upload to JWPlayer platform from within browser using JavaScript - javascript

Can anyone of point me to a JavaScript library or a piece of code that implements uploading video file using JWPlayer Platform API? There is a PHP example on their site (link on this page):
but not much about the JavaScript approach.
I would be very grateful for any information that can save me time. It is hard to believe nobody has done this so far, but I could not find a JS library that does the upload. Thank you in advance.

There is no JavaScript approach for uploading files to the platform. Our API kits for this only use PHP or Python. Using JavaScript is not possible because you need to set your account's API Key/Secret, which would be exposed to the public if using JavaScript. It doesn't make sense to use JavaScript for this purpose.


Need ScriptReferenceProfiler.dll or alternate

I improving site performance and for that, I try to Bundle or combine ScriptResource.axd and Webresource.axd but before combine to I need to know javascript file reference name which is used by ajax control toolkit in asp.net web form
like this https://lancezhang.wordpress.com/2008/11/15/aspnet-ajax-performance/
I need ScriptReferenceProfiler.DLL to get a reference of the javascript file which is used in ajax toolkit on the web page.
do you have any idea to get this dll file
I go through this tutorial
Or if you have any alternate solution please let me know
The file you looking and reference from the link you add was here : http://aspnet.codeplex.com/releases/view/13356
I can not find it now so I uploaded for you here, both source code and binaries.

moodle scorm - finding api

I'm using moodle 3.2 and trying to convert my html files into a scorm package. (A newbie)
As per my understanding moodle only supports scorm 1.2
I uploaded a scorm package (imsmanifest and a js file included which finds the api to start communication with LMS - LMSinitialize and LMSfinish) and it worked in moodle.
Then I uploaded a scorm package (included only imsfanifest file and not the js file) and this also worked in moodle.
Now, I'm unable to figure out if I need to use the api adapter finding js file with moodle or not.
I think this js ffile is required for features like bookmarking?
Please guide.
Thank you.
There is a algorithm to searching for "API" within windows in the browser. This makes it so a IFRAME or a Tab/Popup Window can search the LMS.
Some LMS's use framesets still so its nested pretty much anywhere in all that.
I've said more on this wiki than I could ever type here so hopefully it will give you a head start. https://github.com/cybercussion/SCOBot/wiki/The-Anti-Library. Feel free to check out the actual full library if you feel you'll benefit from that.

Programmatically generate preview of Adobe files

I am willing to programmatically generate file previews for a large set of Adobe files. This should be done programmatically (not via user interface via recorded actions).
The idea is to generate jpg/png previews for psd files, pdf preview for indd files and so on.
Is there a library or SDK to easily do that?
I am open to every programming language that can get the job done, however I prefer a js solution since I am willing to run the script on a nodeJS server.
Is there any system requirement or program to be installed to make this thing work? Do I need an Adobe subscription to do that?
Thank you in advance.
I cannot find yet a proper solution in JavaScript. But this is a reference link I found on search engines.
With ImageMagick on a server, it may help solve the problem.
Another reference link is on about to improve the speed and reduce the memory consumption. This may also help you integrate it on your server.
This code snippet may help you. You may have to apply back-ends on your server instead of directly integrating it in your NodeJS server.
convert -density 300 file.pdf page.jpg

How to parse a CSV file into an array in Javascript

From what i understand, This usually has to be done server side. However i have read that it is possible to point to the csv file in a .js file. This would be more useful to me as i am not messing around with server side code and stuff for this project and will be all on my local machine. I saw an article with example code to do this somewere however i can't locate that article atm. Anyone know how to do this?
To access any file from the system you have to use directX in IE or read up on how to use NPAPI for mozilla support.If you are willing to use HTML5, check out its filereader API here.

How to read local (Client) file with GWT?

I would like to use GWT to read and parse local csv file.
EDIT: Local file here means client file.
I know I can use HTML5 with javascript to achieve that, but I would like to use GWT to do it.
One way of doing it is by using JavaScript Native Interface (JSNI), however I think it beats the purpose of using GWT.
Another way of doing this would be upload the file to server, and send it back as a json. But I feel it's not the best way of doing it.
Please advise. Thanks.
EDIT: I intend to design a desktop app, so I try to avoid using any web-server scripting.
Using jsni doesn't beat the purpose of gwt, sometimes you need to use it as a wrapper to functionality not yet available in gwt or an external javascript library. Instead of writting jsni access to the file api you can use one of several third party libraries available that implement html5 file access, like http://code.google.com/p/lib-gwt-file
A quick search returned this SO question: Read text file in google GWT?
Although GWT doesn't support java.io.InputStream, it looks like you could make a request to your CSV File and then parse it.
Remember that if you will host on AppEngine, you won't have a filesystem available so you'll have to have the files hosted elsewhere.

