Rendering Table Data - javascript

i am using a table in which i am sending data from a form by using a javascript
the code is
<div class="row">
<div class="span*">
<table id="production" class="table table-bordered" style="margin:10px auto;border:1px solid #999;width:95%">
<td scope="col" width="200">Product Name</td>
<td scope="col" width="300">Product Quantity</td>
<form name="order" id="order">
<label for="prodname">Product Name:</label>
<input id="prodname" name="product name" type="text" />
<label for="prodquantity">Product Quanitity:</label>
<input id="prodquantity" name="product quantity" type="text" />
<input type="reset" name="reset" id="resetbtn" class="resetbtn" value="Reset" />
<button type="button" onClick="updateForm();"/>Add</button>
And the javascript code is :
function updateForm() {
var prdn = document.getElementById("prodname").value;
var prdq = document.getElementById("prodquantity").value;
var table=document.getElementById("production");
var row=table.insertRow(-1);
var cell1=row.insertCell(0);
var cell2=row.insertCell(1);
var cell3=row.insertCell(2);
How can I retrieve the elements of two columns in two rows instead of columns ?

If I understood your problem right, you want to display the data on 2 rows instead of 2 columns.
<table id="production">
<th>Product Name</th>
<th>Product Quantity</th>
function updateForm() {
var prdn = document.getElementById("prodname").value;
var prdq = document.getElementById("prodquantity").value;
var table=document.getElementById("production");
var rows=table.rows;
var cell1=rows[0].insertCell(-1);
var cell2=rows[1].insertCell(-1);
This is provided you can change your HTML structure. What i did was:
structure the table as two rows with the first element in each row as a table header.
get the rows of the table
for each row append a cell at the end
set the content of the cell
Here is a demo:

you should use the selector with id and found the table , get the rows and per every row get the TD , like this example...


I need to select a specific column in a table, add the VAT rate and display the result in the next column

so I created an dynamic HTML table, in which you can add, deleate or edit columns. I added a functionality that adds all the prices from the "pret" columns and shows it below. I need now, when I add or edit the rows, to automaticly select the "price" column and add the VAT rate (19%) and to show the result in the "pret+TVA" column.
when you press on the add row button, it adds a row below the row and when ever you press the "calculate the total price" it displays the sum of all the prices in the third row.
I added the function below which is supposed to select the specific cell and add to its value the rate and then display the result in the next cell.
function tvaCalc() {
var pretNormal = document.getElementById("table").rows.cells[4];
pretNormal = parseFloat(pretNormal);
var tvaPrice = pretNormal * 1.9;
document.getElementById("table").rows.cells[4].innerHTML = pretNormal;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
<title>Oferta de pret</title>
<section id="project">
<div class="company-name">
<div class="offer ">
<h1>Oferta de pret</h1>
<div class="container container-tabel">
<table id="table" class="main-tabel">
<th>article code</th>
<th>article name</th>
<td ></td>
<td><b>Total RON</b></td>
<td id="total">0</td>
<td >--</td>
<section id="navigation">
<div class="imputs">
<input type="text" id="cod-articol" class="d-print-none inputField" placeholder="Cod articol" name="article-code" value="" required>
<input type="text" id="nume-articol" class="d-print-none inputField" placeholder="Nume articol" name="article-name" value="" required>
<input type="text" id="marca" class="d-print-none inputField" placeholder="marca" name="brand" value="" required>
<input type="text" id="cant" class="d-print-none inputField" placeholder="Cant." name="Cant." value="" required>
<input type="text" id="pret" class="d-print-none inputField" placeholder="Pret" name="Pret" value="" required>
<div class="buttons">
<button type="button" class="d-print-none btn btn-outline-secondary" onclick="addHtmlTableRow()">add row</button>
<button type="button" class="d-print-none btn btn-outline-secondary" onclick="editHtmlTbleSelectedRow();">Edit</button>
<button type="button" class="d-print-none btn btn-outline-secondary" onclick="removeSelectedRow();">delete row</button>
<button type="button" class="d-print-none btn btn-outline-secondary" onclick="calculTotal();">calculate the total price</button>
<script src="" integrity="sha384-MrcW6ZMFYlzcLA8Nl+NtUVF0sA7MsXsP1UyJoMp4YLEuNSfAP+JcXn/tWtIaxVXM" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
I modified your table structure little bit to make it easy to work with. I've also modified your function a bit to also take care of the totals. You can just call it whenever you're updating the table's content. This worked for me
function tvaCalc() {
let rows = document.querySelector('#table tbody').rows;
let total = 0;
for (let row of rows) {
let price = parseFloat(row.cells[4].textContent);
var vatPrice = price * 1.19;
row.cells[5].textContent = vatPrice;
total += price;
document.getElementById('total').textContent = total;
<table id="table">
<th>article code</th>
<th>article name</th>
<td ></td>
<td ></td>
<td><b>Total RON</b></td>
<td id="total">0</td>
<td >--</td>

On click table td input append same tr every time

I have a problem in JavaScript to repeat a same tr after,when i click the td elements.
My html code bellow:
<table id="tabl2" class="table time-table table-bordered table-striped budrow">
<th class="cal-head">Rates</th>
<th class="cal-head">Start date</th>
<th class="cal-head">End date</th>
<input type="number" readonly placeholder="Rates">
<input type="text" readonly id="start" placeholder="Start date">
<input type="text" class="datepicker" name="enddate" placeholder="End date">
I tried with this js but failed:
$(this).find('tr').append('<tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr>');
Please help me.
Try to use:
var $table = $('#tabl2');
var $tr = $('tr');
if (($tr.parent().prop("tagName") != 'THEAD') && $":last-child"))
Bind the click event to the clicked element, select the current row using closest() and then append the new row using after() function:
$('.btn').on('click', function() {
var that = $(this);
var newRow = '<tr><td colspan="3">This is a new row</td></tr>';
<script src=""></script>
<button class="btn">click</button>
<button class="btn">click</button>
<button class="btn">click</button>
You can clone and add the new row, also it will be better to use a add button separately
<button class="budrow">Add</button>
<table id="tabl2" class="table time-table table-bordered table-striped budrow">
<th class="cal-head">Rates</th>
<th class="cal-head">Start date</th>
<th class="cal-head">End date</th>
<input type="number" readonly placeholder="Rates" />
<input type="text" readonly id="start" placeholder="Start date" />
<input type="text" class="datepicker" name="enddate" placeholder="End date" />
jQuery(function ($) {
var $tr = $('#tabl2 tbody tr').eq(0);
$('button.budrow').click(function () {
var $clone = $tr.clone();
Demo: Fiddle
$('.budrow tbody input').click(function(e){
function makeClone(e){
var newClone = $("tr").clone();
$("#tabl2 tbody").append(newClone);

Delete selected rows from HTML Tables

I am trying to delete selected rows (via checkbox) but I don't understand where I am going wrong
this is my code
$("table input[type ='checkbox']:checked").parent().parent().remove();
<div class = "patientData">
<div class ="searchBar">
<input type = "search" name = "search" class = "search">
<i class ="fa fa-search"></i>
<button id = "delete">Delete Selected</button>
<table style ="width:95%" class = "Info">
<th><input type="checkbox" id="select"> </th>
<th> Name</th>
The user enters the rows which is why my table by default only has headings. I have stuck on this for a while now and no research is helping me solving the problem.
Please help if anyone can, Thanks in advance.
You should use the :has selector to get all rows containing a checked box, rather than working your way back up to the parent. This will keep the selector at the row-level, preventing DOM changes from accidentally working up too many parents and deleting large chunks of the page.
Something like:
$("#delete-button").on("click", function(e) {
$("#delete-table tr:has(td > input[type=checkbox]:checked)").remove();
<script src=""></script>
<button id="delete-button">Delete!</button>
<table id="delete-table">
<input type="checkbox" />
<input type="checkbox" />
<td>Row 1</td>
<input type="checkbox" />
<td>Row 2</td>
<input type="checkbox" />
<td>Row 3</td>

Pre-populating form fields with the row data by clicking on the row

Please help if you are seeing this.I want to pre-populate the form-field with row data after clicking on the same row.
Problem is faced now. fillForm() function is OK(AS SHOWN IN THE DEMO inside the scripts) in order to populate the form field with row data.HOW DO I GET ROW DATA? But as I am populating the table using jsp like this
<table class="data-table" id="test" border="1">
<td>Student ID</td>
<td>First Name</td>
<td>Last Name</td>
<td>Year Level</td>
<c:foreach items="${allStudents}" var="stud">
Which makes it more difficult for me for getting the rowData than what is showed in the DEMO.
<form name="frm" class="data-form" action="./StudentServlet" method="POST" onsubmit="return validateForm()">
<label>Student ID --></label><input type="text" name="studentId" value="${student.studentId}" />
<label>First Name --></label><input type="text" name="firstname" value="${student.firstname}" />
<label>Last Name --></label>
<input type="text" name="lastname" value="${student.lastname}" />
<label>Year Level --></label><input type="text" name="yearLevel" value="${student.yearLevel}" />
$(function() {
// I am not using dummy data here.
var rowData = [
// how and what should go here.Please help
row.on("click", function() {
return row;
function fillForm(rowData) {
var form = $(".data-form");
I am updating the records like this
<td colspan="5">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Add" />
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Edit" />
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Delete" />
<input type="submit" name="action" value=Refresh />
I am getting an error after clicking the/add/edit/delete button
Warning: StandardWrapperValve[StudentServlet]: Servlet.service() for servlet StudentServlet threw exception
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: " "
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at com.joseph.controller.StudentServlet.processRequest(
at com.joseph.controller.StudentServlet.doPost(
That demo looks way too complicated for the task at hand. There's really no need to work with class references. You could simplify your approach by doing the following:
<h1>Student Info:</h1>
<form class="data-form">
<label>Student ID
<input type="text" />
<label>First Name
<input type="text" />
<label>Last Name
<input type="text" />
<label>Year Level
<input type="text" />
<table class="data-table" id="test">
<th>Student ID</th>
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<th>Year Level</th>
$(document).ready(function () {
$("td", this).on("click", function () {
var tds = $(this).parents("tr").find("td");
$.each(tds, function (i, v) {
$($(".data-form input")[i]).val($(v).text());
The only condition for this to work is that the input order in the form needs to match the column order in the table. Here's a working JSFiddle for reference.
YOUR Form (data-form)tag includes your edit/delete/ update inputs.Keep that out of your form tag.Then the java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: " will not take place.See if it works.
I tried adding the code further as mentioned above.It did not worked well.I am facing same dilemma.Anyone plz tell where is it going wrong?
row.on("click", function() {
$('INPUT', this).each(function(i){
rowData['value' + (i+1)] = this.value;
function fillForm(rowData) {
var form = $(".data-form");
Try adding this to the on.cick function
row.on("click", function() {
$('INPUT', this).each(function(i){
rowData['value' + (i+1)] = this.value;

How to access a part of HTML element's Id in jQuery?

I've a following HTML code for table:
<table id="blacklistgrid_1" class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped">
<th style="vertical-align:middle">Products</th>
<th style="vertical-align:middle">Pack Of</th>
<th style="vertical-align:middle">Quantity</th>
<th style="vertical-align:middle">Volume</th>
<th style="vertical-align:middle">Unit</th>
<th style="vertical-align:middle">Rebate Amount</th>
<tbody class="apnd-test">
<tr id="reb1_1">
<td><input type="text" name="pack[1]" id="pack_1" value="" class="form-control" size="8"/></td>
<td><input type="text" name="quantity[1]" id="quantity_1" value="" class="form-control" size="8"/></td>
<td><input type="text" name="volume[1]" id="volume_1" value="" class="form-control" size="8"/></td>
<tr id="reb1_2">
<td><button style="float:right; margin-bottom: 20px" class="products" type="button" class="btn btn-default" onclick=""> Add</button></td>
And I've following jQuery code on above table:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.products').click(function () {
var new_row = $('#reb1').clone();
/*Here I want to use the id as #blacklistgrid_1. As the there may be more than one tables present the ids could be #blacklistgrid_2, #blacklistgrid_3, and so on. So it should be dynamic not static for value 1*/
var tbody = $('tbody', '#blacklistgrid');
/*And in this line too, I want to access the tr and t body of that table with specific id only*/
var n = $('tr', tbody).length + 1;
new_row.attr('id', 'reb' + n);
$(':input', new_row).not('.prod_list').remove();
$('<button style="color:#C00; opacity: 2;" type="button" class="close delete" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">×</button>').appendTo( $(new_row.find('td:first')) );
$('.delete').on('click', deleteRow);
I've written my requirement in form of commentin above code. So someone please help me in achieving this. Thank you.
You can do make your code, id starts with blacklistgrid
$('[id^= blacklistgrid_]') // here you can access all elements whose id starts
// with backlistgrid_
and for accessing their specific children
$('[id^= blacklistgrid_]>td')
What others tried to explain in comments,
Here using class selector, you're going to access their id
$.each('.table', function () { // iterate all the table elements
var id = $(this).prop('id');
if (id === "blacklistgrid_1") { // check for the ids
//Perform ToDos
var tds = $(this).find('td');
// using tds perform its ToDos

