Pure JavaScript fade in function - javascript

Hi friends i want to fade in a div when i click on another div and for that i am using following code. Code1 works fine but i require to use the Code2.
I know there is jQuery but i require to do this in JavaScript
Can you guide me that what kind of mistake i am doing or what i need change...
Code1 --- Works Fine
function starter() { fin(); }
function fin()
for (i = 0; i <= 1; i += 0.01)
setTimeout("seto(" + i + ")", i * 1000);
function seto(opa)
var ele = document.getElementById("div1");
ele.style.opacity = opa;
Code2 --- Does not work
function starter()
var ele = document.getElementById("div1");
function fin(ele)
for (i = 0; i <= 1; i += 0.01)
setTimeout("seto(" + ele + "," + i + ")", i * 1000);
function seto(ele,opa)
ele.style.opacity = opa;

Based on this site
Added the functionality so that user can specify the animation duration(#Marzian comment)
You can try this:
function fadeIn(el, time) {
el.style.opacity = 0;
var last = +new Date();
var tick = function() {
el.style.opacity = +el.style.opacity + (new Date() - last) / time;
last = +new Date();
if (+el.style.opacity < 1) {
(window.requestAnimationFrame && requestAnimationFrame(tick)) || setTimeout(tick, 16);
var el = document.getElementById("div1");
fadeIn(el, 3000); //first argument is the element and second the animation duration in ms

It seems that people enjoy my minimalistic and elegant approach, Updated for 2022:
No need for complex mechanisms. Just use CSS, which has it out of the box and has better performance overall.
Basically you achieve it with CSS by setting a transition for the opacity. In JavaScript that would be:
const div = document.querySelector('#my-div');
div.style.transition='opacity 1s';
and as a trigger you just set opacity to 0:
This will create a 1 second fade out effect and you can use the trigger anywhere. The inverse can also be done to achieve a fade in effect.
Here's a working example:
const div = document.querySelector('#my-div');
div.style.transition='opacity 1s';
// set opacity to 0 -> fade out
setInterval(() => div.style.opacity=0, 1000);
// set opacity to 1 -> fade in
setInterval(() => div.style.opacity=1, 2000);
#my-div { background-color:#FF0000; width:100%; height:100%; padding: 10px; color: #FFF; }
<div id="my-div">Hello!</div>

Seems like your attempting to convert your element, to a string. Try this instead
function starter()
var ele = document.getElementById("div1");
function fin(ele)
for (i = 0; i <= 1; i += 0.01)
setTimeout(function() { setto(ele,i); }, i * 1000);
function seto(ele,opa)
ele.style.opacity = opa;
What happens here is, that i call a anonnymous function when the timer hits, and from that function, execute my functioncall to setto.
Hope it helps.

The problem here is you are using the pass-a-string method of using setTimeout. Which is basically just a hidden eval.
It's worth noting that this is a bad practice, slow performer, and security risk.
(see questions such as this: setTimeout() with string or (anonymous) function reference? speedwise)
The reason this is causing your problem is because "seto(" + ele + "," + i + ")" is going to evaluate to "seto('[object HTMLDivElement]', 1)". You really want to pass reference to the ele object -- but the value's being cast to a string when you tried concatenating an object onto a string. You can get around this by using the pass-a-function method of using setTImeout.
setTimeout(function() { seto(ele, i); }, i * 1000);
I believe making this change will make your Code2 behavior equivalent to Code1.

Below are the complete answers to my question
function fin() {
var i = 0;
var el = document.getElementById("div1");
function fadeIn(el,i) {
i = i + 0.01;
if (i<1){setTimeout(function(){fadeIn(el,i);}, 10);}
function seto(el,i) {
el.style.opacity = i;
function fin(){
var i = 0;
var el = document.getElementById("div1");
function fadeIn(el,i) {
var go = function(i) {
setTimeout( function(){ seto(el,i); } , i * 1000);
for ( i = 0 ; i<=1 ; i = i + 0.01) go(i);
function seto(el,i)
el.style.opacity = i;

My version
function fadeIn($element){
function fadeOut($element){
function recurseWithDelayDown($element,startFrom,stopAt){
if(startFrom > stopAt ){
startFrom=startFrom - 0.1;
function recurseWithDelayUp($element,startFrom,stopAt){
if(startFrom < stopAt ){
startFrom=startFrom + 0.1;

function hide(fn){
var hideEle = document.getElementById('myElement');
hideEle.style.opacity = 1;
var fadeEffect = setInterval(function() {
if (hideEle.style.opacity < 0.1)
hideEle.style.opacity -= 0.1;
}, 20);
function show(){
var showEle = document.getElementById('myElement');
showEle.style.opacity = 0;
var i = 0;
function fadeIn(showEle,i) {
i = i + 0.05;
if (i<1){setTimeout(function(){fadeIn(showEle,i);}, 25);}
function seto(el,i)
el.style.opacity = i;

I just improved on laaposto's answer to include a callback.
I also added a fade_out function.
It could be made more efficient, but it works great for what i'm doing.
Look at laaposto's answer for implementation instructions.
You can replace the JS in his fiddle with mine and see the example.
Thanks laaposto!
This really helped out for my project that requires zero dependencies.
let el = document.getElementById( "div1" );
function fade_in( element, duration, callback = '' ) {
element.style.opacity = 0;
let last = +new Date();
let tick = function() {
element.style.opacity = +element.style.opacity + ( new Date() - last ) / duration;
last = +new Date();
if ( +element.style.opacity < 1 )
( window.requestAnimationFrame && requestAnimationFrame( tick ) ) || setTimeout( tick, 16 );
else if ( callback !== '' )
function fade_out( element, duration, callback = '' ) {
element.style.opacity = 1;
let last = +new Date();
let tick = function() {
element.style.opacity = +element.style.opacity - ( new Date() - last ) / duration;
last = +new Date();
if ( +element.style.opacity > 0 )
( window.requestAnimationFrame && requestAnimationFrame( tick ) ) || setTimeout( tick, 16 );
else if ( callback !== '' )
fade_out( el, 3000, function(){ fade_in( el, 3000 ) } );


Confused about SetInterval and closures

How can we repeatedly update the contents of a div using setInterval
I am using the question from this link as a reference How to repeatedly update the contents of a <div> by only using JavaScript?
but i have got few questions here
Can we do it without anonymous functions,using closures. I have tried but could not end up with any workable solution.
How can we make it run infinitely, with the following code it gets stopped once i reaches 10.
window.onload = function() {
var timing = document.getElementById("timer");
var i = 0;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
timing.innerHTML = i++;
if (i > 10) {
i = 0;
}, 1000);
<div id="timer"></div>
I am confused about setIntervals and closures
can some one help me here
You could do something like this with a closure. Just reset your i value so, you will always be within your given range.
window.onload = function() {
var updateContent = (function(idx) {
return function() {
if (idx === 10) {
idx = 0;
var timing = document.getElementById("timer");
timing.innerHTML = idx++;
var interval = setInterval(updateContent, 1000);
<div id="timer"></div>
This one should be clearer.
function updateTimer() {
var timer = document.getElementById("timer");
var timerValue = parseInt(timer.getAttribute("data-timer-value")) + 1;
if (timerValue == 10) {
timerValue = 0;
timer.setAttribute("data-timer-value", timerValue);
timer.innerHTML = "the time is " + timerValue;
window.onload = function() {
setInterval(updateTimer, 1000);
<div id="timer" data-timer-value="0"></div>

How to create fadein effect in JavaScript using for-loop and anonymous function call

i am creating a simple fadein effect using pure javascript. For this i have tried three methods. M1 is using recursive functionality and M2 is based on for loop and anonymous function and M3 is based on for loop and string based function call.
Under M1 the code is giving perfect output as a fadein effect.
But under M2 the fadein effect does not work and the content directly goes visible after a specified duration.
Now again under M3 the fadein effect is generated.
Can anyone guide me that how to generate fadein effect based on M2. Means using for loop and anonymous function call.
M1------ Works perfectly------ http://jsfiddle.net/TH2dn/7/
function starter(){
var i = 0;
var el = document.getElementById("div1");
function fadeIn(el,i) {
i = i + 0.01;
if (i<1){setTimeout(function(){fadeIn(el,i);}, 10);}
function seto(el,i)
el.style.opacity = i;
M2------Does not work------ http://jsfiddle.net/TH2dn/13/
function starter(){
var i = 0;
var el = document.getElementById("div1");
function fadeIn(el,i) {
for ( i = 0 ; i<=1 ; i = i + 0.01){
setTimeout( function(){ seto(el,i); } , i * 1000);}
function seto(el,i)
el.style.opacity = i;
While using JSHint in the JSFiddle on M2 it says that --" Don't make functions within a loop "
M3------Works Properly------ jsfiddle.net/TH2dn/9/
var i = 0;
var el = document.getElementById("div1");
function fadeIn() {
for ( i = 0 ; i<=1 ; i = i + 0.01){
setTimeout("seto(" + i + ")", i * 1000);
function seto(i)
el.style.opacity = i;
The abopve question is based on Pure JavaScript fade in function
it says that --" Don't make functions within a loop "
That's good advice, but it isn't your (main) problem here.
Your problem is that you are invoking every functions 1 second from right now. They will execute in a random order, starting in 1 second and firing as fast as they can.
Do this:
function fadeIn(el) {
var go = function(j) {
setTimeout( function(){ seto(el,j); } , j *1000);}
for (var i = 0 ; i<=1 ; i = i + 0.01) go(i);
Below is the complete answer to the question...
function fin(){
var i = 0;
var el = document.getElementById("div1");
function fadeIn(el,i) {
var go = function(i) {
setTimeout( function(){ seto(el,i); } , i * 1000);
for ( i = 0 ; i<=1 ; i = i + 0.01) go(i);
function seto(el,i)
el.style.opacity = i;
Thanks to Malvolio

Stop watch java script without using Date.getTime()

As a java script beginner, I wanted to try my hand at writing stop watch code and I wrote the following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>A script on this page starts a stopwatch:</p>
<p id="demo"></p>
<button id="start-stop" onclick="myTimerFunction()">Start time</button>
<button id="resetter" style="visibility:hidden" onclick="resetTimer()">Reset</button>
var timer = new Object();
timer.hours = 0;
timer.minutes = 0;
timer.seconds = 0;
timer.milliseconds = 0;
timer.add = add;
function add() {
if(timer.milliseconds == 1000) {
timer.milliseconds = 0;
if(timer.seconds == 60) {
timer.seconds = 0;
if(timer.minutes == 60) {
timer.minutes = 0;
timer.display = display;
function display () {
var str = "";
if(timer.hours<10) {
str += "0";
str += timer.hours;
str += ":";
if(timer.minutes<10) {
str += "0";
str += timer.minutes;
str += ":";
if(timer.seconds<10) {
str += "0";
str += timer.seconds;
str += ":";
/*var x = timer.milliseconds/10;
if(x < 10) {
str += "0";
if(timer.milliseconds<10) {
str += "0";
if(timer.milliseconds<100) {
str += "0";
str += timer.milliseconds;
return str;
timer.reset = reset;
function reset() {
timer.hours = 0;
timer.minutes = 0;
timer.seconds = 0;
timer.milliseconds = 0;
var myVar;
function start() {
var d = new Date();
var t = d.toLocaleTimeString();
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = timer.display() + "\t" + t;
function stop() {
function resetTimer() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = timer.display();
document.getElementById("start-stop").innerHTML="Start time";
function myTimerFunction() {
var x = document.getElementById("start-stop");
if(x.innerHTML.match("Start time")) {
myVar = setInterval(function(){start()},10);
x.innerHTML="Stop time";
else if(x.innerHTML.match("Stop time")) {
x.innerHTML="Start time";
But, the problem is when I put the delay in setInterval(func,delay) as 1 and doing corresponding changes, it is not giving reliable timing for seconds. It is slower than a normal clock. It gives 'kind of' reliable timing for delay >= 10.
I checked for stop watch js scripts online but all of them use some or other form of Date() and set "delay" as "50", which I do not understand why, as of now. There is an answer here in SO which doesn't use Date() but it also has the same problem as mine. I could not comment there as I do not have enough reputation so I am asking a question instead.
So, my question is: Is it impossible to achive normal clock reliability, if we don't use Date() function? Else if it is possible, please help me improve this piece of code or please provide some pointers.
Here's how you'd do it without getTime, which you really shouldn't...
var ms = 0;
var intervalID;
function start() {
var freq = 10; // ms
intervalID = setInterval(function () {
ms += 10;
var myDate = new Date(ms);
document.getElementById('watch').innerHTML = myDate.getUTCHours() + ":" + myDate.getMinutes() + ":" + myDate.getSeconds() +
":" + myDate.getMilliseconds();
}, freq);
function stop() {
function reset() {
ms = 0;
myDate = new Date(ms);
document.getElementById('watch').innerHTML = myDate.getUTCHours() + ":" + myDate.getMinutes() + ":" + myDate.getSeconds() +
":" + myDate.getMilliseconds();
As you've found out setInterval/setTimeout is not reliable. You must use a native time library to get a reliable time.
Since you can't keep the time in JavaScript the idea is that you poll the time, and poll it often so that it looks close enough.
If you naively do:
setInterval(function () {
console.log((new Date()).getTime();
}, 1000); // 1 second
you will see that it will skip seconds.
A better approach is something like:
var last = 0;
setInterval(function () {
var now = Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000); // now in seconds
if (now !== last) {
last = now;
}, 10); // 10ms
If you want more information as too why JavaScript timers are unreliable, read this great article.

Simple animation change height without jquery

I need simple animation on simple js. I think jquery too much for that. I need to increase or decrease the height of the block by pressing the buttons, but this work only on Opera (.
function global_animate(element, property_to_map, duration, callback) {
duration = duration || 1000;
var delta = function (a) { return a; };
var start = new Date().getTime();
var property_from_map = {};
var property_units_map = {};
for (var property in property_to_map) {
property_from_map[property] = window.getComputedStyle(element, null)[property] || element.currentStyle[property];
property_units_map[property] = parseUnits(property_from_map[property]);
property_from_map[property] = parseInt(property_from_map[property]);
property_to_map[property] = parseInt(property_to_map[property]);
function parseUnits(a) {
try {
return a.match(/^\d+(\w{2}|%);?$/i)[1];
} catch (e) {
return "";
setTimeout(function() {
var now = (new Date().getTime()) - start;
var progress = now / duration;
for (var property in property_to_map) {
var result = (property_to_map[property] - property_from_map[property]) * delta(progress) + property_from_map[property];
element.style[property] = result.toFixed(2) + property_units_map[property];
if (progress < 1)
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10);
if (typeof callback == 'function')
}, 10);
you need to change the regexp from
alert("23.2px".match(/^\d+(\w{2}|%);?$/i));​ // alert null
to something like this
alert("23.2px".match(/^\d+\.*\d*(\w{2}|%);?$/i));​ // alert ["23.2px", "px"]
I think the problem lies in your regex: a.match(/^\d+(\w{2}|%);?$/i)[1];. The second time it runs it does’t catch the units properly.
If I hard code the units to 'px', it works for me (in chrome): http://jsfiddle.net/9DCA5/5/
Maybe you can debug from there?
Method getComputedStyle() is not supported in IE, which uses the "currentStyle" property instead.

How to set timer in mootools

I am trying to make a slide show in mootools, and was trying delay function to make a periodic effect in slideshow but it was not working. So i am planning to make a timer function, but have no idea how to do that.
here is something which i have done..i little messy i guess
function slideImages(id_new, id_old){
$(id_old).tween('opacity', [1,0]);
$(id_old).tween('margin-left', -980);
$(id_new).setStyle('display', 'block');
$(id_new).tween('opacity', [0,1]);
$(id_new).tween('margin-left', 180);
var c = id_new;
var d = id_old;
//timer = setInterval ( "timerFunction()", 5000 );
(slide(c, d)).delay(5000); //this isn't working and browser is getting hanged
function slide(c, d){
if (c.split('_')[1].toInt() > 2){
id_new = 'image_'+ 0 ;
id_new = 'image_'+ (c.split('_')[1].toInt()+1);
id_old = c;
slideImages(id_new, id_old);
there are many ways to use delay or setTimeout. here they are:
function slideImages(id_new, id_old) {
var c = $(id_new);
var d = $(id_old);
d.tween('opacity', [1, 0]);
d.setStyle('display', 'none');
d.tween('margin-left', -980);
c.setStyle('display', 'block');
c.tween('opacity', [0, 1]);
c.tween('margin-left', 180);
// your timer becomes global here, careful. crappy pattern.
// use a closure so it goes in the upper scope, allowing you to stop.
// cancel by clearTimeout(timer)
// pass function to delay, scope = null, arguments
timer = slide.delay(5000, null, [c, d]);
// or
timer = (function() {
slide(c, d);
// or normal js
timer = setTimeout(function() {
slide(c, d);
}, 5000);
function slide(c, d) {
if (c.split('_')[1].toInt() > 2) {
id_new = 'image_' + 0;
else {
id_new = 'image_' + (c.split('_')[1].toInt() + 1);
id_old = c;
slideImages(id_new, id_old);
i've adapted this mootools diver scroller. at the moment you have to click the buttons to move left to right. I was wondering if any one could help me put a automated scroll in?
Check with this Link...
Also refer this code...
heres the js code
var totalImages = 3;
var currentImage = 1;
function workSlide(way) {
var currentAmount=$("holder2").getStyle("margin-left");
var myFx = new Fx.Tween('holder2',{duration: 600});
if(way == "right") {
if (currentImage <= totalImages-1) {
var whichAmount = -(((currentImage-1)) * 920);
} else {
if (currentImage > 1) {
var whichAmount = -(((currentImage-1)) * 920);

