I have a problem with wpaginate Jquery Plugin: https://github.com/websanova/wPaginate . It has total attribute which is total number of records. But I don't know how to make it works properly.
$.get(rootUrl + "js/my_cursostotal.php", {}, function(data){
theme: 'lightblue',
total: data,
limit: 3,
url: function(i) {
$('#wPCursos').wPaginate('total', data);
loadCursos('action=ajax&page='+ (i+1) );
ajax: true
function loadCursos(str) {
$('#cursosTabla').load('index.php?'+str,function() {
console.log("%s", str);
$cursos_total = $cursos_tabla->total();
echo $cursos_total;
When I delete or add elements elements of the table $cursos_total change, but the total pages are not updated until I click 2 page items.
I have used console.log('%s' data) and I get the correct elements in it, but the wpaginate item doesn't take it until I click two times in pages, then appears the new page or drop a page.
What can I do? It's important for me.
I think that I have to modify the Jquery Plugin, but I have no idea. I have tried, but it's very complicated for me.
I want only how to make to reset the settings of jQuery plugin wpaginate to display properly the number of pages.
You have a demo of the plugin here: http://wpaginate.websanova.com/
Thanks in advance.
I have find some help and I've solved it:
$.get(rootUrl + "js/my_cursostotal.php", {}, function(data){
theme: 'lightblue',
total: data,
limit: 3,
url: function(i) {
$.get(rootUrl + "js/my_cursostotal.php", {}, function(data){
$('#wPCursos').wPaginate('total', data);
loadCursos('tabla=cursos&action=ajax&page='+ (i+1) );
ajax: true
"$('#wPCursos').data('_wPaginate').generateLinks();" makes the trick.
Hi I have a problem in a jquery asp.net project:
I have on one page 2 grids - the main grid is loaded while the second grid is disabled(hidden). When I click on one row in the main grid the second grid is shown then and shows the data if some exist regarding to this row. If there is now data I want to create new data in the second grid. I tried to handle this with url (to get the data), editurl (to modify existing data) which works fine and now I need e.g. a addurl to create new data.
Has anyone an idea to fix this problem because I didn't really found something on the net about this..
onSelectRow: function (id) {
var rid = jQuery('#tblJQGridBereitschaft').jqGrid("getGridParam", "selrow");
if (rid) {
var row = jQuery('#tblJQGridBereitschaft').jqGrid("getRowData", rid);
var bs_id = row.ID;
function seturl(bs_id){
jQuery("#tblJQGridBereitschaftFahrtkosten").setGridParam({ loadonce: false })
jQuery("#tblJQGridBereitschaftFahrtkosten").setGridParam({ datatype: "json" })
jQuery("#tblJQGridBereitschaftFahrtkosten").setGridParam({ url: '#Url.Action("GetFahrtkosten", "Bereitschaft")?BS_ID=' + bs_id +'', page: 1 }).trigger('reloadGrid');
jQuery("#tblJQGridBereitschaftFahrtkosten").setGridParam({ editurl: '#Url.Action("ModifyFahrtkosten", "Bereitschaft")?BS_ID=' + bs_id, page: 1 }).trigger('reloadGrid');
// Here I need the "addurl"
jQuery("#tblJQGridBereitschaftFahrtkosten").setGridParam({ loadonce: true })
Thanks for any help or tips!
Is there a way to use HTML5's localstorage method with Jquery's select2 plugin? Right now when I enter data and close the browser/tab, all entered data is gone, which is not so optimal since it can get confusing if you dont remember what you've entered
My select2 code looks like this:
minimumInputLength: 1,
multiple: true,
query: function(query){
$.getJSON( 'url path to remote API', {
}, function(results){
var data = {results: []};
$.each(results.data, function(index, item){
data.results.push({id: item.artist_id, text: item.name});
} );
Any help is very appreciated
give this a try: http://jsfiddle.net/7267rkxy/12/
I commented the code for you for some explanation of what's going on, you should be able to just swap out the data option with your query option and it should still work
PS: I noticed none of your answered questions have been marked 'accepted', if someone gives you an answer that you like or that works for you, you should mark their answer 'accepted' by clicking the checkbox next to the answer
<!-- setting a hard width for example -->
<input type="text" class="select" style="width:200px;" value="" />
// set value property to local storage value
minimumInputLength: 1,
multiple: true,
data: [{id: 1, text: 'option1'},{id: 2, text: 'option2'},{id: 3, text: 'option3'}], //sample data
initSelection: function (element, callback) {
// initSelection only fires when there is something in the value property
}).on('change', function(info){
// checking if we have anything stored in local storage
var s2options = localStorage.s2options ? JSON.parse(localStorage.s2options) : [];
// add / remove options
if (info.added) {
} else if (info.removed) {
s2options = s2options.filter(function(opt) {
return opt.id != info.removed.id;
// save selections to local storage
localStorage.s2options = JSON.stringify(s2options);
In addition to #bruchowski 's answer, the newer version of Select2 has a different way of doing this (initSelection and query are still supported for backwards compatibility though):
You have to create a custom DataAdapter and implement current() and query().
I'm using the jqGrid columnChooser, like so:
caption: "Columns",
buttonicon: "ui-icon-newwin",
title: "Hide/Show Columns",
onClickButton: function () {
$(this).jqGrid('columnChooser', {
done: function (perm) {
if (perm) {
$(this).jqGrid('remapColumns', perm, true);
modal: true,
width: 400,
height: 300,
classname: 'column-chooser-select'
and was wondering if there was a way to specify an event handler on the columnChooser (using the jQuery UI Multiselect plugin that comes w/ jqGrid) that fires any time a column is either added or removed. So I guess it's a two-part question:
does the jQuery UI Multiselect support such a thing?
if so, is there a way to hook it up without altering the jqGrid source?
A bit of background on what I'm trying to achieve:
My default grid configuration hides many columns. Some of these columns are not populated from the db - they are obscure, rarely used data elements that if populated would dramatically decrease the query execution performance (multiple joins involving tables with 100 million plus records).
Should a user pick one of these columns for display i'd like to warn them that another roundtrip to the server is required and it could take a while - and give them the option to cancel the column addition.
I think I understand your problem and find your question interesting, so I wrote the demo for you which shows how one can solve the problem.
columnChooser uses jQuery UI Multiselect plugin internally which uses jQuery UI Sortable. So I suggest to use sortreceive event of the jQuery UI Sortable to catch the information needed.
The code can be the following
$("#grid").jqGrid('navButtonAdd', '#pager', {
caption: "",
buttonicon: "ui-icon-calculator",
title: "Choose columns",
onClickButton: function () {
$("#colchooser_" + $.jgrid.jqID(this.id) + " ul.selected")
.bind("sortreceive", function (event, ui) {
alert('column "' + ui.item.text() + '" is choosed');
$("#colchooser_" + $.jgrid.jqID(this.id) + " ul.available a.action")
.click(function () {
alert('column "' + $(this).parent().text() + '" is choosed');
See the demo here.
The code bind 'click' event on the "+" for the initial list of the columns which was in the column chooser at the initialization time of the dialog. I think it would be sufficient for you. If needed you can easy modify the code to support the 'click' on the "+" for the columns which will be removed from the left list during the work with the columnChooser.
I almost forget to mention that I used in the demo improved version of the columnChooser (see the answer), but my above suggestion works with the original version of columnChooser too.
I am using the below code in JqGrid for column chooser plug-in. when i tick the select All check box in the grid. I want to exclude particular column ( by default it should not display in my grid).
I used hidden=True property in col model. buy i want to handle these in column chooser also.
function Properties_Columnchooser() {
$('#btn_setColumns').click(function () {
"shrinkToFit" : true,
"autowidth" : true,
done : function(perm) {
w = $(window).width();
// alert('done ' + w);
if (perm)
this.jqGrid("remapColumns", perm, true);
this.setGridWidth(w - 30, true);
My flexigrid is setup. All I need is an event that gets called when the user clicks on a row. From there, I will send the user to another page based on the data contained in that row. But I can't seem to find any examples on how to do this.
I'm looking for a clear example on how to handle row onclick events using flexigrid.
I'm also interested in any other javascript table frameworks that could be used in this situation. I've been taking a peek at DataTables and it looks like it may be a better alternative (and the project appears to be more active)
In the initial setup for the flexigrid, add the attribute process: procMe to the column model. Example:
colModel : [
{ display: 'Request', name : 'id', process: procMe }
and then create a callback:
function procMe( celDiv, id ) {
$( celDiv ).click( function() {
alert( id );
A better solution
Adding process to colModel didnt work for me.
colModel : [
{ display: 'Request', name : 'id', process: procMe }
this solution below is what I'm using:
var gridRows = $("#data-grid tbody tr");
gridRows.click(function (event) {
return false; //exit
Flexigrid column as link
colModel: [
display: 'DomainName', name: 'DomainName', width: 180,
sortable: true, align: 'left',
process: function (col, id)
col.innerHTML = "<a href='javascript:domainEdit(" + id + ");'
id='flex_col" + id + "'>" + col.innerHTML + "</a>";
Link Function
function domainEdit(domainID) {
alert('domainID' + domainID);
I think this variant little better than whoabackoff
does this help? http://www.flexigrid-asp.net/demo/updatepanel.aspx
you can have a look at it with firebug, to see where the event is hooked.
keep in mind that the flexigrid.js file is a bit different than the one from the official project.
Okay, so in a nutshell, what I need to do is to automatically apply a set of sorting criteria and data filters to the jqGrid when it loads. The intent is that the user will start with about 10 pre-filled filters and then, if they so choose, they can alter those filters or the sorting however they see fit.
So far, with much Google-ing, trial and error and sweat, I have the following working:
-> I can load/save the sort column & sort order in a session cookie.
-> I can load the search dialog with pre-defined search filters. After the grid loads, I can open the modal dialog and see the proper filters and if I click "Find" the appropriate data is posted to the server and the right results are returned to the screen.
The thing that is biting me in the butt right now is, I think, the easy part, but it escapes me. I can't seem to do either of the following:
( A ) The ideal thing would be if I could attach these filters to the grid and it's post data in advance of the initial load so that there is only a single trip to the server.
( B ) The workable solution, though less ideal, would be for the grid to load the first page of the unfiltered data first, and then apply the filters and re-query the server for the filtered data.
Since I can manually click the "find" button today and it works, I thought that "B" would be a good next-step. So, in my gridComplete function, I have the following code:
$('#AccountGrid').clearFilter({gridName:'AccountGrid', pagerName:'AccountPager'});
$('#AccountGrid').addFilter({gridName:'AccountGrid', field:'AccountID', data:1, op:'ne'});
$('#AccountGrid').addFilter({gridName:'AccountGrid', field:'AccountID', data:3, op:'ne'});
// $('#fbox_AccountGrid').searchFilter().search();
// $('#fbox_AccountGrid .ui-search').click();
NOTE: "clearFilter" and "addFilter" are extension functions I have added to jqGrid to simplify adding and removing filters on the grid. They work exactly as desired at this point.
As you can see with those last three lines of code, I have tried using the built-in function, as well as going after the find button directly and even just forcing the entire grid to refresh. Either way, there is no attempt by the grid to go get new data (I am using Fiddler to watch for it).
What am I doing wrong in trying to force the grid to reload with the new filters?
And, if you know how, can you give me some direction on how to get the initial load of the grid to respect these filters?
Here is the full grid configuration (minus the extra columns and some colModel "cruft"):
url: '<my URL>',
width: 950,
height: 330,
shrinkToFit: 'true',
datatype: 'json',
mtype: 'POST',
multiselect: true,
multiboxonly: true,
multiselectWidth: 20,
colNames: [
'Account ID'
colModel: [
{ name: 'AccountID', index: 'AccountID', sortable: false, hidden:false, search:true }
gridComplete: function () {
// add the search criteria to the grid
if (initialLoad == true){
$('#AccountGrid').clearFilter({gridName:'AccountGrid', pagerName:'AccountPager'});
$('#AccountGrid').addFilter({gridName:'AccountGrid', field:'AccountID', data:1, op:'ne'});
$('#AccountGrid').addFilter({gridName:'AccountGrid', field:'AccountID', data:3, op:'ne'});
// $('#fbox_AccountGrid').searchFilter().search();
// $('#fbox_AccountGrid .ui-search').click();
initialLoad = false;
jsonReader: {
repeatitems: false,
id: 'AccountID'
pager: jQuery('#AccountPager'),
rowNum: 50,
rowList: [10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100],
onSortCol : function (sortname, indexColumn, sortorder){
$.cookie('AccountGrid_sortname', sortname);
$.cookie('AccountGrid_sortorder' , sortorder);
sortname : $.cookie('AccountGrid_sortname') ? $.cookie('AccountGrid_sortname') : 'AccountID',
sortorder: $.cookie('AccountGrid_sortorder') ? $.cookie('AccountGrid_sortorder') : 'asc',
viewrecords: true,
imgpath: ''
{ view: false, add: false, edit: true, del: false,
alertcap:'No Account Selected',
alerttext: 'Please select an Account from the grid before performing this operation.',
editfunc: showAccountEditDialog },
{}, // default settings for edit
{}, // default settings for add
{}, // delete
{closeOnEscape: true, multipleSearch: true, closeAfterSearch: true }, // search options
And, by request, here is the code I have for add/clear filter:
This is a grid extension function that will insert a new filter criteria
on the specified grid with the provided field, operation & data values
(function ($) {
jQuery.jgrid.addSearchFilter =
// get/set the parameters
addFilter: function (options) {
var grid = $(this);
// get offset values or assign defaults
var settings = $.extend({
gridName: '',
field: '',
data: '',
op: ''
}, options || {});
// get the column model object from the grid that matches the provided name
var colModel = grid.getGridParam('colModel');
var column;
for (var i = 0; i < colModel.length; i++) {
if (colModel[i].name == options.field){
column = colModel[i];
colModel = null;
if (column){
// if the last filter has a value, we need to create a new one and not overwrite the existing ones
if ($('#fbox_' + options.gridName + ' .sf .data input').last().val()){
$('#fbox_' + options.gridName).searchFilter().add();
// assign the selections to the search dialog
$('#fbox_' + options.gridName + ' .sf .fields select.field').last().val(column.index).change();
$('#fbox_' + options.gridName + ' .sf .data input').last().val(options.data);
$('#fbox_' + options.gridName + ' .sf .ops select.default').last().val(options.op).change();
jQuery.fn.extend({ addFilter: jQuery.jgrid.addSearchFilter.addFilter });
This is a grid extension function that will clear & reset the filter criteria
(function ($) {
jQuery.jgrid.clearSearchFilter =
// get/set the parameters
clearFilter: function (options) {
var grid = $(this);
// get offset values or assign defaults
var settings = $.extend({
gridName: '',
pagerName: ''
}, options || {});
// clear the filters and "pop" the dialog to force the HTML rendering
$('#fbox_' + options.gridName).searchFilter().reset();
$('#' + options.pagerName + ' .ui-icon-search').click();
$('#fbox_' + options.gridName).searchFilter().close();
jQuery.fn.extend({ clearFilter: jQuery.jgrid.clearSearchFilter.clearFilter });
First of all because you don't post the code which define the jqGrid I make some assumption myself. I try to base on indirect information from your question.
1) I suppose that you use server side datatype parameter of jqGrid like 'json' or 'xml'.
2) You don't use loadonce:true parameter. In general if would be possible to make server reload from the grid having loadonce:true, but in the case you have to reset the value of datatype parameter to initial value (one from the value 'json' or 'xml').
The following three old answer: this (in case of single value searching) and this (in case of advanced searching or the toolbar searching with additional parameter stringResult:true) will give you enough information about setting the searching filters and reloading the grid corresponds to the new filters. Another answer shows how to clear the searching filter if it is no more needed.
Loading of the grid at the first time with the filters is another question. It can be very easy implemented. You should just use datatype:"local" instead of datatype:"json" or datatype:"xml" which you really need. In the case the url parameter of jqGrid will be just ignored at the first load and jqGrid send no request to the server. Then you set the filters like you as need and only then use $("#youGridId").trigger("reloadGrid");
The reason why the reloadGrid didn't work in your case I could not know exactly, but I suppose that you didn't set the search:true parameter of the jqGrid which one confuses frequently with the _search property of the postData parameter (see here).