Regex to get words between ":" and "," in javascript - javascript

I'm learning regex. I'm trying to get the most correct regex for the following :
Input is:
Expected output:
Want to store the above output in a string . var s = "";
Here's what I tried:
However I want the last word too.

Using RegExp.prototype.exec:
var re = /:(.*?)(?:,|$)/g; // `,|$` : match `,` or end of the string.
var str = 'class:first,class:second,subject:math,subject:bio,room:nine';
var result = [];
var match;
while ((match = re.exec(str)) !== null)
result.join(',') // => 'first,second,math,bio,nine'
Using String.prototype.match,
var re = /:(.*?)(,|$)/g;
var str = 'class:first,class:second,subject:math,subject:bio,room:nine';
str.match(re).map(function(m) { return m.replace(/[:,]/g, ''); }).join(',')
// => 'first,second,math,bio,nine'

Here is another method (based on the request so far):
var str = 'class:first,class:second,subject:math,subject:bio,room:nine';
// global match doesn't have sub-patterns
// there isn't a look behind in JavaScript
var s = str.match(/:([^,]+)(?=,|$)/g);
// result: [":first", ":second", ":math", ":bio", ":nine"]
// convert to string and remove the :
s = s.join(',').replace(/:/g, '');
// result: first,second,math,bio,nine"
Here is the fiddle


How to creat a dynamic RegEx

I'm trying to match some words in a string. But I don't have a predefined number of words I need to find.
For example I search for Ubuntu 18 10 in ubuntu-18.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent would return true.
Or I could search for centos 7 in CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveGNOME-1804.torrent would also return true.
I don't need to check if it's lowercase or not.
What I tried :
$.get('interdit', function(data) {
var lines = data.split("\n");
$.each(lines, function(n, data_interdit) {
var url_check = $('textarea#url').val()
var split_forbidden = data_interdit.split(/[\s|,|_|.|-|:]+/);
var exist = 0;
$.each(split_forbidden, function(n, data) {
var n ="^("+ data +")");
if(n != -1){
exist = 1
exist = 0
console.log('Forbidden: '+ data + ' Result: ' + n);
if(exist == 1){
Sample data of the file interdit :
You want to look for existing words within the input string without the order being taken into account. You need to use positive lookaheads for this:
var search = 'Ubuntu 18 10';
var str = 'ubuntu-18.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent';
var re = new RegExp('^(?=.*' + search.split(/[\s,_.:-]+/).join(')(?=.*') + ')', 'i')
This produces a regex as the following (with i flag set):
RegEx Array
"The code give me an error,console"
Although the question did not include unlikely input such as: *centos 7*, add the following line to escape the special characters that occur in input:
var esc = word.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/gi, '\\$&');
and change the next line:
var sub = esc.replace(/\s/gi, '.');
The demo below will:
accept a string (str) to search and an array of strings (tgt) to find within the string,
.map() the array (tgt) which will run a function on each string (word)
escape any special characters:
var esc = word.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/gi, '\\$&');
replace any spaces (/\s/g) with a dot (.):
var sub = esc.replace(/\s/g, '.');
then makes a RegExp() Object so a variable can be inserted in the pattern via template literal interpolation (say that ten times fast):
var rgx = new RegExp(`${sub}`, `gim`);
uses .test() to get a boolean: found = true / not found = false
var bool = rgx.test(str);
create an Object to assign the search string: word as a property and the boolean: bool as it's value.
var obj = {
[word]: bool
returns an array of objects:
[{"centos 7":true},{"Ubuntu 18 10":true}]
var str = `ubuntu-18.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent
var tgt = [`centos 7`, `Ubuntu 18 10`, `corn flakes`, `gnome`, `Red Hat`, `*centos 7*`];
function rgxArray(str, tgt) {
var res = {
var esc = word.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/gi, '\\$&');
var sub = esc.replace(/\s/gi, '.');
var rgx = new RegExp(`${sub}`, `gi`);
var bool = rgx.test(str);
var obj = {
[word]: bool
return obj;
return res;
console.log(JSON.stringify(rgxArray(str, tgt)));

JavaScript replace string and comma if comma exists else only the string

I got a string like:
var string = "string1,string2,string3,string4";
I got to replace a given value from the string. So the string for example becomes like this:
var replaced = "string1,string3,string4"; // `string2,` is replaced from the string
Ive tried to do it like this:
var valueToReplace = "string2";
var replace = string.replace(',' + string2 + ',', '');
But then the output is:
Or if i have to replace string4 then the replace function doesn't replace anything, because the comma doens't exist.
How can i replace the value and the commas if the comma(s) exists?
If the comma doesn't exists, then only replace the string.
Modern browsers
var result = string.split(',').filter( s => s !== 'string2').join(',');
For older browsers
var result = string.split(',').filter( function(s){ return s !== 'string2'}).join(',');
First you split string into array such as ['string1', 'string2', 'string3', 'string4' ]
Then you filter out unwanted item with filter. So you are left with ['string1', 'string3', 'string4' ]
join(',') convertes your array into string using , separator.
Split the string by comma.
You get all Strings as an array and remove the item you want.
Join back them by comma.
var string = "string1,string2,string3,string4";
var valueToReplace = "string2";
var parts = string.split(",");
parts.splice(parts.indexOf(valueToReplace), 1);
var result = parts.join(",");
You only need to replace one of the two commas not both, so :
var replace = string.replace(string2 + ',', '');
Or :
var replace = string.replace(',' + string2, '');
You can check for the comma by :
if (string.indexOf(',' + string2)>-1) {
var replace = string.replace(',' + string2, '');
else if (string.indexOf(string2 + ',', '')>-1) {
var replace = string.replace(string2 + ',', '');
} else { var replace = string.replace(string2,''); }
You should replace only 1 comma and also pass the correct variable to replace method such as
var string = "string1,string2,string3,string4";
var valueToReplace = "string2";
var replaced = string.replace(valueToReplace + ',', '');
You can replace the string and check after that for the comma
var replace = string.replace(string2, '');
if(replace[replace.length - 1] === ',')
replace = replace.slice(0, -1);
You can use string function replace();
var string = "string1,string2,string3,string4";
var valueToReplace = ",string2";
var replaced = string.replace(valueToReplace,'');
or if you wish to divide it in substring you can use substr() function;
var string = "string1,string2,string3,string4";
firstComma = string.indexOf(',')
var replaced = string.substr(0,string.indexOf(','));
secondComma = string.indexOf(',', firstComma + 1)
replaced += string.substr(secondComma , string.length);
you can adjust length as per your choice of comma by adding or subtracting 1.
str = "string1,string2,string3"
tmp = []
match = "string3"
if(e != match)
okay i got you. here you go.
Your question is - How can i replace the value and the commas if the comma(s) exists?
So I'm assuming that string contains spaces also.
So question is - how can we detect the comma existence in string?
Simple, use below Javascript condition -
var string = "string1 string2, string3, string4";
var stringToReplace = "string2";
var result;
if ( + "[\,]") === -1) {
result = string.replace(stringToReplace,'');
} else {
result = string.replace(stringToReplace + ',','');
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = result;
<p id="result"></p>

Javascript regex to extract variables

I have a string in Javascript that contains variables with the format ${var-name}. For example:
'This is a string with ${var1} and ${var2}'
I need to get these variables in an array: ['var1','var2'].
Is this possible with regex?
Have a try with:
Running example, many thanks to #RGraham :
var regex = new RegExp(/\$\{(\w+?)\}/g),
text = "This is a string with ${var1} and ${var2} and {var3}",
out = [];
while(result = regex.exec(text)) {
This regex - \${([^\s}]+)(?=}) - should work.
\${ - Match literal ${
([^\s}]+) - A capture group that will match 1 or more character that are not whitespace or literal }.
(?=}) - A positive look-ahead that will check if we finally matched a literal }.
Here is sample code:
var re = /\${([^\s}]+)(?=})/g;
var str = 'This is a string with ${var1} and ${var2} and {var3}';
var arr = [];
while ((m = re.exec(str)) !== null) {
var str = 'This is a string with ${var1} and ${var2}';
var re = /\$\{(\w+?)\}/g;
var arr = [];
var match;
while (match = re.exec(str)) {

Get current matching regex-rule

I try to check for a given RegExp-rule in a string and need to get the current matching rule.
Here's what I've tried so far:
var prefixes = /-webkit-|-khtml-|-moz-|-ms-|-o-/g;
var match;
var str = '';
while ( !(match = prefixes.exec(str)) ) {
str += '-webkit-';
console.log(match); // => null
The match is null, but how can I get the current matching-rule (in this case -webkit-)?
var prefixes = /(-webkit-|-khtml-|-moz-|-ms-|-o-)/g;
var str = "-webkit-adsf-moz-adsf"
var m;
while(m = prefixes.exec(str))
You aren't asking for any groups in your regex, try surrounding your regex in parenthesis to define a group, e.g. /(-webkit-|-khtml-|-moz-|-ms-|-o-)/g.
Various other issues, try:
var prefixes = /(-webkit-|-khtml-|-moz-|-ms-|-o-)/g;
var match;
var str = 'prefix-ms-something';
match = prefixes.exec(str);

JavaScript regex using a character twice

So I'm using regex to grab information from a string, the issue is I need to both start up and stop at a / in the string.
Here's an example
var regexp = /\/(.*?)=(.*?)\//g;
var url_hash = "/s=lorem+ipsum/p=2/";
var match;
var result = {};
while ((match = regexp.exec(url_hash)) != null) {
result[match[1]] = match[2];
I can grab result['s'] without issue, but grabbing result['p'] becomes problematic, because the ending / for result['s'] is the same as the starting / for result['p']. If I changed the string to /s=lorem+ipsum//p=2/ it works perfectly, but of course that's hideous. So how can I fix this so that it both ends and starts up at the /? I'm stuck, any help is appreciated.
Use this regex:
var regexp = /\/([^/=]+)=([^/]+)/g;
var url_hash = "/#!/s=lorem+ipsum/p=2/";
var match;
var result = {};
while ((match = regexp.exec(url_hash)) != null) {
result[match[1]] = match[2];
document.writeln(match[1] + ' = ' + match[2] + '<br>');
s = lorem+ipsum
p = 2
Online demo of the code
Why can't you just split it?
var result = {};
var url = "/#!/s=lorem+ipsum/p=2/".slice(4, -1).split('/');
for (i in url) {
var value = url[i].split('=');
result[value[0]] = value[1];
You can determine the look-ahead set for part after the = yourself instead of adding it to the regular expression. The look-ahead set is "everything but a forward slash".
var regexp = /\/(\w+)=([^/]+)/g;
Btw, I'm assuming that the part before the = is word-like (i.e. alphanumeric)

