Programmatic Dijit/Tree Not Appearing in Declarative Dijit/ContentPane - javascript

Can anyone help me figure out why this works in Dojo 1.8 but not in 1.9?
In 1.8, the tree is placed within the “pilotTreeContainer” contentpane. In 1.9, the tree is there if you look in Firebug but visually, it just shows a loading graphic. pilotTreeContainer is declared in the template file for the widget that contains this code. All this code is in the postCreate method.
var treeStore = lang.clone( store );
var treeModel = new ObjectStoreModel(
store: treeStore,
query: { id: 'all' },
mayHaveChildren: function ( item ) // only ships have the unique attribute
return item.unique === undefined;
} );
var pilotTree = new Tree(
model: treeModel, // do we need to clone?
autoExpand: true,
showRoot: false,
title: 'Click to add',
openOnClick: true,
getDomNodeById: function ( id ) // new function to find DOM node
if ( this._itemNodesMap !== undefined && this._itemNodesMap[ id ] !== undefined && this._itemNodesMap[ id ][0] !== undefined ) {
return this._itemNodesMap[ id ][0].domNode;
else {
return null;
} );
this.pilotTree = pilotTree;
this.pilotTreeContainer.set( 'content', pilotTree );
I’ve tried calling startup on both tree and contentpane.
Debugging the dijit/Tree code, it seesm that there is a deferred which never resolves. It is returned from the _expandNode function when called from the _load function (when trying to expand the root node this._expandNode(rn).then).
The part that fails in dijit/Tree is this:
// Load top level children, and if persist==true, all nodes that were previously opened
this._expandNode(rn).then(lang.hitch(this, function(){
// Then, select the nodes specified by params.paths[]. = "none";
Why is the tree not showing? What is going wrong?

Coming back to this (in the hope that it would be solved in Dojo 1.10), I have found a fix.
I abstracted the tree into its own module, adding it to the container with placeAt() instead of using this.pilotTreeContainer.set( 'content', pilotTree );:
// dijit/Tree implementation for pilots
pilotTree = new PilotTree(
model: treeModel
} );
// add to container
pilotTree.placeAt( this.pilotTreeContainer.containerNode );
then forced it to show its content within the tree's startup() method:
startup: function()
this.inherited( arguments );
// force show! = "none"; = "block";


How to hook on library function (Golden Layout) and call additional methods

I'm using a library called Golden Layout, it has a function called destroy which will close all the application window, on window close or refesh
I need to add additional method to the destroy function. I need to removeall the localstorage aswell.
How do i do it ? Please help
Below is the plugin code.
lm.LayoutManager = function( config, container ) {
destroy: function() {
if( this.isInitialised === false ) {
$( window ).off( 'resize', this._resizeFunction );
$( window ).off( 'unload beforeunload', this._unloadFunction );
this.root.callDownwards( '_$destroy', [], true );
this.root.contentItems = [];
this._dragSources.forEach( function( dragSource ) {
dragSource._element = null;
dragSource._itemConfig = null;
dragSource._dragListener = null;
} );
this._dragSources = [];
I can access the destroy method in the component like this
this.layout = new GoldenLayout(this.config, this.layoutElement.nativeElement);
My code
#HostListener('window:beforeunload', ['$event'])
beforeunloadHandler(event) {
var originalDestroy = this.layout.destroy;
this.layout.destroy = function() {
// Call the original
originalDestroy.apply(this, arguments);
Looking at the documentation, GoldenLayout offers an itemDestroyed event you could hook to do your custom cleanup. The description is:
Fired whenever an item gets destroyed.
If for some reason you can't, the general answer is that you can easily wrap the function:
var originalDestroy = this.layout.destroy;
this.layout.destroy = function() {
// Call the original
originalDestroy.apply(this, arguments);
// Do your additional work here
You may be able to do this for all instances if necessary by modifying GoldenLayout.prototype:
var originalDestroy = GoldenLayout.prototype.destroy;
GoldenLayout.prototype.destroy = function() {
// Call the original
originalDestroy.apply(this, arguments);
// Do your additional work here
// Stand-in for golden laout
function GoldenLayout() {
GoldenLayout.prototype.destroy = function() {
console.log("Standard functionality");
// Your override:
var originalDestroy = GoldenLayout.prototype.destroy;
GoldenLayout.prototype.destroy = function() {
// Call the original
originalDestroy.apply(this, arguments);
// Do your additional work here
console.log("Custom functionality");
// Use
var layout = new GoldenLayout();
Hooking into golden layout is the intended purpose for the events.
As briefly touched on by #T.J. Crowder, there is the itemDestroyed event which is called when an item in the layout is destroyed.
You can just listen for this event like such:
this.layout.on('itemDestroyed', function() {
However, this event is called every time anything is destroyed, and propagates down the tree, even just by closing a tab. This means that if you call destroy on the layout root, you will get an event for every RowOrColumn, Stack and Component
I would recommend to check the item passed into the event and ignore if not the main window (root item)
this.layout.on('itemDestroyed', function(item) {
if (item.type === "root") {

How to execute a function when clicking an area inside an object?

I created an object with map Areas by using DOM-Elements. Now I want to execute a function when clicked on an area(coordinates). I think I also Need to check the area if it is clicked or not ? Also I think I'm missing something on the DOM-Element.
var _images = { //Object-MapArea
start: {
path: 'start.jpg',
areas: [{
coords: '18,131,113,140',
text: 'Homepage',
onclick: doSomething, // ???
// ..... there is more code not shown here
//Creating DOM-Elements
var areaElem = document.createElement('AREA');
// Set attributes
areaElem.coords = area.coords;
areaElem.setAttribute('link', area.goto);
areaElem.setAttribute("title", area.text);
areaElem.setAttribute("shape", "rect");
areaElem.onclick = doSomething; ? ? ?
if (element.captureEvents) element.captureEvents(Event.CLICK); ? ? ?
areaElem.addEventListener('click', onArea_click);
function doSomething(e) {
if (!e) var e = window.event = ... ? ?
var r = confirm("Data will get lost!");
if (r == true) {"homepage.html", "_parent");
} else {" ", "_parent"); // here I want to stay in the current pictures. I mean the current object map area. But how can I refer to it so it stays there ?
See the comments I added to your code ;)
var _images = { //Object-MapArea
start: {
path: 'start.jpg',
areas: [{
coords: '18,131,113,140',
text: 'Homepage',
clickHandler: doSomething // I changed the name to avoid confusion but you can keep onclick
// ..... there is more code not shown here
//Creating DOM-Elements
var areaElem = document.createElement('AREA');
// Set attributes
areaElem.coords = area.coords;
areaElem.setAttribute('link', area.goto);
areaElem.setAttribute("title", area.text);
areaElem.setAttribute("shape", "rect");
// Add a listener on click event (using the function you defined in the area object above)
areaElem.addEventListener('click', area.clickHandler);
// Add your other click handler
areaElem.addEventListener('click', onArea_click);
function doSomething(e) {
// Get the area clicked
var areaClicked =;
// I dont understand the following code...
var r = confirm("Data will get lost!");
if (r == true) {"homepage.html", "_parent");
} else {" ", "_parent"); // here I want to stay in the current pictures. I mean the current object map area. But how can I refer to it so it stays there ?
Hope it helps ;)
I think I also Need to check the area if it is clicked or not
You are creating an element areaElem and attaching event to the same dom.
So there may not be need of any more check
You may not need to add both onclick & addEventListner on same element and for same event. Either onclick function or addEventListener will be sufficient to handle the event.
areaElem.onclick = function(event){
// Rest of the code
// put an alert to validate if this function is responding onclick
areaElem.addEventListener('click', onArea_click);
function onArea_click(){
// Rest of the code

jQuery plugin instances variable with event handlers

I am writing my first jQuery plugin which is a tree browser. It shall first show the top level elements and on click go deeper and show (depending on level) the children in a different way.
I got this up and running already. But now I want to implement a "back" functionality and for this I need to store an array of clicked elements for each instance of the tree browser (if multiple are on the page).
I know that I can put instance private variables with "this." in the plugin.
But if I assign an event handler of the onClick on a topic, how do I get this instance private variable? $(this) is referencing the clicked element at this moment.
Could please anyone give me an advise or a link to a tutorial how to get this done?
I only found tutorial for instance specific variables without event handlers involved.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: I cleaned out the huge code generation and kept the logical structure. This is my code:
(function ($) {
$.fn.myTreeBrowser = function (options) {
clickedElements = [];
var defaults = {
textColor: "#000",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
fontSize: "1em",
titleAttribute: "Title",
idAttribute: "Id",
parentIdAttribute: "ParentId",
levelAttribute: "Level",
treeData: {}
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.myTreeBrowser.defaults, options);
function getTreeData(id) {
if ( {
$.ajax(, { async: false, data: { Id: id } }).success(function (resultdata) {
opts.treeData = resultdata;
function onClick() {
var id = $(this).attr('data-id');
var parentContainer = getParentContainer($(this));
handleOnClick(parentContainer, id);
function handleOnClick(parentContainer, id) {
if (opts.onTopicClicked) {
if (id) {
var clickedElement = $.grep(opts.treeData, function (n, i) { return n[opts.idAttribute] === id })[0];
switch (clickedElement[opts.levelAttribute]) {
case 1:
renderLevel2(parentContainer, clickedElement);
case 3:
renderLevel3(parentContainer, clickedElement);
debug('invalid level element clicked');
} else {
function getParentContainer(elem) {
return $(elem).parents('div.myBrowserContainer').parents()[0];
function onBackButtonClick() {
clickedElements.pop(); // remove actual element to get the one before
var lastClickedId = clickedElements.pop();
var parentContainer = getParentContainer($(this));
handleOnClick(parentContainer, lastClickedId);
function renderLevel2(parentContainer, selectedElement) {
var browsercontainer = $('<div>').addClass('myBrowserContainer').appendTo(parentContainer);
//... rendering the div ...
// for example like this with a onClick handler
var div = $('<div>').attr('data-id', element[opts.idAttribute]).addClass('fct-bs-col-md-4 pexSubtopic').on('click', onClick).appendTo(subtopicList);
// ... rendering the tree
var backButton = $('<button>').addClass('btn btn-default').text('Back').appendTo(browsercontainer);
backButton.on('click', onBackButtonClick);
function renderLevel3(parentContainer, selectedElement) {
var browsercontainer = $('<div>').addClass('myBrowserContainer').appendTo(parentContainer);
//... rendering the div ...
// for example like this with a onClick handler
var div = $('<div>').attr('data-id', element[opts.idAttribute]).addClass('fct-bs-col-md-4 pexSubtopic').on('click', onClick).appendTo(subtopicList);
// ... rendering the tree
var backButton = $('<button>').addClass('btn btn-default').text('Back').appendTo(browsercontainer);
backButton.on('click', onBackButtonClick);
function renderTopLevel(parentContainer) {
var browsercontainer = $('<div>').addClass('fct-page-pa fct-bs-container-fluid pexPAs myBrowserContainer').appendTo(parentContainer);
// rendering the top level display
//top level rendering! Lower levels are rendered in event handlers.
$(this).each(function () {
return this;
// Private function for debugging.
function debug(debugText) {
if (window.console && window.console.log) {
Just use one more class variable and pass this to it. Usually I call it self. So var self = this; in constructor of your plugin Class and you are good to go.
Object oriented way:
function YourPlugin(){
var self = this;
YourPlugin.prototype = {
constructor: YourPlugin,
clickHandler: function(){
// here the self works
Check this Fiddle
Or simple way of passing data to eventHandler:
$( "#foo" ).bind( "click", {
self: this
}, function( event ) {
You could use the jQuery proxy function:
$(yourElement).bind("click", $.proxy(this.yourFunction, this));
You can then use this in yourFunction as the this in your plugin.

Chrome Extension: Waiting For Element to Load (async js)

I have a Chrome extension, and I want to wait until an element is loaded before injecting content into the page.
I'm trying to inject a button:
myButton = document.createElement('button');
myButton.class = 'mybutton';
I have this at the top of my content script. It used to work just fine, but then it stopped working. The error that was displayed was:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null
In order to wait for the element with class id .element_id to load, I tried to use a MutationObserver
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if (!mutation.addedNodes) return
for (var i = 0; i < mutation.addedNodes.length; i++) {
if (mutation.addedNodes[i].parentNode == document.querySelector('#outer-container')) {
myButton = document.createElement('button');
myButton.class = 'mybutton';
var node = mutation.addedNodes[i]
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true
, subtree: true
, attributes: false
, characterData: false
When I used the mutation observer, the page would load an outer div element called outer-container, and there was no way for me to directly compare the class .element_id. The class .element_id is nested a number of layers into the outer div.
HOWEVER, the above did not work, and I still received the null property error.
Is there a better way to wait for some element to be loaded (which is loaded async), before injecting?
Don't forget to add childList and subtree property when observing changes.
var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
if (!mutation.addedNodes) {
for (var i = 0; i < mutation.addedNodes.length; i++) {
if (mutation.addedNodes[i].classList.contains("element_id")) {
// Your logic here
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
An insertion into DOM may have the element in question deeper in the added node.
For example, this can be inserted into the DOM:
<div class="container">
<div class="element_id">...</div>
In that case, the added node list will only contain the .container node.
The mutation will not list everything added, it's your responsibility to recursively dig into the added fragment looking through added nodes.
Using mutation-summary library may help you avoid such headaches.
var observer = new MutationSummary({
rootNode: document.body,
callback: function(summaries) {
summaries.forEach(function(summary) {
summary.added.forEach(function(idElement) {
/* ... */
queries: [{element: ".element_id"}]
If you don't want to use a library, you can try calling querySelector or querySelectorAll on addedNodes[i].

CKEDITOR jumps to top after editing a link

If I edit a link in a CKEDITOR-textarea, the cursor always jumps to the top, before the first letter of the content.
This issue only appears in IE, but only on my page. If I go to the CKEDITOR-demopage, it works as required.
I've been searching for similar issues, but didn't find anything. Anybody knows a solution for this?
I found the problem: I've got a custom plugin to change my links, this plugin uses element.setValue() to replace the value of the link, this function does the jump to the top. I've also tried setHtml() and setText(), but it's the same problem.
Edit 2: Forgot to add my code:
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('previewLink', {
icons: 'previewLink',
init: function(editor){
editor.addCommand('previewLinkDialog', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand('previewLinkDialog'));
editor.ui.addButton('previewLink', {
label: 'Preview Link einfügen',
command: 'previewLinkDialog',
toolbar: 'insert'
CKEDITOR.dialog.add('previewLinkDialog', this.path + 'dialogs/previewLink.js');
editor.on('doubleclick', function(evt){
var element =;
CKEDITOR.dialog.add('previewLinkDialog', function(editor){
return {
title: 'Preview Link einfügen',
minWidth: 400,
minHeight: 200,
contents: [
id: 'tab-basic',
label: 'Basic Settings',
elements: [
type: 'text',
id: 'text',
label: 'Text',
validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty("Bitte füllen Sie das Text-Feld aus"),
setup: function(element){
commit: function(element){
// The problem happens here
type: 'text',
id: 'link',
label: 'Link',
validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty("Bitte füllen Sie das Link-Feld aus"),
setup: function(element){
commit: function(element){
//element.setAttribute('data-cke-pa-onclick', this.getValue());
element.setAttribute('data-cke-saved-href', this.getValue());
type : 'checkbox',
id : 'popup',
label : 'In Popup öffnen',
'default' : 'checked',
onclickString: "openPopUp(this.href, '', iScreen.windowWidth, iScreen.windowHeight, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); return false;",
setup: function(element){
this.setValue(element.getAttribute('data-cke-pa-onclick') == this.onclickString);
commit: function(element){
if(this.getValue() === true){
var onclick = this.onclickString;
element.setAttribute('data-cke-pa-onclick', this.onclickString);
else {
onShow: function() {
var selection = editor.getSelection(),
element = selection.getStartElement();
if (element)
element = element.getAscendant('a', true);
if (!element || element.getName() != 'a' ||'cke-realelement')){
element = editor.document.createElement('a');
this.insertMode = true;
this.insertMode = false;
this.element = element;
if (!this.insertMode)
this.setupContent( this.element );
onOk: function() {
var dialog = this,
link = this.element;
if (this.insertMode)
The reason for this problem is that with the setText call you're removing a node that keeps the selection. As a fallback IE will move the selection to the beginning which causes your editor to scroll.
You have a couple of options here.
Select edited link
In your dialog commit function, make sure that the selection is placed on the element that you want to be selected. You can do it with a single line.
commit: function(element){
// The problem happens here
editor.getSelection().selectElement( element );
Note that despite your initial caret position, it will always be changed to select the entire link. Still, this is a solution I'd recommend because of its simplicity.
Store a bookmark
If a precise caret position is a crucial factor for you, then you could use bookmarks to store the "snapshot" of the selection before you modify the DOM, to restore it later.
In this particular case you need to use bookmark2 API (standard bookmarks would get removed by DOM manipulation).
commit: function(element){
// The problem happens here.
var sel = editor.getSelection(),
// Create a bookmark of selection before node modification.
bookmark = sel.getRanges().createBookmarks2( false ),
// Update element inner text.
try {
// Attempt to restore the bookmark.
sel.selectBookmarks( bookmark );
} catch ( e ) {
// It might fail in case when we had sth like: "<a>foo bar ^baz<a>" and the new node text is shorter than the former
// caret offset, it will throw IndexSizeError in this case. If so we want to
// manually put it at the end of the string.
if ( == 'IndexSizeError' ) {
rng = editor.createRange();
rng.setStartAt( element, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
rng.setEndAt( element, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
sel.selectRanges( [ rng ] );
If you need any more information see the range and selection docs.
To solve the problem, I suggest you may try to set the position of the cursor after calling the function that cause the problem?
// do before your custom action
var ranges = editor.getSelection().getRanges();
// .............your code ................
// after your custom page
ranges[0].setStart(element.getFirst(), 0);
ranges[0].setEnd(element.getFirst(), 0); //cursor

