousedown = playShout.bind(null, innerSpan);

Trying to make a to do list

Im new to javascript and coding in general, I'm trying to make a simple to do list but cant get the delete button to delete all the checkboxes, it will only delete the last checkbox made. Thanks guys
var task = document.getElementById('textinput');
function ObjectTask() {
self = this;
self.init = function() {
self.checkbox = document.createElement("input");
self.checkbox.type = "checkbox"; = task.value; = "checkbox";
self.checkbox.value = "0";
self.checkbox.onclick = self.clickMe;
self.listItem=document.createElement("li"); = task.value;
self.deleteCheckBox = document.getElementById('deleteBtn');
self.deleteCheckBox.onclick = self.deleteMe;
self.clickMe = function() {
if (self.checkbox.value === "0") {
self.checkbox.value = "1";
}else {
self.checkbox.value = "0";
self.deleteMe = function(){
if (self.checkbox.value == "1"){
var parent = self.listItem.parentNode;
function taskadd() {
var taskNew = new ObjectTask();
I can't seem to get the adding to work either, but that doesn't matter. :)
The problem is that you assign a new click handler to the single delete button everytime when you add an item. When you click the delete button, the event handler of the last item is called, everytime (even when the item itself is already deleted).
The problem is in this piece of code:
self.deleteCheckBox = document.getElementById('deleteBtn');
self.deleteCheckBox.onclick = self.deleteMe;
deleteCheckBox is assigned the (global) delete button. After that, you assign a new onclick handler to it, overwriting the previous one.
A better approach would be to write one generic handler for the delete button, which looks up all selected checkboxes and finds the other elements belonging to it to delete them. So just like your global taskadd(), you should also have a global taskdelete() that deletes all selected tasks.

Google Apps Script Find function caller id

I have a Google Apps Script that dynamically generates buttons and assigns for each a ClickHandler which in turn calls a function.
My problem is that because every button calls the same function I can't find a way to indentify which of them actually made the call. Here is a code sample:
var handler = app.createServerHandler("buttonAction");
for (i=1,...) {
function buttonAction() {
//How do I know what button made the call?
Another option is to use the e.parameter.source value to determine the ID of the element that triggered the serverHandler to be called.
Here's an example:
function doGet(e) {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
var handler = app.createServerHandler("buttonAction");
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
return app;
function buttonAction(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
e.parameter.source will contain the ID of the element, which you could then use to call app.getElementById(e.parameter.source) ...
You could create multiple handlers, each for one button:
for (i=1,...) {
var handler = app.createServerHandler("buttonAction" + i);
function buttonAction1() {
// code to handle button 1
function buttonAction2() {
// code to handle button 2
function buttonAction...
I wouldn't recommend of having these sort of "anonymous" action handlers though, as you might be having troubles later in remembering which actionX does what.
(e.g. have a different approach, w/o a loop, or prepare a dictionary-like/array object of meaningful handler names before that loop.)
OTOH, you could use event object argument provided to your callback function:
function buttonAction(event) {
// use event object here to identify where this event came from
The thing is the above event object properties depends on where your callback is being called from. For instance, if it were a submit button where you had a Form, then you could access parameters submitted by that from like so: event.parameter.myParamName. See code sample here.
So, if you have a variable number of buttons, you could use a hidden element + the button:
for (i=1,...) {
var hiddenAction = app.createHidden("action", "action"+i);
var handler = app.createServerHandler("buttonAction");
var btn = app.createButton("Button text", handler);
// you'll need to add both btn and hidden field
// to the UI
Then, your buttonAction might look like this:
function buttonAction(e) {
var action = e.parameter.action;
// do something based on action value here
// which will be one of "action1", "action2", ...
The above is a copy & paste from Hidden class sample.
The above might not work out of the box, but you get the idea: create a hidden element that holds the info you need in your callback, and attach that hidden to your server handler. You could even create multiple hidden elements or a Form panel.
I have the same issue. It works using Tag.
var button = addButton(app
,"buttonActiveTrelloProjects_" + i.toString()
,appVars.buttonWidth() + "px"
,appVars.level2ButtonHeight().toString() + "px"
,(appVars.buttonLhsGap() * buttonCntr) + (appVars.buttonWidth() * (buttonCntr - 1 ) + 9)
,(appVars.level2ButtonTopGap() * 34)
button.setTag(projectName );
function buttonActiveProjectsChartHandler_1(button){
buttonTag = getButtonTag(button);
chartType = buttonTag.split(";")[1];
activeProject = buttonTag.split(";")[0];
function getButtonTag(button){
var jsonButton = JSON.stringify(button);
var source = button.parameter.source;
var tagPtr = source + "_tag";
return button.parameter[tagPtr];

