How to extend JavaScript countdown timer function with a new method? - javascript

I have the following countdown timer function:
jQuery.fn.countDown = function(settings,to) {
settings = jQuery.extend({
startFontSize: "46px",
endFontSize: "18px",
duration: 1000,
endNumber: 0,
callBack: function() { }
return this.each(function() {
//where do we start?
if(!to && to != settings.endNumber) { to = settings.startNumber; }
//set the countdown to the starting number
jQuery(this).animate({fontSize: settings.endFontSize},
function() {
if(to > settings.endNumber + 1) {
settings.startFontSize).text(to - 1).countDown(settings, to - 1);
} else {
To start a countdown on my page, I initialize it like so:
(This will make it count down from 5 to 0, shown in element #countdown)
startNumber: 5,
callBack: function(me) { }
Now I sometimes need to cancel a running countdown and start a new one.
For example, stop the countdown at 3 and initialize again to start over.
Can somebody tell me how I can extend this code to do that?
(the original timer script was taken from

Given that you have some access to the settings, and you execute your timer as such:
var settings = {
startNumber: 5,
callBack: function(me) {}
You can stop and restart your timer like this:
function stopAndRestart() {
.stop() stops the animation on a given element (which happens to, terribly, be the method of timing here)


Retrieve localStorage data in "start/stop" timer

I'm trying to retrieve localStorage data in a Start/Stop timer. My goal is to have the timer start automatically on page load but when the user leaves and comes back at a later date (page refresh), the timer will resume where it left off.
I'm close to getting this to work..but after each page refresh it starts back to 00:00:00.
I created a setTimeout function w/ a 3 second delay to illustrate that some of this is working.
Many thanks to anyone that can help put me on the right track.
<!-- Timer -->
<div class="time-wrapper">
<span id="time-total">00:00:00</span>
<!-- Controls -->
<div class="button-wrapper">
<button id="start-timer" class="button">Start</button>
<button id="pause-timer" class="button">Pause</button>
JS (with EasyTimer.js plugin)
/* Create Timer
var timer = new Timer();
var timeTotal = $('#time-total'),
timeKey = 'time_stored',
timeStored = localStorage.getItem(timeKey);
// Update Event
timer.addEventListener('secondsUpdated', function (e) {
// Started Event
timer.addEventListener('started', function (e) {
// Start Timer
$('#start-timer').click(function () { timer.start(); });
$('#pause-timer').click(function () { timer.pause(); });
/* When page loads
$(document).ready(function() {
setInterval(function() {
localStorage.setItem(timeKey, timeTotal.text());
}, 500);
if (timeStored) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
You can set the default value when you start the timer - see my example below. You might want to adjust the functionality of Start button accordingly, as it also calls the start() method of the timer. Please note i used different key for your localStorage (just in case you already have a set value in your browser) and i store only seconds which gets incremented everytime the event secondsUpdated is fired. There is no need for your own setInterval, as you can use the interval of the timer fired with the above mentioned event.
var timer = new Timer();
var timeTotal = $('#time-total'),
timeKey = 'time_stored_seconds',
timeStored = localStorage.getItem(timeKey);
// Update Event
timer.addEventListener('secondsUpdated', function (e) {
var newValue = parseInt(localStorage.getItem(timeKey) | 0)+1
localStorage.setItem(timeKey, newValue);
// Started Event
timer.addEventListener('started', function (e) {
// Start Timer
$('#start-timer').click(function () { timer.start(); });
$('#pause-timer').click(function () { timer.pause(); });
/* When page loads
$(document).ready(function() {
if (timeStored) {
localStorage.setItem(timeKey, 0);
timeStored = 0
timer.start({ precision: 'seconds', startValues: {seconds: parseInt(timeStored)}});

Need help stopping slideshow using jQuery

I've run into an issue with jQuery code that I'd like some help on. While the next and previous buttons work correctly, there appears to be an issue correctly stopping a slideshow. This is probably something we're completely overlooking, but I can't see what.
There is no JavaScript errors showing in the console. The interrupt method was being reached - at one point I had console.log calls in there to verify (cleaned up for presentation reasons).
Your help is much appreciated.
The below code is the functionality for prev/stop/start/next:
if ($( {
$('click.scrollface', function (e) {$this);$this);
if ($(settings.pause).size()) {
$(settings.pause).bind('click.scrollface', function (e) {$this);
if ($( {
$('click.scrollface', function (e) {$this);$this);
* Setup up prev bindings
if ($(settings.prev).size()) {
$(settings.prev).bind('click.scrollface', function (e) {$this);$this);
Here is the method for interrupt:
interrupt: function (time) {
return $(this).each(function () {
var data = $(this).data('scrollface');
if (!data) {
return false;
var $this = $(this),
period = 0;
* Stop the timer, and wait a period of time before restarting it.
* Period defaults to the timer interval
if (data.timer) {
if (typeof time !== "number") {
period = data.interval;
} else {
period = time;
setTimeout(function resume_timer () {
data.timer = null;$this);
}, period);
if ($(settings.pause).size()) {
$(settings.pause).bind('click.scrollface', function (e)$this);
if ($( {
$('click.scrollface', function (e) {$this);
and delete the interrupt call in prev and next
because the interrupt method stopping the interval method and after timeout starting again, so most time you pause in this timeout but after this timeout the interrupt method starting the intervall again and dont care if you stoped it manually
see your updated fiddle working here
if you call interrupt with 0 for the buttons prev next click handler then you have the expected behavier that the period for the intervall starts new after next/prev click
if ($(settings.prev).size()) {
$(settings.prev).bind('click.scrollface', function (e) {$this,0);$this);
if ($( {
$('click.scrollface', function (e) {$this,0);$this);

clearInterval not working as I expect it too

I made a demo which is here. All you have to do is start typing in the text field, make sure you have the console open. So as you type, you'll instantly see the OMG Saved, and the counter in the console will go nuts.
Now click the button, watching the console you should see something like 11 or some other value, but you'll also see the counter reset and continues going. I do not want this. I want the counter to stop, I have clicked a button and while the page hasn't refreshed, the counter should stop if I understand these docs on setInterval().
the app I am developing which uses code very similar to this, does not refresh as most single page apps don't. So it is imperative that I have control over this setInterval.
So my question is:
How do I reset the counter such that, until I type again in the input box OR if the input box element cannot be found the flash message does not show up, the interval is set back to 0.
The following is the JavaScript code, which is run on the link provided above.
var ObjectClass = {
initialize: function() {
syncSave: function() {
SomeOtherClass.autoSave = setInterval( function(){
}, 500);
listenForClick: function() {
$('#click-me').click(function() {
var SomeOtherClass = {
autoSave: null
You have to put this
before this line:
SomeOtherClass.autoSave = setInterval( function(){
So that you kill the previous interval and you ahve ONLY ONE interval at the same time
Your code will be:
var ObjectClass = {
initialize: function () {
syncSave: function () {
$('#content').keypress(function () {
SomeOtherClass.autoSave = setInterval(function () {
}, 500);
listenForClick: function () {
$('#click-me').click(function () {
var SomeOtherClass = {
autoSave: null
What you need to do is use a timeout instead of an interval, like this:
var ObjectClass = {
initialize: function() {
syncSave: function() {
SomeOtherClass.autoSave = setTimeout( function(){
}, 500);
listenForClick: function() {
$('#click-me').click(function() {
if(typeof SomeOtherClass.autoSave === 'number'){
SomeOtherClass.autoSave = 0;
var SomeOtherClass = {
autoSave: 0

jQuery/JavaScript timer

I have a simple function that I wrote that transitions three div elements using a fade in/out effect. The event is triggered when a user clicks a link. Here's my code:
$(".link1").click(function () {
$(".link2").click(function () {
$(".link3").click(function () {
I need to be able to set some sort of timer so that these transitions happen automatically every 8 seconds or so. I also want them to "loop" essentially, so that if we get to the third div in the set, it returns to the first div.
Try using setTimeout() function.
var timer = null;
function foo_loop(div, timeout) {
if (div > 3) div = 1;
timer = setTimeout(function() {
foo_loop(div + 1, timeout);
}, timeout);
Run this like that (To start with first div and 8 second timeout):
foo_loop(1, 8000);
Function for stopping loop:
function stop_loop() {
Run it when you need to stop the loop (for example on click on element with id="stop"):
$('#stop').bind('click', stop_loop);
setInterval(expression, timeout); runs the function in intervals, with the length of the timeout between them
var intervalID = setInterval(alert('heelo'), 3000); // will alert hello every 3 seconds
// clearInterval(intervalID); // will clear the timer
Try the following:
var i = 0;
var transition = setInterval(function(){
if (i == 4) {i = 1}
$(".feature"+i).stop().fadeIn(1000, function(){
}, 8000)
not sure I fully understand when you want them to loop or how often, but I think this should help you out a bit... every 8 seconds it loops through the animations...
function fadeLoop(selectors, animations, times, index) {
index = index || 0;
if(index == selectors.length) return;
$((selectors[index])[animations[index]](times[index], function() {
fadeLoop(selectors, animations, times, index + 1);
setInterval(function() {
['.feature1', '.feature2', '.feature3'],
['fadeIn', 'fadeOut', 'fadeOut'],
[1000, 1000, 1000]
['.feature1', '.feature2', '.feature3'],
['fadeOut', 'fadeIn', 'fadeOut'],
[1000, 1000, 1000]
['.feature1', '.feature2', '.feature3'],
['fadeOut', 'fadeOut', 'fadeIn'],
[1000, 1000, 1000]
}, 1000 * 8);

How to auto refresh HTML only if there has been no activity on a page?

I have a website which I would like to auto refresh ONLY if user is not using it for a specific time (ie.180 sec).Is there a way to auto refresh HTML only if there has been no activity on a page?
Thank you!
Two approaches:
1. Use a once-a-second timer and a "timeout" value.
You probably want to wrap this up in an object:
var activityHandler = (function() {
var timerHandle = 0,
function start() {
timerHandle = setInterval(tick, 1000);
function stop() {
if (timerHandle != 0) {
timerHandle = 0;
function flagActivity() {
timeout = new Date() + 180000;
function tick() {
if (new Date() > timeout) {
return {
start: start,
stop: stop,
flagActivity: flagActivity
Then start it on page load:
And ping it every time you see "activity":
So for instance, you might do this:
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('mousemove', activityHandler.flagActivity, false);
else if (document.attachEvent) {
document.attachEvent('onmousemove', activityHandler.flagActivity);
else {
document.onmousemove = activityHandler.flagActivity;
2. Use a timer you reset every time there's "activity".
This is less ongoing work (we don't have something happening every second), but more work when you flag that activity has happened.
Set up a timer to do the refresh:
var handle = setTimeout(function() {
}, 180000);
...and then cancel and reschedule any time you see whatever you consider to be "activity":
handle = setTimeout(...);
You can wrap this up in a function:
var inactivityTimerReset = (function() {
var handle = 0;
function reset() {
if (handle != 0) {
handle = setTimeout(tick, 180000);
function tick() {
return reset;
// Kick start
// ...and anywhere you see what you consider to be activity, call it
// again
Then, again, ping it on every activity. But this is a lot more work than I'd put in a mousemove handler, hence solution #1 above.
var docTimeOut;
function bodyTimeOut()
function resetTimeOut()
document.onload = bodyTimeOut;
document.body.onmouseover= resetTimeOut;
you could declare a variable pageActive or something, set it to false, and whenever user does something set it to true.
Then, set a function to execute periodically as frequently as you want with setinterval() that checks this variable, if it's true set it to false to start again, if is false then refresh page.
You can use onblur and onfocus on body element to see if there is a kind of activity on your page.

