JavaScript Syllable Counter - Counting Per Line - javascript

I’ve re-worked this syllable counter script to:
Get the value of textarea 1.
Count the number of syllables in textarea 1.
Display the results in textarea 2.
Update the count every time the value of textarea 1 is edited.
Act as a function (be able to run in multiple instances if wanted).
Example function of current code
Input (Textarea 1)
i would appreciate
any help
at all
Results (Textarea 2)
Current code
Here is the existing code as a JSFiddle.
I would like this script to:
Count the syllables of textarea 1 on a per line basis: presumably by splitting the textarea 1 value where there are line breaks e.g. .split('\n');.
Output the results, showing the total number of syllables counted per line.
Example function of desired code
Input (Textarea 1)
i would appreciate
any help
at all
Results (Textarea 2)
I’m quite stuck as to how to do this and would really appreciate any help or JSFiddle showing how to work with the existing code to achieve this.
For anyone who may be interested using in the syllable count function code itself: it’s not 100% accurate and fails on some words but gives a good general idea.

Try this and let me know if it's what you needed.
I created an array that spits the lines up stores them var arrayOfLines = $("[name=set_" + $input + "]").val().match(/[^\r\n]+/g);.
Then loop through that array and do exactly what you did before, but on each array entry. Then store the results in tempArr, and display the tempArr results.
See Fiddle
function $count_how_many_syllables($input) {
$("[name=set_" + $input + "]").keyup(function () {
var arrayOfLines = $("[name=set_" + $input + "]").val().match(/[^\r\n]+/g);
var tempArr = [];
var $content;
var word;
var $syllable_count;
var $result;
for(var i = 0; i < arrayOfLines.length; i++){
$content = arrayOfLines[i];
word = $content;
word = word.toLowerCase();
if (word.length <= 3) {
word = 1;
if (word.length === 0) {
return 0;
word = word.replace(/(?:[^laeiouy]es|ed|[^laeiouy]e)$/, '')
.replace(/^y/, '')
$syllable_count = word;
$result = $syllable_count;
$("[name=set_" + $input + "_syllable_count]").val(tempArr);
(function($) {


How to create ordered list inside text area using javascript?

I have a text area where I add the number of orderlist item on click of a button.This is my code,
var addListItem = function() {
if (!this.addListItem.num) {
this.addListItem.num = 0
var text = document.getElementById('editor').value;
console.log('text', text);
var exp = '\n' + this.addListItem.num + '.\xa0';
text = text.concat(exp);
document.getElementById('editor').value = text;
<button onclick="addListItem()">NumberList</button>
<textarea id="editor" col=10 rows=10></textarea>
As I have used a static variable to increment it increments on every click and so if I delete the list and create a new list again it doesn't starts from '1' and also I couldn't figure out how to update the numbers when a item is added in between.Could anyone suggest me how to fix this?
If you want a more robust solution that handles all sorts of different cases, you can use regular expressions to detect what number you're at in your list.
This solution also allows users to type in their own numbers and the button click WILL STILL WORK!
That's because this solution uses the text area content as the source of truth and doesn't track state on the side.
var addListItem = function() {
var text = document.getElementById('editor').value;
// regex to match against any new line that has a number and a period
// and extracts the number. feel free to use to understand
// this in more depth.
var listNumberRegex = /^[0-9]+(?=\.)/gm;
var existingNums = [];
var num;
// get all the matches
while ((num = listNumberRegex.exec(text)) !== null) {
// sort the values
// use the existing biggest number + 1 or use 1.
var addListItemNum;
if (existingNums.length > 0) {
// get last number and add 1
addListItemNum = parseInt(existingNums[existingNums.length - 1], 10) + 1;
} else {
// otherwise if there's nothing, just use 1.
addListItemNum = 1;
var exp = '\n' + addListItemNum + '.\xa0';
text = text.concat(exp);
document.getElementById('editor').value = text;
<button onclick="addListItem()">NumberList</button>
<textarea id="editor" col=10 rows=10></textarea>
understanding regular expressions is tricky, feel free to view to get a better understanding of what is going on.
You can try something like this:
On every click, get the text in textarea and split it be new line.
Now that you have line items, you need to get last sentence that starts with a numeric value. But user can enter new lines on his own to format text.
For this, loop on every line and validate it it starts with number followed by ..
If yes, use substring to fetch this number and parse it to int. If no match is found, you can return 0.
This will ensure the numbering system and you do not need a variable to hold last value.
Note: This logic assumes that last value will be the maximum. If you wish to handle that, you can just compare n and parseInt and assign maximum value
var addListItem = function() {
var text = document.getElementById('editor').value;
var exp = '\n' + (getLastNumber(text) + 1) + '.\xa0';
text = text.concat(exp);
document.getElementById('editor').value = text;
function getLastNumber(str){
var list = str.split(/[\r\n]/g);
var n = 0;
n = parseInt(s.substring(0, s.indexOf(".")));
return n;
<button onclick="addListItem()">NumberList</button>
<textarea id="editor" col=10 rows=10></textarea>
If you delete the list and create a new list again it will start from '1'.
also, counts from whatever the last number is.
var addListItem = function() {
if (!this.addListItem.num) {
this.addListItem.num = 0
var text = document.getElementById('editor').value;
//HERE start new counting if textarea is empty
if(text.trim() == ''){
this.addListItem.num = 1; //restart counting here
//else check if textarea has previous numbers to proceed counting
else {
var lastLine = text.substr(text.lastIndexOf("\n") + 1).trim();
this.addListItem.num = parseInt(lastLine.slice(0, -1)) + 1; //add 1 to last number
console.log('text', text);
var exp = '\n' + this.addListItem.num + '.\xa0';
text = text.concat(exp);
document.getElementById('editor').value = text;
<button onclick="addListItem()">NumberList</button>
<textarea id="editor" col=10 rows=10></textarea>

How can I add leading zero if my value is less than 10? Using node JS

how can I add leading zero to my column when my column's value is less than 10?
here is my code:
db.all("SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE x= ? ORDER BY MEMBER_CODE DESC LIMIT 1",[x], function(err,rows) {
if(rows.length == 0)
var mcode = 0;
var mcode = rows[0].MEMBER_CODE;
if (mcode < 10) {
mcode = "0"+mcode;
From the code, MEMBER CODE increments every input. I tried that code but it fails. the output of console.log(mcode) which appends zero less than 10 is the one i want but it doesnt append zero anymore when the data will be processed on the database
console.log(mcode) outputs 01,02,03,04,05,06,...,10++
+mcode+1 outputs 1,2,3,4,5,6,...,10++
Please bear with my question and my explanation. Thanks

Javascript: How to compare to sentences word to word

I'm sort of creating typing tutor with custom options.
Not a professional (don't get mad at me for being wrong-person-wrong place) but thanks to helpful forums like and contributing traffic/people I'm able to pull it out in a day or two.
Directly now, here!
while (i < len+1){
if(boxarray[i] == orgarray[i]){
actualScore = i - 1;
I've searched already, '==' operator is of no use, I will not go for JSON.encode. I met similar solution at this page . But in my case I've to loop through each word while comparing two sentences. Detail is trivial, if someone please help me solve above, I won't return with complain on the same project, promise.
Okay I'm putting more code if it can help you help me.
var paratext = document.getElementById('typethis').innerHTML;
var orgstr = "start typing, in : BtXr the yellow box but. please don't shit." ;
var boxtext = document.getElementById('usit').value;
var endtrim = boxtext;
var actualScore;
var orgarray = listToArray(orgstr," ");
var boxarray = listToArray(boxtext," ");
var len = boxarray.length;
var i = 0;
var actualScore; //note var undefined that's one mistake I was making [edit]
if(orgstr.indexOf(boxtext) !== -1){
while (i < len+1){
if(boxarray[i] == orgarray[i]){
actualScore = i - 1;
If I follow what you're after how about something like this:
var s1 = 'The dog sleeps';
var s2 = 'the dog jogs';
var s1Parts= s1.split(' ');
var s2Parts= s2.split(' ');
var score = 0;
for(var i = 0; i<s1Parts.length; i++)
if(s1Parts[i] === s2Parts[i])
"The dog sleeps" and "the dog sleeps" results in a score of 2 because of case (which could be ignored, if needed). The example above results in a score of 1. Could get a percent by using the length of the sentences. Hope this helps! If nothing else might get you started.
The following will compare each individual character, decreasing the "actualScore" for each inequality:
var sentence1 = "This is the original sentence.", // original text
sentence2 = "This is teh originel sentence.", // what the user typed
length = sentence1.length,
actualScore = length, // start with full points
i = 0;
actualScore--; // subtract 1 from actual score
i++; // move to the next index
alert("'sentence2' is "+Math.round(100*(actualScore/length))+"% accurate");
Let's say the input is your two sentences as strings.
Then the first thing to do is to create two temporary strings, with all the non-word characters eliminated (e.g. punctuation characters). Split the sentences into string arrays by word delimiters.
Then you can assign an integer variable to score. Create an outer loop and an inner loop for the two sentences. When the words match in the sentences, increment the variable by 1, remove the word from the 2nd sentence (replace the word with a non-word character) and break out of the inner loop.
Also, use this operator for word comparison instead:
Your problem is
if (boxarray[i] = orgarray[i])
The single = is the assignment operator. Replace it with
to be a comparison.
You are not comparing you are assigning
if(boxarray[i] = orgarray[i]){
So it will be true on each iteration. Fix the typo to actually perform the check you want
if(boxarray[i] === orgarray[i]){
And how you are calculating the score looks to be wrong. You should be doing something like
var score = orgstr.length;
if(boxarray[i] === orgarray[i]){
string2="string2 is here";
function changepercent(string1,string2) {
var s1Parts= string1.split(' ');
var s2Parts= string2.split(' ');
var matched = 0;
for(var i = 0; i<s1Parts.length; i++)
for(var j = 0; j<s2Parts.length; j++)
if(s1Parts[i] === s2Parts[j])
var percentage=(matched/Math.max(s1Parts.length, s2Parts.length))*100;
console.log("Change Above 50%");
Slightly modified first code

to apply sequential line numbering to lines in a paragraph: is it possible?

Is it possible to have jquery/javascript insert sequential line number at the start of all lines in a paragraph and, better still, to follow the sequence through to subsequent paragraphs?
I want to be able to refer students quickly to particular lines of an article (in a classroom setting). I have lots of articles to which I would like to apply this functionality, each of which has varying numbers of paragraphs.
I was hoping this might be possible, even in a responsive page, where the width of the paragraphs changes, depending on the display device, and the consequent number of lines in each paragraph becomes greater or fewer.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Here is one approach that may suit your purposes.
Get the height of a one-line paragraph, for reference.
For each paragraph, get the actual height, and infer the number of lines.
Loop through the lines and add the numbering at absolute positions.
var refHeight = $("p").eq(0).height();
var cnt = 1;
$("p").each(function(index) {
var pos = $(this).position();
var h = $(this).height();
var lines = h / refHeight;
var lineHeight = h / lines;
for (var ; i< ; i += lineHeight) {
var num = $("<p>", { class: "number" });
num.css("top", i);
If you wanted to use a fixed line length (so that everyone is seeing the same numbers), you could combine the above with the following:
Break the paragraphs into lines.
Wrap each line in a span/div, and re-append.
Block the browser from text wrapping.
$("p").each(function() {
var text = $(this).text();
var i=0;
while (i<text.length) {
lineCharWidth = charWidth;
while (i+lineCharWidth < text.length && text[i+lineCharWidth] != ' ') {
var line = $("<span>", { class: "line" }).text(text.substr(i, lineCharWidth));
i += lineCharWidth;
Here's a solution that uses a function to split the paragraph text on space characters based on a pre-determined line length and then replaces the text with an <ol> comprised of <li> elements each containing one line of text:
var lineNum = 1;
function splitLines(text, lineLen) {
var words = text.split(/\s/g), line = '', lines = [];
$.each(words, function(idx) {
line += this + ' ';
if (line.length > lineLen || idx == words.length - 1) {
line = '';
lineNum += 1;
return lines;
$('p').each(function() {
var $p = $(this), $ol = $('<ol start="' + lineNum + '">'), lineLen = 50;
$.each(splitLines($p.text(), lineLen), function(idx) {
$ol.append('<li>' + this + '</li>');
I'm not sure about the support for the start attribute of the <ol>. It does work in Chrome. Even still, I like using the list element because it's a little more semantically meaningful, in my opinion.
Sure. Just make sure you're encoding your line returns and use it to split up the text with a simple replace.
Sample text:
The quick
brown fox
jumped over
the lazy dog
for this, the actual string would be the following:
The quick\r\nbrown fox\r\njumped over\r\nthe lazy dog
I think something like this would work (without the document.write, and there could be performance improvements):
var input = '\r\nThe quick\r\nbrown fox\r\njumped over\r\nthe lazy dog';
input = input.replace(/\r\n/g, '<div class=\'index\'></div>');
var idx = 0;
If I'm not mistaken, this should write out an index number on each line. Could use some testing/debugging, though :)
For an example of how this is done, check out Github's diff pages.

parse a textarea in substrings based on line breaks in Javascript

I have a text area that I need to parse. Each new line needs to be pulled out and an operation needs to be performed on it. After the operation is done the operation needs to be run on the next line. This is what I have at the moment. I know the indexOf search won't work because it's searching character by character.
function convertLines()
trueinput = document.getElementById(8).value; //get users input
length = trueinput.length; //getting the length of the user input
newinput=trueinput; //I know this looks silly but I'm using all of this later
multiplelines=false; //this is a check to see if I should use the if statement later
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) //loop threw each char in user input
teste=newinput.charAt(i); //gets the char at position i
if (teste.indexOf("<br />") != -1) //checks if the char is the same
//line break is found parse it out and run operation on it
userinput = newinput.substring(0,i+1);
if (multiplelines==false)
So for the most part it is taking the userinput. If it has multiply lines it will run threw each line and seperatly and run submitinput. If you guys can help me I'd be eternally thankful. If you have any questions please ask
Line breaks within the value of a textarea are represented by line break characters (\r\n in most browsers, \n in IE and Opera) rather than an HTML <br> element, so you can get the individual lines by normalizing the line breaks to \n and then calling the split() method on the textarea's value. Here is a utility function that calls a function for every line of a textarea value:
function actOnEachLine(textarea, func) {
var lines = textarea.value.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").split("\n");
var newLines, i;
// Use the map() method of Array where available
if (typeof != "undefined") {
newLines =;
} else {
newLines = [];
i = lines.length;
while (i--) {
newLines[i] = func(lines[i]);
textarea.value = newLines.join("\r\n");
var textarea = document.getElementById("your_textarea");
actOnEachLine(textarea, function(line) {
return "[START]" + line + "[END]";
If user is using enter key to go to next line in your text-area you can write,
var textAreaString = textarea.value;
textAreaString = textAreaString.replace(/\n\r/g,"<br />");
textAreaString = textAreaString.replace(/\n/g,"<br />");
textarea.value = textAreaString;
to simplify the answers, here is another approach..
var texta = document.getElementById('w3review');
function conv (el_id, dest_id){
var dest = document.getElementById(dest_id),
texta = document.getElementById(el_id),
val = texta.value.replace(/\n\r/g,"<br />").replace(/\n/g,"<br />");
dest.innerHTML = val;
<textarea id="targetted_textarea" rows="6" cols="50">
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<button onclick="conv('targetted_textarea','destination')" id="convert">Convert</button>
<div id="destination">Had not been fetched yet click convert to fetch ..!</div>

