Client side javascript equivalent to Lucene - javascript

I was wondering if there's a Javascript equivalent to the Lucene API, designed to be used on client side to index a relatively small data set.
An example use case would be a static site (generated for instance) with the ability to search content without server side processing.

I've found this : It looks like what I'm searching for but doesn't seem to support fuzzy searches.

Theoretically, you could use Search-index in conjunction with node-browserify or another similar hack. Practically, I doubt this effort is worth pursuing.

You also have search-index as #mindas mentions. Lunr is more mature, and easier to get up and runnig, but search-index is maybe more feature rich? As with lunr, you'll need to do stemming on the data you want to index and/or use the matcher. The matcher does prefix search and returns words and/or phrases that is present in your document index.
I'm biased, but I think it's now wort the effort to use search-index. There are now some examples on how to use it client side with browserify.


Go templating engine that also runs in the browser

I'm developing a web application with Go on the server, and the router will use PushState, so the server will also have to be able to render my templates. That means that I'll need a templating engine that works with Go and Javascript. The only one I've come across so far is Mustache, but it doesn't seem to be able to handle lowercase properties of structs, and there also doesn't seem to be a possibility to provide custom names like JSON:
type Person struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int `json:"age"`
So, is there a templating engine that is available in both Go and JavaScript, and that can handle lowercase struct properties?
As the comments above state, you can't expect any 3rd party library to be able to read lowercase properties on your struct, but it appears you are trying to use tags to represent alternative representations of your struct (as you can with the encoding/json library).
What you can do is use something like to convert your structs to maps and then range through to lowercase all of your keys (copying the values and removing the uppercase versions) and pass it into mustache.Render() as your context. If you want to use struct tags like the encoding/json library does, you'd have to use the reflect package and write a struct-to-map function that takes into account the tags on the struct (basic example given in the documentation here). There are some SO answers on how to write a struct-to-map function using reflection, which you can improve upon to add struct tag handling as you need.
To answer your question, I don't think this is something a current templating library does that also works with javascript, but it shouldn't be too hard to get working with mustache given the idea above.

Jquery/Javascript solution for converting wiki-text to HTML and vice versa?

For my web front end I have to implement subsets of the wiki-syntax in my system. Do I need to manually specify rules and reinvent the wheel? Is there an existing javascript library or jquery plugin that could help out with it?
For example a user enters == Header == Since this needs to get converted to a medium header for example (assuming medium is defined in this context as a span as below)
<span class="mediumHeader" id = "Header">Header</span>
Now when the user edits the above text I'm guessing it'll involve replacing the
<span...> ... </span> with ==...==
Now for every system I design this will be as per 'my rules' and will almost always have to reinvent the wheel. Is there something that I could use to ease this wiki to/from HTML transformation using Jquery/Javascript? I'm sure it's a problem with a known solution.
I would prefer to customize what's acceptable and what isn't i.e. I don't everything to be translated into wiki syntax (or HTML) only subsets of it. Should I just roll my own for my application?
It's been long enough that you may not need this, but yours was the top SO hit when I started looking into it.
There are a couple javascript options - you're probably looking at instaview (check out test/test.js), or maybe Wiky.js (the less fully documented).
If you aren't limited to Javascript, check out the exhaustive list of MediaWiki parsers at - lots of tools for C++, Java, Perl, ruby, and more. That's the link to watch for new developments.
At the time of writing, Parsoid seems to be the only one which translates in both directions. This one also powers the visual editor on Wikipedia. But this is no handy client-site lib to include in your app, but a full-blown parsing and transformation server suite. A production version of Parsoid on the Wikimedia cluster can be accessed at
Other JavaScript Libraries, which are translating from WikiText to HTML only (ordered by popularity), are:
Wiky.js - doesn't support full WikiText syntax. (by tanin47, not to be confused with Wiki.js from Requarks - a different project completely)
wtf_wikipedia - isn't directly translating to HTML but JSON, which results in much more powerful possiblities (e.g. info-boxes as key-value pairs). This is the most up-to-date library and "its a combination of instaview, txtwiki, and uses the inter-language data from Parsoid javascript parser."
instaview - no updates in the last 2 years.
Also checkout the current and full list of alternative MediaWiki parsers.

What javascript library/template engine to use in this case?

I have to make a invite your facebook friends module which fetches the names, photos of your friends and allows you to message 'em. I need this to look like a integral part of my website so I have to style it. I fetch the json with friends' ids, names etc. and want to put those values in certain html tags and attributes. How do I apporach this? I can make it in jQuery but want to avoid jQuery spaghetti code with ragu of strings and vars. What lib/template engine do you recommend me? Ease of use and weight are the most important things. The website has jQuery already included.
I can make it in jQuery but want to avoid jQuery spaghetti code with ragu of strings and vars. What lib/template engine do you recommend me?
I’d suggest to use no big additional lib or template engine – I’d just keep using jQuery, and embed one of the sprintf for jQuery implementations that are floating around the net.
So you can define your “HTML template” for your output in one location as one string, and than replace placeholders in that string with variable values while your looping over the data in jQuery.
If you don’t like any of the sprintf-Jquery-plugins out there, here is another very simple and short function that implements just the basic string placeholder %s (but more than that you most likely won’t need anyway):
(And if you have to insert values in multiple places of your template string, than have a look at my comment on the bottom of that page, where if have proposed a simple adjustment to Nicolas’ function, that implements the “argument swapping” feature of PHP’s sprintf, so that you have to pass values to the function only once, but can use them in multiple places in your template string.)
The easiest way to do this is to use the Requests dialog. The first thing you need to do is create an app. Once you have this you should be able to use the JavaScript example on the request dialog page.

Extract search engines' keywords with javascript and HTTP referer

I can't find anything googling. How can I extract search engine keywords for traffic sent to my website using javascript?
I don't want to reinvent the wheel, I'm looking for something that already exists, a tested library, however I can't find it.
As an answer, rather than just a comment. Your javascript code will need to inspect document.referrer (This may have been the magic keyword missing from your search).
Different search engines use different parameter names for the query, so you will need to know what to look for. Google uses q Yahoo! appear to use pqstr. Look for the value of that parameter in the referring url, and unencode it (with unencodeURIComponent).
However, there is still this answer to check out.

Fulltext search ignoring comments

I want fulltext search for my JavaScript code, but I'm usually not interested in matches from the comments.
How can I have fulltext search ignoring any commented match? Such a feature would increase my productivity as a programmer.
Also, how can I do the opposite: search within the comments only?
(I'm currently using Text Mate, but happy to change.)
See our Source Code Search Engine (SCSE). This tool indexes your code base using the langauge structure to guide the indexing; it can do so for many languages including JavaScript. Search queries are then stated in terms of abstract language tokens, e.g., to find identifiers involving the string "tax" multiplied by some constant, you'd write:
I=*tax* '*' N
This will search all indexed languages only for identifiers (in each language) following by a '*' token, followed by some kind of number. Because the tool understands language structure, it isn't confused by whitespace, formatting or interverning comments. Because it understands comments, you can search inside just comments (say, for authors):
Given a query, the SCSE finds all the hits across the code base (possibly millions of lines), and offers these as set of choices; clicking on choice pulls up the file with the hit in the middle outlined where the match occurs.
If you insist on searching just raw text, the SCSE provides grep-style searches. If you have only a small set of files, this is still pretty fast. If you have a big set of files, this is a lot slower than language-structure based searches. In both cases, grep like searches get you more hits, usually at the cost of false positives (e.g., finding "tax" in a comment, or finding a variable named "Authorization_code"). But at least you have the choice.
While this doesn't operate from inside an editor, you can launch your editor (for most editors) on a file once you've found the hit you want.
Use ultraedit , It fully supports full text search ignoring comment or also within the comment search
How about NetBeans way (Find Symbol in the Navigate Menu),
It searches all variables,functions,objects etc.
Or you could customize JSLint and customize it if you want to integrate it in a web application or something like that.
I personnaly use Notepad++ wich is a great free code editor. It seems you need an editor supporting regular expression search (in one or many files). If you know Reg you can use powerfull search like in/out javascript comments...the work will be to build the right expression and test it with one file with all differents cases to be sure it will not miss things during real search, or maybe you can google for 'javascript comments regular expression' or something like...
Then must have a look at Notepad++ plugins, one is 'RegEx Helper' wich helps for building regular expressions.

