Ember custom JSON - javascript

Im having a hard time figuring out how i would tell Ember to serialize this json example
"body":"a simple body",
"updated_at":"2013-12-10 14:30:31",
"created_at":"2013-12-10 14:30:31"
I can't figure out how to tell Ember that the data which is loaded from /feedItems are inside data and then data,
I have tried multiple things but can't grasp it, so far i have this in my app.js:
App.FeedItem = DS.Model.extend({
error: DS.attr('boolean'),
data: DS.hasMany('FeedItemData')
App.FeedItemData = DS.Model.extend({
data: DS.hasMany('FeedItemDataData')
App.FeedItemDataData = DS.Model.extend({
body: DS.attr('string')
App.FeedRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return this.store.find('FeedItem');

Your current approach is incorrect. Models should represent the way your data ought to look, no the way that it is returned from the server. FeedItemData and FeedItemDataData are not logical entities in your application and therefore should not exist.
You need to create FeedItemSerializer (or ApplicationSerializer if all your data is formatted this way) that would look something like this:
FeedItemSerializer = Ember.RESTSerializer.extend({
normalizePayload: function(type, payload) {
if(!payload.error) {
return payload.data.data;
} else {
// handle the error
Or alternatively do something similar in extractArray as documented here.


Ember 2.0 router does not load model data?

I have in my router.js:
Router.map(function() {
this.route('portfolio', function() {
this.route('company', { path:'/company/:id' });
And in my routes/portfolio/company.js:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
var companyId = params.id;
return new Ember.RSVP.hash({
company: Ember.$.ajax({ url: '/api/company/'+companyId, dataType: "json", type: 'GET' })
}).then(function(message) {
return message;
}, function(error) {
console.log( error );
My route and template is loading fine, when I navigate to app/portfolio/company/1, but for some reason when I navigate to that route, Ember wont load the model (no error, but the {{model}} variable does not get populated in template). Only when I refresh the page, Ember loads the model?! I am a bit confused now...
Edit: added missing param and added better description
I think in your template or in controller you are using model like so
model.company replace it with model, and remove extraneous RSVP.hash
because Ember.$.ajax already returns promise which model hooks can handle
so in ES6 (ember-cli supports it) your model hook should look like this
model({ id }) {
return Ember.$.ajax('/api/company/' + id);
with above things everything should work, what was happening I think you were passing just model to {{link-to}} while your controller or template expecting model.company so was breaking things

Easiest way to get Json / Collection through Meteor Iron Router

I'm creating a set of routes, for example
/ - should render home page template
/items - should items page template
/items/weeARXpqqTFQRg275 - should return item from MongoDB with given _id
This is example of what I'm trying to achieve
Router.route('items/:_id', function () {
var item = return myItems.find(:_id);
[update - solved]
solved this by using Router.map on server side instead of Router.route
Router.map(function () {
this.route('post', {
path: 'items/:_id',
where: 'server',
action: function(){
var id = this.params._id;
var json = myItems.findOne({_id: id});
this.response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
this.response.end(JSON.stringify(json, null, 2));
There are several problems with your code.
First, it seems you want to get the _id parameter from the url and don't know how. It's stored on this.params, so it's this.params._id.
Second, the first parameter you should send to find is a MongoDB query that in your case would be { _id: this.params._id }.
Third, that's not how you render something in Iron Router. The string parameter on the render method is the name of the template you want to render, not the item.
Assuming that myItems is a valid collection and your template is called showItem, your code should be something like:
Router.route('items/:_id', {
name: 'showItem',
data: function () {
return myItems.find({ _id: this.params._id });
Try something like this:
Router.map(function () {
this.route('items/:myItemId', {
data: function(){
return myItems.findOne({_id: this.params.myItemId});
good luck!

Meteor Routing, Pub/Sub

I'm trying to make a publishment statement to publish
ONLY the author(OP)'s profile avatar. I am thinking of grabbing the _id of the page. And from that page, I will grab the userId which is the author's _id and try to show the profile.
However, I have been very unsuccessful, and currently, I am using the following. Publishing EVERY user's profile avatar.
//Need to filter this to show only OP.
Meteor.publish("userPostAvatar", function() {
return Meteor.users.find( {} ,
fields: {'profile.avatar': 1}
Meteor.publish('singlePost', function(id) {
check(id, String);
return Posts.find(id);
Router.route('/posts/:_id', {
name: 'postPage',
waitOn: function() {
return [
Meteor.subscribe('singlePost', this.params._id),
data: function() {
return Posts.findOne({_id:this.params._id});
You can do a simple join in the userPostAvatar publish function like this:
Meteor.publish('userPostAvatar', function(postId) {
check(postId, String);
var post = Posts.findOne(postId);
return Meteor.users.find(post.authorId, {fields: {profile: 1}});
This assumes posts have an authorId field - adjust as needed for your use case. Note three important things:
You will need to subscribe with this.params._id just as you did for singlePost.
The join is non-reactive. If the author changes, the avatar will not be republished. Given the general nature of posts I assume this isn't a problem.
I didn't publish the nested field profile.avatar on purpose because doing so can cause weird behavior on the client. See this question for more details.
I believe you can achieve this within the iron:router data context, by finding the post, associated author (whatever the field is), and then the subsequent user avatar. You can return an object to the iron:router data context. Then you can access post and avatar in the template as variables (so you might need to adjust the template output a little).
Meteor.publish("userPostAvatar", function() {
return Meteor.users.findOne( {} ,
fields: {'profile.avatar': 1}
Meteor.publish('singlePost', function(id) {
check(id, String);
return Posts.find(id);
Router.route('/posts/:_id', {
name: 'postPage',
waitOn: function() {
return [
Meteor.subscribe('singlePost', this.params._id),
data: function() {
var post = Posts.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
var avatar = Users.findOne(post.authorId).profile.avatar;
return {
post: post,
avatar: avatar
Two problems with this method are that you could achieve the same thing with template helpers, and the user publication hasn't been limited to one user (I'm unsure how to do this unless we know the authorId within the waitOn, although maybe you could try moving the logic to there instead of the data context as my example shows).

Ember data find() methods returns array, but I need a single record

I'm using Ember and Ember-Data.
App.InviteRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return this.store.find('user', { invitation_token: params.token });
This pings my server and returns a single User record, however the this.store.find() method returns an DS.PromiseArray.
I just need to know how to fetch a single object using Ember-Data using an arbitrary field.
In my template:
<h1>This is the invite template.</h1>
This should work:
App.InviteRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return this.store.find('user', { invitation_token: params.token }).then(function(users) {
return users.get('firstObject');

Ember data store return undefined record from FIXTURES

I am new in ember and i am trying to simply get log of items stored by Fixtures model and i cannot. Here is what I have done:
App = Ember.Application.create();
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
adapter: DS.FixtureAdapter.extend()
App.Documenter = DS.Model.extend({
firstName: DS.attr('string'),
lastName: DS.attr('string')
App.Documenter.FIXTURES = [
{ id: 1, firstName: 'Trek', lastName: 'Glowacki' },
{ id: 2, firstName: 'Tom', lastName: 'Dale' }
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
controllerName: 'application',
actions: {
addtostore: function () {
displaystore: function () {
var obj = this.store.all('documenter');
console.log(obj.objectAt(0).firstName); //here i get undefined
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
<h2> Ember POC</h2>
<button {{action 'displaystore'}}>TestButton</button>
I've looked at few answers already on stackoverflow:
Ember-Data Fixture Adapter
Ember App Kit with ember data
but still I dont get, why button TestButton dont log into console. I tried many ways but always it is undefined
No need to define the store, and your adapter should be defined like so:
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.FixtureAdapter;
And all only returns records that have already been found and are in the store. The FIXTURES hash isn't automatically loaded into the store, you still need to use find in order to get records from the FIXTURES hash.
displaystore: function () {
this.store.find('documenter').then(function(records){ // this is async
It's doubtful you would want to call find from the action like this, since it'd call back to the server each time, generally you'd get the records in the route (or even prime your store in the route so you can use all).
Because I am fresh in Ember, I made few common mistakes. I did not understand routes, handlebars, etc., and I messed up. The problem was that I did not assign the model to a controller.
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function () {
var store = this.get('store');
return store.findAll('documenter');

