Best way to make cross-platform apps? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My question is: what is the best/easiest way to make cross-platform apps/games? iOS and Android - and Windows Phone if possible.
I have read about many different ways. HTML5 and JavaScript - and then just the overall implementation for the specific platforms. I have read about some 'converting tools' - fx Intel Porter Tool. And names like PhoneGap, Intel XDK, Appcelerator and Mosync and many others are showing up.
So I'm just all confused.. What would you prefer?
I'm not completely new in iOS programming, but not that much experienced either. I have made a few apps and games. Else I have a little experience with HTML and CSS. But I have never been working with HTML5 and JavaScript. I'm also aware that native platform specific apps is better that hybrid apps. But after all this I would love to hear from you : what do you prefer or not? :-)

Refer- Which Cross Platform Mobile Development Platform Should You Choose
You can read this document and choose whatever you feel comfortable to use. If you are using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript then you can use phonegap in my opinion but let it be refer above site you will get basic idea and so that you can choose whatever which you feel simple.

For making Apps I think HTML5 alternatives like PhoneGap could be the easiest way, also you can take al look at Xamarin for native cross-platform Apps, but you need to get a paid license to use it in a real project and, if you don't, you should learn C#.
In the case of making games, I have tried different platforms and I think Unity is the easiest and fastest way to create cross-platform quality games, even for simple 2D games, and you can do it in JavaScript.

The best is Phonegap or Titanium (more powerful for me)
You should use the one you feel more comfortable. And with xcode and objective-c you can work with html-css-js but never export cross-platform.

Then use node-webkit to target desktop systems and coccoonJS or Phonegap to target apps.


I want to know if I've to rewrite my code for Android [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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If I make a website with HTML,CSS & JS, I can run this in PC browsers. Would I also be able to run it in Android mobile browsers? Or I have to use different programming language like Java? Also, I want to know is, Android apps like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, what languages are compulsory to make them?
At the core of every browser, mobile or not, is JavaScript. You can absolutely build a website that runs on them. However, you will have to mind what is actually compatible for those. You can manually check to see if a certain method or object is supported in different browsers by using a tool like or you could set up an automated solution that would run against your test suite (you could also test with these tools manually, but automation is always preferred) with a tool like
As far as your second question, android apps are all written in Java, not to be confused with JavaScript and have to be compiled to run on android. You'll need a compiler like IntelliJ or Eclipse
Edit: as someone else pointed out, you can also use a tool that might compile html/javascript into a native app with a tool like React Native or NativeScript
If you're not using any ESNEXT features and the browser supports the features you're using (, you will be able to use the website on a phone, yes.
If you want it to be a native application (i.e. one you can download from the app store), you could learn a language like Java OR use React Native, which allows you to make mobile apps with similar language syntax to web development.

Using Electron with Python application [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am trying to make a cross platform desktop app based on Python.
I've been looking for Python GUI Frameworks such as PyQT, wxPython, tkinter, and kivy. However, none of them could provide a good look and feel for desktop GUI except for PyQT, but PyQT is quite expansive for commercial use, and I do not want to open my sources. In addition to that, making python GUI installable seems pretty hard that I fail to make installable program so many times. So I am now looking for something else which is Electron.
I've found that Electron's NodeJS can run python app using python-shell. Also, Electron is being used pretty well and has many famous products, so I thought it can be a good choice.
My concerns are, is it a good way of developing a cross platform desktop app in this way? Though I am familiar with Html, CSS and some JS, I am not familiar with NodeJS. But since this is kind of a work around, I am worrying this could make a lot of overhead or create bad user experience.
My python app contains quite a lot of mathmatical tasks. Not super heavy, but still kinda heavy using many regressions. Also using SQLite for internal database.
Of course, the best solution would probably be using NodeJs instead of running Python in NodeJs, but concerning the time to develop everything again in NodeJS, I thought this could be more practical. If this approach slows the program significantly, perhaps I have to find another way.
So in summary,
Is it a good idea to make a cross platform commercial app with quality using Electron and Python?
Does it affect the app's performance significantly?
If it is a bad idea, is there any alternative or recommendation?

Apps written in web langs vs apps implemented natively [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Hi I am wanting to get into cross platform mobile app development. Can we go over the perks and cons of going with a native app or web app ?
The said cross platform mobile app would require a internet connection for it to run. Also can answers be based on:
Memory usage (secondary and primary)
run time speed, DB (SQL and NOSQL) access speed and support
potential portability (if native ease of conversion)
And finally last but not least, on the future "proof-ness" (direction
of development and support)
Edit: this is a reworked question..
If i wanted to take the shortest time to get to the market i would go with HTML/CSS/JS, using a framework to ease the edge cases in various platforms, my preference in that scenario would be ionic. If and only if my app thrived would i turn it native, i would make sure that the investment of going native would be worth the return. But if i had some time and it was medium term project that i wanted to implement with the edgiest and best of both worlds, i would go with something like nativescript. But that's just me
For a mobile application you should make it with Java for Android and Swift for iOS. HTML5 apps have many problems such as low performances (have you seen the speed of JavaScript animations on mobile browsers ? If there are animations, of course, most time websites disable it because of bad performances).
Native apps are compiled (semi-compiled for Android) but JavaScript is an interpreted language and performances on mobile phones are bad. I think you should develop your app with a native language.
Vaadin TouchKit
If your app is a web app, if it requires an Internet connection and cannot work offline, and you want a mobile-like user interface, and you want to program in pure Java server-side but auto-magically render to the client in standard web technology without having to learn HTTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM, WebSocket, Push, and so on, then check out Vaadin and the add-on TouchKit.

Which mobile app development framework should i use? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am a web developer. I know php html css and some js. So I was looking for a way to make native apps and found out that there are many framework i can use such as Sencha, phonegap, appmobi and Titanium. They seems all similer, i am have a hard to make decision which to use.
I work on windows OS and i dont have mac.
I tested both PhoneGap and Titanium and I would go for Titanium. It seemed a lot easier to use to me but like every other frameworks, it showed its limits really quickly.
However PhoneGap allows you to develop native plugins that are not hard to implements (good guys PhoneGap devs made a good doc)
Don't forget that frameworks like those 2 are just building web app into a native one (it's called a hybrid app) and they are extremely slow compare to real native apps.
Some would recommend you to use a MacOSX virtual machine but I'd recommend you to find a second-hand macbook or mac mini.
Also, remember to analyze what are your needs for your app and always think about the user experience. Slow app doesn't get much success.
The most powerfull framework is Titanium, in my opinion. But PhoneGap is a good shot when using html/css/js.

Benefits of creating iPhone, iPad and Mac apps with Cocoa over Sproutcore+Phonecap/Titanium? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm going to create iPhone and Mac apps and wonder if there are benefits of creating iPhone and Mac apps with Cocoa over Sproutcore + Phonegap/Titanium?
I'm not doing any game or high performance related software.
If I learn Cocoa I could only create apps for iPhone, iPad and Mac. But if I use Sproutcore for web development with Phonegap or Titanium for mobile and desktop I can run it outside Apple platform as well eg. in Windows, Linux, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7 etc.
And I already know javascript + html + css for frontend and php/ruby for backend.
Are there any actual benefits of using cocoa with objective c?
I can't find any and wonder if someone could convince me to use cocoa instead.
Cocoa will always give you the best, native, access to the underlying libraries for functionality, touch and gestures especially and will run natively on the iPxxx device and use thing like the gyro and the accelerometer etc.
Sproutcore, Sencha Touch, iUi et al will be javascript emulating touch and gestures with at best limited access to the underlying libraries and may not always run natively on the iPxxx devices and may not always be able to tap into things like the accelerometer.
I think you may need to deal with both and it will depend on the applications that you are building as to which you need go for.
SproutCore (and other JS Frameworks) can be run inside of PhoneGap or similar tools to access native protocols. One big benefit of using HTML5/JS is that you can run in the browser and on other platforms such as Android and the new Chrome AppStore without having to recode your application.

