atmosphere-javascript long-polling not "refreshing" every minute - javascript

Hi I'm new user to atmosphere, and set up a simple test that worked fine. We used long-polling, and the behavior was that my client would send the server a GET that would stay open until:
data was returned by the server
a minute elapsed
in both cases, the client would immediately send another GET for the server to hold open. Most of the time no data was sent, so every minute the GET would be "refreshed." I assumed this was the default behavior because maybe certain browsers or networks would shut off a GET that exceeded a certain time limit, so this was a way to avoid that.
Is this refresh controlled by the client or the browser? I poked around and couldn't figure out if the client was closing the connection on its own and sending a new request, or if it was the server.
The reason I ask is that the server got deployed, and now that refresh is no longer occurring. My client GET now stays open to the full 5 minute (default) timeout and then throws the timeout event, then reconnects for another 5 minutes.
Server team claims "nothing changed," ha-ha. So did I do something or what? Please let me know! Thank you!
request object:
var request = {
url: 'xyz',
transport: 'long-polling',
reconnectInterval: 5000,
maxReconnectOnClose: 20,
enableXDR: true
Edit: the atmosphere server was changed from 2.1.3 (working) to 2.0.7 (not working) when the deploy occurred. When changed back, the 1 minute refresh behavior re-appeared. The problem is that 2.1.3 is not compatible with the server they are using, thus the down-grade.
Question: what is this feature called, is this the heartbeat or something else? Can someone tell me what change was made that would cause this. I've looked through the release notes and nothing jumped out at me.


Cordova Android- Keep sending AJAX request to the server while the device is in background mode

I need to keep performing Ajax request to the server even if the device is in background, I’ve tried the “cordova-plugin-background-mode “ ,
Please see the code below ,but for some reason it doesn’t work
Any help would be appreciated to solve this problem
cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.on('activate', function (){
window.setInterval(function () {
//Ajax request every 6 S
}, 6000)
It stops sending the Ajax request when the device is in background mode; I need this to check if the user still logged in his/here account
Basically you want your app to consider your users as online as long as they have started the app and keep their phones on? If this is true, then you can simply assume they will stay online forever.
When your app is sent to the background, you must do what any other app does: Consider the user is no longer online. Do not waste user resources and network data from their carrier just to see if the user's phone is still on, this makes no sense at all.
Whenever the app is active and running, you update your database on every request, or every few minutes with a timer if there's no user-initiated network activity.

How can I track "online" statuses of users if a server crashes?

I have multiple heroku dynos and a chat app. When a user logs in, their status is set to "online" in MongoDB. However, if a server crashes, their status will still be set as online. How can I update the user status to be "offline" when a server crashes?
If I only had one dyno, this would be easy. I'd just update every user to be "offline" when the server starts. Unfortunately, this is not possible with multiple servers.
As per our chat and comments.
The best option is to go with checking against last activity. So seeing when the last message was sent and if it happened within the last let's say 5 minutes they are online if there were no activity mark them as offline.
Like I mentioned in the comments, if you are not storing a date_created on the messages documents you will not have to change anything because _id stores the timestamp
that returns this Date object
This answer is another option (if you are wanting to keep them as online even if they are not sending messages):
If you would like to know they are still active even when they're not jumping from page to page, include a bit of javascript to ping your server every 60 seconds or so to let you know they are still alive. It'll work the same way as my original suggestion, but it will update your records without requiring them to be frantically browsing your site at least once every five minutes.
var stillAlive = setInterval(function () {
/* XHR back to server
Example uses jQuery */
}, 60000);

SignalR & IE Issue - poll is pending

I have a Problem With IE and SignalR, I'm using the it to perform a Syncing action between two databases, the Actions Completed successfully on Google Chrome / Firefox / Safari in all scenarios.
Using IE for the First time the sync performed successfully but only for one time, in the second time a pending request stack and the page stay freeze for ever.
I found a solution online which is changing the transport mode.
But page still freezing.
if (isIE()) {
$.connection.hub.start({ transport: ['serverSentEvents','foreverFrame']}).done(function () {
$.connection.hub.start({ transport: ['serverSentEvents','longPolling'] }).done(function () {
I'm Using:
SgnalR v2.1.0.0
.Net framework v4.5
jquery v1.8
is it an Issue or I'm Doing something wrong ?
my application use Jquery progress bar and i Update this progress bar using this Code:
server side:
Clients.Caller.sendMessage(msg, 5, "Accounts");
client side:
progressNotifier.client.sendMessage = function (message, value, Entity) {
pbar1.progressbar("value", nvalue);
it's working on Firefox so I thought it's a signalR Issue !! Now i became confused if it's working as expected then what causes this problem ?
you can try use EventSource (SSE).
I am using this:
but modified, for SignalR:
I am working with it for one year, SignalR just check for window.EventSource and it works.
The solution you found online is not likely to help your issue.
I doubt your IsIE() function is correctly identifying IE. If it was, SignalR should only be attempting to establish a "foreverFrame" connection, since IE does not even support "serverSentEvents". I would not expect IE to make any "/signalr/poll" requests, because those requests are only made by the "longPolling" transport.
Also, having a "pending" poll request in the IE F12 tool's network tab is entirely expected. This is how long polling is designed to work. Basically, as soon as a message is received the client makes a new ajax request (a long poll) to retrieve new messages. If no new messages are immediately available, the server will wait (for up to 110 seconds by default in the case of SignalR, not forever) for a new message to be sent to the client before responding to the pending long poll request with the new message.
Can you clarify exactly what issue you are having other than seeing a pending poll request showing up under the network tab? It would also help if you you enabled tracing in the JS client, provided the console output, and showed all the "/signalr/..." requests in the network tab.

SSE (EventSource) times out after 1 hour 22 minutes. Is there any way to keep it persistent?

I have an area in my page where messages go when a database has changed. Now, some days the database will change so much that a new message is displayed every 10 minutes; other days it will change only a few times. The issue I am having is that the EventSource seems to time out after 1hr 22 minutes, and no longer will the browser receive notifications.
I am wondering if there is a way to keep EventSources persistent (i.e., for as long as the browser is displaying the page, the EventSource is alive). According to what I have found in my Google searches, EventSources should remain alive until the tab/window is closed. Unfortunately, there seems to be so very little that I find in my Google searches, and for me this doesn't seem to be the case.
You don't say where the socket closure is happening (on the browser, socket on client machine, socket on server-side, etc.) but it doesn't really matter as the fix is the same for all of them: send keep-alive messages.
The server should send a keep-alive message. Either every, say, 15 seconds; or only after 15 seconds of inactivity. (Whichever is easier to code, server-side, for you.) It can be as simple as an SSE comment: ":\n\n" (lines starting with colons are ignored). I prefer to send actual data, because:
You get to see a message, allowing client-side keep-alive checking (see below)
There is bound to be something useful you want to send, like a timestamp (for a check that client/server clocks are in sync), or metrics, etc.
On the client-side, run a timer with setTimeout() set to 20 seconds. Each time you receive any data from the server (whether genuine data, or your keep-alive), kill the timer, and start it again. Therefore the only time the time-out function will get called is if your server went more than 20 seconds without sending you anything. When that happens, kill the connection and reconnect.
The above is assuming the problem is at the socket-level. The problem might instead be the browser is crashing: perhaps it has run out of memory. The fix I'd do in that case is a once/hour timer (setTimeout() in JavaScript), to manually close and re-open the EventSource connection. Or clear out some memory buffers you might be using. A bit of profiling with FireBug or Chrome tools will tell you if you have a memory problem.
Plug: Over half of the "Making our App production quality" chapter in my coming-soon SSE book is about keep-alive and using LastId on the reconnect. Please buy when it comes out :-)
I had the same problem with Chrome reporting "net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR 200" every two minutes.
Sending SSE comments every minute solved the problem for me. See the Nodejs / Express example code below.
exports.addWebServices = function(app) {
app.get('/ws/clientEvent', function(req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
'Connection': 'keep-alive'
/* Event handlers for SSE here */
let keepAliveMS = 60 * 1000;
function keepAlive() {
// SSE comment for keep alive. Chrome times out after two minutes.
setTimeout(keepAlive, keepAliveMS);
setTimeout(keepAlive, keepAliveMS);

Is there anyway in flex to get the status of server?

we have an application where button click in flex side restarts the server and makes the client logged out. once after logout, If user logs in it gives error since the server is not up by the time. In our scenario the server takes time to restart because of the stuff(like back up). I want the user to be notified of the webserver status if he tries to log in.
is there any way to monitor the status of server in Flex side. or Will javascript help in finding whether the server is up or not?.
Also I tried redirecting to html page using external interface but I am not sure how to automatically redirect it again to the swf file when the server becomes active.the server downtime is not known(may be 2 or 5 or 10 minutes.)
So what would be the best approach.Any help would be of greatly appreciated.
Using URLLoader you can try to download a file on the server and listen to ioError or httpStatus.
private var testLoader:URLLoader;
private var testRequest:URLRequest;
testRequest = new URLRequest("http://server/testFile");
testLoader = new URLLoader(request);
testLoader.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, onStatus);
private function onStatus(HTTPStatusEvent:event):void
//test the status, if the server is up, reconnect, else...
Interesting problem. When you mean restart, do you mean just a specific service like Apache or like an actual reboot of the server? I ask because it would mean different scenarios. I'm not exactly sure what you're doing, but I'll assume that you're rebooting the server.
One of the problems here is that the client logs out, which is something we do not want. What I would do is have a second server which it's sole purpose would be authentication and giving status on the other server. This is a 'man in the middle' approach where this server doesn't log you out, but all calls are redirected to the other server.
From the Flex side, you can have it calls the 'man in the middle' to see what's the status. Depending on the technology you're using (polling vs pushing), you can get the data needed and show the user the status.

