PHP and MYSQL system (plus HTML,CSS&JS) [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I went for a 4 month degree php & mysql classes and we are almost done with them, and they ask us to make a system that you could add, erase, and modify the data that the user can put in it (but is harder than that, I have to do it as they said to me, with their parameters and etc.. ), the thing is that i don't know from where i have to start (I'm doing the HTML so the "user" can use the system easily, but when it comes to do the php, JS and MYSQL part im broke), and I hope there's someone here that could help me. I'm not asking for someone to do it for me, that's not my intention, but i really appreciate if someone could lend me a hand so i can dig in more and more in this php world.
PS: If someone wants to help me, we can chat by skype, or something like that, because my English is not that good, and by text-post maybe you wont understand what i want to mean.

1 - Agree on a design pattern
Having a suitable and elegant design pattern will help improve your development, and in most instances, make it much easier - as the foundations will be set.
Design patterns
2 - Adopt version control
A good platform is Git. Specifically GitLab or GitHub. Adopting version control will improve your development, and help you keep track of everything you do, building a story.
3 - Don't use outdated technology
Please don't use the old MySQL database extention. Instead, adopt MySQLi or PDO-MySQL. Using the newer technology will make your application much more secure against SQL injections... See full argument
4 - Be smart
Design your database in to be smart. Normalise your data, and structure your queries nicely - use stored procedures where neccessary, and transactional queries.
When using Javascript within your application, it may be worth while to look into some libraries. The most popular (IIRC) is jQuery
5 - Use a framework
Judging from your question, it may be easier for you to adopt a framework, where help is available.
... There are more. Choose the best one for you.
Also, have a read of PHPTheRightWay


how to create a website / webpage that performs backend server activities [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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First up, I am not very sure If I am posting in the right stackexchange site. Apologize if I am posting in wrong site. Please correct me If I am wrong.
I am new to web development, Perhaps I am trying to build my first ever site for my client. We already have a old site/page which I wanna rewrite with better UI & UX.
I am trying to understand what are the technologies I need to know to build this site. The basic functionality I am looking at are
help user to rename, move or copy files on the server where they
don't have access to modify files directly.
Interact with Database and pull some information
Reset password from logon page
Building queries for users
Kick off jobs
I believe HTML & CSS would be a need for the design part but I want to know which technology will help me complete the background tasks... Is it Javascript or PHP etc.. Server that I need to be running like Apache Tomcat etc
Finally If you know of a good book which could help me traverse, Please share.
Thanks a lot in advance.
It sounds like you're on the right track. If you're planning on recreating a web application, I would check out the "LAMP" stack, which covers most of the technologies needed in putting this together. I can't recommend a book, but there are tons of resources online that can get you started.

Small projects for learning to code javascript [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to be employable as a Front End Web Developer but can only write CSS/HTML along with a little bit of Jquery (on a tangent: moderate amount of PHP) but no understanding of Javascript.
The current skillset was learnt quite fast (9 months) through programming a website.. so I think projects are the best way to learn.
Any ideas on some simple projects/resources to learn and practice Javascript? I like Project Euler but the site only focuses on maths - maybe similar styled questions targeted at user interaction and core capabilities?
You already know enough, go apply for positions with companies even though you may only know a small amount, you will learn best by having projects to tackle on the job. Any organization that hires you will know your experience through the interview process.
If you do not do this and feel you need more experience, create a project for yourself or someone else, build a website, teach yourself how to build a .JS slideshow for example.
A decent book on JS that I have used is
You can try this book as well
If you are into onlin learning try Code Academy or Code School or Tree House courses

Which environment use for writing HTML code [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm intermediate java programer. I have good knowledge on java fundamentals and programming in general. So i don't have problems get used to different IDEs and start with new languages. I want tu dive deeper in java front end development. I have HTML basics so i know that you should(can) start writing HTML+CSS+JS in ordinary windows notepad. But i did it that way some time ago so first i need to refresh my knowledge and after that gain new information.
So my question is is it still valid approach to use notepad or should i immediately start coding in some more specialized software such as Dreamweaver
I never would code in notepad. You have no file-encoding and no syntax-highlighting. You cant see simple mistakes.
A good start for every language is Notepad++ when you are on windows. At Linux I use Geany.
When it comes to bigger application with php I recommend phpStorm
For just a simple and small project or refreshing your skills, notepad++ is absolutely okay. To do a little bit more I would use PhpStorm from JetBrains, which got excellent support for HTML, JS, CSS, PHP and also some JS-Frameworks such as JQuery.
I use Eclipse IDE with plugins for each programming language, for example, PDT for PHP.
I recommend both for small projects, and for larger applications.
It is free.
I would not recommend using notepad. It does not depend on your ckills in koding, notepad just won't let you see all the syntax as it should be seen and it will be much harder to write a code. Taking in consideration how long HTML codes are.
I would personally recomend using Sublime Text 2, i've been using it since the begining. It is perfect both for beginners and experienced users featuring lots and lots of settings. It understands almost any traditional language. And it's also free :)

Treehouse or CodeSchool? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to expand my JS/jQuery + PHP skills + frameworks, so question: Is it worth to buying some kind premium account to learn, if yes where threehouse or codeschool?
I have inspected what course each website has, and I had decided to buy premium account at CodeSchool, because I like there AngularJS and other advanced web tutorials. Because on the Treehouse there were courses for those people who is starting from the beginning.
Thanks for the help.
I had a terrible experience with Treehouse, Why? Because it is focused to people with no experience with coding, I a knew php very well, so I learned nothing, but if you are starting with coding from 0 I would suggest Treehouse, they have a very good platform.
Is it worth it? In simple words, nobody knows.
This really boils down to what you want. PHP is a great language and you can find almost everything you want to know by googling, though it is nice to know the basics of the language.
I personally learnt PHP by sort of self learning (I watched online videos of Harvard university's courses on EdX(CS50). Google taught me the rest)
To simplify, if you want to go straight to the learning with ease, go for it. If you want to take your time, look around and see related stuff, learn yourself. Getting a project that challanges you is really useful.

NodeJS as an avenue towards learning JavaScript [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm a backend programmer who works mainly in Python. I'll probably never want to be a full time front end developer, but with the goal of growing my skill set, I would like to become at least passably proficient in JavaScript. It seems like a language that is wearing a lot of hats nowadays, and if nothing else, I'd like to a little more knowledgable about 'their world' when I'm working with front end guys.
We're using NodeJS for some server side work at my company, and I was curious about it. I've found a few good tutorials and it seems interesting. It seems like it might be a good way to familiarize myself with JavaScript, since it comes at it from an angle that I understand -- server side programming.
But I am also a little worried that if I learn both at once, I won't be able to keep track of what's 'Stock JavaScript' vs features that are particular to NodeJS.
What do you guys think? Is bootstrapping myself into JavaScript familiarity by learning NodeJS a good idea? Or will I just confuse myself if I jump into Node without a solid understanding of the fundamentals of JavaScript?
If anything, the potential problems will be in the reverse: NodeJS is closer to 'true' JavaScript (as in ECMAScript 5) than you can reasonable program on the client side, where lots of native javascript features have to be avoided and re-implemented with libraries.
It's easier to learn Javascript in node because you aren't dealing with HTML, DOM, etc and can treat it like "just another language" - this is what I did.
Node doesn't "add" much to JS, unless you count using CommonJS modules, but that's more of a library and conventions than syntax.

