Get all properties of an HTML element without running JS inside browser - javascript

I need to find all available properties of any HTML element.
Using javascript if we have to find all properties of an html element we do this
function getAllProps(objects){
props = []
for(var key in objects) {
return props;
And we use above function in this way:
var btn = document.createElement("BUTTON");
Above code is completely browser dependent. We need to run this code inside browser to get it running.
I want to know, is it possible to do the same using cscript.exe or any other external JS interpreter?
Thanks in Advance,

Obviously you can not do this. To get the properties of an object you need that object and the get that object you need an implementation of that object. The best thing you can do is to look into the DOM specification and read what properties should be present in a conforming implementation.
There are implementation of the DOM for JavaScript runtimes that are not browser runtimes but then you are still depending on a specific implementation. Here is one for Node.js but I have no idea how good or complete it is.


How to get all possible valid attributes on a DOM element [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to list all element attributes in JS?
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Please note that .attributes only gets the current attributes, which is not what this question is about.
I want a way to get all the attributes of a DOM element. Not just the ones that are on it now, but the ones that are possible in the future too.
The specific use case is to find the potential attributes in an SVGElement that aren't in an HTMLElement - there's a list on MDN (SVG Attribute reference), but, for obvious reasons, hardcoding is not a good idea.
My initial thought was to iterate through the prototype chain of an instance of each and compare the two lists (with basic filtering for event handlers), but this doesn't actually give the potential svg attributes.
IMPORTANT NOTE - pasting your answer code into the console on this page and using document.body as a target should show a list of over 50 attributes, including things like contentEditable, contextMenu, dir, style, etc.
This also needs to work cross-browser.
Could something like this be what you're looking for?
It looks like a DOM element object stores empty keys for all possible attributes. Could you loop over these keys and store them in an array, then from there use something similar to filter out inherited attributes?
<svg id="blah"></svg>
const blah = document.getElementById('blah')
let possibleKeys = []
for (let key in blah) {
Here's a JSBin example ... it looks like it produces a list of all possible attributes but it would need some filtering.
See also this thread.
How to list all element attributes in JS?
Any one of these should work because they return a live HTMLCollection.
var svgElement = window.document.getElementsByClassName("someSvgClass")[0];
//assume someSvgClass is on svg element.
//var svgElement = window.document.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
//var svgElement = window.document.getElementsByName("mySvg")[0];
//assume svg has this name.
var svgAttributes = svgElement.attributes;
for(let i=0; i<svgAttributes.length; i++) {
See the below documentation from MDN on getElementsByTagName()
The Element.getElementsByTagName() method returns a live
HTMLCollection of elements with the given tag name. The subtree
underneath the specified element is searched, excluding the element
itself. The returned list is live, meaning that it updates itself with
the DOM tree automatically. Consequently, there is no need to call
several times Element.getElementsByTagName() with the same element and
The documentation for getElementsByName , and getElementsByClassName say the same thing; a live node list is returned. If you'd like to try it, I created a fiddle here.
You'll see that svgAttributes list is automatically updated upon clicking "Add Attribute" without re-executing any of those functions.
There is no API for that and I don't think a workaround is possible because when you change an attribute on a current DOM node, the browser is responsible for re-rendering and updating the webpage in a low-level way that is not exposed to the JavaScript context.
Also, keep in mind that any correctly formatted attribute is actually valid in the context of a DOM tree, even though it might not trigger any change at the rendering level or in the way the browser renders the page. Especially the data-* attributes.
There might be some vendor-specific API but that wouldn't be useful if you want cross-browser compatibility.
You need to hardcode it, sadly. Given that you specifically want the SVGElement attributes, maybe you can scrape the W3's SVG standard document to automatically create the list?
Edit: I made a snippet to easily scrape the values from the standard:
const uniq = arr => Array.from(new Set(arr))
const nameElements = document.querySelectorAll('table[summary="Alphabetic list of attributes"] .attr-name')
const arrNameElements =
const svgAttributes = uniq( => el.innerText.replace(/\‘|\’/g, '')))
Just execute it on the svg attributes page, by opening the dev console on the page and pasting in this code :)
Edit 2: I forgot the presentation attributes. I'll let you figure that one out ;)

Connecting Javascript properties to Java object

The Problem
I am trying to feed a Java object into a script that would normally operate on the Document Object Model (DOM) of a web page. For the most part this functions as intended. However I have encountered a problem when dealing with attributes/properties of the DOM elements.
A particular property chain of interest is somediv.firstChild.href. What I can't figure out is how to get the firstChild property value dynamically. The simplest way I can think of at the moment is to use source.replaceAll("firstChild", "firstChild()"); to force the firstChild property to invoke the function firstChild() instead. However this will eventually open up a new can of worms.
The Question
How do I define an object that can be passed to a javascript function that can be operated on via the DOM?
Learnings from C#
Before diving into Java I had learnt C#. In C# the concept of setters and getters is quite prevalent. If this interface method were available in Java my problem would be solved.
public string firstChild {
get { return this.getFirstChild(); }
set { this.setFirstChild(value); }
Current Implementation
The script is currently invoked by wrapping it in a function where I can pass in the window and document Java objects into the function's workspace.
document is a special top-level version of SpoofedDomElement (that extends it) but is functionally identical to the sample shown below. window is another object with minimal functions that handle event listeners.
Javascript (snippet) to operate on DOM
var somediv = document.createElement('div'); = "block"
somediv.innerHTML="<a href='/mywork/server/test.html'>The Test Server Homepage</a>";
var linkvalue = somediv.firstChild.href;
This snippet is stored as the string theOriginalSource and used in the next section.
Java code to evaluate Javascript
String wrappedSource = "var scriptToInvoke = function(window, document){"
+ "\n" + theOriginalSource // from above
+ "\n};"
Object result = invocable.invokeFunction("scriptToInvoke", window, document);
This snippet wraps the javascript snippet so that I can pass in objects to use as window and document.
Java classes that spoof DOM elements
public class SpoofedDomElement {
public SpoofedDomElement firstChild;
public String id;
public String innerHtml;
public String href;
public SpoofedStyleProperties style = new SpoofedStyleProperties();
public String tagname;
public class SpoofedStyleProperties {
public String background = "transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0% auto padding-box border-box";
public String color = null;
public String display = "inline";
The above classes handle irrelevant parts of the code just fine (such as the assignment = "block"). But it starts to fall apart when handling the values of firstChild or innerHtml when either value is changed.
Past Work
N.B. I include this section in all my questions to document what I have tried for future SO users who get here by Google. This might help someone reach a solution by aiding brainstorming.
Attempted Solutions
I have attempted to use a framework (HtmlUnit) to evaluate the Javascript. But I couldn't control which Javascript snippets were executed.
Potential Solutions
The following are questions that I am currently researching to find a solution. If I find anything I will report back.
Is there a way to emulate C# getter/setter behaviour in Java?
Can Javascript evaluate firstChild as a function?
Is there a way to create a wrapper within Javascript with getter/setters that can invoke my Java class's functions?
Is there an Apache Commons library for Nashorn (or similar) that isn't as heavy as the complete simulation frameworks (such as Selenium)?
It appears that you're trying to implement friendly access of script objects from Java code as well as trying to provide script-friendly API on top of java library/libraries.
For the first part [ script object access from Java ]
Apart from javax.script.Invocable interface, you can use JSObject. Nashorn exposes script objects as instances of jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.JSObject/.ScriptObjectMirror
For the second part [ friendlier access of Java objects from scripts ]
You can write script friendly wrappers in script itself using "JSAdapter".
Doc and Example:
If you'd prefer to do in Java, you can implement your own jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.JSObject/.AbstractJSObject.
Doc and Example:
Other nashorn specific script extensions may also be used to trap unknown property/method access in per object basis:
noSuchProperty hook in any script object:
noSuchMethod hook in any script object:
There script API extension can be used to bind properties of one object to another - the source object could be a Java object as well.
With jdk9, there is more flexible inter-language linking possible with Dynalink API [ ]
See also:
There are dynalink samples "samples/dynalink" directory of Nashorn OpenJDK repository:

How to develop a custom protractor locator?

I have an angular-application where I put custom html-attributes ("data-testid='saveButton'") for identification on e.g. buttons, inputs etc.
Protractor has no built-in locator for this: the xpath-way does not work as this will always search from the document root (to overcome this limitation I would have to do quite a lot of string-magic to build the xpath-string, so I discarded this variant).
So I wanted to write my own locator, and consulted the official Protractor Documentation.
The documentation leaves me with an important question:
What methods are available on the parent-element-object? In their example they use using.querySelectorAll('button'); but how do they know they can use this?
I searched for 'querySelectorAll' in the protractor-documentation to see if it is maybe a method of ElementFinder or WebElement, but I didn't find it.
Also I found no way to debug the locator (only stop the protractor-test by browser.pause()), so I can't look at runtime to see what I can do with the given parent-element.
So does anybody know how I can get information about what methods the parent-element has?
The parent-element, which is essentially the context of the selector is a DOM element that gets handled by the browser - it can use whatever DOM function there is, in this case Element.querySelectorAll. As the addLocator's example says about the function you pass to it:
This function will be serialized as a string and will execute in the browser.
Also, keep in mind that there is a way to provide context to the xpath selectors thus avoiding the search from root:
var context = element(by.css('.some-parent-element-class'));
var divDirectDescendants = context.element(by.xpath('div'));
var divAllDescendants = context.element(by.xpath('.//div'));
With CSS these would be:
var divDirectDescendants = element(by.css('.some-parent-element-class > div'));
var divAllDescendants = element(by.css('.some-parent-element-class div'));
Also, there's a way to achieve what you want with a CSS selector (which is what querySelectorAll is, after all):
var everyElementWithMyAttr = element.all(by.css('[data-testid="saveButton"]'));

How to tell the type of a JavaScript and/or jQueryobject

This question pertains as much to the ECMAScript language implementation we know as JavaScript as it does to jQuery and the developer tools availble in most popular browsers.
When you execute a statement like so:
var theElement = $('#theId').closest();
what is the type of theElement?
I assume that in a jQuery situation like above, many jQuery methods including the one above actually return the jQuery object itself, which packages the stuff you actually want to get to. This, so that it may maintain a fluent API and let you join method calls in a single statement like so:
However, in the case of jQuery then, how do you determine what the real underlying type is? For example, if the element returned was a table row with the Id tableRowNumber25, how do you get to that, say, using FireBug.
When I look at either a jQuery returned object or a simple JavaScript object in the watches window of Firebug or any of the Developer Tools in most popular browsers, I see a long laundry list of properties/keys and I don't know which one to look at. In a jQuery object, most of the properties are lamdas.
So, really, my question is -- how do you know the underlying type, how do you know what's actually being returned?
The type of theElement will be [object jQuery].
If you want the HTML element itself, you have to select it:
console.log(theElement[0]) //Return <div id='theId'>
console.log(theElement.get(0)) //Return <div id='theId'>
If you want the node name, there is a property in the HTML node element call nodeName wich return the capitalised node name:
console.log(theElement[0].nodeName)// Return DIV
typeof(jQueryElementList.get(0)) will return a string of the type.
Some browsers might return this as upper or lower case, I think. IE probably uppercases (see Testing the type of a DOM element in JavaScript). Apparently you can check the nodeType attribute (jQueryElementList.get(0).nodeType) to determine whether it is an html object/tag.

Why shouldn't I access elements more "directly" (elemId.innerHTML)

I've seen some JavaScript code to access HTML elements like this: elementID.innerHTML, and it works, though practically every tutorial I searched for uses document.getElementById(). I don't even know if there's a term for the short addressing.
At first I thought simplistically that each id'ed HTML element was directly under window but using getParent() shows the tree structure is there, so it didn't matter that elements I wanted were nested. I wrote a short test case:
<div id="fruit">Mango<div id="color">red</div></div>
<div id="car">Chevy</div>
<div id="result" style="color: #A33"></div>
result.innerHTML = "I like my " + color.innerHTML + " " + car.innerHTML;
The "short" method looks like a nice shortcut, but I feel there is something wrong with it for it practically not appearing in tutorials.
Why is document.getElementById() preferred, or may be even required in some cases?
Why shouldn't I access elements more “directly” (elemId.innerHTML)
Because, according to the others in this thread, referencing arbitrarily by id name is not fully supported.
So, what I think you should be doing instead is store their selections into a var, and then reference the var.
Try instead
var color = document.getElementById('color');
color.innerHTML = 'something';
The reason why this would be a good thing to do is that performing a lookup in the DOM is an expensive process, memory wise. And so if you store the element's reference into a variable, it becomes static. Thus you're not performing a lookup each time you want to .doSomething() to it.
Please note that javascript libraries tend to add shim functions to increase general function support across browsers. which would be a benefit to using, for example, jquery's selectors over pure javascript. Though, if you are in fact worried about memory / performance, native JS usually wins speed tests. ( is a good tool for measuring speed and doing comparisons.)
It's safer I guess. If you had a variable named result in the same context that you are doing result.HTML I'm pretty sure the browser will throw a wobbler. Doing it in the way of document.getElementById() in this instance would obviously provide you with the associated DOM element.
Also, if you are dynamically adding HTML to the page I may be wrong, but you could also encounter unexpected behaviour in terms of what result is :)
Also I will add that not all ID's can have values that will not work as variable names. For instance if your ID is "nav-menu".
Although I suppose you could write window["nav-menu"].innerHTML
Which makes me think, what happens if you create a window level variable with the same name as an ID?
Checkout this jsfiddle (tested in chrome):
This really seems like a bad idea altogether. Just use document.getElementById("id") and store the result to a variable if you will be using the reference more than once.

