Angular Directives and dhtmlxcalendar with icon - javascript

I transform FCKTAG to INPUT and attach dhtmlxcalendar. It works.
Directive works fine too.
But I need attach calendar to an input with an icon Initialization of dhtmlxCalendar Doc
Initialization of dhtmlxCalendar Doc: I must put in
<span><img id="calendar_icon" src="path.gif" border="0"></span>
In Angular Directive I put
template: '<input type="text" ng-model="g" ></input>' +
'<span><img src="' +
'clans/emblems/cl_582/2582/emblem_24x24.png" border="0"></span>',
It's error. I need one root tag. I choose DIV:
template: '<div>' +
'<input type="text" ng-model="g" ></input>' +
<span><img src="' +
'clans/emblems/cl_582/2582/emblem_24x24.png" border="0"></span>' +
Annnd... Calendar doesn't load.
I haven't any idea why it.
plunker without an icon
plunker with an icon DOESN'T WORK

In your link function you are get the input element using element[0]. Once you wrap all of it in a div tag it is no longer element[0]. Trying substituting the following code.
var input = element.find('input')[0];
if (myCalendar == null) {
myCalendar = new dhtmlXCalendarObject(input);
} else {
myCalendar.attachObj({input:input, button: input});
updated plunker


add traduction to ui-datepicker in angular ui-grid

is there a way to translate the button in the angular ui-datepicker in this plunker example.
I tried adding close-text="{{\'lblClose\' | translate}}" current-text="{{\'lblToday\' | translate}}" clear-text="{{\'lblClear\' | translate}}" like the other Angular ui-datepicker but it's not working.
any help is really apreciated
you can do it just by updating the directive like this <div class="datepicker-wrapper" ><input uib-datepicker-popup is-open="isOpen" ng-model="' + attrs.rowField + '" ng-change="changeDate($event)" close-text="closeText" current-text="curentText" clear-text="clearText"on-open-focus="false" disabled/></div>
Please see this plunker for result
After looking more deeply on how ui-grid-datepicker is working I found a dirty solution (I don't think there is a clean solution)
You can see a plunker here where I changed the text of the close button:
THe problem is that the setting to change the Done button must be applied on the element that has the directive "uib-datepicker-popup"
So if you want to modify the label of the Done button you have to change the library of ui-grid-settings (which is not a good solution but I don't see any other way).
from this:
template: function(element, attrs) {
var html = '<div class="datepicker-wrapper" ><input uib-datepicker-popup is-open="isOpen" ng-model="' + attrs.rowField + '" ng-change="changeDate($event)" on-open-focus="false" disabled/></div>';
return html;
You change it to (notice I added the close-text attribute with a paramter) :
template: function(element, attrs) {
var html = '<div class="datepicker-wrapper" ><input uib-datepicker-popup is-open="isOpen" close-text="' + attrs.closeLabel + '" ng-model="' + attrs.rowField + '" ng-change="changeDate($event)" on-open-focus="false" disabled/></div>';
return html;
And then in your main file app.js, from this:
editableCellTemplate: '<div><form name="inputForm"><div ui-grid-edit-datepicker row-field="MODEL_COL_FIELD" ng-class="\'colt\' + col.uid"></div></form></div>'
you change it to :
editableCellTemplate: '<div><form name="inputForm"><div ui-grid-edit-datepicker close-label="' + closeLabelTranslated + '" row-field="MODEL_COL_FIELD" ng-class="\'colt\' + col.uid"></div></form></div>'
The only thing remaining is to set your variable closeLabelTranslated to whatever you want, for instance using angular-translate module (I didn't add this to the plunker):
var closeLabelTranslated = $filter('translate')('DONE');
Like I said this is dirty solution but it seems ui-grid-edit-datepicker doesn't provide you with this option so you have to add it manually

Put a Modal inside Javascript

I'm making a Carnival calendar for my city.
I'm using this as a basic calendar engine:
For a basic Modal i'm using this:
I want to be able to click on the event and put it to show some information about it: name, time and place.
var eventElement = $('<div class="event"><a class="' +
event.location + '" href="#informa" rel="leanModal" >' + + "#" + +
'</a></div> <div id="informa"> <p>' + + '</p></div>')
I made a test modal in the index.html and it worked, but it is not working when i try to do this.
You have created an element, but haven't added it to the DOM of the page.
try something like
as the next line.

Creating names for elements created by an Angular directive

For a project I'm working on, I created a simplified version of the UI Bootstrap Calendar widget.
Plunker of my Simplified Calendar, and how I'm using it, is here.
One interesting aspect of the UI Bootstrap calendar, is that even though it goes onto a input[text], it still produces a date validation in the $error dictionary for a form controller, just as if I had specified an input[date] element in my DOM.
However, there's a catch with numerous sub-catches. One thing you'll notice right away in my plunker's DOM is that I've specified error spans for times when the given date fields are not actually dates (try entering something ridiculous like 'cat' for a value!) If you enter something that isn't a date, those should appear, but they don't.
I've tried a few things to expose the markup being created to the name field of the parent:
$transclude set to false, such that the <calendar></calendar> tags get replaced with the contents of the calendar directive's template, with a name attribute specified. This "works", except that said input is wrapped in a span that has a class necessary to look correct using the Bootstrap styling framework.
Directly creating a name attribute in the calendar directive's input field with a binding, like so*:
app.directive('mustPrecedeDate', [
function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: '<input type="text" name="{{ someName }}" />',
scope: {},
controller: 'calendarCtrl',
link: function () {}
Writing link code to explicitly find the input that is a child of the calendar generated markup, and assign it a name attribute. Both 2 and 3 failed, because apparently that's not really something that can be done (I can't find the SO question that was the source of that discovery.)
This leads to my Question: in what way can I get a name down to the input element, such that validation results can be reported to the $error dictionary, so that I can give my users helpful validation messages?
*: Apparently, code blocks with the 'four spaces from the left' formatting don't behave well with numbered lists, so I had to use back-quote code notation to get the text to format halfway correctly. Please feel free to correct my formatting, if I haven't found a bug in the markdown setup SO uses.
The #3 thing needed to be tried a bit harder!
I was able to get a name on the input by adding the following code into my link function:
var inputElement = elem.find('input');
inputElement.attr('name', inputName);
...Where inputName is scraped from the attributes list. I was able to get the inputName down to the generated input[text] field by using a compile function as below.
app.directive('calendar', [
function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: false,
scope: {},
'<span class="input-group">'
+ '<input class="form-control" required '
+ 'type="text" placeholder="MM/dd/yyyy" '
+ 'data-ng-model="dt" data-ng-click="toggle($event)" '
+ 'data-ng-change="updateParentProperty()" '
+ 'datepicker-popup="MM/dd/yyyy" is-open="isOpen" />'
+ '<span class="input-group-btn">'
+ '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-ng-click="toggle($event)">'
+ '<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>'
+ '</button>'
+ '</span>'
+ '</span>',
controller: 'calendarCtrl',
compile: function(elem, attrs) {
var inputName = attrs.inputName;
var inputElement = elem.find('input');
inputElement.attr('name', inputName);
// Compile returns a Link function!
return function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
var modelName = attrs.ngModel;
scope.parentProperty = modelName;
scope.dt = scope.$parent[modelName];

Angularjs Directive

This is my scenario. I am adding a block of code dynamically using javascript. Since its dynamic I have to bind it to my angularjs scope, which is done. But I have one problem here. One of the text box has a directive for it which works. But on change of any text box other than the directive text box for first time the scope.$watch triggers, later on it does not. Here is my code
var uniqid =;
var html= '';
html += '<section class="newItem" id="'+uniqid+'">';
html += '<h4 style="margin: 10px 22px 8px 22px;color:#FF9900;border-bottom:1px dotted black;padding:1%;" > Grocery: <em>{{gName}}</em></h4>';
html += '<div class="grosinput" style="width:0%;">-</div>';
html += '<div class="grosinput" style="width:50%;">';
html += '<lable style="color:#6699CC;font-size: 15px;">Name:</lable><input type="text" placeholder="Enter grocery item" name="name" ng-model="gName"/>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="grosinput">';
html += '<lable style="color:#6699CC;font-size: 15px;">Cost:</lable><input type="text" placeholder="Enter Cost" value="30" name="cost" cost-check ng-model="cost"/></div></section>';
var $injector = angular.injector(['ng', 'grocery']);
$injector.invoke(function($rootScope, $compile) {alert('t');
Here is the directive
$rootScope.gName= "What did i buy?";
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope,element,attrs){
if( === 'cost'){
why is it triggering for other text box also
Please note Angular relies on dirty checking which means it triggers all the watches to check if anything is dirty in order to update the View.
Either you should put a if condition to check newVal and oldVal are different to go ahead as:
scope.$watch('cost',function(newVal, oldVal){
if (newVal !== oldVal){
Or you can use attrs.$observe to observe the attributes as:
I changed the directive in the DOM from cost-check to cost-check="{{cost}}" and replace $watch with $observe as:
attrs.$observe('costCheck', function(val) {

How can I retrieve input values from elements added after page load?

I'm working with Zend Framework 1.12 and I've need to be able to dynamically add and delete fields from a sub-form, in this case we're associating hyperlinks to a parent "promotion".
I haven't found a way to accomplish dynamically adding and removing elements via Zend, and the rare tutorial I've found that claimed to do this are half a decade old and aren't working when I attempt them.
So what I am doing is storing the links I need to work with in a Zend Hidden input field and then dealing with the JSON data after I submit. Not very efficient, but it's the only thing I've gotten to work so far.
Below is the section of the code I'm working with:
Assume a form like:
<form action="/promos/edit/promo_id/15" method="POST" id="form_edit">
<!-- input is Zend_Form_Element_Hidden -->
<input type="hidden" id="link_array" value="{ contains the JSON string }"/>
<button id="add_link">Add Link</button>
The purpose is that every time the Add Link button is pressed, the form adds fields to allow the user to input new hyperlinks that will be associated with the specific items.
Here's the function:
// add links
function(e) {
link = '<div class="p_link new_link">' +
'<div class="element_wrap">' +
'<label for="link_name" class="form_label optional">Text: </label>' +
'<input type="text" id="new_link_name" name="link_name"/>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="element_wrap">' +
'<label for="link_http" class="form_label optional">http://</label>' +
'<input type="text" id="new_link_http" name="link_http"/>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="element_wrap">' +
'<button class="submit delete_link">Delete</button>' +
'</div>' +
Now, what I need to do is on submit, for every new_link class element, to take the links name and http reference and place it in a json object. Here's the code as I have it so far (I know I don't have both input fields represented at this point):
function(e) {
var link_array = [];
var new_links = document.getElementsByClassName('new_link');
$.each(new_links, function() {
var n = $(this).children('#new_link_name').text();
link_array.push({'link_name':n}); //'link_http':h
My problem is that: var new_links = document.getElementsByClassName('new_link'); will collect all the newly added new_link elements, but it does not pull in any value that has been input into the text fields.
I need to know how I can apparently bind any input I make to the input field's value attribute, because right now anything I type into these new elements are tossed out and the field appears empty when it's anything but.
function(e) {
var link_array = [];
var new_links = $('.new_link');
$.each(new_links, function() {
var n = $(this).find('input').val(); // you need input values! This line //is changed...
link_array.push({'link_name':n}); //'link_http':h
EDit: You can't have multiple IDS (make class for each input, and target class, if you want link names and http's)

