Plotting with HTML5 Canvas - javascript

I decided to day to embark on element and I can say so far it have been nightmare to get it work. All I want is to plot a sine graph. So after good reading I still cannot either get origins nor get it plot. Below is what I have tried (my first time ever with that tag so excuse my ignorance). What makes me wonder is the guy here have it but the codes are hard to understand for beginner like me.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" href="graph.css" />
<script type="text/JavaScript" src="graph.js" ></script>
<canvas id="surface">Canvas not Supported</canvas>
border: dotted #FF0000 1px;
window.onload = function()
var canvas = document.getElementById("surface");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
arr = [0,15, 30,45,60, 90,105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180 ];
var x=0;
var y = 0;
for(i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
angle = arr[i]*(Math.PI/180); //radians
sine = Math.sin(angle);
//set current varibles for next move
x = angle;
y = sine;

Since the range of sin x is [-1,1], it will only return numbers between -1 and 1, and that means all you will be drawing is a dot on the screen.
Also I see that you have an array ranging from 0 to 180. I believe you are trying to draw the curve with x from 0 degree to 180 degree? You don't really need to do this (anyway 12 points are not enough to draw a smooth line). Just do it with a for loop, with lines being the number of fragments.
First we start off by moving the point to the left of the canvas:
context.moveTo(0, 100 /*somewhere in the middle*/); //initial point
In most cases the first point won't be in the middle. But for sine it is. (You might want to fix it later though.)
for (var i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
//draw line
That's the loop drawing the curve. But what should we put inside? Well you can just take the number returned by the sine function and scale it up, flip it upside down, and shift it down half the way. I do that because the coordinate system in JavaScript is 0,0 in the top left instead of in the bottom left.
var sine = Math.sin(i/scale*2)*scale;
context.lineTo(i*frag, -sine+scale);
//i * frag = the position of x scaled up
//-sine + scale = the position of y, flipped, scaled, shifted down
//i/scale*2 = random scale I put in... you might want to figure out the
// correct scale with some math
So that's it. Viola, you have successfully plotted a graph in JavaScript.
Oh yes, don't forget to actually tell it to draw it on the canvas after the for loop has done its job:
The demo:
PS: I see that you are trying to resize the canvas using CSS. Trust me, it won't work. :) You will have to define the dimension in HTML.


Fading in a canvas object in JavaScript

For an assignment I need to animate something simple using CSS and JavaScript. I've been able to figure out the CSS but everything I read to make an object fade in using JavaScript just doesn't seem to work with the object I drew in JavaScript. I just wanted to draw a circle in JavaScript and then animate it to fade in in 5 seconds.
Here is the basic Code I have so far:
<body onload="draw();">
<canvas id="circle" width="450" height="450"></canvas>
function draw()
var canvas = document.getElementById('circle');
if (canvas.getContext)
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var X = canvas.width / 2;
var Y = canvas.height / 2;
var R = 45;
ctx.arc(X, Y, R, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
ctx.strokeStyle = '#645862';
As you can see I only have the circle part of the code. I have tried multiple versions of different fade in animations but I just can't quite get them to work. I'm not very good at JavaScript. It's the one language I have trouble understanding for some reason. I'm also really sick right now otherwise I would be troubleshooting more reasons as to why it isn't working.
To understand how a canvas works, you need to know that it's just a place to display something, and initially it doesn't do anything on its own. You've drawn the circle once, which is enough to display the circle, but not to animate it in any way.
If we want to move the circle in any direction, we must clear the canvas of the already drawn circle and draw the circle in a different place, changing its coordinates by N pixels. The same goes for transparency. We must change the transparency of the color of the circle in each frame, and draw the circle again and again.
This is how 2D and 3D canvas works, as well as all video games - they draw scenes 60 times per second, changing some values along the way, such as coordinates, values, color, transparency, height and width.
In order for this to work, we need two additional variables, opacity and the direction (fading) in which the opacity changes, to know whether the circle appears or disappears.
Also important is the recursive call to our draw() function. We will call it constantly, and we will constantly redraw our image on the canvas.
I also want to point out some conceptual mistakes in your code.
Dont use "var", it is deprecated. Use "let","const". Also don`t repeat "var","var","var" in every line. Use commas.
Dont use onload,onclick and others HTML on-attributes. They are only suitable for educational purposes, not for real work. Use script tag and document event listeners.
Dont name canvas id like "circle","box" etc. It is not a circle and a box, it is a canvas.
Use document.querySelector instead of document.getElementById. It is more modern
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Canvas opacity animation</title>
<canvas id="canvas" width="450" height="450"></canvas>
const OPACITY_SPEED = .005
let canvas = document.querySelector('canvas'),
context = canvas.getContext('2d'),
opacity = 1,
fading = true
function draw(){
// clear canvas for redrawing (important!)
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
let circleX = canvas.width/2,
circleY = canvas.height/2,
radius = 45
// changing circle opacity
if(fading) opacity -= OPACITY_SPEED
else opacity += OPACITY_SPEED
// check if we need to fade in or to fade out
if(opacity >= 1) fading = true
if(opacity <= 0) fading = false
// draw circle
context.arc(circleX, circleY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
context.lineWidth = 3;
context.strokeStyle = `rgba(0, 0, 0, ${opacity})`;
// call draw() again and again

Shouldn't this code make the whole picture black?

In p5.js, I am trying to process each pixel of an image for a personal project so I thought I would start out slow and just try to make each pixel black. For some reason the screen is just staying white and I have no idea why the pixels aren't being updated. Here's the code:
var Canvas;
var srcImg;
var defaultImg = "";
function preload() {
srcImg = loadImage(defaultImg);
function setup () {
function draw() {
for (var x = 0; x < srcImg.width; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < srcImg.height; y++) {
var loc = x + y*srcImg.width;
srcImg.pixels[loc] = color(224,29,29);
console.log(srcImg.width * srcImg.height);
//image(srcImg, 0,0,srcImg.width, srcImg.height);
Also, if I uncomment the last line, I see the original picture and it is cut off at the top (and it hasn't turned every pixel black). You can see for yourself here. Any thoughts on why this is happening?
Edit: I tried even doing one row of pixels to be a vibrant red color and the reason I'm getting a white screen is because no matter what color I set the pixels to, they become white... Also, when I tried making the whole row this red color, it stopped at about 1/4 the way through as shown here (and is still white). I don't know why this is happening.
You're making all of the pixels black, but then you're drawing srcImage on top of those black pixels. So all you see is srcImage.
Try commenting out the image(srcImg, 0,0,srcImg.width, srcImg.height); line to see the black pixels.

Javascript Animation Baseball Runners

Thank you in advance for you help. I am hoping someone could provide some solid examples of some Javascript or jQuery animation for running around a baseball diamond rather than starting from scratch.
So far I've found at least 1 think that gets me close however needs much control introduced. I'm looking for tracking live progress so this would be conditional based on the batters progress around the bases. So if the batter hit a double, the animation would go to 2nd base and stop. Eventually I need to add functionality to interact with the circle but that'll be another story.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
var context;
var x=100;
var y=200;
var dx=3;
var dy=3;
function init()
context= myCanvas.getContext('2d');
function draw()
context.clearRect(0,0, 300,300);
// Draws a circle of radius 20 at the coordinates 100,100 on the canvas
// Boundary Logic
if( x<0 || x>300) dx=-dx;
if( y<0 || y>300) dy=-dy;
<body onLoad="init();">
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="300" > </canvas>
Lots of negative votes and I can see why, however its actually quite straightforward if you use svg and a library, eg Snap.
jsfiddle click to move between bases
Here's a run down of the process....
Firstly load an svg, just plucked one from the internet, and load it..
Snap.load( "", onSVGLoaded )
We need to create a route, simply log a mouse click to get its x,y which you can use to create a path... setRoute );
function setRoute(ev, x,y) {
console.log('xy', ev, x, y); // a click will log coordinates so you can build path route
if( currentPath > 3) currentPath = 0;
Once you've clicked on the points you want to have as the path, add them into the array....
// build our 'virtual path' and player to animate when clicked
function onSVGLoaded( frag ) {
s.append( frag ); setRoute )
paths = [
"M335,430L448,324", // these were logged from mouse click
player =,430,10).attr({ fill: 'red' })
for( var c=0; c<paths.length; c++) {
pathList[c] = s.path(paths[c]).attr({ stroke: 'none' });
Finally, we can animate the movement...
function movePlayer( currentPath ) {
Snap.animate(0, pathList[currentPath].getTotalLength(), function( val ) {
var pt = pathList[currentPath].getPointAtLength( val );
player.attr({ cx: pt.x, cy: pt.y })
}, 2000)
edit: Heh, just seen how old this is, not sure why it popped up now!
Using Html5 Canvas
You can use linear interpolation to navigate your lines and you can use De Casteljau's algorithm to navigate around your Bezier Curve.
Using SVG
Svg Paths have built-in methods that give you the total length of the path: getTotalLength and also the X,Y at a specified length along the path: getPointAtLength. You can use these methods to navigate your lines and curves.

Constrain jquery draggable to stay only on the path of a circle

So Im trying to make something where the user is able to drag planets along their orbits and it will continuously update the other planets. Ideally I would like this to work with ellipses too.
So far I can drag an image node with jquery and check/change the coordinates, but i cannot update the position reliably while the user is dragging the object. I know there is an axis and a rectangle containment for draggable but this doesn't really help me.
I have a site for calculating planetary orbits and a formula i think should help me if i can figure out how to constrain the draggable object with coordinate checks Calculating point on a circle's circumference from angle in C#?
But it seems like there should be an easier way to have a user drag a sphere along a circular track while it updates coords for other spheres
here's what i have so far. It's not much
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
var $newPosX = 100,
$newPosY = 100;
//create image node
var x = document.createElement("IMG");
x.src = "";
x.width = 100;
x.height = 100; = "sun";
x.hspace = 100;
x.vspace = 100;
var text = document.createTextNode($newPosX + " " + $newPosY);
//make sun draggable and update coords
drag: function (event, ui) {
$newPosX = $(this).offset().left;
$newPosY = $(this).offset().top;
//0 millisecond update for displayed coords
setInterval(check, 0);
function check() {
//tries to constrain movement, doesn't work well
if ($newPosX > 300) {
left: 200
text.nodeValue = ($newPosX + " " + $newPosY);
I found this and am trying to modify it to suit my purposes but have so far not had luck.
Ok so i got it to drag
This is pretty close to what I want but can be moved without being clicked on directly
Ok final edit on this question. This one seems to work well and have fixed my problems. I would still very much like to hear peoples implementation ideas or ideas to make it work smoother.

give motion to grass field in canvas

i have created a grass field which is a combination of several small 60x36 images.a grass object is introduced and then drawn on the i want to give it motion .the continuous scrolling effect .i made a code for it and it isn't working( the images (the grass field)are not scrolling along the width of the canvas which is the goal of this script).i haven't work much with oop in js. a little discussion on the mistakes i have done will be great
(the image i have used is added to the post)
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
function makeit(){
var canvas=document.getElementById("mycanvas");
var ctx=canvas.getContext('2d');
var height=500-36;
var xpos=[];
var img=new Image();
function drawcanvas(){
canvas.height=500;"1px solid black";
var grass=function(x,y){
var grass1=new grass(xpos[i],height);
var m=setTimeout(function(){
actual canvas after drawing all the images
In essence, all you need is to create an image pattern then translate and draw it to screen.
An example assuming image has been loaded:
var ph = img.height; // pattern height
var w = canvas.width; // width of canvas/scoll area
var h = canvas.height; // used to calculate y pos.
var x = 0; // scroll position
ctx.fillStyle = ctx.createPattern(img, 'repeat-x'); // pattern
Then in the loop scrolling the grass:
function scroll() {
ctx.translate(x, h - ph); // translate to next position
ctx.fillRect(-x, 0, w, ph); // fill rectangle (fillstyle = pattern)
ctx.translate(-x, -(h -ph)); // translate back for other operations
x--; // scroll speed (here 1 pixel / frame)
requestAnimationFrame(scroll); // loop
Pattern fills are anchored to the coordinate system which is why the translate is necessary. As we translate we also compensate for it using draw position in the opposite direction. This will make the pattern be filled into the same position but at a variable offset which creates the animation effect.
Just note that if you change fillStyle you need to store the pattern in a variable and reinitialize the fill style. If the loop is long-running also limit x so it doesn't overflow. This can be done using w as a condition (or modulo) to reset x to 0.

